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> Randall was a sentient bottle of apple juice created by Penwar Lockis by accident while using Nisovin's Wand of Limited Possibilities.
36 secs ago, by Doorknob
quartata (Tou Hum Neu Mal) wished for an uncursed sentient bottle of apple juice on turn 1459
Hi monorail
@quartata Is "Tou Hum Neu Mal" Vietnamese for something?
@TheDoctor hi
@AlexA. Tourist Human Neutral Male
@TheDoctor Not a jar. Sentient Apple Juice.
Mini-challenge: Whose avatar has the most distinct rgb colors?
Feb 24 at 23:03, by Doorknob
Are we going to start starring "hi" now?
^ would star
@Calvin'sHobbies Probably @VoteToClosesomethingsomething
@Calvin'sHobbies I'm very red.
@Calvin'sHobbies I'll guess VTCAKAVSMoAC or Doorknob
Not Peter?
@quartata Definitely read that as "neutered male" >.>
@Calvin'sHobbies Peter's avatar is more... flat?
Doorknob didn't notice my NetHack reference I'm so sad
@quartata I did :P
@Doorknob You feel somewhat better.
I did it wrong
@Doorknob Is this a better name? :P
Wait. Scratch that.
It hasn't updated. o-o
refreshes chat profile
I think there's a reason why nobody is starring things: everyone ran out
This room was placed in timeout for 1 second; the topic of this room is "ANYTHING BUT STARS"
> 1 second
snorts Accurate.
I'm reasonably certain I have yet to run out.
@VoteToClose lmao
I have not starred anything in the last 48 hours
Messages stars complaints people stars annoy make encourage engender proliferate.
Uh. Markov chain?
@feersum um
no I think that's actually grammatically correct
I'm back :)
Messages that stars [...] engender proliferate.
Stars that complaints [...] encourage [...]
Complaints that people [...] make [...]
> Stars that complaints
@DLosc Hi
People that stars annoy [...]
@SuperJedi224 Hi--just realized that my speakers are turned up way too loud :P
I was trying to silence the chatroom by causing a stack overflow in everyone's parsers. Didn't work apparently.
@DLosc :P
@feersum P:
Hold on - @Doorknob Would it be perfectly acceptable to create a chat room to test if chat can do something, then delete it right afterwards?


Where you can play with chat features (except flagging) and ch...
Ooh, fancy. Never mind.
Oh, it works so good.
@SuperJedi224 iz gud
@VoteToClose So well.
@AlexA. I wordsed it as that on purposefully.
@Doorknob Despite my occasionally incorrect spelling or grammar, once upon a time I wanted to be a book editor. (This was a long time ago.)
@VoteToClose twitches
> occasionally incorrect spelling
I wonder if someone has done a Dumb ways to Die in NetHack
@Doorknob ?
20 hours ago, by Alex A.
no wai 0 with space r gud
Oh right
> ocasionaly uncorect speling
@feersum I'm not sure if there's one too many verbs.
@El'endiaStarman there's not
"Some people are annoyed by stars. These people make complaints. These complaints encourage stars. These stars engender messages. These messages proliferate."
@feersum (No stack overflow :D)
@DLosc I think the "stars engender messages" part is what I was getting hung up on. It doesn't really make sense to me.
(Messages (stars (complaints (people stars annoy) make) encourage) engender ) proliferate.
verb (used with object)
to produce, cause, or give rise to:
Hatred engenders violence.
to beget; procreate.
That's why. Stars don't actually produce messages, or cause them.
Dang. I just edited something to realize it had already been rolled back from the version I suggested, and now I can't retract it. -.-
Stars cause messages.
But they don't!
Counter target message, then proliferate
People make messages because of stars.
Messages cause stars.
It's a feedback loop
Waait. I actually got approved? O.o
I guess I could replace all the verbs with "arouse".
Bring about, foment, incite, induce, instigate, lead to, provoke... I think I like instigate the best.
I made an obvious edit suggestion on the "Alex is sometimes right" question. c; I added a relevant tag for later searches.
Aw. Rejected. :c
Oh well. I should've seen that one coming. :D
Confusion attention stars terse descriptions people stars posts people like get inspire create get attract to the messages creates leads to debates.
Reading the Irregular Webcomic bonus strips on Pyramid
@VoteToClose If you tried to add the tag @Doorknob will whack you with a trout
@quartata I rejected it as vandalism
@DLosc Not even gonna try. :P
@Doorknob !slap
go go go
gets popcorn
And on the next page:
Awh come on you aren't going to whack him with a trout?
I'm disappointed in you.
@SuperJedi224 Ha! "Don't confuse me with the facts."
