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@NathanMerrill OK thanks for the input, I fixed it
class CQError(Exception):
@StepHen so, that seems like a good base exception for all of your exceptions. That said, its still a syntax error. I'd likely make a class CQSyntaxError(CQError)
that way you have both the descriptiveness of "Syntax error", and the power of custom exceptions
@StepHen in Java, at least, I try to avoid using them. The only case I'd raise an internal exception is for stuff like NullPointerException, when it would have been raised anyway (but perhaps wrapped in other exceptions)
@NathanMerrill okey dok, got CQSyntaxError, CQInputError, and CQInternalError, and it was way easier than I thought, so I should look these things off instead of sluffing them to the side :P
C# question: Is there a way to splat an array into the parameters of a function?
@Phoenix no. What happens if the array has more elements?
or, even worse, fewer elements?
unless the function is a varargs function
@StepHen That's the exact opposite of what I want. I have a function that has a params parameter, and an array of params I want to pass to it.
@NathanMerrill Yeah, it is.
then simply pass the array in
In what mind did I think this code was normal or usual or at all good
Oh, that works? Neat.
    self.operations_1 = (EXPONENT, E)
    self.operations_2 = (MUL, DIV, INT_DIV, MOD)
    self.operations_3 = (MINUS, PLUS)
that should just work, right?
I've got a spare PC. Any suggestions for what I should do with it?
I may be wrong, my C# is rusty
@MDXF I've got a laptop my sister stepped on that I'll donate
@MDXF Sell its parts
@Phoenix heh they're pretty much all trash
@MDXF I've shot at old laptops hung on some string between trees before, may as well do something with it
@StepHen That's not a bad idea
But yeah it's a laptop with no screen, battery, wireless card... has 1GB ram, 200GB HDD, broken USB ports, etc
@MDXF also you can pull the magnet out of the hard drive and have some fun with it iirc
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ChristopherPPCG VS CR KotH I am working as fast as I can to get this ready. Please be patient I challenged CR to a KotH challenge. So here is the specs. Two sides in a arena. 1000x1000. Resources scattered about. A giant area in the center filled with resources. You must build a base and defend your anci...

@MDXF Minimal KotH server
@trichoplax or just a better* Raspberry Pi
TIL ~NaN === -1, come on JavaScript
Free older brother.
@StepHen It was clearly built as a golfing language
@trichoplax Oh a server is a good idea
@NathanMerrill OK so RE fixing syntax: this is the thing: spec allows leaving off a leading : if it is unnecessary, but my interpreter see : as the transition between two types of parsing. For now, to match spec, I just catch errors and try again. Not perfect but it works atm.
I have an idea for the PPCG vs CR challenge. If we want to communicate secretly, we should golf our speech so that CR won't be able to understand it.
@HyperNeutrino wt dd u sy?
@HyperNeutrino That would work
@StepHen We can also just write everything in Jelly compressed strings or SOGL compressed strings.
@HyperNeutrino if a machine can uncompress it it's not really golfed, we need something that's only ungolfable for a human
that or create and hide a new compression scheme
Or just make a crypto scheme and hope Crypto.SE doesn' join into our fight.
@HyperNeutrino I got some ideas, if I don't spend them all on Puzzling.SE first
Alright :)
they may or may not involve some sort of screwed up base conversions
CMC: Determine if a string is rectangular (all lines the same length)
@Christopher One thing to decide for the intersite KotH is whether answers are permitted to be edited. Either way could work but makes for very different kinds of competition. See Red vs Blue - Pixel Team Battlebots
python: lambda l:len(list(set(map(len,l))))==1
jelly: L€E
s=>{var l=Regex.Split(s,"\n");return l.All(i=>i.Length==l[0].Length);}
JS (untested): s=>(a=s.split`
No markdown in multiline mesages
I know I know
OK what are bitwise operations actually good for
because I'm implementing them but I've never used them
Don't you need to declare a before using it
@StepHen golf
@StepHen They're handy if you need to do something in the 80s
don't you need var a
@trichoplax like Quake square roots? :P
indeed :)
@Phoenix var is very good JavaScript practice, but not strictly necessary
@Phoenix in your console do a = 1, Enter, a, Enter
@trichoplax well that's why I'm making them two byte operators :P
@HyperNeutrino What challenge?
I have generated over the course of the day a 20 gig file of just the number 0
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ChristopherPPCG VS CR KotH I am working as fast as I can to get this ready. Please be patient I challenged CR to a KotH challenge. So here is the specs. Two sides in a arena. 1000x1000. Resources scattered about. A giant area in the center filled with resources. You must build a base and defend your anci...

