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SO buddies ;)
I'm a huge dork.
Why did I spend so much time making this. ಠ_ಠ
Ahem, Data Explorer is love, Data Explorer is life
That produces bar charts IIRC
It didn't when I looked. I got the data from SEDE and plotted it in R.
Wow, R makes nice graphs :D
ggplot(data = as.data.frame(x), aes(x)) +
        geom_histogram(binwidth = 1,
                       origin = -0.5,
                       col = "black",
                       fill = "blue",
                       alpha = 0.5) +
        scale_x_continuous(breaks = 0:8) +
        labs(x = "Answer Score",
             y = "Frequency",
             title = "Alex's Stack Overflow Answers") +
        theme(text = element_text(size = 15))
With a fair bit of code, yes.
Requires the ggplot2 package.
Why do you have to specify so many parameters?
To make it look how I want it to look.
A bare bones version would be ggplot(data = as.data.frame(x), aes(x)) + geom_histogram().
What does that look like?
Garbage. :P (Gimme a sec, will do it)
Oh christ, that's horrible
Haha right?
Hence all the parameters.
You're excused :D
Woo! My AP Physics C actually counts for 8 credit hours!
According to the published AP conversion chart, it counts for 101/L+102/L, whereas I need 111/L+112/L.
...but now I've actually seen my (unofficial) transcript.
Which means, after the end of this semester, I'll be a "junior" based on my number of hours.
All of these numbers and letters are meaningless to me (with the exception of "AP").
Oh come on, we all now that all respectable statistics are represented as pie charts!
@RetoKoradi ಠ_ಠ
@RetoKoradi I support the area-based charts, and if it's possible, not circles, but random blobs.
I'm hoping someone does the "I Saw That Coming" golf in Retina, so I don't have to.
@RetoKoradi You get what you asked for:
@randomra I'm sure they have their valid uses. I was obviously (I think?) poking fun at people presenting all kinds of nonsensical data as pie charts. Preferably as 3D pie charts in PowerPoint.
@RetoKoradi umm, I was poking fun too
I've gotten good at recognizing graphs that were made in Excel. When I see them, I know to immediately disregard any statistics and conclusions drawn from the analysis.
area-based comparison is hard to do for humans, so it shouldn't be used too often
It's really easy for parrots though
@AlexA. there goes my BSc thesis :)
OMG, sometimes I'm slow. I only just got the pun in "I Saw That Coming". When I previously looked at it, I thought the ASCII art was a symbolized crown.
not without reason though
@randomra A couple things. 1.) Awesome that you're doing a BSc thesis! What's your major and the topic of your thesis? 2.) Are you doing data analysis in Excel? ಠ_ಠ
One of the classes for my undergraduate statistics minor had an entire lecture devoted to why you shouldn't use Excel for statistics.
Hey people who have written an online interpreter for a language that can have an infinite loop...how do you stop an infinite loop?
@AlexA. umm, my BSc thesis was 7 years ago, I was doing medical image analysis
@El'endiaStarman In the CJam online interpreter, I can normally hit refresh on the page. Then the browser tells me that I have a long running script, and asks me if I want to stop it.
I was hoping to avoid that. Didn't really work with Django's lightweight bundled web server.
As in, it just started another thread...
CJam runs the script in the browser, not on the server.
Ah, I should note that my Minkolang online interpreter doesn't use JavaScript.
Try to detect infinite looping.
It calls the Python interpreter server-side.
Yeah, sure, let's solving the Halting Problem while we're at it!
I think I could do something like 1) run for 50 steps, 2) check to see if there's been an interrupt signal (for example), 3) if not, go to 1. otherwise, 4) stop.
@randomra Haha sorry, I misunderstood. What did you study? What do you do now besides be awesome at Retina, J, and other things?
I believe that was one reason why aditsu went with the browser approach. Not only endless loops, but people using resources with long running programs. It would also be very open to DOS attacks if you let people run arbitrary programs on your server (this last part is just my guess).
I would rather avoid reimplementing the whole thing in JavaScript...
@El'endiaStarman Include a halt button client side that will send a signal to the running code.
I probably could figure out a way to set time-outs.
@AlexA. Yes, that's what I want to do. I need to know how to send and receive that signal.
@El'endiaStarman I could think of at least two approaches. One is basically what you just described. You periodically check for interruption. The other one is that you run the interpreter in a separate thread, and kill the thread if you catch an interruption signal in the main thread.
The latter approach is what I would prefer to do.
Now I just gotta figure out threads... :P
@AlexA. I did computer engineering/computer science MSc and then skipped 4 years because of some nasty illness, did not die, and tomorrow I'm going on an interview for my (possibly) very first job
that's it I think :)
@randomra Mind sharing where the interview is? Good luck with it!
@randomra I'm exceptionally glad to hear that you didn't die and I wish you the very best of luck tomorrow! Let us know how it goes!
@AlexA. Thanks!
@RetoKoradi local firm working exclusively for Siemens
@El'endiaStarman Is this Heroku or not Heroku?
Oooh, cool!
@randomra Medical stuff? I know Siemens does all kinds of things.
@randomra You're in Hungary IIRC, right? That job sounds neat. :)
@Sp3000 Not Heroku. Am using WebFaction as the production server.
Hmm does an infinite loop break the server or something?
I did research and determined that WebFaction was basically one of the best options for doing shared hosting and Django.
@AlexA. Yes, in Hungary.
No, I'm doing it all local right now. Dev server. :)
But, the problem is that an infinite loop can't be stopped.
Especially if I start another program run (even if I'm only stepping through it).
@RetoKoradi I'm not gonna do medical stuff for now, but they have that here too, and I can go there (inside the firm) later.
