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Dammit cat
@El'endiaStarman how's that switch case neat at all ?
as a PPCG community member, I cannot stand the so many extra bytes in there
I'd like to see more bytes. I disagree with most style guides that say each case should be at the same indent level as the switch.
A: A "cheating" quine

DennisZ shell (zsh), 4 bytes <$0 The Z shell has feline functionalities built in. The fourth character is a linefeed. The code does not depend in any way on the file name; it works even if the file name contains special character, such as spaces or newlines. Test run $ cat "my quine.sh" <$0 $ zsh...

Perfect... damn... golfing.... robot... monster.... sobs
@Optimizer Hehe
@quartata You rang?
I've started to golf code just while writing little scripts for myself
@Dennis ;_;
@MartinBüttner Thanks - I'll have to read them in a few. I'm in an all day meeting
@Geobits I only did that for the reader - I left it at one line to make it obvious which character corresponded to which instruction.
Why does zsh have feline functionalities built in that's cruel to put cats inside a shell
grumble grumble Somebody downvoted my cat thing even though the spec says I can update preexisting languages. ಠ_ಠ
@VoteToClose "Coincidental" timing I would guess...
@VoteToClose I don't really mind the way they're on the same line (in this case). I mean I'd rather see the cases indented from the switch, since they're enclosed in braces:
	case 1: return 1;
	case 2: return 2;
@VoteToClose update that ! sud<er
@Geobits Oh! That's just eclipse not letting me change it. I would prefer that too.
However, most editors disagree with me on that :)
@Optimizer What do you mean?
! is a surprising instruction that skips the next character
I'm thinking of working on this challenge again:
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Beta DecayEvolution of Tetration - Abandoned Note: If you thought you liked this idea, I've made this CW, so you can just revert the edit and work on it yourself.

A: Reverse stdin and place on stdout

JustinPancake Stack, 342 316 bytes Put this nice pancake on top! [] Put this pancake on top! How about a hotcake? If the pancake is tasty, go over to "". Put this delightful pancake on top! [#] Eat the pancake on top! Eat the pancake on top! Show me a pancake! Eat the pancake on top! If the pancake i...

I still don't know what a good difference between each answer would be
Levenshtein distance's been done :P
Befunge component is now done!
@BetaDecay Doesn't matter; it says abandoned. It's over now :P
@Calvin'sHobbies ^^^
@Geobits Yeah but I can always unabandon it
Pfft. When you see something on the internet labeled abandoned, you hit the back button and never visit again. It's like a rule or something.
@Geobits 410 Gone
It's not fun like an abandoned house or asylum would be.
Haha I put abandoned on all of my challenges to reduce clutter
Since when was an abandoned asylum fun?
Why would it not be? Perfect creepy setting for all kinds of mischief.
Wait, crap. That doesn't see newlines. Silly me.
@BetaDecay Yea, that's exactly the kind of thing I'd expect. It's perfect.
@Geobits Haha I guess
Since the byte count does not form part of the winning criterion anymore, this challenge now boils down to count up to the highest possible value in your language. That's neither particularly interesting nor a programming contest; it's just a search for the language with the largest BigInteger type. — Dennis ♦ 51 secs ago
I don't feel like mod-hammering this, but I do think it should be closed.
@VoteToClose, I choose you!
I did my part :)
What did I just half-watch?
Pure brilliance
Not the part I saw :P
aww, I just realized, if I want to remove a useless operator from TeaScript. I can't do that without invalidating some answers
Time for TeaScript 2 ;)
But if it invalidates answers when you remove it, it might not have been exactly useless.
Well TeaScript has only existed for 6 days so far...
TeaScript + Sugar
Then SweetIcedTeaScript
IcedTeaScript: TeaScript ice cold
At this rate. TeaScript 73 will be out within a year
@Dennis Yea, but you can just say LISITWATOLHTLATTATIS for short.
@Vɪʜᴀɴ Make it TeaScript 7.3 instead of 73.
Or 0.7.3 ;)
@Vɪʜᴀɴ Doesn't seem to be a problem for Chrome.
This language doesn't count as a programming language, right?
@ΚριτικσιΛίθος I'll just make the new one TeaScript 1.1
Didn't think so.
Is bash allowed?
@Vɪʜᴀɴ I made a significant change to the way while loops work in Minkolang a few days ago.
The usual "Hello world!" program is now no longer valid.
I'll rewrite the permalink code so old permalinks lead to a "This is an very cold (old) version of TeaScript"
Or you could just say it's TeaScriptForTwo.
Do people like Green Tea?
Sane people do.
@Vɪʜᴀɴ I actually need to go update (almost) all of my Minkolang answers so they point to the right interpreter...
(I forked the online interpreter so that there's one for Minkolang 0.9.)
@El'endiaStarman I'll just make a separate page for old versions of TeaScripts then.
@Vɪʜᴀɴ Who drinks cold green tea?
I imagine that'd be rank :P
@BetaDecay The question should be who doesn't? :p
raises hand
/me doesn't drink tea at all
Any tea that's good hot is usually good cold.
But fruit teas are the scourge of the Earth and should be eliminated.
For Zgarb's HPR language, does anyone know how to iterate over a list and stop iterating when gone around once?
@Zgarb probably does.
@AlexA. Hot fruit teas make it their mission to burn every tastebud off your tongue :(
Q: Shortest ><> numbers

