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@Geobits Not anymore.
I was stupid then, less stupid now.
Then I don't really see what the problem is. The mouse position shouldn't change when rotating.
Current solution (That doesn't work)
It is something with the math @GamrCorps gave me.
Also, sorry for the grimy code ;D
I have no idea what the problem is, though. Just looking at the angle formula doesn't really tell me anything.
Well let me send a picture then... (A terribly drawn one)
"then the camera spins.... Changing the mouse position... " <-- this lost me. If the mouse isn't tied to the world pos, this shouldn't happen.
So this is why you don't use innerHTML vihanserver.tk/p/TeaScript/…
Cant you just store the last mouse position take the change from the current one scale it down appropriately apply the pitch yaw rotation to the player and parent the camera to the player
@Geobits Sorry, it changes the world position relative to the mouse...
Hold up guys, let me draw XD
parent is what they call it in source dunno what it is in unity
For some reason, every time I read the title of this challenge, I mentally append displaying the World's smallest violin to it.
^ and now I will, too. Thanks :)
Unity should be doing this work for you. just sayin
Seriously. I'd think basic camera rotation with the mouse would be built into a 3D game engine.
cough cough try ue4
@Geobits It's a lot more complicated then basic... (Want the ~65 lines for camera position/rotating? XD)
Not really, no.
Then shh
Ok, shushing now. Good luck!
@Dennis I do too!! I'm glad I'm not the only one.
I hate ue4 and I still think it is the best engine out there
The best drawing ever.
The player with rotate Θ if the mouse position changes...
Law of Cosines!
@El'endiaStarman Yeah. Just the pastebin of the code earlier is flawed somehow...
Here is how it works. Store the last mouse position in a var. Subtract the y and x coords of the current pos from the previous. Divide each by sensitivity. Apply x result as yaw y result as pitch
@quartata Will try, thanks.
Law of Cosines also wouldn't give the signed angle difference, so never mind that. :P
Parent camera to player or however that works in Unity
Oh no, quaternions.
Oh god, they're everywhere
Oh no Yay, quaternions.
@quartata I'm using exponential decay to make it look good :3 but I guess for this it will have to wait.
I didn't actually understand quaternions until I learned group theory.
Oh sorry. Back to shush mode.
Whatever makes the rotation of one object affect the other
@El'endiaStarman I barely understand them XD
@El'endiaStarman I understood everything better before I learned group theory. It corrupted my mind.
@AlienG What was/is your last/current math class?
I didn't understand them until I was prototyping a space-fighter. Gimbal lock is a bitch.
@El'endiaStarman Not high enough.
@AlienG That's...kinda irrelevant to me. :P
@El'endiaStarman I just google everything :D
@GamrCorps I thought you went to bed. :P
Alien woke me up yelling at me to help fix his problem
@AlexA. I messaged him on skype and he called me instantly... O_o
I have been obsessed with group theory since forever
He says you have bad math :P
@AlienG I assume you two know each other IRL then?
@GamrCorps Oh, the problem you created?
@AlexA. yes
@AlexA. We live in different states but yes.
@AlienG This is a good way to stop getting help ;)
@Geobits I don't want help if it's flawed.
^ an even better way
@Geobits I went over the math several times and that was the solution every time....
@AlexA. Yeah, that.
For the record, I never saw the math.
@GamrCorps You should just go back to bed. ;)
He is usually right so you know, if it doesn't work blame him.
@AlexA. Good Idea, night everyone!
Also just want to say my biggest pet peeve in third person games is when the camera clips oob
If unity has a way to check that do it
It's pretty jarring when it goes ultra-zoom-mode to avoid that as you're rotating, too.
Or the camera could just stop.
Yea, both have their drawbacks. Like you said, either is better than clipping :)
I'm not worried by clipping ;_;
Nothing like rotating it upward and getting a face full of character crotch.
Camera control is one of the trickiest parts of third person games.
Oh yeah, if you guys ever use a 3D engine use exponential decay for everything.
You will thank me later.
It just makes everything so smooth ;D
I forgot to mention spline interpolating the rotation
I think right now is a good time to drop-kick my pc.
So instead take your two mouse pos and make a spline between them. Then do the thingy for each point
Most specific instructions ever
But not detection is knot easy!
Pick an x interval like every 0.5 x or somethin idk
@El'endiaStarman that's so bad.
I was waiting for someone to say that. :P
That's knot as bad as most puns in here. A bit square, but...
@El'endiaStarman I was being baited all along?!?? ;_;
I am sleepy
@AlienG He's a master at that. (she? I dunno)
night zz
My strong points are manipulation... Guess how I get @GamrCorps to do my work for me...
i will dream of bendy rulers tonight because of this
@Geobits He. :)
@quartata No, dream of Alien babies.
The -a ending does often confuse people...
