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I have 4, Christopher has 2, totallyhuman has 2, and Magic Octopus Urn has 1
Can anyone link me that meta post about proper quines?
I've been in here like 6 times total, the fact I have even 1 star is disturbing.
Q: What counts as a proper quine?

AJMansfieldThe basic definition of a quine is a program that, when run, produces its own source code as output. There are a number of techniques and a number of way to implement those techniques across a number of different languages. However, not all quine programs are equal. Clearly, any quine in HQ9+ or...

The fact that it's about IBM sucking donkey butt is a sign that god may exist.
Is this the official quine definition post: codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/4877/… ?
I want to get it right.
@MagicOctopusUrn that's just two of the same words
@MagicOctopusUrn yes although somebody linked it before you
Oh wow... I'm a moron, thought @betseg posted a ew question to meta.
Hah, I'm ADHD like the wolves.
@totallyhuman I tried it for a bit last year. I don't know much though.
@MagicOctopusUrn then why would i reply to you :P
Guys can we delete this
That was fast o_O
@trichoplax so that reference implementation I used for the identifier question?
It doesn't work
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Magic Octopus UrnPlant an ASCII-Tree Given an input 0 <= n <= 16, print the correct growth stage of the tree: n=0 ------------------------------------ /\ n=1 ------------------------------------ /\ n=2 /...

5000 mathematica builtins, maybe I can find something decent in there
It says str.replace is undefined
@StepHen goats is a built-in
@totallyhuman The one from the Nim documentation??
That's more than decent
@trichoplax yeah
That's embarrassing...
@totallyhuman well did you use it correctly? :P
What goes wrong?
Hang on
I've got a new computer since I last used Nim, so it's not installed at the moment, but I'll have a look in case anything jumps out at me
Nim's on tio, so that's nice
@totallyhuman you probably have to import something on TIO
Even Nim is on TIO? Great :)
@StepHen b-but the reference implementation doesn't show any imports... I'd expect it to
@totallyhuman maybe TIO doesn't have default imports?
Did someone delete a bunch of stars?
Although mine is still up there :)
@totallyhuman Looks like you may need re
I need some notes on this question: https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/13430/59376
I've changed it up quite a bit, and need to know if I overlooked anything.
Now it complains about str.toLower
Might need strutils too
Mmmm, strutils
Oh now it works
Stderr is still full but output is there
Great :)
@betseg that depresses me
But I have yet to get one
Q: Travel Back in Quine

Magic Octopus UrnThe challenge here is simple, and not at all about byte-count. Your job is to output the first 50 characters of the previous quine's source code, concatenated with the first 50-bytes of yours starting with the 50-bytes I've placed below: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzACDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY So, l...

