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Q: On scoring builtin functions

Sp3000Suppose there's a challenge which can be solved completely by a builtin function, and functions are allowed. Note that as of writing the standard loophole for builtins is heavily disputed, but let's just assume that the poster explicitly allowed builtins since that's not the point of this questio...

oh wus dis
wus wat
da nu meat post
Huh that is interesting.
I dont think the 0 byte one really works bu the 3 one does make sense in languages where functions are types/objects and the program can be a function
@quartata I might have found the bug.
Line 117 reads content[x].search(/^!/g+1); this should be content[x].search(/^!/g)+1, no?
@Doorknob "Said no more starring ev'rything / I'll be, I'll be canc'lling stars"
> meat post
Yay! One of my SO posts finally got an upvote after about 3 months.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ What?
@Dennis Damnit Dennis, help out with the cop backlog, not add to it!
It's so true, is all. SO posts hardly get attention.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ The post in question is something I'm rather pleased with, because my solution is notably cleaner than the accepted answer
@Justin Oh, an answer...
@Sp3000 I already cracked the hardest one:
Nice answer, +1 from me.
A: The Mystery String Printer (Robbers)

DennisJavaScript, ev3commander, ≤ 32 console.log(0.1411200080598672) OK, that was easy.

@Dennis Wow.
(I spent most of the time preventing the answer from getting converted into a comment. :P)
Have you tried mine out of curiosity?
4 hours ago, by Dennis
user image
@Sp3000 I haven't. I've only cracked three obvious ones so far.
Stupid question if you ask me. Who wants to examine dozens of tedious digit strings?
Ah k. I was wondering if I hadn't put out enough hints or something (cos I don't like just number strings either)
Not just number strings. You could index into the alphabet and it wouldn't be any more exciting. It's just too much in favor of cops and too easy to write cop answers.
Or __doc__
Or import antigrav
But yeah it is indeed very much in favor of cops, unfortunately
It's really bugging me that I can't figure this one out:
A: The Mystery String Printer (Cops)

Egor SkriptunoffLua, ≤ 4 Output: 9.5367431640625e-07 You need to find a string for Lua REPL which results in "1/M" constant. It is simple, but not very trivial.

That's pretty much the reason why I gave up cracking...
anyone try my PBASIC answer?
what's "M" in Lua?
I'd help but unfortunately I don't know Lua :/
(Not Lua, OP's notation.)
I take that as a no...
All I know so far is that 2^20 appears a ridiculous number of times when people time their Lua code.
I put so much effort into it. I dont want it to win just because it got ignored :(
It's a 32 byte answer in a language I've never heard of. Sorry. :/
Fair enough. No one else knows it?
I can give a hint if you guys want.
It is not a math op.
If you're giving a hint, it might be good to edit it in
A: The Mystery String Printer (Cops)

quartataPBASIC Range: <= 32 String: 000000184066073CB303FC6A6B901CFC14844C3543BA023499B966F6E05707C0 (note that this was run on a regular BS2, it may not work on the BS2e or similar) The big guns.