@AlienG By pestering until it's easier to give up? That seems to be the tactic so far.
@El'endiaStarman It's not your actual name though, right?
@AlexA. Nope.
Best part is I could be either or neither...
It was constructed from my real name though.
@El'endiaStarman Yea, the -a with Starman had me wondering :)
haha, yeah
@Geobits I've been fixing the camera for months now... (Not really giving up)
@El'endiaStarman I know your name because I saw your OEIS submission. ;)
Yeah, it's not exactly hidden. :)
@AlienG It sounds like you've been working on it for that long, not fixing it ;)
@Geobits No, both, because designers can't make up their mind ;_;
Are you a professional game developer?
No, not even close.
Student game?
Personal project with friends.
Ah, okay.
Just in my free time.
I finally found a team that wants to do something with their lives...
Unlike cough @GamrCorps cough
Yeah, he doesn't want to join in. The game concept is a good one too.
Little alien babies?
We have a working prototype - a non-trippy camera..
Game concepts are almost always good. The finished game is a different story most of the time :(
You need at least 30% more little alien babies.
@Geobits I'm not expecting it to work but the progress so far is promising.
@AlexA. 30% more of 0 is 0... So I need none? .-.
Now that's the idea.
at least none.
And max..?
Can anyone log in here the default way by clicking the login button? It's only working for me when I press enter.
(log out first to try)
@AlienG did my thingy work
@quartata I have no idea what your thingy meant :/
@Calvin'sHobbies noticed that earlier
I copied all the messages for review later.
Though right now I have bigger problems...
My thingy was trigless
@quartata But trig makes it simple ;_;
@Calvin'sHobbies Didn't work either way for me earlier. I logged into chat, which logged me into SE, then I could get back to PPCG.
But no trig makes it simple and fast ;_;
@quartata Simple? ;_; Beg to differ.
Maybe for you... :/
@AlienG Chat has transcripts btw
@AlexA. mod fix pls?
@Calvin'sHobbies And this is why I don't ever log out of SE. Turns out I have no idea what my password was, just reset it.
Yeah but then I have to shift through many messages and etc, they've been copied already.
@Geobits Rekt.
@Calvin'sHobbies I would if I could.
@AlienG Says the guy with the non-working camera.
pitch+=(new.y-old.y)/sensitivity yaw+=(new.x-old.x)/sensitivity
@Geobits But I need it for chat relay, which I don't keep logged in :/
@Geobits I feel like you dislike me in some way? Did I push a wrong button?
;_ ;
He's showing his affection by bullying you.
Like having a code golf popcon
@quartata I got how to get the pitch and yaw I just don't know how to tell unity to use them (Why'd you go and do it for me?)
@AlexA. I have no idea how that could possibly make sense, ever.
@AlienG Pretty much, yea. You have a very strange way of going about asking for help.
@Geobits I'm known for being manipulative, yes.
Manipulative wasn't the word I was thinking of.
You cant just say set pitch and yaw to this and that
Antisocial pessimistic? I'm known for that too
What a plebian engine
ScrubEngine 3D
@quartata I don't know if it works that way, I never work with pitch and yaw..
Whatever i said I was going to sleep what am I doing
So much hate towards me, ouch.
@quartata Not sleeping.
@quartata Inconsistently capitalizing "I" in your sentence is what you're doing.
That's a sentence? :P
@AlienG maybe unity calls them something else. pitch is x rotation yaw is y
oh other way around
@Geobits It's uh sentence
@quartata I know how to rotate around an axis :P
> Whatever, I said I was going to sleep. What am I doing?
@Calvin'sHobbies Incorrectly quoting quartatoes.
Hey, I never told any of you I was a pro coder, don't judge me so hard :P
@Calvin'sHobbies That's pretty much how I parsed it, too.
pitch y yaw x sleep good grammar non existant while sleepy good night
not judging @AlienG just sleep now need
Y, pitch a good sleep grammar, yaw'l.
@quartata Night, remember Alien Babies, they're coming for you.
@quartata have a yawn and roll into bed
nice joke thing
Never again.
roll is zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Go to sleep you freaking insomniac.
@Geobits Will you ever join our server? (we still have your man cave)
@Calvin'sHobbies Am I also being invited :3?
@Calvin'sHobbies He had toyed with the idea of allowing his only son to join the merry brotherhood.
@Calvin'sHobbies My what now? Honestly, you'll have better luck asking the kid. My minecraft phase has apparently died down for now.
@AlienG Anyone can join. See ppcgmc.herokuapp.com
Great, time to figure out my password.
Better yet, no.
I'll do that later.
@AlienG I don't really think you do, if that's what you think. I really don't care one way or the other at this point. People are amazingly easy to ignore online. Let me give you an example:
@Geobits Ouch.
Eh, enough hate for one day. Night all.
(Releases Alien Babies)
@Calvin'sHobbies You're so much less dictatorial than I would be if I had started the server. I would have required a PPCG account with a certain amount of rep. :P
Q: RFC: Better chat @mentions – A prototype