ConfusedMr_CWhen golfing in ><>, having short numbers is very important. Now write some code. The program should input an integer, and output the shortest ><> representation. For the non-><> users, numbers work like this. 0-9a-f | push to stack +-*, | take x,y off stack, push x(operator)y to stack ...

Dunkin'Script, America runs on Dunkin'Script
Or maybe just Script
America compiles to Dunkin'Script
@BetaDecay Some teas aren't as good cold, sure. I can't stand macha cold, for example. Most are fine hot or cold, though.
@Geobits What on earth is macha?
In the UK you have two types of tea: tea with milk and green tea
@AlexA. For HPR, I've already figured out all basic boolean expressions and comparison operators. I just can't figure out how to iterate over a list.
@BetaDecay I've never seen that version before. I only knew this one
@BetaDecay What now?
@TheNumberOne Depends on what you mean by "iterate" ;)
@Calvin'sHobbies Never mind, sorry :P
@BetaDecay It's this stuff. Some Wikipedians apparently add a 't' to the romanization :/
@PeterTaylor Ohh that's what I meant to link to :P
@Zgarb Rotate a list all the way around exactly once without messing up any additional integers.
user image
@Geobits Hmm I don't know if I've had that or not
It's "greener" than most green teas I've had.
Very popular, though.
> hot properties
@Geobits Ever had a macha latte? shudder
My girlfriend likes them.
They're not bad if you like macha ;)
@Geobits Nope, not had that. I've just had sencha
I don't mind macha.
dear python and perl people...can I advertise codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/62095/… to you please
oh and C and C++ people!
And I had some too many stroopwaffels.
My French teacher drinks matte. Anyone know if it's good or not?
mate is ok
Hi everyone=)
@BetaDecay In my local supermarket you can buy bottles of green tea derived drinks which are intended to be refrigerated. They also have a range of "cold infusions" to which you're meant to add chilled water.
@AlexA. what does that mean!
@BetaDecay I looked into Sencha once. Didn't see the benefit of it, though.
hi @flawr
@flawr Halllloooo
@BetaDecay As in Argentinian mate or something else?
A: Simple cat program

quartataGroovy, 32 bytes System.in.eachLine({println it}) meow

@Geobits Wagamama (a Japanese chain restaurant) gives it away for free
some versions are unlikely to be legal en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coca_tea
><> component complete!
Does this work correctly for everyone?
@BetaDecay I take it that means you didn't follow the link :P
@PeterTaylor Yep, Argentine, not the cannibis version ;)
yes | groovy cat.groovy outputs the same as yes but I wasn't entirely certain about it
@BetaDecay wut
What is it with programmer and cats? Why not write a dog program???
@flawr meow
Or a carrot program: ^^^
@quartata woof.
@quartata Can't you remove the parenthesis from around the closure?
@flawr or a planecrash program
@flawr I know.. and there is a nsfw irony too
@TheNumberOne no
@TheNumberOne Right, and run some code on each rotation. It may or may not be possible...
which I hope is just obvious :)
@Geobits Yeah, I was talking about that ;)
@BetaDecay I've never tried it, but according to a friend who lived in Argentina for a couple of years it keeps you awake far more effectively than "normal" tea.
Q: Implement the dog bash utility

Caridorcdog is a command-line utility that takes in an arbitrary number of arguments, the first of which is the text to be written and the others are arbitrarily many files. The dog utility will split the text in equal portions over these files. If there is a remainder n, the first n files get an additi...

