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@NumberBasher I'm guessing you've included the URL/password as 100000 bytes is too large to fit in an answer. In which case, please either use a site that's publicly open (e.g. pastebin, or even a TIO page), or include a program that generates your Cop program
which pastebin
pastebin.com is usually a good bet
> include a program that generates your Cop program
that would be giving itaway
it would have to be a very particular kind of structure for it to be that blatant :P
also the pastebin link seems to be broken
@UnrelatedString hmm...
oastebin doesn't work
now it should work
Does it?
It do
finally ;-)
why the downvote...
A: The Programming Language Quiz, Mark II - Cops

Number Basher???, 274 bytes push=1; goto 3; push 100; line 11 push; goto 11; push 10; pop; equal 1; goto 10; pop 100; push=80; push=10; pu=push; go=pu+1; goto 20; pushe=1; goto=10; this=10; line=19; NGGYU~~; push=go; b=99 max push; ch=b-68; goto ch; Never~/ Gonna/ Give/ You/ Up/ ,/ / goto 02; 100;

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'motd.txt'
A: The Programming Language Quiz, Mark II - Robbers

Unrelated StringHBL, posted by emanresu A -0/(*(*%*)2) Try HBL online! `|\X]- in ASCII/UTF-8 is represented by the bytes 60 7c 5c 58 5d 2d, which represent -0/(*(*%*)2) in HBL's namesake half-byte codepage. Inspired by this message in TNB, which I'm pretty sure was about his other cop post, but I did a search f...

come to think of it technically the cop might be invalid since hbl isn't on esolangs, rosetta code, wikipedia, or tio
but it's a cool cop
@Ginger month of the day?
@UnrelatedString If we want to get super technical, "This cops and robbers is now (08/03/2018) closed to further competing cop entries" and "To compete as a cop: [blah blah about language validity]" imply that, from 08/03/2018, answers can use any language :P
Which, tbh, I don't really mind; the intent for the language validity clause was to prevent someone winning by finding a super obscure language. But now that someone's won, I'm happy to let any and all languages be used, as its more casual now
I agree
Should there be another repost of this challenge?
@lyxal message of the day
@NumberBasher Potentially, but there are multiple other challenges I'd like to see reposted before this one is reposted again
anyhow I got Strunk & White today, so that's cool beans I guess
do any of y'all think ^ is cool beans?
@lyxal woohoo!
I look forward to being corrected :)
glad someone thinks it's cool beans :)
:) I do!
CMQ: Did anyone manage to find the hidden easter eggs in my RO nomination?
huh. 3-way tie for the RO election right now, out of 3 candidates :P
that's great
@lyxal oh I see you got it to correct people in chat once you are elected!
Good thinking
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Radvylf ProgramsAlternating sums of multidimensional arrays code-golf array math Given a multidimensional array, find the recursive alternating sum. An alternating sum is simply the sum of an array, where every other item is negative. For example, the alternating sum of [7, 1, 6, -4, -2] is the sum of [7, -1, 6...

@graffe ?
Badges on main don't have any effect on powers in chat
@RadvylfPrograms lyxal just got Strunk and White
Yeah, but that has nothing to do with editing capabilities in chat, that's a mod...oh wait you didn't mean literally lol
Can we get some reopen voters to review this?
Q: Write a (simplified) BitCycle interpreter

RomanpImplement a function or program that can run simplified BitCycle code. The functions you must implement are: <^>v: Change the direction of a bit to the direction this is pointing. +: Turn all 0s left and all 1s right. \ and /: Reflect one bit 90 degrees, then become inactive. In regular BitCycle,...

Sometimes I like to play chat-room golf, where you try to get from one chat room to another in as few clicks as possible
like wiki-racing but with SE chat
rules are that a) you start in only one room and b) you don't go to the all rooms page
so basically through the room owner list, event schedule lists, users and frequently in-room lists
for example, my usual route to the wordle room if Aiden Chow and Unrelated String aren't online is to go through hyper to vyxal to unrelated string to wordle
anyone willing to play that?
Q: Write a (simplified) BitCycle interpreter

RomanpImplement a function or program that can run simplified BitCycle code. The functions you must implement are: <^>v: Change the direction of a bit to the direction this is pointing. +: Turn all 0s left and all 1s right. \ and /: Reflect one bit 90 degrees, then become inactive. In regular BitCycle,...

just want to test the bounty function ~~~
bounties rock
although I offered 500 points on SO and got nothing in return :(
Q: Write a (simplified) BitCycle interpreter

RomanpImplement a function or program that can run simplified BitCycle code. The functions you must implement are: <^>v: Change the direction of a bit to the direction this is pointing. +: Turn all 0s left and all 1s right. \ and /: Reflect one bit 90 degrees, then become inactive. In regular BitCycle,...