@El'endiaStarman Reto's idea of having it run in a separate thread and then kill the thread if you get an interrupt would work though, wouldn't it?
Well, it can, but it requires shutting down the local webserver (i.e., closing the command prompt) and restarting it.
but it not research-like medical stuff
I'm looking into threads now. I think that's the way to go.
Reto's a pretty smart guy. :P
yeah :)
Pretty much everyone here is smart. (At least relative to the general population.)
@randomra Siemens does medical device manufacturing, correct? I didn't think they were at all involved in medical research.
Medical research is the area I'm in now and I'm trying to get out of it.
@El'endiaStarman Speak for yourself! dons dunce cap
I realized earlier today that there are a lot more mathematicians (or math-leaning people) that frequent this site and especially this chat room than I would have expected.
I know somebody working on medical software at Siemens. Well, haven't been in touch with him for some time, and he didn't respond when I e-mailed him last. I was hoping to sell them some software I wrote. :)
Put it on a floppy disk and send it to them via postal mail.
@AlexA. Siemens has medical devices. Lots of other things as well. Sort of comparable to GE in scope.
Comparable to GE in scope?!
GE does all sorts of crap.
@AlexA. Siemens have some research closely related to their products, but maybe you wouldn't call that serious research
Siemens does, too. Not sure if it's as much. But it's a very large company that works in a lot of areas.
@El'endiaStarman True, but most of them are really good with computer science as well. I'm the exception there; I have a degree in math but very little knowledge of CS.
@AlexA. Much like me! Applied Math degree, did not like the CS classes at my college (RIT).
But I love programming.
@randomra Yeah, that makes sense. I'd call any research that isn't about farts "serious." :P
@El'endiaStarman RIT?
@AlexA. Rochester Institute of Technology.
Ah, gotcha.
I've actually never taken a computer science course.
I think I would like it.
@AlexA. Theoretical computer science overlaps quite heavily with math.
So I've heard!
Among the more practical classes, my favorite might have been compiler construction. That is a fun topic.
I did quite like the Introduction to Algorithms class I took at UW two summers ago.
@El'endiaStarman UW == University of Washington?
Yes, @AlexA., the UW in Seattle.
That's where I did my undergrad! :D
Who taught the algorithms course?
Did you ever hear about the Summer Academy for Advancing Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students in Fields of Computing (or just "Summer Academy")?
I'd have to look that up. Old guy though.
I haven't heard about that. I've done the UW Summer Institute in Biostatistics a couple of times though.
I know the name but I don't think I've met him. Oddly, I think I know the name due to his involvement with the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center (where I used to work) rather than through UW.
So what is this Summary Academy for Advanced Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students in Fields of Computing?
I was a student in 2011 and a Python teacher/tutor in 2013.
That's awesome!
Yeah. I loved it both years.
So are you deaf or otherwise hard of hearing?
Totally deaf with two cochlear implants.
I don't know what cochlear implants are
A cochlear implant (CI) is a surgically implanted electronic device that provides a sense of sound to a person who is profoundly deaf or severely hard of hearing. Cochlear implants may help provide hearing in patients who are deaf because of damage to sensory hair cells in their cochleas. In those patients, the implants often can enable sufficient hearing for better understanding of speech. The quality of sound is different from natural hearing, with less sound information being received and processed by the brain. However, many patients are able to hear and understand speech and environmental...
Now that I think about it, you should really read up on these things. It requires both medical science and computer science.
Lots of math too.
Sounds like something @randomra may be interested in as well. :)
oh yeah, definitely
So are you able to hear via the implants despite being deaf?
That's really cool. Science FTW.
I can hear incredibly well for a deaf person, in fact.
The surgeons who implanted them were really good.
How long have you had them?
Pretty amazing what they can do these days.
No kidding.
Don't they also have the first eye implants for blind people? Where they basically have a camera, and then send signals into the visual nerves?
Got one implanted on my left side when I was almost 6.5 years old. It malfunctioned almost 9.5 years later, just within the 10-year warranty. So I got that replaced for free and insurance covered the cost of the right side implant too because it was deemed "medically necessary". That was...about six years ago?
@RetoKoradi Yes, and they're making good progress.
Blurry shapes now, I think.
No wait, it's been about 7.5 years. Wow.
I'm going to head off to bed. Good night, all.
And @randomra, good luck again on your interview tomorrow!
I should go sleep, too. Good night!
@Dennis Nice 3x3 solution. I tried the same thing, but didn't come up with something as simple as 5, :D (I tried 1]5*, which is way too long of course).
@AlexA. Thanks!
@MartinBüttner which challenge are you talking about?
@randomra Symbolic Negative
1 hour later…
hi all
have we had roman numeral multiplication ever?
Quick question: Is there an online compiler sites that supports more languages than ideone? Is there a site that compliments it (one that has both cjam, pyth and perhaps more)?
anyone here know about capturing pcap?
@StewieGriffin In a sense, anarchy golf
@Lembik I know there's this thing called Wireshark, but that's about it
@Sp3000 Thanks
Also, Cloudshark for online
(not as useful IMO though)
Actually can CloudShark capture or is it just for viewing pcaps? shrugs dunno
...I did it. Finally. The program-running process is terminated the moment you press any button again after pressing "Run".
Almost 6 am. Time for bed.
Q: Using the if statement, Write a java program that calculates and prints the squares and cubes of nubers