@Christopher why 0.o
@Phoenix Christopher challenged CR to a "deathmatch" :P
And I have no idea why I thought I needed that
Breaking News: Today, Christopher confirmed that 0 === 0. Previously it was thought that 0 only == 0.
cat /dev/zero | sed s/\x00/0/g > FILE
you know I should really go get Linux and learn command line before I'm too old to learn new tricks
I don't actually know if ^^ works since there's no line breaks.
Q: When something that was supposed to be fun became not fun

Simon ForsbergStackEgg! What a great invention. Probably the best thing to hit Stack Exchange since the invention of unicoins! Very entertaining game, very fun to play. Many users have probably spent several hours playing this. And April Fool's day is not over yet. However, where there is great inventions t...

Holy freak. PPCG users are savages
I've addressed that in my meta post as well. I don't want this to worsen our reputation.
and dirty cheats XD
Also, cat /dev/zero | head --bytes [number] | sed s/\x00/0/g > FILE
I hope this can be a chance for us to redeem our reputation, assuming we need to do that in the first place (which, considering it was brought up, probably should happen sooner or later)
I also hope I'm not taking this too seriously xD It's all in good fun
anyway, I gtg now. o/
That is how you say bye to a programmer
Byte. I am a genius
@HyperNeutrino But what if I want it to keep going until I press control-c
Well, I suppose I could do it the boring way
echo -n 0 > FILE
while true
    echo -n 0 >> FILE
should I wait for new meta or post the meta post myself?
CMC: Output 24601
Pavel@DESKTOP-CRBHFJN MINGW32 ~/git/MonoVarmint
$ echo "foo\nfoo"

Pavel@DESKTOP-CRBHFJN MINGW32 ~/git/MonoVarmint
$ echo 'foo\nfoo'

Pavel@DESKTOP-CRBHFJN MINGW32 ~/git/MonoVarmint
$ echo foo\nfoo
y tho
@StepHen Jelly, 5 bytes: 24601
Other names for bitwise operators? I need b for base conversion 0.o
Q: is an entirely cooperative koth on topic?

Destructible LemonI'm planning a challenge, in which players submit a bot (one per player), as in a koth. however, none of the submitted bots play against each other, instead they play against an npc force of alien things. The goal is for the team to survive as long as possible. that is, there is no scoring betwee...

pretty fast
@DestructibleLemon idea: aliens can kill bots, last bot surviving wins
@DestructibleLemon or bot to objectively help the defense the most wins
@StepHen um what part of cooperative don't you understand
@DestructibleLemon well... "objective winning criterion"...
Also how the heck did "hyper diaper" get onto starboard
ah, but there is an objective winning criteria for the team?
kind of like golfing in a language only you use.
I just found out, that clear is a thing that exists. I've been using tput clear this whole time... ;-;
@DestructibleLemon I don't think that matters as much as per answer
> so that it is possible to indisputably decide which entry should win.
Well, no, I put alias clr='tput clear' in my .bashrc
@Phoenix past you tried to help future you?
@StepHen ah... but we have stated that it's a per language thing anyway
@DestructibleLemon maybe we need a or
this might be good to post on meta?
What's the winning criterion?
@StepHen VTC, boring
@DJMcMayhem but... it's 73 * 337
@DJMcMayhem That's not a vliad VTC reason, unfortunatly
@DJMcMayhem Actually this is more interesting
CMC: Output 2147483647
@StepHen So? And besides, 73*337 is still a byte longer than 24601
@DJMcMayhem That was a bit jokey, I know it's pointless for most langs any lang I'll see in a CMC
CMC: given an integer list, find the number in the list closest to the average of the list.
@ConorO'Brien Can output be by index of the result?
nope, output the number
`#` is the input array.
`#-Mean@#`: get differences between input values and the average.
`Abs[...]`: get absolute value of these, the smallest one is closest to the average.
`Ordering[...,1]` get index of smallest value
`#[[...]]` get the element of the original array at that index
surprisingly elegant
> Your app has not qualified for Rate Limiting
Except it doesn't work properly, so you have to pretend there's a [[1]] after the call to Ordering, since Ordering returns a list.
they say that like it's a bad thing :P
On the other hand, you can also remove the second paramter of Ordering
Since that tells it how many values to yield
@Downgoat o_o is this for git goat?
And then we get stupid ammounts of square brackets
@ConorO'Brien no this is facebook
Like actually
@Phoenix not as bad as in brain-flak I'm sure :P
@Phoenix :O no ~ in mathematica program :o
@Downgoat You'd think ~ would be more common but it rarely actually works because operator precedence.
Foo[a,b] == a~Foo~b, which is one byte shorter, but it completly fails if a and b are complex expressions and not single values.
@HyperNeutrino ⁾onU
Anyway, square brackets are reserved for function calling, so the way you get a certain element of an array is with array[[index]]
can't you use the lovely unicode ones ? :P
You can.
And the Mathematica notebook environment will convert for you.
Q: Are questions about developing languages on-topic?

