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Slightly different: I've realised that I think that only 1 high rep user here is a girl
That is sad
I should specify: valid in Python 3
@ATaco what language is that?
owtf there's an Ellipsis class? >.<
CMC: Given a 1-dimensional array a, return a new array with a.length elements, where each element is a.
@HyperNeutrino ...
@Phoenix lambda a:[[a]]*len(a)
@HyperNeutrino I assume Lua because ATaco is a Lua user
For some reason
If i had TIO open atm, i'd try it in Jelly, but I can't be bothered to open a new tab and search it
there you go
Yeah but I also need the Atoms (and maybe quicks) page open
Jelly, 3 bytes: spoiler: Note: If you are a HyperTraining student, you should attempt this challenge before looking at my answer.
Pyth, 2 bytes: mQ
@cairdcoinheringaahing ^
We talked about Jelly too much. Leaky Nun's here!
Yay :D But there's no such thing as too much Jelly.
@HyperNeutrino That is a normal, not excessive amount of jelly.
@HyperNeutrino spoiler or not?
@Phoenix Okay the jelly isn't the issue, it's the peanut butter. Good luck eating practically pure peanut butter.
For every Jelly related link in chat at the moment, I have to check whether it's a spoiler when around CMCs
And that sandwich looks amazing
The TIO isn't a spoiler, it's blank.
R isn't really good with 2D lists... R likes matrix better.
@HyperNeutrino I feel better now
@HyperNeutrino Jelly, 3 bytes: WẋL?
@Phoenix why xD
Bacon ice cream sandwich.
He had peanut butter?
@LeakyNun Can you get any shorter than 3 bytes in Jelly
@Phoenix ok admittedly that sounds both outrageous and yet delicious lol
@HyperNeutrino sure
@HyperNeutrino haven't you ever had one? It is heaven made as food
@LeakyNun oh well rip got to go golf then
@Phoenix Jelly, 2 bytes: spoiler
³€ is what I was looking for but it doesn't seem to work. hm
@LeakyNun well that does work... bangs his head at Jelly ineptitude
without knowing Jelly, I'm guessing that does the same operations as my Pyth answer?
don't look at spoilers until you've at least tried it
I hope you did though xD
just based on deleting the second character and seeing what it did
@HyperNeutrino I'm happy with 3 bytes.
never be satisfied with a suboptimal solution xD
That's why I'm still a level 1
but then how could I be satisfied with myself?
I did not expect people to be intrested in my CMC
@notjagan o rip
@HyperNeutrino It's JS
@Phoenix its mainly Hyper teaching me Jelly, without me asking
I suppose push would have been better.
@ATaco Ah okay
@Phoenix to be fair I have nothing better to do than just go to bed
@Phoenix popularity is often more random that one thinks
dammit I can't get <3 bytes ><
@notjagan its 4:20 here and I slept though the entire day, so I can't sleep
that's what I did yesterday, stayed up until 5 AM playing codenames
@Phoenix J, 6 bytes: ,~@$$]
@HyperNeutrino is that a new golfing 2d lang? <3bytes><
C#: a=>Enumberable.Repeat<int[]>(a,a.Length)
Jelly, 2 bytes: spoiler: I expect this to be the same as Leaky Nun's
@cairdcoinheringaahing oplz why xD that should be a thing
Takes an int[] as a parameter, return a List<int[]>
@HyperNeutrino It is
@HyperNeutrino Yup, identical solution.
to be fair it's because I had to get the permalink and copy the ID whereas you could just do reply
Or, caret reply.
that too :P too lazy to reinstall after I made a new Linux account :P
@ATaco should make a script to install all the tacoscripts automatically, then let the user disable the ones they don't want.
hey good idea
JavaScript, 14 bytes: n=>n.map(i=>n)
@LeakyNun Matrix is valid output
just because I don't ever golf in JS and I wanted to try
@HyperNeutrino ><> + bytes = golfing 2d language
Maybe, just not right now.