balphaStatus: 75% - We have a prototype to play with the UI Previous RFC: RFC: Better chat @mentions Problem Statement & Background Please see the previous RFC. Proposed solution The feedback to the solution I proposed in the original RFC was overwhelmingly positive. We now have a prototype of the...

This is neat but it means we can't ping people with partial usernames, e.g. @Cal.
I finished the TeaScript interpreter design, now all that's left is actual code :D
If that doesn't fix it, git.txt contains the phone number of a friend of mine who understands git. Just wait through a few minutes of 'It's really pretty simple, just think of branches as...' and eventually you'll learn the commands that will fix everything.
@BetaDecay bahaha
@BetaDecay I was just going to post that, it's so delicious! :)
couldn't agree more
A: A "cheating" quine

VoteToCloseosascript (AppleScript from the command line), 40 33 bytes Working on fixing this. Got to go to sleep, though. (read path to me)'s paragraphs 1 Executing on a file called a with osascript a. Gets the first paragraph (line) of the file and prints it to STDOUT with a trailing newline, therefo...

Still pretty good. :P
@quartata - I went back to the Nether and the zombie pigmen were not still mad at me! (It probably helped that I logged in and out a couple times... :P)
@PeterTaylor Good point!
Q: Carrots. So. Many. Carrots

VoteToClose The Inspiration The Task You must create a program, that, in as many languages as possible, replaces every instance of ^ with a markdown formatted link (meaning that if I was to post it in an answer, it would automatically read it as an image and place the image instead of the words) of thi...

hi @ThomasKwa
Q: Can I add a baby as a co-author of a scientific paper?

teterCan I put the name of my baby as one of the co-authors of a scientific paper? I know it sounds disturbing, but it's a way of mine to protest against co-authors that haven't made any contribution (they haven't even read it or are part of the research area) to a paper, but they are part of the res...

ಠ_ಠ In what way is this popular?
Looks like someone likes diamond tilings...
user image
@MartinBüttner hi.. good morning (?)
yes, morning ;)
I just wanted to say again how much I love your code snippet
hmm... I am making a list of top twenty languages for which there is no current answer for my challenge
@Lembik Thanks :) Some credits go to Optimizer as well who wrote the original prototype for querying the SE API
PHP.... is it possible to make a solution in PHP? I have never used the language
@MartinBüttner Huh. Two days old. I wonder why... :P
@MartinBüttner well it is awesome. Do any other .se sites use code snippets? Or is it just us
@Lembik The way we use them for leaderboards might be.
But they were initially added to Stack Overflow to help with demonstrating HTML/CSS/JS answers.
interesting thanks
ok.. after PHP, I assume PL/SQL, OpenEdge ABL make no sense either?
this is the list
C, C++, C#, Python, PHP, Visual Basic .NET, Perl, Delphi/Object Pascal, Assembly, Objective-C, Swift, Pascal, Matlab/Octave, PL/SQL, OpenEdge ABL, R
@MartinBüttner Would number of languages - number of comment blocks be a good way to do that tiebreaker?
And then the one with the most votes, in case of a tie there?
Oh. Never mind. :D
@VoteToClose I'm not sure "number of comment blocks" makes sense, especially as there are other ways to get rid of code.
Also, I wouldn't add votes as a tie-breaker. After code size, the default tie breaker (earliest to reach the tied score) seems best to me.
Yeah - I misread your comment, I edited it to your suggestion. Thanks!
does anyone know how to tell what color the background is in upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f3/… ?
I mean the rgb values for it
@Lembik there are colour picker browser plugins
@Lembik do you mean the white?
or the blue?
The white is transparent.
ah.. the border is transparent?
I can't tell that
0, 0, 255
For the blue thing.
The blue is a perfect blue.
thanks.. this is for my new challenge
Likewise, the yellow is a perfect yellow (255,255,0).
the boundary is 0, 0, 128
I want people to move the sprite around the screen
but it will look odd on a white background
@Lembik which you'll sandbox, right? ;)
@MartinBüttner yes!!
@El'endiaStarman I read it as (255, 255, 11) - Adobe RGB or Generic RGB?
@VoteToClose Well, actually, eyeballing.
I just opened up Chrome's element inspector and changed the background color of the page to yellow...
Just copy-pasted into MS Paint and it's (255,255,0).
too many answers :)
maybe I should choose a different alien :)
@MartinBüttner Confirmed.
oh it is transparent!
Thank god for builtins. :D
When I read it in Adobe RGB, it's 255, 255, 60
sRGB - 255, 255, 1
native values - 255, 254, 56
...well, that's confusing.
Note - just make it 255 255 0 in STANDARD RGB. @Lembik
how do you write tags again in the question? [graphical-output] is not quite it
and what do I put in a sandbox question so that it appears properly in the list at the top?
I mean in terms of title
What list at the top?
> (The Submission Directory has been removed. Go here if you have concerns about that.)
aha :)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