@RadvylfPrograms I voted to leave closed, because it still doesn't explain exactly the mechanics of the language
I can kind of guess, but not confidently enough to answer
me too
Expanded explanation a little.
Q: Alternating sums of multidimensional arrays

Radvylf ProgramsGiven a multidimensional array, find the recursive alternating sum. An alternating sum is simply the sum of an array, where every other item is negative. For example, the alternating sum of [7, 1, 6, -4, -2] is the sum of [7, -1, 6, 4, -2], or 14. In this challenge, you'll take the alternating su...

NP, you're being a bit slow.
Am I going to have to do some maintenance?
No no I'll do better
blinks in morse code
@RadvylfPrograms Illinois's is a very odd-looking word. I know the s in Illinois is silent, but seeing s's at the end of a word makes me automatically want to put two esses in the pronunciation.
Yeah, same
birthday party idea: play lyxal's screaming video on loop at high volume
Now I'm imagining walking into someone's birthday party and hearing an Australian man yelling "Joe Mama" at the top of his voice. o_o
/// is a very useful language Try it online!
Re-categorize it as practical lang /Recreational/Practical
Python abominations #1029: "favorite": False if not request.headers["X-Replit-User-Id"] else key in db["users"][request.headers["X-Replit-User-Id"]]["favorites"]
@DLosc you mean that lyxal doesn't suddenly apparate into your house to yell at you on your birthday?
@NewPosts Am I being completely stupid? Why on earth does this Python 2 answer give the wrong output for the last test-case? ato.pxeger.com/…
New userscript: Paste to Upload, which lets you paste images into the input box in chat
(Esp. useful on devices like Chromebooks where screenshots are automatically copied to your clipboard)
@Ginger I'll find out in a couple days
@AidenChow no thats actually probably possible in bitcycle
all you have to do is write something that extracts every Nth bit from a string given an arbitrary N input, and then tell if theres a 0 in the output of that or not
that first part would be irritating though, youd have to do some serious BS with switches to get that to work
It also has to do it N different times to account for the N different possible starting locations, which might add significant complexity
oh yeah, i did miss that part of the challenge
i think that might be solvable with increased space, rather than time, though
wait no, because youd need infinite program space to support arbitrarily large N
If N were fixed, it would be quite doable. With variable N, I think it's still possible, but a lot harder.
youd also have to do some incredibly complex collector parkour to make things work right
@DLosc with a variable N with limited maximum value, you could also i think do something interesting by sending each variation of how far from the start edge of the pond you start at to different copies of an identical machine, and run them all in parallel
Probably, yeah. I doubt that limited N is allowed, though--or if it is, then any reasonable limit would be high enough that making that many copies of an identical machine would be way too many bytes.
yeah, definitely
i suppose the best solution would require some sort of buffer that iterates each possible version with the necessary buffer bits added to the front, runs each through the machine, and then ands the results at the end
a bit complicated
@RadvylfPrograms slightly n00b at SE chat, how do i install userscripts? ive poked around in some settings for my account but didnt see anything
that is a tampermonkey usere script
no such thing as a se chat userscript :)
^ Userscripts are a chrome/FF extension internet-wide, not a chat thing
if you have tampermonkey installed, it just redirects to a page where you click install
for me, it did, anyway
oh thats easier
for FF you need greasemonkey
which is the same thing
@RadvylfPrograms how is this possible? is the image hosted somewhere
It just takes the image from your clipboard, and uses the normal image upload button
i forgot that button existed
ah shit i broke my iambic pentameter streak
Say that in iambic pentameter
addictive once you do it for a while
the hard part is to make it not sound forced