@HyperNeutrino congratulations
yay thanks :D
You can tell you're golfing if you ever have a List<int[]>
probably matching his 2 byte solution
idk /shrug
CMC: Find a practical application for the above construct
just take it and run?
@Phoenix opls I use those all the time in practical programming
@Phoenix what Hyper said
yeah they're actually useful
I've used List<List<int>>, and int[][], and int[,], but never a List<int[]> or a List<int>[]
Ugh, I'm listening to Spotify and I keep hearing ads for England vs Scotland. I don't like football!
I've used LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>[][][] :(
I've used Python
@cairdcoinheringaahing spotify is doing a bad job tracking the content you like then
youtube does it much better
I've definitely used List<List<Integer>>, int[][], and Integer[][] but I can't seem to find a use of List<int[]>
@notjagan What.
but then, what can spotify tell from a set of songs
@LeakyNun adverts. I have no control
@cairdcoinheringaahing I know.
@Phoenix this was from a dark time in my coding career known as last year
I'm talking about the underlying algorithm of picking the advert
where I had to use Java for a school project
But... 3d hashmap array...
I'm not necessarily bad at Java
but I do get carried away with my abstractions
I just realised that, if you take the last sentence from my message, it could sound really bad
My thoery has been confirmed again! Only 2 mods!
hm? you have a theory about mod count in TNB?
@HyperNeutrino there is always only 2 mods in TNB at one time
(site mods)
hm. interesting conjecture
@cairdcoinheringaahing so riker doesn't count in this theory right
Dennis has near 100% uptime
@HyperNeutrino site mods only
besides riker isn't here
I'm just waiting for Martin to pop in here lol
Essentially your theory is claiming that Martin ^ Doorknob == 1
@MartinEnder can you disprove my theory?
because Dennis is always here and Alex is always not here
I saw a new user (musicman) and thought for a second it was Martin
lol same
ok Alex hasn't been here since about 1.5 months ago, I hope he's alright :I
Martin is probably asleep as its half 5 in Germany
@HyperNeutrino That would totally make sense if they live in opposing timezones.
I'm gonna turn in for the night - or at least, do dumb stuff and watch dumb videos for about an hour until going to bed
but same difference
cya guys
@Phoenix yeah, that was what I was thinking was the case maybe
Dennis doesn't sleep, and Doorknob is in the middle of the day in Texas
It's late evening in Texas
And Alex is AWOL.
Texas is 1 hour behind me I think (CDT? IIRC)
@DJMcMayhem doesn't every one chat at that time?
I think it's PDT, MDT, CDT, EDT, etc. from the left side of canada
Maybe, but it's not in the middle of the day
@cairdcoinheringaahing no I chat at 11:30 (right now lol)
Huh. I'm 3rd place for "Frequently in room" for talk.tryitonline.net
someone pls post a new challenge so I can answer it and hopefully get silver code-golf tag badge lol
And also 3rd place for messages
What just happened?
@HyperNeutrino Or you could just go answer an old one
I somehow managed to leave TNB while writing a message
@cairdcoinheringaahing A few seconds passed, why?
@DJMcMayhem I'm not good enough to beat the existing answers :c or I could go find a long standing unanswered one and work on it for like 10 hours
It was like being kicked but that message didn't show up
like I did with Implode a Box and Name Non-Cyclic Carbon Chains
@HyperNeutrino Or you could just do it a language no one has used
or Game of Tetris in Gol?
@DJMcMayhem true, I could go Positron an answer
@cairdcoinheringaahing opls that would get me gold code-golf lol xD
Here's an idea. Answer this in Jelly.
will try that
@DJMcMayhem get the shortest Python answer, make it into a string, then use the eval as Python code function
@HyperNeutrino it works
@Phoenix V, 16 bytes: òÙxlòHòÙjjkddkòd
well technically yes but >_>
@HyperNeutrino I'll give you a +50 bounty if you can use Commentator in a polyglot question.