Man, what on earth is 7*2^27-1
wat why didnt that turn into a link
@quartata You linked @es1024's answer
i have no idea how that happened.
Ah thanks.
You need the http:// part.
@Sp3000 It's 939524095. :P
:/ time to investigate Pyth again I guess. Later.
I just noticed that @Dennis has a whopping 8 submissions open. RIP my chances of winning. No way I will be able to crank out that many. Ah well Im happy tha I got to make some weird printers at least
Hence what I mean by Dennis adding more fuel to the fire :P
This CnR was fun but it leaves me empty somehow. I think I'm going to try to make a CnR challenge.
I actually thought of one the other day but it would only be fun in certain languages (2D languages and language with reflection to be precise)
How would that work?
Basically the cop makes a program that has a variable/value on the stack/whatever that represents money at a bank. The cop must do something to protect it to prevent the robbers from "taking" it. The robbers then must crack the program by adding code to a designated point in the program after the variable initlization that prints out the money var and sets it to 0.
I thought it was funny since it is actual cops and robbers :P
I'm still not quite sure how that'd work - what's to stop me from infinite looping at not running the robber code?
In CJam, is there a way to pop and discard the BOTTOM element of the stack?
@Sp3000 im guessing the robber would be able to inject the code in the loop as long as its after the var init.
The robbers place would have to come before anything that ends execution/loops. The robber code has to run basically.
No the cop specifies the place.
@GamrCorps ]1>~
That lets the cop set up his stuff.
@Sp3000 ah, thanks
@quartata So how does the cop specify where the money var is?
He would specify in the answer. Either the name of the var or the position on the stack
I did just realize that an easy cop answer would be one with the var out of scope...
So... like 10th down the stack?
Now I'm struggling to see how a cop answer might be hard...
Yea... hm
Maybe if we let the robber pick the place where he injects his code.
Well it's not so much that, it's more how would a cop hide a variable and still make it obvious for a robber to know when they've got it, without directly specifying where the variable is
Like you could say "It's on the stack after a -1", but then it's just a matter of coding a loop that searches the stack
@quartata Could I write an unbreakable cop answer in Haskell, where all variables are immutable? :P
This works in Foo:
A: The Mystery String Printer (Robbers)

DennisLOLCODE, sysreq, ≤ 4 OBTW Found the intended solution here. :/

My 4 byte Pyth cop is already resisting longer than my 8 byte Pyth cop. I guess that's a good sign. :P
Is there a way in CJam to combine two arrays, such as: [1 2 3] and [4 5 6] into [1 4 2 5 3 6]
(vectorized nothing)
\.\ for the extra lols
@Dennis thanks! That is really useful!
In case any of you was working on my range 16 APL answer, I've included a hint:
A: The Mystery String Printer (Cops)

Dennisngn APL 3.2406187300653406e+102 Range ≤ 16 Sixteen bytes of APL should be way to much to get cracked, so here's a hint: The only digits the code contains are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, each one exactly once, and in that order.