Similar to talking without that fifth part of that list of things in words
(Which I can say is hard, but if you do it a lot it isn't that bad until you want to say a thing that has to contain that fifth thing)
alternatively: use excessively
okay two quirks at once always sounds weird
@graffe Brachylog, 23 bytes (gives the numbers in reverse order): Ṫ{Ḋ}ᵐ≜{s₂+}ᶠ,Ṫ≠Lh₂+Ḋg,L
ive been gone for a while, hows RTO?
@RadvylfPrograms Alas, I didn't use pentameter.
@RadvylfPrograms Almost seems like a idea
Any opinions on the possible rule?
@DLosc Yeah, I was thinking about that
I was considering a sort of half-CnR, where cops can be one of three types:
1. Proven to be correct (so just normal answers)
2. Known to be wrong (so cops)
3. Unknown (so robbers try to prove that it is or isn't turing complete)
I'm mostly getting hung up on the "all of Unicode" business and the inconsistency between different languages. I know you said you're not bothered about the scoring being wildly different between different languages, but I also think it's hard to understand how to score any particular language.
Aside from SBCS vs. non-SBCS, it's just different ways of representing the same set
Like, if I'm using JS, I can put basically any character in a string or comment, so it'd be easier to say "every character not in +=[" than "all 1114108 of these characters:"
"Largest subset of characters required for turing completeness" might be a better rewording actually...
And then I can just get rid of the "all of Unicode" stuff
And the SBCS vs. non-SBCS distinction, even
Opinions on that?
that fixes a small problem where you get the same character in every answer
i think that its a good idea and im hyped to see this question on the site
(but you already knew i was a fan :)
@RadvylfPrograms Wait what? "Largest subset... required for TCness" implies that the whole subset is required for TCness, but your challenge is a subset that's Turing incomplete, right?
Yeah this is the inverse
Oops smallest
I like the framing of "exclude these characters and it's Turing-incomplete." So "smallest subset of characters required for Turing incompleteness" maybe (except you might have people misreading the title and therefore misunderstanding the question).
i think its meant to say something like this: "smallest subset of characters where not including any one would make the lang turing incomplete" but thats pretty long
Yeah, that. Though I'd say something like "banning all of them" rather than "not including any one."
"Smallest subset of characters required for turing completeness" works IMO...it says "if yuo don't have these (required) characters, it can't be turing complete"
it reads as being like the other one
Yeah, that's basically the same title as "Fewest (distinct) characters for Turing Completeness"
i say just keep the title what it was but have the scoring be the small subset
Yeah, but then the scoring doesn't match the title
That one is "if you have these characters, it's TC," while yours is "if you don't have these characters, it's not TC" (so yeah, the inverse, like you said). Maybe a title like "Without these characters, it's not Turing-complete"?
@RadvylfPrograms just have the post explain why its the same? :P
@DLosc that seems like its a double negative
Instead of making it a descriptive title I'll just make it clickbait: "Ten subsets of characters you WOULDN'T BELIEVE are turing incomplete"
@RadvylfPrograms Honestly I still think this is the best option
It's a bit unclear, but if the introduction immediately clarifies the difference it's fine
But this one is direct, says what it's about, and is only confusing if you're already familiar with the other one
do you think proving answers will be hard? :]c
Yeah, so I'm expecting most answers to be type 3 and say "this is probably optimal so don't try to hard on it"
@DLosc excellent
@graffe Vyxal, 24 bytes: Try it Online!
Can probably be golfed down
actually 23 bytes: Try it Online!
actually, what am i thinking. 21 bytes lol
I completely forgot that reducing by addition was the same as summation lol
@RadvylfPrograms oh this is so useful. no more saving screen snips all the time
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