LembikProto space invaders This is a graphical output challenge where the task is to give the shortest code per language. Task Your code should allow the user to move the following alien around the screen/window. The background should be white and the window/screen must be at least 200 pixels b...

@VoteToClose In case you're not aware, if you post something from the sandbox, in addition to editing it down to a link, please also delete the post.
Oh, okay.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

LembikProto space invaders This is a graphical output challenge where the task is to give the shortest code per language. Task Your code should allow the user to move the following alien around the screen/window. The background should be white and the window/screen must be at least 200 pixels b...

@Lembik The Sandbox will automatically post things. ;P
(about 17 minutes after you post it)
@VoteToClose aha :)
any views on my sandboxed challenge?
Q: Fix the Meeesesessessesseesseessedessed upp teeexexextext

Christian IrwanThis is inspired by Monday Mini-Golf #6: Meeesesessess upp teeexexextext Background ETHproductions have difficulty from entering text to his usual webpage. Everytime, the text will be meeesesessessesseesseessedessed. Your task is to help him to type so the normal behavior is achieved. The tran...

Aww, Lindenmayer Systems have already been done...
And it's a good challenge too so I'm not touching it. :P
posting to the sandbox is much less satisfying than not posting to the sandbox :)
On a different topic, I think I've figured out a good way to have challenges. The idea is that instead of competing on absolute speed, which varies between languages (C/assembly/lower would always be the fastest) and also between machines, competition is done on relative speed compared with a far simpler task, such as 10,000 multiplications.
So users would have to time both the simple code and their solution, and the ratio between these times is what's scored.
Hence, the focus is put on having the fastest algorithm.
Not necessarily.
It could be focused on finding the language where the metric is most inaccurate for the given task.
@El'endiaStarman it's a nice idea but fraught with difficulties
@El'endiaStarman I have thought about this issue a lot and have no great solutions.. But I do have lots of ideas
lower level languages tend to be more verbose
@feersum Elaborate?
so one can combine length and speed
time + code length... but really you want f(time)+g(code length) where f and g are carefully chosen functions
I don't care much about code length here.
@El'endiaStarman sure.. it's just a way to penalise lower level languages
without having to some make a metric for how low level a language is
which seems essentially impossible
but it does cause problems you are right
@El'endiaStarman For example, maybe multiplying is 1000 times slower in Python than C, but adding is only 300 times slower.
@feersum Their relative ratios ought to be the same, though? Hmm. That's not quite right. Perhaps it would better to say that the relative ordering would likely remain consistent.
you are close to using BogoMips :)
The relative ordering doesn't matter for the scoring you proposed, only the ratios.
But the simple task I'm thinking of is to do something like n = n*n % m where m is a prime, and do it for 10,000 iterations or so.
BogoMips (from "bogus" and MIPS) is an unscientific measurement of CPU speed made by the Linux kernel when it boots to calibrate an internal busy-loop. An oft-quoted definition of the term is "the number of million times per second a processor can do absolutely nothing". BogoMips is a value that can be used to verify whether the processor in question is in the proper range of similar processors, i.e. BogoMips represents a processor's clock frequency as well as the potentially present CPU cache. It is not usable for performance comparison between different CPUs. == History == In 1993, Lars Wirzenius...
@feersum Yes, but in terms of choosing a winner, a consistent ordering ought to be enough, aye?
I don't see why an ordering is helpful at all.
The winner would be the one with the lowest ratio.
As I said, that uses the ratios and not orderings.
@El'endiaStarman do you have a particular challenge in mind?
@Lembik Yep. The continental divide.
(Haven't sandboxed it yet.)
what's the coding challenge?
@Lembik Given a topological map, calculate where the divide is.
do you mean topographical?
Ha, yes. Topographical.
@feersum The point you raised earlier was that the choice of metric affects the ratios. I.e. Python is worse at multiplication than addition compared to C. However, that will only change the absolute ratios, not the relative ratios of the answers. That's what I'm thinking.
is this properly defined as a problem?
for example, if I give you a flat map
what is the answer?
@El'endiaStarman This doesn't make sense. Can you give an example?

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