Hmm, I guess it's theoretically bruteforceable
No wait, you can combine digits
Not sure how many possibilities that adds, but it seems like a lot.
There are 12870 possible placements for the digits, I think.
Multiply that by 10^8ish for math operators...
Yeah, it's probably out of reach even if you just did math.
@AlexA. I was starting to think you were dead. :P
Did you not read what I said in the other room (that doesn't exist >.> <.<)?
Except that today isn't this weekend
It's weekend here.
It's 8:04pm here on Friday.
Also, people thinking exactly what you told them not to think in a heads-up is a common phenomenon. I think it's called the Taylor effect.
I should have seen this coming. :P
I have to get up at 4:00am tomorrow, what my girlfriend's mom calls "the ass crack of dawn," to get on a plane.
At 4:00 AM, I fall asleep. If I'm lucky.
> Some people extend the weekend to Friday nights as well.
Looks like I'm some people.
I consider the weekend to be the time I wake up on Saturday to the time I go to bed on Sunday. :P
You should add that to the Wikipedia article.
> Other people, notably birds from Washington state, consider the weekend to be the time they wake up on Saturday to the time they go to bed on Sunday.
See, birds are people too!
oh shoot brb
TIL that my suitemate is colorblind.
And that internet-based colorblindness tests actually work, despite computer screens being RGB.
^ how does that work, anyways?
RGB are precisely the colors a human eye is supposed to distinguish, no?
It's not like they only absorb RGB, they have a sensitivity curve:
Well, they have one receptor for each. That's close enough to tell if one of them is failing, I guess.
There doesn't seem to be a Windows CMD online interpreter anywhere on the web. :/
Oh well. I won't crack that cop, I guess.
I actually have a Windows computer right now, but my coworker gave it to me because it's not booting...
"Here, Dennis. Want some garbage?"
To fix, not to keep. :P
"Here, Dennis. Fix my garbage."
It was slow because "it had a virus". She gave it to a "tech" that was supposed to reinstall Windows.
While you have it, wipe the hard drive and install Ubuntu.
Give it back and tell her it's the newest version of Windows.
Haha, she won't be happy.
Tell her it's the super awesome Windows 9 that was so good that Microsoft couldn't release it.
It might work. It wouldn't be the biggest lie she was told about her computer, and she believed the others...
I need a VM.
I have a Windows VM.
That takes 3 hours to boot IIRC. :P
I didn't say it was a good Windows VM. I just said I have it. :P
Well, if you're willing to test something, I'd be grateful.
Firing it up now
I'll uh... let you know when it's done.
Oh hey, that actually went pretty quick. Probably because I uninstalled a bunch of stuff the last time I booted it.
So what do you want me to test, @Dennis?
I need to find a single-character command that produces a specific error message. Could you try ", & and @?
Wait, scratch that.
Try <.
Just < without a dot.
The syntax of the command is incorrect.
Neat, thanks!
Nice :)
'"' is not recognized as an internal command, operable program or batch file.
& was unexpected at this time
@ does nothing
Are my services still needed, @Dennis, or can I shut down this monstrosity?
Just watched #TheMartian movie. THEY CUT LIKE HALF THE PLOT (many major plot points)!!!! And... at LEAST 80% of the science. Aarrrggghhhhhh.
/cc @AlexA.
Kill it with fire.
I have real Windows if necessary. ;)
@Doorknob Yeah, I heard that. :(
@RetoKoradi I thought you were a Mac user??? Apple master race!
@RetoKoradi Do you have MATLAB as well by any chance? (I'm pretty sure I got the correct crack though.)
I have a Mac, too. And use mostly Linux at work. I don't judge.
I judge like crazy.
@Dennis Not at home. I recently installed it at work. But as you guys figured out, the weekend started...
@Doorknob I heard it was like, "Oh I'm about to drive for like 4 months. cuts Okay, I'm here."
pretty much
No second dust storm, trailer + rover stayed intact the entire time.
@RetoKoradi According to the Official Definition™, the weekend doesn't start until I wake up Saturday morning.
@Doorknob ಠ_ಠ
So basically they cut the suspense.
Like one of the biggest suspenses in the book.
You read the book, right? spoiler (hover to view)
I thought people didn't sleep in Seattle? Or why was the movie called "Sleepless in Seattle"?
A: The Mystery String Printer (Robbers)

DennisMATLAB, Tom Carpenter, ≤ 2 !< Thanks to @AlexA. and @RetoKoradi for helping me test this. I don't have a Windows computer... < produces the desired output using Windows' Cmd, and a command that begins with ! is a system command. I don't have MATLAB at hand to test this, but it should work.