Sorry. There were just two particularly good ones in a row.
Why are moderators "pro tempore" (for the time being) on PPCG?
Death is inevitable.
I mean aside from that...
@quartata because PPCG is a beta site
@Doorknob So..?
so there's no elections
So mods aren't elected on beta sites
So when we graduate, we'll have elections and kick them out of office?
I thought this day would never come
That explanation makes less sense. Graduation is not inevitable.
@Doorknob Really?
So you guys won't be mods after we graduate?
@quartata you can re-elect us :P
@quartata We will be if you elect us.
God damn
I vote for change
@AlexA. HA
@Doorknob Ok good.
I like you guys but I want to destroy tips so I have to beat you.
@Rainbolt Even if you don't vote for me, I do recommend at least keeping Doorknob, Martin, and Dennis around.
@Rainbolt You mean make questions off topic?
@AlexA. Why wouldn't we vote for you?
@AlexA. I mean silently destroy all of them and then see how long it takes for the community to even notice.
@Rainbolt I'd notice.
@quartata I feel like I perform somewhat satisfactorily as a moderator, but I'm notoriously trollish.
I wouldn't notice, honestly.
I'd notice the next time I tried to answer in Ruby or Perl.
Or tried to link to the Python tips to explain something I did, or for someone else's benefit.
@Doorknob I feel like this is the point where @Geobits comes in and points out that we're graduating next week anyways.
Well we are, so why would I need to say it?
What's the date again, @Geobits?
@Doorknob November 1st, 2^31
I've heard both the 1st and the 27th, so I guess we'll know which it is pretty soon.
I just know it's November for sure.
@quartata We can hope for Nov 1st, 2^11, can't we?
At this point, we should just make and synonyms.
No, it's November 1st, 13*5*31 (a palindrome).
You guys have got to stop joke tagging Alex is sometimes right
Bye guys
> and Stallman created the Church of Emacs
> wat
> ...what do they do there?
> pinky exercises?
@Calvin'sHobbies Sorry. :c
or whatever it was
@AlexA. I used to like Emacs. Then I tried vim. :wq
@quartata Append an m and you've got yourself a decent editor.
mvi? vmi?
@AlexA. vi=vim nowadays
But yes
Do we need ? I would've added it to the alex question (and @aditsu eventually did) but only 2 other questions is pretty weak
Virtual Machine Indenter?
@quartata no it's not
@Doorknob append
I feel a lot of challenge could be tagged logic though.
@Doorknob Installing vim on ubuntu will auto-alias vi to vim.
@Doorknob You used to love Ubuntu.
@quartata try having to use vanilla vi instead of vim and then say that again
@Doorknob I have used vanilla vi.
I didn't like it.
@VoteToClose What
@VoteToClose ಠ_ಠ
@Calvin'sHobbies Worth taking it to meta I think. I'm kind of on the fence about it. It could be useful for symbolic logic challenges but I think it may get improperly used quite a bit as most challenges require some logic.
> occasionally
> fails on many levels
@VoteToClose On what levels does it fail? Keep in mind that if you're a Mac user (like me), OS X is built on FreeBSD.
@VoteToClose ಠ________________________________ಠ
@Doorknob hush you
Don't knock it 'til you've tried it. ;)
I have used OS X
And obviously you loved it.
@Doorknob I was waiting for that rejoinder ^__^
would be more descriptive that 'logic'.
@Doorknob I have also used OS X.
or possibly
@Doorknob Yes! I like this one.
@quartata What OS do you use, again?
@Doorknob Linux
Ubuntu Studio
no you obviously use OS 9
@Doorknob Not on a regular basis.
I do use IRIX occasionally.
... wait, have you actually? O_o (used OS 9)
@Doorknob Yeah
I've used them all brah
@quartata /me has never heard of this
Is there any /me equivalent aside of *?
He explained it in here once
@VoteToClose no
unless there's a PPCG IRC channel that I"m unaware of :P
Ubuntu Studio is an officially recognized derivative of the Ubuntu Linux distribution, which is explicitly geared to general multimedia production. The original version, based on Ubuntu 7.04, was released on 10 May 2007. == FeaturesEdit == === Real-time kernelEdit === The real-time kernel, first included with Ubuntu Studio 8.04, was modified for intensive audio, video or graphics work. The 8.10 Ubuntu Studio release lacks this real-time kernel. It has been reimplemented in the 9.04 Ubuntu Studio release and stabilized with the release of 9.10. 10.04 Ubuntu Studio, in contrast, does not ...