@betseg I've only had 3 ._. I have more top-voted answers than accepted.
Either that or those two coutns are tied at 3, I forget which it is now.
TL;DR I'm a scriptkiddie.
@Cowsquack Kinda boring game
I got my first rampage on Dota 2 :DD (You solo kill the entire other team)
Update on my file: 70 gigs of zeros
I got a pentakill in smite the other day ,2nd one ever.
So you killed five people before death right?
Yeah, basically you kill the entire team within 10 seconds of each other.
I love thanatos in smite, if you've ever played it.
oh that is a rampage
Nice job
He's an assassin, an unlikely cantidate for a pentakill due to his squishy nature.
But he's also my berserker character... As in, if you stop me you've gotta be a god lol.
Just love 1v5ing with him.
youtu.be/z5TBgbtWlFw?t=32 < basically this.
Except he's a god with the swipe and I use the thrown more.
I play on XBOX ONE too, I love the controller.
Good choice of console
Smite is all I ever play on console anyway.
I am a PC person but XBOX one is > PS4 IMO
Ahhh... I have a 12 year old account.
Had to buy it.
My microsoft XBL account is 12 years old.
It's 5-characters long lol.
Mine is 8 I think
"Oblak", funny thing is I had a shiek from the middle east offer me $775 for it because it was his name.
Declined, but still... That wasn't a bad offer.
Nice. XD
getting video clip of my rampage
I have mine too somewhere but I'm out at a bar.
you are old
I have like 34 quadrakills, 6 where jerks stole my last kill from me.
I know how you feel
Ahhh... Ow, I'm 25 man; I'm not old yet.
Crackin a cold one with the boys? (meme reference)
I am getting to that tipping point where if I don't start eating better I'll look 50 in 3 years...
Hahaha when you turn 30 apparently you die.
My rampage
plays.tv ?
Is that the new twitch?
Recording client
No it just records and auto tracks when you kill/die/assist
For easy use
@MagicOctopusUrn the video clip is up
It claims to be up
It finished processing
Ahhh daaang that was pretty legit (seemingly), I've never played DOTA, is it good? I mean you were lvl 18 vs 4x lvl 10
It is still good
So I assume you'd just been out-thinking them for the whole game and that was their final idiotic push?
the first kill is unclipped
Based on how you're lvl 19 and just like 3-hitting them lol
Well that is normal when they are lvl 20
They were lvl 9-11
PA gets crits of 350% of her damage
Aahaha, nice. That sounds like my kind of char.
It ends up being about 1.5-2k damage a hit (15% chance)
IF you're ever on XBOX and need a smiter I'm pretty good... 75/86 gods mastered.
It's my addiction ._.
dota is mine
That and random survival early-access games on steam.
If i ever get around to trying smite I will find you
You should try dota
On PC? I'm sluggish with PC controls because I'm a console kid.
I could try.
I'd powerlevel the crap outta you if you ever joined me on smite though lol
PSA: Everytime you make a desktop with Electron a baby goat dies (moral: Don't use electron)
What's electron
Okay, wrong question, "who developed electron".
Also, if the goat is a downgoat, I mean... Maybe make programs in electron; upgoats are the future.
Here I have a browser implemented in election
Bet you'll love it :3
Anybody here knows Emojicode? I can't create/call functions :/
@MagicOctopusUrn lol id take it
@MagicOctopusUrn yes
@MagicOctopusUrn GitHub
@totallyhuman it's called Vivaldi by the Opera co-founder
@Downgoat a desktop?
@totallyhuman electron is a browser?
@ASCII-only no it's not o0
@Downgoat no I have a browser implemented in election
@totallyhuman which is basically electron + controls
I have a browser implemented in a webpage
Beat that :P
@totallyhuman no I will put it in sheep pen because that is where anything in electron belongs >:|
@Downgoat yes it is (except for Vivaldi and Hyper)
@ASCII-only I took your browser in a webpage and loaded the browser in a webpage on the browser in a webpage :P
@Downgoat you could actually do that
@ASCII-only iTerm2 >>> HyperTerm
(yes that is obviously bit shit)
But the server isn't up and it's broken because I updated dependencies
oh is this the thing that you were working on like a while ago that was like OS in cloud almost
Downgoat is better as destroying linux then me :_(
@MagicOctopusUrn lol the international smite prize pool is 1 mill while dota has a 220+ million prize pool (for a team of five to split)
Conquest is basically dota
@ConorO'Brien The intended solution was probably $x=1$. Its wrong, but its probably what they wanted.
@betseg nvm solved it
A: Fibonacci function or sequence

betsegEmojicode, 100 bytes 🐖🔢➡️🚂🍇🍊◀️🐕2🍇🍎🐕🍉🍓🍇🍎➕🔢➖🐕1🔢➖🐕2🍉🍉 Try it online!

First useful Emojicode submission I think :p
@betseg If you know emojicode you should add it here
or teach me so I can do it. :p
I feel like the emojis will break a lot of languages :P
@HyperNeutrino Stasoid made it so we can add unicode we now have 3 answers in emoji based languages.
@HyperNeutrino yeah it breaks py 2
unless you declare an encoding
The way stasoid declared the encoding is insane
Just insert some null bytes and eofs and Python will ignore the rest of the file >:D
@WheatWizard Link?
A: Add a language to a polyglot

stasoid94. Emotinomicon, 2763 bytes #16 "?63(o?23!*# #@"/*\DZZCv;'[af2.q]PkPPX)\('#CO"14"; */ #/*0|7//```"` [>.>.])[-'][(>77*;,68*,@,1',;# l1011)(22)S\4n;iiipsddpsdoh coding:utf8␉␉␉␉(1P''53'S^'????!?!??!??!!!!???!?!??!!?!?!!!!!?!!!!?????!????????????????????!) (qx #>␉ # 36!@␉` e++++++::@ #~ #y #`<` #<

Looks like this with proper whitespacing ^^ @HyperNeutrino
Translated to pseudo code: i.sstatic.net/ieILJ.png
^ @HyperNeutrino so you can see, ^ @WheatWizard so you can learn.
Yeah it looks like emojicode has very strict syntax structure. Doesn't look like it can be added.
A really strict and a strongly typed language
Bai, sleeping
Btw, if you've noticed, that language uses reverse Polish notation
@betseg So if I haven't noticed, then what notation does it use?
And isn't that just normal Polish notation?
@HyperNeutrino oops
@HyperNeutrino * 2 oops
See I'm sleepy
hehe maybe you should sleep xD
Q: I Love Sardines

WallyWestI love sardines, I can't get enough of them, and so does my computer, the Omnilang 5000, which is language agnostic. To give my computer the joy of experiencing sardines, I've decided to feed him a number of programs that are capable of displaying on the screen tins of sardines in various orient...