cooProtonWrite an application that calculates and print the squares and cubes of the numbers 0 to 10. Note: This program does not require any input from the user

I finally made documentation for my Snails language
It probably doesn't make sense to anyone but me though
:) nice
ohh, @Sp3000 posted a short ><> mystery string, yay!
I was trying a 4-long nontrivial, but I don't think it exists
:) I don't think anyone's try yet though
(not that I know of anyway)
4-long's pretty hard IMO. Brute forcing wouldn't take long for starters
sure, but it would be still fun to find without bruteforce
something like 'n"; , but none of these is more than 1 char I think
Given that you need one output char and one terminate char... there's no much room to move :P
I couldn't crack this:
Range: <= 16
String: 4621430504113348052246441337820019217490490
16 char still not much in ><>
I could generate random stuff, but this wasn't generated by a similar method to mine
btw 59 can just be 'n; 3 chars
You can do a lot more with 16 IMO, especially if you start stack shifting before you print
@Sp3000 yes
@Sp3000 like generate the sequence on stack, then shift&print?
^^ fun pseudo-randomness
(not really that random but it still looks pretty messed up on first glance)
How long is it to do a multiply-and-modulo chain?
15 for me:
14 actually, so you can use a 2-digit number in one position:
expected longer?
I didn't expect the e+
@Erik Konstantopoulos Please don't apologize for a bad edit by making another edit o.O
@Sp3000 I need that so I can terminate
I just mean, the I didn't expect an addition and a multiplication to fit
Which makes things a fair bit harder
my 8-long try only gives 8 o's :P
and I can do any number of o's in 9 bytes...
I don't know what you're doing, but you're probably close :) (disclaimer: I might be completely wrong about that)
I've said I don't think this secret santa sandbox post is a duplicate of the linked question‌​, but would anyone like to have a glance and give a second opinion?
@Sp3000 I can output 8, 13, 14, ..., but not 12 yet :D (but now I have a lot of idea what to post after I get yours)
Sounds like you've almost got it
Guys, I have a quine challenge idea involving this: filestore.aqa.org.uk/subjects/AQA-GCSE-COMPSCI-W-TRB-PSEU.PDF
Do you think it'll work?
@Sp3000 and now I have 12 of other chars....
@BetaDecay sounds like a language-specific duplicate of the basic quine challenge?
if you want to solve it yourself, just do it and add it as an answer there. if you want to see others solve it, put a bounty on that challenge.
Once it is fully specified, does it change from being pseudocode to being an anonymous language?
I say call it Suit O' Code.
For some reason that took me over 5 seconds to get :(
It's morning (at least here), so I don't expect anyone (especially me) to be at the top of their pun game right now.
I was more worried about my parsing ability than your punning ability...
Oh, I was including both in the term "pun game" :)
@Sp3000 got it! I will try to clean it up a little (and not reveal the tricks I will use for my submission), might be only 7 bytes
Oh good. Then let's just pretend it's morning here too, and I won't feel so bad...
Woo! My first meta gold badge! (populist)
our meta or the meta?
@randomra Hint: 7 bytes may or may not have been intentional :P
congrats :)
(Not that it's very relevant anymore.)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Martin BüttnerStacking Cups Efficiently code-challenge I'm sure everyone has seen that cups can be stacked into pyramids (and other shapes) before: A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Yes, A is definitely an adequate character to represent a cup. For this challenge, we'll n...