@BetaDecay A lot of Japanese restaurants (non-fast-food at least) have macha for free.
@PeterTaylor that is presumably real mate de coca
@Zgarb Sigh ... that's what I would say in your shoes.
as in a precursor for cocaine
@TheNumberOne Does it work on your system?
The program I mean not removing the parens
@PeterTaylor Yeah, it has a high caffeine content
My teacher is always rather mental after drinking it :D
@BetaDecay I used to really like mate tea (better than coffee)
I'm so confused right now. I'm just imagining Beta and Peter drinking pot tea while Lembik does lines of cocaine.
@PeterTaylor That's how it's known in English? Mate was first consumed by the Guaraní, so it should be Paraguayan mate in any case...
It's kind of expensive though
@AlexA. ha ha
@quartata Give me a moment to check ;)
@AlexA. mate de coca is made from coca leaves :)
@AlexA. these are the same leaves that make cocaine
@PeterTaylor I used to drink mate at some point, but I can't remember whether it kept me awake. I just liked the taste.
@AlexA. but outside of S. America it will have been decocainized
@Lembik Right. And one of the original incredients in Coca-Cola, hence the name.
@quartata Yes, it does.
And one of the active ingredients in cocaine
@AlexA. except in south america it still has the main ingredient in it :)
By the way, we mainly drink a cold version of mate here, which is called tereré. I'm drinking it right now.
@TheNumberOne yay
@Dennis Ooh
@Dennis you are drinking your mate right now?
@Dennis Is that anything like yerba mate?
@BetaDecay right.. but not outside of S. America
@Dennis Oooh coincidental!
I am now OFFICIALLY a 2D language polyglot! :D
A: Carrots. So. Many. Carrots

El'endia StarmanMinkolang 0.10, Befunge-93, ><>; 3 2D languages, 355 bytes v[1]: https://i.sstatic.net/mecHl.png v[![https://i.sstatic.net/mecHl.png][1]][1] >\$$>~:1+!#v_:"^"-#v_1>:59*`#v_v // ^ ,<0 < >:0g,1+v v# ,,:*52< ^+1 ,g1:<@_^#`*85:<1 >!v#(od"^"=,34*&59*[i1+1qO]!...

or are we talking about yerba de mate?
@El'endiaStarman wow
@BetaDecay Not really. It's the national beverage. I drink it all the time.
@AlexA. Yes. It's yerba mate + cold water.
@Dennis Oh haha. Is Paraguayan mate different to Argentinian mate?
@AlexA. Yes. It's yerba mate + cold water.
@AlexA. I'm actually drinking cold ginger and orange tea. (It was hot, about 3 hours ago).
I'm drinking... nothing :(
@Dennis That's how I know it in English. I think Argentina has more cultural projection in Europe than Uruguay or Paraguay.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

LukeBulking season The barbells at my gym look like this: =========[]-----------------------[]========= They can hold plates of five different sizes, 2.5 pounds, five pounds, ten pounds, 25 pounds, and 45 pounds: . . ! | . ! | | | | | | | | ' ! | ...

I would make some nettle tea but I can't be bothered moving
ah yes..not moving
always a problem :)
I need a teasmaid...
The whole point of robotics is to make things that'll do the moving for us. Programmers shouldn't be required to move.
I don't drink tea or coffee, except for the occasional herbal tea when I'm sick.
@BetaDecay No. Calling mate Argentinian mate is like calling the Cantor set the Cantor set.
@TheNumberOne Isn't that an LDS thing though, rather than personal preference? (Or perhaps both)
@Dennis Huh what?
Cantor set?
Cantor set.
@AlexA. Both :)
In mathematics, the Cantor set is a set of points lying on a single line segment that has a number of remarkable and deep properties. It was discovered in 1874 by Henry John Stephen Smith and introduced by German mathematician Georg Cantor in 1883. Through consideration of this set, Cantor and others helped lay the foundations of modern point-set topology. Although Cantor himself defined the set in a general, abstract way, the most common modern construction is the Cantor ternary set, built by removing the middle thirds of a line segment. Cantor himself only mentioned the ternary construction in...
Oh so mate is the same everywhere
@BetaDecay I'm just drinking water sadly
I'd rather be drinking coffee
I'm drinking the blood of the innocent.
@quartata ....I get a "wow" but not an upvote? >:(
@El'endiaStarman Wow downvotes
@PeterTaylor That's probably the reason. Most of my European friends don't have the slightest clue what or where Paraguay is.
@El'endiaStarman I thought I did upvote it

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