Thanks again!
@Doorknob 1.) Yes I did read it and I loved the book. 2.) How did you do that? 3.) WHAT THE HELL WHY
Nvm just figured out how
Changed computer to PC/VM.
I don't want anyone getting any funny ideas
(I forgot how to onebox comments, but for the record I do, and can double-confirm Alex's results :P)
@Sp3000 It doesn't work because the comment has been deleted.
@Doorknob This saddens me. Would you still recommend the movie despite its digressions from the book?
@Dennis Ohhhhh that's why the link didn't go anywhere for me
Guys I accidentally removed a "bookmark" from the google chrome new tab page and I want it back :-(. There used to be an "undo" option, but no longer :-(
You deleted the comment. :P
@Dennis Well how was I supposed to know what comment Sp was linking to? :P
@AlexA. ehhh, I mean, if you watched it as a standalone movie without having read the book I guess it's okay. But the book's definitely at least 10 times better IMO.
@Justin The only solution I've heard for this is to wipe your hard drive.
@AlexA. So you mean to restore the page link, I just have to run rm rf /?
sudo rm -rf /
@AlexA. That throws an error on Linux.
I know :/
Unless you're on Windows, in which case you should do format C:\
Ah. Yes I'm a windows guy
format C:\
@AlexA. 2 backticks
@Justin I think you can remove another one, then click Restore all. Not sure though. I've replaced the New Tab page with an extension a long time ago.
@Dennis It used to be so, but no longer... nothing shows up at all.
Immediately after removing it?
What version of Chrome?
It shows the popup below the page and I didn't think to scroll
@Doorknob That's it, I don't think I'll be able to see the movie without just getting enraged. I guess I'll skip it. Thanks, I appreciate the spoilers! I like not getting mad at movies.
@Justin You can fix that by removing your CD drive entirely.
@AlexA. Where on my laptop can I find the hard drive so I can remove it?
Is it perhaps behind the battery?
No no, remove the optical drive, not the hard drive.
Reminds me of when a co-worker wanted to remove all hidden files in the /tmp directory, and used rm -rf .*.
Uh oh.......
I think maybe removing my keyboard will work
Press the button to open the disk tray, then grab it and pull hard.
Not sure if .* still matches .. in newer versions of *nix. But it did at the time.
@AlexA. LOL, I booted the garbage my coworker got back from her "tech". One partition contains only a Temp folder, the other one seems to unformatted/completely empty.
Oh god
@RetoKoradi It does.
@Dennis Looks like if she had data, that is no longer the case. Time to install Windows 9.
Is this someone you hate?
Do you mean me?
Whoever's being threatened with Windows ;)
No, I don't hate her. :P
32 mins ago, by Alex A.
Tell her it's the super awesome Windows 9 that was so good that Microsoft couldn't release it.
Referring to Ubuntu
Ah. In that case carry on.
Geobits: OS Cop
Atom is a really neat editor, but something that seems to confuse it beyond comprehension is to open it from the command line like open -a atom ./*.jl
There were three .jl files in that directory but Atom just wouldn't open. I had to force quit it and open them one at a time.
@AlexA. write an extension ;P
2 days ago, by Alex A.
@El'endiaStarman I would but effor
(Btw, open -a <application-name> might be a Mac-only thing)
@AlexA. too much effort to type the final t?
@Doorknob Far too m
Yes, the open command is a Mac thing. I actually didn't know that it works with application names, but I use it to view files all the time.
What program does it use to open files if you don't specify one? The default for the file type?
I know open -e uses TextEdit
And I wish it wouldn't
Yes, it's like double clicking on the file in Finder.
Oh nice
That'll save me so many bytes. #lifegolfer
@Doorkno is vim like notepad for linix?
@AlexA. not even close
that's gedit
no i hird gedit is ide like emac
vim is for notpaf
gedit is what DE's use if they don't have Kate.
(And both are a poor man's nano replacement IHMO.)
(I'm actually quite familiar with all of these things, I'm just trolling.)
@Dennis Nano > Kate? Surely you jest.
I mostly use nano. Copying unprintable characters from a terminal is difficult though, so I need Kate for code golf from time to time.
Or use a Mac, where copy/paste to/from the terminal doesn't send a ^C to whatever you're doing. :P
So if you copy a tab from a Mac terminal, you don't get spaces?
When I worked a job where my group used Linux, Kate "wasn't supported" by IT yet one of the IT guys recommended it to me. I got it set up all fancy with highlighting and stuff and it was awesome.
@Dennis No
Interesting. I wonder how well other unprintables would work.
Idk. You can give me some code to test that generates all sorts of crap and I can try it out for you.
(Being able to golf code is a poor reason to switch to Mac though.)
No it isn't
Any reason is reason enough
I need something else before I spend twice the hardware's street value on a new computer. :P
Does Mac have xxd?
I don't know what that is
pavlov:src ararslan$ xxd -v
xxd V1.10 27oct98 by Juergen Weigert
xxd -r -ps <<< 210102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f2021
This generated a bunch of unprintables between two exclamation points.
Okay. What do you want me to do?
I see exclamation points with some expanse of space between them
Run, copy from ! to ! and paste the output in a text editor.
I pasted it into Julia's sizeof and it claims 5 bytes.
That went well. :P
Should be 34.
See? No reason to switch to Mac after all. :P
What are the five bytes it's counting? Two !, two \n, what's in the middle?

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