Looks like code trolling has done some good after all >_>
it gave phi some shiny pixels
(to be honest, only recently did some other answers of mine overtake my code trolling answer, and two are I/O default polls and one is a standard loophole)
@NewSandboxedPosts Amazing that any structure can be constructed using only those two operators. Also delightful that all outputs are in the form of monster sounds.
I'll add that any two printable ASCII characters can be used for input and output.
But... monster sounds...
You're gonna end up with boring old + and - if you allow anything.
I agree: monster sounds should be mandatory.
@Geobits code trolling? Good?
If you really need more flexibility, you can substitute shouting monster sounds.
@trichoplax it did take some trial and error to find two conceptually simple operators that would suffice.
@Geobits Syntax error: unknown operand !.
Treat the shout as A^7*R^3 and find the factorial.
@MartinBüttner You mean this isn't a known problem - you just came up with it from scratch?
@trichoplax It might be a known problem, but I didn't try searching yet.
(I also like how the operations seem like they should be inverses of each other.)
Yes - makes it seem very couterintuitive that they can be used to construct something
That's an interesting challenge
I'm not entirely sure yet if an optimal solution is too trivial... if I come up with a provably optimal, efficient algorithm, I might require optimality and make it a plain code golf.
Reminds me of that boulder challenge you solved with a regex for some reason
is that "reminds me...for some reason" or "you solved with a regex for some reason"? :D
reminds me... for some reason
(wow that was a really quick necromancer badge for the sandbox post)
Anytime you solve something with a regex the effort was worth it. I'd never say "you solved with a regex for some reason"
When Martin talks about his challenges in chat, necromancing's pretty natural
Just like when Calvin posts a question, it's a natural good question. Except when it's about finding string strings
What about me :3
@MartinBüttner Do answers need to deal with inputs with arbitrary amounts of leading whitespace? (vertically and horizontally) Seems fine either way, just wondering...
Sample size too small
(doing pretty well so far though :) )
@trichoplax No... that'll be in the fine print ;)
I seem to be very good at posting like three challenges in rapid succession and then just petering out for a week
I just realized I was in the entirely wrong room. o-o
There are other rooms??
... Yeah. I was in the programming language building room. xD
Any who. Does anyone know how I can use the Data Explorer?
Thank you so much! That really helps. -.- Seriously though.
With confidence and authority. It's good practice to always shout at SQL databases.
What part of it is confusing?
I'm not likely to be any practical help, but I can recommend making your question more specific
You're currently getting answers at a level of specificity appropriate to the question ;)
@quartata Have you seen regexes for divisibility? Like for seven? Those are definitely "... for some reason", not because it was really worth it ;)
Okay, well, I'm trying to figure out what the average number of bytes for a specific programming language is.
@Geobits Still worth it
It's beautiful.
The eye of the beholder comment has never seemed more appropriate.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