MD XFI'm developing a language. I'd like to get help from the community on some certain points. I created a language development chat, but it doesn't have much activity. I know I can ask for help there, but I can't ensure I'll get responses, and I'll get only a few people giving advice, people I've li...

@Phoenix does ~ support ternary/quarternary/quintenary/sixentary/septenary/etc. expressions
wait so to do addition do you have to do 1~+~2
No, you do 1+2, or 1~Plus~2
ah ok
what does & mean at end of program?
That just means it's a lambda.
ah ok
@Downgoat the big question, does it support unary, nilary, and nary expressions?
@ConorO'Brien AFAIK unary is Func@val
Yes it is.
:D brb becoming Mathematicaer
Nilary is Func[]. You'd think there would be a shortcut, but there isn't.
I swapped they think a few words
@ATaco : GitHub repo oneboxing
How would that work?
Onebox the README?
Yeah. The title and the tags and the description too
Something exactly like PPCG post oneboxing
Q: Within Fibonacci Numbers

SpookyGengarThe Challenge Given an integer input, return the first Fibonacci number that contains the input within itself along with the index of that Fibonacci number (indexes starting at 0 or 1 - up to you, but please mention which in your answer). For example, if given the input of 12, the program would ...

mildly interesting: I've made a BF string golfer that's usually shorter than copy.sh's
GH author's favicon, repo title instead of Q: Within Fibonacci Numbers, description and README snippet instead of The Challenge Given an... and repo tags instead of but with the same [tag:foo] Markdown
If I wasn't on a Raspberry Pi I'd use some image editing software to make my idea clearer
you're chatting on an rpi? nice
Yeah it's the latest model and Chromium actually works on it *gasp*
I should probably get mine set up some time
with that I should sleep since it's pouring bucket's and my power will die soon. cya
CMC: given a list of ints, return the indeces in the list at which each successive element of sort(list) appears.
[3, 1, 2] -> [2, 3, 1]
Mathematica, 8 bytes: Ordering
Basically, yield [index of smallest element, index of 2nd smallest element, index of 3rd smallest element, etc]
Assume list contains no duplicate elements.
@Phoenix I think Ṣi would work in jelly
Nope lol
I actually have no idea how to do that in jelly
@DJMcMayhem Any idea how to do it in V? :P
Huh, I just noticed the hello world TIO has for jelly uses string compression.
And smbf is broken
@ConorO'Brien do you know of a way to golf (a,b)=>b(a) in JS? It feels golfable but 0 things come to mind
@Dennis hello world isn't hello world
How practical would it be to make a bot to detect challenges that try to cheat at programming competitions?
I think checking for 1 rep and the phrase "sample input" would be very effective
@Phoenix I could try but it would be a major PITA. Ping me about it tomorrow and I'll try :P
@Downgoat -1 with currying: a=>b=>b(a)
@Dennis For me the hello, world button yields <[.<]
But only on my phone (mobile edge)
Although if currying is an option, b=>b would do as well.
@Phoenix There's a null byte in the source code. Edge doesn't seem to like it.
@Dennis unfortunately not. This is for a callback which is in the format of (data, callback) => ...
@Dennis Yeah, I just had that thought too...
Unfortunately, the only short term solution is to use a better browser.
If there's not a fix, maybe it should display a notification or something.
"Your browser is shit and doesn't handle null bytes properly. Unfortunatly, SMBF's Hello, World! contains one."
But put more eloquently.
10/10 best notification
I think I'l just make a Hello World without null bytes.
Are permalinks with null bytes broken as well?
Then ^^^ really doesn't cover all cases.
Null bytes in HTML are errors. Not sure about text areas.
Does &#0; work?
Q: coding for the followig

vickeyIn recreational mathematics, a Niven number in a given number base, is an integer that is divisible by the sum of its digits when written in that base. For example, in base 10, 18 is a Niven number since 18 is divisible by 1+8 = 9. Also, 12001 in base 3 is also a Niven number since the sum of the...

