@quartata This isn't CS, it's statistics (hence SAS code instead of a real language). So perhaps they don't feel as though they should be held accountable for code.
The sweet genius posts a challenge. The worst golfer (BASED ON WHAT CRITERIA THE SWEET GENIUS DECIDES) in that challenge is eliminated. Then another challenge is posted until a winner is determined.
A question regarding codegolf: I frequently get annoyed because of codegolf (answer)submissions that just include language,bytecount and code, without any information on how it works, how it is used etc. I think we should make a requirement of having at least some sort of short explanations /comments in the code.
It's like multiple pop-cons changed together except instead of the unwashed masses determining the winner the one true demonic overlord of PPCG (me) determines it.
I've seen a lot of code-only answers in the Low-Quality review queue. What should our response to these answers be? Although they have all been flagged as low-quality, I've been posting a comment welcoming new users and asking them to explain how their answer works, then clicking "Looks Good" (be...