HatsuPointerKunWhyte Notation Translator ( tags : code-golf, kolmogorov-complexity ? ) Whyte Notation is a classification method mainly for steam locomotive, that classifies by wheel arrangement. On a steam locomotive ( we're only focusing on non articulated locomotives here ), the wheels are generally disposed...

@RadvylfPrograms MF just made up a rubric at 7:55 this morning specifically to justify failing me
I really genuinely have no words
It actually helps my case though, since he's entered it as a 0 even though his rubric would clearly make it a 65 at worst
Playing a bit of devil's advocate without knowing the whole situation: It's framed as "The requirements haven't changed, this is just a document formalizing them." Which is halfway reasonable... The not-reasonable part is, if you're going to use a grading rubric, you should make it available before students do the assignment. Also there's a passive-aggressive tone to "Some students are having trouble remembering." But IDK, maybe this is directed at more students than just you.
It is, since more than half of the students weren't aware of his (suddenly) extremely strict requirements on citing things during the presentation
He also gave me a 65 for the rough draft
Which...the whole point of having students turn in a rough draft is to provide early feedback, which he didn't do, and you can hardly expect a rough draft to be fully finished (although we had literally no rubric and barely any verbal clarification of what we were being graded on, and his policy for the last semester has been more of the "hit my face on the numpad we'll both see what you get")
@thejonymyster Technically, yes, in that there are two negatives in the same sentence. However, it's not a "reducible" double negative, in that the sentence doesn't mean the same thing if you remove both negations. P → Q is not the same as ¬P → ¬Q.
yeah, you'd have to flip the order of the if to cancel the negatives and then it doesn't really feel the same
like technically it is the same logical statement but "if it's TC, then it has these characters" sorta feels different to me at least
It is different, I guess due to it being about multiple items?
Since it's more of "if it's TC it has some of these characters"
@hyper-neutrino A better natural language phrasing of Q → P would be "If you want it to be TC, it has to have these characters."
ah, yeah, that does sound more natural
I think the reason it sounds different is because in English, "if... then" usually has the cause as the "if" part and the effect as the "then" part. But in logic, it can go either way.
@NewPosts still tied lol
Looks like we'll have 8 ROs soon
There are still 5½ days of voting left though
Fair enough, though I wouldn't be surprised if it ended up being a tie, and whether it is or not I think it's pretty likely all three of y'all will be RO'd
progress on lambda.chat is good
I am working on room creation
things can change at any time of course, 8 looks to be quite likely though given circumstances
@Ginger you're making a new chat site?
Please keep it to a tight clone of SE chat
That's... pretty much what I'm doing lol
SE chat does a number of subtle things which add up to its being surprisingly good
I mean, the only things that could suddenly change would be:
1. Ten people all of a sudden decide they hate a random candidate
2. Nuclear war, but only in Australia
3. One of the candidates gets bored of CGCC all of a sudden, halfway through the election, and edits every post on the homepage to say mean things about kittens
@UnrelatedString Nice job cracking my cop! Did you need to use my hint about the trailing newline?
@RadvylfPrograms I can arrange for #2 to happen, just say the word
@RadvylfPrograms I thought we agreed that if it results in a 3 way tie, all three of the nominees have to engage in a fight to the death, last one standing becomes RO?
@cairdcoinheringaahing lyxal and emanresu live relatively close to each other though
but I'm miles away
So I'll just stand back and watch
But we'd gang up on you
Fear not *starts teleporter*
TNB will cover the costs of flying y'all to a spot equidistant from y'all
If need be, we'll implement a star tax: pay $10 to star a message :P
This will be an exciting duel
@DLosc of course, but it feels cluttered nonetheless ^_^ i should have used a different word than "seems"
@Ginger I've teleported to Australia before actually
Dec 31, 2021 at 11:01, by pxeger
@emanresuA I'm in Australia
Well, just do it again
When voting ends I think that 24 hours is sufficient time for yall to prepare your weapons
You've also sailed to Australia with the rest of the survivors to raid Lyxal's apartment to find his fridge in order to stop mathcat
of course I can just fly there
but that's a long trip so I'll just use telnet to watch
have you found their ip yet?
you'll need it ahead of time to get telnet working
One of the abilities of GitHub Perks is that I can telnet to arbitrary locations
why use telnet? ill just hack the security cams near y'all
@emanresuA nope lol
but thanks
@pxeger Operative word being relatively
@Steffan :) very nice
@UnrelatedString It's on esolangs as of five minutes before I posted the cop lol
ohhhhhhhh the first line of the page
of course
1 hour later…
@emanresuA Yeah, I've been pretty slow about writing up Esolangs articles for my languages. Writing basic documentation on GitHub already feels like a chore. :P
I just linked to the repo lol
Q: Ungolf my tinylisp code

DLoscI like golfing in tinylisp: (d M(q((x)(i x(i(disp x)0(M x))0 But I also like posting explanations with nicely formatted code: (d M (q ((x) (i x (i (disp x) 0 (M x)) 0)))) Can you help me generate the ungolfed code for my explanations? The task Given a line of tinylisp code, return...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

YousernameLongest Possible Pythagorean Triple Triangle code-golf math arithmetic A Pythagorean triple is a set of 3 integers \$\{a, b, c\}\$ where \$a^2 + b^2 = c^2\$. Your task is to, given an integer \$n\$ where \$3 ≤ n ≤ 15\$, output a Pythagorean triple using these rules: If \$n\$ is odd, output \$\{n...

@RadvylfPrograms you mean to tell me you didn't already have one of those?

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