@Phoenix That's still an error in HTML, and the text areas are modified by JavaScript.
@Phoenix O_o why do you need NUL literal byte in HTML?
@Downgoat Tio needs to handle permalinks which contain null bytes.
@Phoenix Try again now, please.
@Downgoat It works on sane browsers, but not edge
Null bytes don't work in MS browsers. Carriage returns seem to work nowhere.
@Phoenix wait what are you serious
@Dennis Still borked
@Phoenix You are on the edge, somehow.. :D
*pulls out phone
*realizes laptop runs windows 10
that said, why is your perma link encoder outputting null byte O_o
@Phoenix The permalink or Hello World? I tried Hello World in my VM and it works with Edge.
@Downgoat you usually can't get shorter than the raw syntax. Maybe something with b.call, but I doubt jt
@Downgoat Because there are null bytes in the source code?
@Dennis Oh, yeah the Hello World works
I thought you managed to fix the null byte issue that fast >_>
Null bytes are an entirely different animal. I'd have to store them in something else or replace them with something else to make them work. That's a task for a day, not a couple of minutes. ;)
Also can someone help this lad out, I'm having trouble commenting:
A: Create a percent sign

Joel ReesForth, 273 ( without comments ) ( Uses bit array, max 64 width on AMD64 with gforth. ) ( Could shave a thirty or so bytes by not restoring the numeric base, ) ( and a few more by pulling frame and 0u.r into the definition. ) : newbase ( n -- oldbase ) ( swap base with n ) base @ swap base ! ...

Jun 24 at 9:15, by HyperNeutrino
@Mr.Xcoder that would be Dennis's amazing god powers :P
We all know Dennis is great, but referring to him as a deity might be taking things a bit too far
@HelkaHomba nice job on top comment on that standupmaths video lol
Thanks :D
hi all
could someone give me a hand designed a simd/code-golf question please?
@Lembik Uh, can't really tell what you're saying.
Q: Palindrome sorting

ELANGOA palindrome is a word, phrase, or sequence that reads the same backwards as forwards. Given a palindrome write a program to print the sorted list of all palindromes that can be constructed from the alphabets of the given palindrome. All palindromes should start in a newline. Input Format: One ...

int f(int a){
	int test[a];
	return sizeof(test);
How does the C code work?
        push    rbp
        mov     rbp, rsp
        sub     rsp, 32
        mov     DWORD PTR [rbp-20], edi
        mov     rax, rsp
        mov     rsi, rax
        mov     eax, DWORD PTR [rbp-20]
        lea     rcx, [rax-1]
        mov     QWORD PTR [rbp-8], rcx
        mov     rax, rcx
        add     rax, 1
        mov     r10, rax
        mov     r11d, 0
        mov     rax, rcx
        add     rax, 1
        mov     r8, rax
        mov     r9d, 0
        mov     rax, rcx
I can't quite read assembly...
I didn't think it was possible to programmatically determine the size of an array in C
Q: Problem : Continuous Niven Numbers

ravi kumawatIn recreational mathematics, a Niven number in a given number base, is an integer that is divisible by the sum of its digits when written in that base. For example, in base 10, 18 is a Niven number since 18 is divisible by 1+8 = 9. Also, 12001 in base 3 is also a Niven number since the sum of the...

^^ ....That's the 3rd one .... wth?
@Phoenix wait why not >_> are you actually serious
1 hour later…
@LeakyNun Wow, that's some ridiculous code for a function that should be 2 instructions.
To get more readable code, try using -O0 or similar.
@Phoenix How do you do that?
@ASCII-only In C, an array is a block of memory that happens to contain the values you want.
There is no array primitive.
It's just glorified offsetting.
@wizzwizz4 well yeah? that doesn't mean you wouldn't be able to determine its size
@ASCII-only I've got a char array for you. Determine its size: Hello, World!\0!\0aejÑ│daw£®...
(\0 is literal null)
There is no data stored saying how big the array is.
All you have is its starting address.
Unless, of course, you stored its size in a size_t size; before the line thingy *array = malloc(sizeof(thingy) * size);.
@wizzwizz4 oh yeah :|
Except for Pheonix's special method that I would really like to know.
@feersum could you explain how it works?
@wizzwizz4 just scroll above
@LeakyNun It adds 4*a to the stack pointer
And then subtracts the difference
@feersum I don't even see 4
In some convoluted way.
So where is the size of an array stored?
I see a left shift by 2.
@feersum where? I can't read assembly
like, at all
sal rax, 2
I don't even know which registers are for what
Remember, in C an array is a social construct.
Note: The storage of the array is not stored there for all arrays - only variable-length arrays on the stack for code generated by that compiler.
@LeakyNun simpler
Also there is godbolt.org for doing that automatically.
oh yeah whoops >_>
How many variables are there?
@feersum I've been re-looking for that site for minutes! Thanks.
@ASCII-only Isn't "yay" golfed just yy?
Q: How Fermat is this number?