IamOgbzcode-golf roman-numeral Convert ciphered Roman numerals to Arabic decimals Make an algorithm to interpret a sequence of letters as a Roman numeral. (see roman numeral rules below) Each distinct letter has a matching Arabic decimal value, no maximum. But you don't have the key beforehand, ...

@Geobits That must be one of those "climb-Mount-Everest-because-it's-there" sort of things ...
@VTCAKAVSMoACE What do you have for the query so far? I have problems with queries every so often, but actually giving a link to it or pasting in code helps more than just describing it broadly.
Are data.SE questions on topic on SO?
I don't see why not, assuming you write it as a good SO question :)
If your question is SQL related, I would ask on dba.stackexchange.com
If your question is about data.se itself, I would ask on meta instead.
Excellent advice. I was thinking of VTCAKAVSMoACE's question so I'm not certain what the exact problem is yet.
Every time I join another chat room I think, "Meh. Missing Geobits."
It's nice to feel needed :D
Ever wondered how Visual Basics PRNG works? I did an analysis. :)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

coredumpN-queen-and-equine quine There is a variant of the well-known N-queens problem which involves queens and knights, which is said to be "considerably more difficult" 1. The problem statement is as follows: You must place an equal number of knights and queens on a chessboard such that no piec...

If my language can compile to itself, which can compile to itself, ..., does that mean it would be an infinite compilation and thus satisfy this question?
> Write a perfectly legal code in a decent language of your choice...
Depends. Is it a decent language? ;)
@Geobits XD Is this decent? :3
Does that count as a descent language?
I haven't gone over all of it yet, but it looks like there's a disturbing lack of jQuery.
The language itself.
o_o I'll add a dollar sign command
$ - enables jQuery
Developer is quick to respond to suggestions — 4 stars
minus 4 stars, isn't that harsh :|
Yay! wait out of how many stars
You don't wanna know
oh okay I'll assume five and be innocent.
I don't know the term "Manhattan-adds". Is that different than "adds" somehow?
@Geobits Yes.
It's basically appending the digit to the end of the current byte.
A +M B = 10A + B
Gotcha. Just never heard it called that I guess.
Q: Math in manhattan

Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'BʀɪᴇɴI define the following operators: Manhattan Addition a +M b, for single-digit numbers, is the result of concatenating b onto a. So, a +M b = 10a + b. Therefore, the general operator +M is defined as thus: a +M b = 10a + b Manhattan Subtraction a –M b, for single-digit numbers, is the result of...

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