@Doorknob There should be
... we could make one. :P
@Doorknob !
hey look #ppcg isn't taken on Freenode! \o/
I oppose this for absolutely no reason
@Doorknob já
/me registers it
Did you really?
awww, never mind, I lied. Someone else already did :P
but I still managed to become an op somehow
@quartata Me
17:55 -!- Irssi: Starting query in fn with ChanServ
17:55 <KeyboardFire> register #ppcg
17:55 -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- #ppcg is already registered to Karql.
/me is Karql
suuure :P
I chose it because it sounds like "gargle" and hence amuses me
okay, well ##ppcg wasn't taken. So I registered that
Really really
18:02 -!- mode/##ppcg [+qr +o!*@*] by KeyboardFire
18:02 <@KeyboardFire> oops
18:02 <@KeyboardFire> did I just op everyone
18:02 -!- mode/##ppcg [+q -o!*@*] by KeyboardFire
18:02 <@KeyboardFire> I'm not very good at this IRC op thing
help I have no idea what I'm doing
Is there a list of all the moderators on PPCG?
@Doorknob how does join
@AlexA. /join ##ppcg
I'm trying to get my old bot working again :P
@Doorknob Just at the command line? Idk how to IRC at all.
@AlexA. no, you have to connect to Freenode first
@Doorknob How
> ##ppcg Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services
you need an account
because I set the +r flag in mlock
18:14 <@KeyboardFire> !group add KeyboardFire op
18:14 < kfibot> KeyboardFire: user op successfully added to group KeyboardFire
18:15 <@KeyboardFire> oops
I can't figure out my own bot
I forgot my IRC password ;(
did someone revoke my stars?
> revoke my stars
Mods can cancel stars
that's a thing?
I haven't canceled any stars today.
I don't know about revoking one's privilege to star.
No idea if that's a thing.
But if it is, Doorknob probably did it to TheDoctor. :P
I can't star anything :<
Have you run out of stars?
not since last night
and it should've reset recently
Q: An elementary challenge

DanTheManThis challenge is inspired by this Oliver Sacks quote: “At 11, I could say ‘I am sodium’ (Element 11), and now at 79, I am gold.” ― Oliver Sacks I want you you find numbers in a string and replace them with their corresponding elements' symbols. (1 is H, 2 is He, 3 is Li, etc.) There are ...

I'm currently in the process of making a series of questions that have a shared scoring system. Does anyone know of an easy way (or a version I can copy) to make a stack snippet leaderboard for a multi-question series of challenges??
@GamrCorps Nope.
Hey everyone, I have a strange question.
@Adam Shoot.
Take a look at this bookmark.
What esolang is that closest to?
It's certainly the sexiest language I've ever seen.
So do you mean enderland's "pseudocode"?
@AlexA. What about MindF***
Moreso the string I suggested: "XYYXZ"
Ah. Perhaps take a look at Pyth
An esolang that only uses maybe three characters X, Y, and Z to perform basic tasks.
@AlienG I'm not familiar with MindF***. Perhaps you mean Brainfuck?
@Adam oh, never mind then
@Adam TinyBF
(although it's not Turing-complete, obviously)
@AlexA. Close enough.
@Adam Well, If you haven't seen this website yet, there is probably one on here: esolangs.org/wiki/Main_Page
@Alex Ah, that might've been the language I was trying to remember.
@GamrCorps I've searched through that a few times and I wasn't able to find anything.
But TinyBF could be one of the closest.
In this challenge, you will write two programs. One of them is the encryptor program. It will be publicly posted on PPCG in this thread, for the cops to see. It can be as obfuscated as possible, but must be reverse-engineerable. You must also write a decryptor program that can decrypt the output of said encryptor. You will keep the decryptor secret for the time being, however, you must post it to a private file hosting site (TBD) that I will use to make sure everyone's submissions are valid.
start of a cops & robbers challenge ^
what does the encryptor program encrypt?
Ah, I see
Looks good, just not sure on the file hosting site
@GamrCorps Get on Skype.
18:41 < KeyboardFire> !alex
18:41 <@kfibot> KeyboardFire: [alex-is-wrong]
@Doorknob It's perfect.
@Doorknob did you revoke my stars??
did I what now
I can't star anything
there's a daily limit
they reset though
they reset later today
im out too
at 0:00 UTC, I would assume
i ran out last night lol
I think they reset at midnight UTC, which is usually about 8:00 EST.
6:00 mst? or 5:00?
Mountain Standard Time?
It's 5pm PST.
@El'endiaStarman Yes
Okay. IIRC, MST is PST + 0:30.
So 5:30 MST.
Or, to put it more simply, in about 12 minutes from now. :P
i am ready
You're not ready.
rolls up sleeves
@AlienG Take a close look at my avatar.
@El'endiaStarman XD
uh look like two messages above you

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