Heikki MäenpääFermat numbers are positive integers that can be expressed as 22x+1 with an integer x. Let us now define an attribute of a number called "Fermat-ness": The Fermat-ness of the number is one less than the length of the chain of powers of two, starting from the base, with powers of two expanded s...

In Python, how many ways are there to add stuff?
I've got sum and +.
Never mind - int.__add__.
How do you convert a method_descriptor into a list of keys?
A bit like dir.
Never mind. I got confused.
How many ways are there to sort stuff?
As many as there are stars in the sky.
Does anyone know where I can find the constant -2 in Python?
I'm going mad.
In Python, how many ways are there to get the length of stuff?
As many as the seeds in a sunflower plantation.
This is so hard.
I've set myself a private challenge involving restricted source.
All I need is the number -2.
I have the numbers 0 and 1.
I can't add.
@wizzwizz4 ~-~0
@LeakyNun I have neither - nor ~.
@wizzwizz4 then what on earth do you have?
@LeakyNun Not much.
@wizzwizz4 that's not specific
I don't even have *.
If I'm specific I'll give it away.
Then you'll have time to work on it.
(I'm deliberately being vague.)
Then what do you not have?
@wizzwizz4 deliberately wasting our time?
@LeakyNun Oops. Sorry. :-/
I'll stop posting useless stuff.
hey, I had an idea for an all colour image generating program
basically sort it by using a bad prng
and see the patterns
@wizzwizz4 log(0.01)?
@LeakyNun I can't reach that function. :-(
@wizzwizz4 what do you have/not have?
@DestructibleLemon You'd have to get the image dimensions right or it would be scrambled.
@LeakyNun Currently I only have 0, list, int, True, False, "builtins", None and some dummy functions that do nothing but raise.
@DestructibleLemon Luckily humans are pretty good at picking the correct image dimensions out of the set of all images.
That is, assuming that they have adequate visual capabilities.
@wizzwizz4 then you can be assured that it is quite impossible
@LeakyNun Wait - I also have dict.
0 . __invert__() ?
@feersum Thanks - that really helped! :-)
I've worked out something completely different but very much inspired by that.
you're spamming?
@Arjun What does that mean?
@wizzwizz4 what is it?
@wizzwizz4 can you trash the pointless messages?
he was posting them earlier too
@wizzwizz4 Kinda nice name for a game as a username.
2 messages moved to Trash
@Arjun Ok. Consider this an informal warning - you may get kicked without further warning for continuing to post spammy / noisy messages.
People have been banned from chat for a very long time for continued irritation of other chat users.
Good programmers too.
I most likely won't be the one to do it - I'm just warning you.
That is what has and will most likely continue to happen to users who make unwanted noise in chat continuously.
@wizzwizz4 what did you come up with?
@LeakyNun It's a secret.
I'm answering a cops and robbers challenge.
With a cop.
A: Continuous Niven Numbers

user72940 import java.util.*; class HelloWorld { public static boolean isniven(int n,int b) { int c = n, d, sum = 0; while(c!=0) { d = c%b; sum = sum + d; c = c/b; } if((sum%n)==0) return true; else return false; } public static vo...

return true;
return false;
@betseg Do you need the boilerplate?
Ugh SE plz add chat notifications to mobile
@wizzwizz4 plz
@betseg I get chat notifications from the SE app
@betseg What are you asking of me? :-)
@Cowsquack Freehand circles FTW!
that was what seriously appeared in my Google Play...
@Arjun I wasn't trying to discourage you from chatting. :-)
@Cowsquack Would you consider it an accurate assessment of your social state?
@Cowsquack I'm just asking.
I've heard that if you give enough information to Google, they give you the offer of unconditional assimilation.
It's not conditional on whether you accept.
Seriously though, Google devs make awesome stuff.
Especially Doodles.
@wizzwizz4 This is true
@Mego ... Oh.
There are no loners in here. This is a chat room...
@trichoplax Let's be alone together
Anyone want to answer this? It has a bounty expiring soon.
@programmer5000 Mathematica probably wouldn't find it too hard.
@Mego Social loners :)
I am very glad that the sandbox receives much more attention lately :)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Mr. XcoderBuild a Semi-Zigzag You will be given a positive integer N. Your task is to build a Semi-Zigzag, of N sides, each of length N. Since it is relatively hard to clearly describe the task, here are some examples: N = 1: O N = 2: O O O N = 4: O O O O O O O O O ...

@NewSandboxedPosts 2 votes now!
Cool, thanks
@Mr.Xcoder looks gOOd

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