Q: My code url needs a src attribute what does that mean?

Rajp1847Hello I am new to Making things so what does it mean by add a alt attribute but i don't know how to make a alt attribute. I tries to put href=# but i do not know what href means what is an alt attribute?

hey @HelkaHomba
like your minecraft vids very good :)
I agree.
Thanks guys
A short chunk of music I wrote recently: soundcloud.com/phinotpi/kleza
Would it be bad to answer my own question in mathematica, if the answer is a single builtin?
@Phoenix No, but you should wait a while before self-answering
I had that thought, but it's such a trivial thing...
You're probably right.
@DJMcMayhem Posted to main
which arithmetic operator should i overload into list.join
@ASCII-only listA << listB
@Phoenix no, list.join = like ['foo', 'bar'].join(' ') (also charcoal has no bitshift yet idk what chars to use for that)
You could borrow Mathematica's operator for that, <>
Q: Get the indices of an array after sorting

PhoenixYour challenge today is to write a program or function which takes a list l and gives the positions in l at which each successive element of l sorted appears. In other words, output the index of the smallest value, followed by the index of the second smallest value, etc. You can assume that the...

@Phoenix charcoal doesn't have that either i mean one of */+-<dividesign><exponent>
woah what Nayuki just joined PPCG
im still tripping over this oeis answer chaining
@ASCII-only who?
@ASCII-only I think * would be best
is there an algorithm for calculating this sequence?
@HusnainRaza which one
2 hours later…
3 hours later…
hi all
hi @Phoenix
A: I Love Sardines

betsegEmojicode, 440 bytes 🐖🐡🍇🍦a😛0🚮🐕2🍦b➗🐕10🍊a🍇😀🔤 __________❌n(__________@%🔤🍉🍓🍇😀🔤 __________❌n%@__________)🔤🍉🔂i⏩1b🍇🍊a🍇😀🔤|<*)_____><||🔤🍉🍓🍇😀🔤||><_____(*>|🔤🍉🍉🍊▶️4b🍇🔂i⏩0➖4b🍇🍊a🍇😀🔤| ||🔤🍉🍓🍇😀🔤|| |🔤🍉🍉🍉🍊a🍇😀🔤''=========='🔤🍉🍓🍇😀🔤'===...

im leaving C for Emojicode xd
btw im winning at char count, but losing at byte count
@betseg well yeah? it's emoji
(added explanation btw)
does anybody know any languages that can output only 0 and 1, beside Brainbool?
This is for our Behemoth-polygloth (https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/102370/add-a-language-to-a-polyglot?page=4&tab=oldest), it almost reached 100.
@stasoid Boolfuck can too (and various other similar BF-derivatives) (well actually which ones output as ASCII)
No, I am asking about languages that can output only 0 or 1
So we can add them as #100,#101,#110 or #111
yeah I meant output 0 and 1 as ASCII not binary
@Dennis, @MartinEnder do you know any languages that can output only characters '0' and '1', beside Brainbool?
@stasoid Unary can only use 0s and 1s, but I don't know what it outputs
@Mr.Xcoder Thanks, but I think it is as powerful as brainfuck (can output any ascii).
Ah, Sorry then
Q: Build a Semi-Zigzag

Mr. XcoderYou will be given a positive integer N as input. Your task is to build a Semi-Zigzag, of N sides, each of length N. Since it is relatively hard to clearly describe the task, here are some examples: N = 1: O N = 2: O O O N = 3: O O O O O O O N = 4: O O O O O O...

Why would you care about being unable to output other characters?
Because we only have 4 spots for them and we don't want to miss opportunity to add them.
They can only occupy slots #100,#101,#110 or #111
@stasoid There was one based on serial data transmission that only outputs bits...
It also has timing though, so theoretically you could morse-style encode an entire byte in just a bit of output. (I think.)
I don't remember the name.
this happened after i posted a few emojicode answers
@betseg wow lol
> 🐖🔢➡️🚂🍇🍮a🐕🍮i 0🔁❎😛1a🍇🍊😛1🚮a 2🍇🍮a➕1✖3a🍉🍓🍇🍮a➗a 2🍉🍮i➕1i🍉🍎i🍉
@LearnHowToBeTransparent Nice language, isn't it?
that language is nice but i cant make any useful app in emojicode.
It has UI tho
You can make windowed games. Look at their site
yes, i have read about that language 1 week ago
Does anyone know where in the github repo are the relevant docs for Charcoal?
@Cowsquack Thanks :)
Wait, I said where in the repo :?
go to Wiki
Oh thanks
@Mr.Xcoder you saw my answer and wanna learn it right?
@EriktheOutgolfer No, I don't wanna learn it.
@EriktheOutgolfer I can bet it is terrible with numbers, right?
if you see my post closely you'll see that most of it is dealing with numbers
@EriktheOutgolfer How did you generate that AST explanation?
command-line argument -a (astify) or -oa (only astify). the latter doesn't execute the code after printing the ast, which is why I used it
Seems easy at first
1 hour later…
<Sequence [A000053: Local stops on New York City Broadway line (IRT #1) subway.]>
<Sequence [A000054: Local stops on New York City A line subway.]>
new rule: if you can think of it, there's an oeis sequence for it
@clap you have requested access to jelly hypertraining?
<Sequence [A000561: Number of discordant permutations.]>
<Sequence [A000562: Number of discordant permutations.]>
<Sequence [A000563: Number of discordant permutations.]>
<Sequence [A000564: Number of discordant permutations.]>
<Sequence [A000565: Number of discordant permutations.]>
after seeing previous conversations I've decided to add you in
why are there 5 sequences by the same name
@totallyhuman They are obviously permutations of different things.
I wouldn't be surprised if each is of the previous one.
Or perhaps all but one are erroneous.
they're all different
yeah i have @er
I put you in already
ok cool, thanks!
@NathanMerrill How dare they let a perfectly good cartridge rot! >:-(
<Sequence [A001236: Differences of reciprocals of unity.]>
<Sequence [A001237: Differences of reciprocals of unity.]>
<Sequence [A001238: Differences of reciprocals of unity.]>
<Sequence [A001239: Numbers that are the sum of 3 nonnegative cubes in more than 1 way.]>
<Sequence [A001240: Expansion of 1/((1-2x)(1-3x)(1-6x)).]>
<Sequence [A001241: Differences of reciprocals of unity.]>
<Sequence [A001242: Differences of reciprocals of unity.]>
seems this is a common pattern
Anyone buy codegolf.se on GoDaddy for $26.99 please
I mean, uhh
That would be a nice shortener which the url makes sense
Any alternative services?
Wolfram should make a little company on canada called 'Mathemati' and let it develop Mathematica so the url can be Mathemati.ca
btw RIP GoDaddy
@Nobody namecheap is the one all the cool kids use 10/10 do reccomend
I used internet.bs for my website
Gandi is really good, and it's what I use for mine (and for kbd.fi).
@Nobody godaddy is a scam
@Okx Many are.
In fact, GoDaddy don't have codegolf.se exclusively.
@Downgoat Namecheap has given me a lot of trouble lately. On at least three occasions, I made changes to my DNS records in the frontend that were never broadcast. Had to chat with support to fix it.
On the plus side, support managed to fix it quickly on all occasions.
My router has recently been requiring restarts every once in a while after having worked flawlessly for years. Any estimate when it dies?
Does anyone happen to know off hand whether comments on a pull request on GitHub automatically inform the requester?
Guess: yes.
Yes, or at least it always happened to me
I believe so
Excellent. Thanks all :)
In other news: I got my first ever GitHub pull request :)
@ConorO'Brien I noticed that you have this deleted answer. May I ask why you deleted it? Another user has the same solution here.
it doesn't work for the second to last test case
2 4 0 5 6 1 3
I guess it does
Hi there
There isn't here, but welcome anyways
Would base-62, 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ, be unintuitive, or should I make it base-64 just because that's what's standard?
is this for a golf lang?
@ConorO'Brien an esolang
but definitely not golfy, just trying to not have lengthy numbers
since numbers are pretty important and common and I don't have too many operators
I mean if you're aiming for short go for base 94/base 255
@ConorO'Brien Well the problem is that I'm doing a kind of op num op num op num op num thing for commands, without the spaces
I'm just wondering if using only letters/numbers for command numerals would be intuitive in base 62
@ConorO'Brien (that's one command, each number means something different and each op is different)
You want to be able to write +1+2+3 so you don't want + to be a numeral
@trichoplax basically
any other base than base ten (and perhaps 2,8,or 16) is going to be unintuitive.
In some ways I'd find base 62 more intuitive than base 58 or base 64
CMC: Given an integer 26 ≥ i ≥ 1 (or 25 ≥ i ≥ 0, up to you), covert it to its corresponding letter in the english alphabet.
@trichoplax ok, thanks for the input
26 -> z, 1 -> a, 5 -> e (1-indexed)
J, 7 bytes: u:@+&97
Jelly does it in 3 bytes.
@StepHen I think people will get used to whatever you choose anyway, so I'd base the decision on what works best. If the letters are also commands, do you need a terminating character for base 62 strings?
Jelly, 3 bytes: ịØA

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