@DJMcMayhem can you help me golf it?
@cairdcoinheringaahing 0/10 you have no docs
Check the Wiki
@LeakyNun How does V take arrays?
Give me 30 mins and I'll have doubled the functionality
and sheep are better than goats @Downgoat
^ is wrong
I might try it out sometime. I'll ping you if I get something working.
@Phoenix just click the link
@cairdcoinheringaahing opls that's like saying the earth is flat
Oh I didn't realize it was a link.
@cairdcoinheringaahing stop spam pinging me
I want to apologise to Downgoat for spam pinging him, but I can't do it without pinging him >.<
@HyperNeutrino I've updated the interpreter and the docs. Feel free to use it!
alright, I'll take a look at it sometime. thanks!
Question: how can you find out if a language is Turing Complete?
implement rule 110
@HyperNeutrino You have to implement it with a particular background pattern.
What's rule 110?
@WheatWizard oh okay. could you please elaborate?
@HyperNeutrino I can't really implement GoL-esque in Commentator when I can't even do it Python
ah, okay, thanks
I got bored with expanding Commentator so I just added a REPL environment.
@DJMcMayhem bork in V docs:
> <C-c>: control-c (ASCII 0x03)
<C-z>: control-c (ASCII 0x1A)
> <C-z>: control-c
> <lb>: left bracket "<"
<rb>: left bracket ">"
> left bracket ">"
> The rat the cat the dog bit chased escaped.
To those who speak Java: how can foo.x = foo.x; have any side effect and be not removable from the code?
is foo.x volatile?
No idea
If it's not, it can be collapsed with any subsequent or preceding assignment to the same variable.
Otherwise, the compiler is required to generate bytecode that assigns to foo.x
What does volatile mean?
also, if foo is a class, this has the side effect of loading that class.
@LeakyNun TL;DR volatile means the runtime won't make optimizations about when the variable is written back to memory
In computer programming, particularly in the C, C++, C#, and Java programming languages, the volatile keyword indicates that a value may change between different accesses, even if it does not appear to be modified. This keyword prevents an optimizing compiler from optimizing away subsequent reads or writes and thus incorrectly reusing a stale value or omitting writes. Volatile values primarily arise in hardware access (memory-mapped I/O), where reading from or writing to memory is used to communicate with peripheral devices, and in threading, where a different thread may have modified a value....
It's mostly important when you have multithreaded code
And you want to disable caching
@JanDvorak maybe this is a hint:
> Lots of people love getters and setters, but Richard seemed to be in love with getters and setters. So much so that about 70% of his logic took place in them. More than once I deleted code that looked like this:
foo.x = foo.x;
Only to break entire pages, because the side effects of that assignment were doing everything.
Or that, yeah.
Yeah, I think if foo.x were marked volatile that would solve that problem
Be careful in that volatile has a slightly different meaning in C/C++ than in Java
Does anyone have suggestions on how to improve this question?
@JanDvorak what does it mean?
TIL Java has volatile
It doesn't seem all that useful.
@Phoenix It moves synchronization to a lower level, which is a useful performance boost for multithreaded code
That seems largly unrelated to C/++/#'s volatile.
Rather than explicitly using locks, the variable itself is "synchronized", so the waiting time for each thread will decrease because the amount of assembly code in the atomic section (only 1 thread can be running inside it at once) is smaller
Yeah it's a completely different meaning
It's more like C++'s atomic
@WheatWizard just read the comments above
Yeah I did afterwards
But I'm leaving my comment to express the fact that I think it should be truthy
CMC: given 0 output 0; given 1 output 2; given 2 output 1; all other inputs are undefined.
<insert bitwise magic I don't understand>
[0,2,1].__getitem__, which is the same length as lambda i:[0,2,1][i]
@musicman523 you can do better
looks like JS
@JanDvorak you can do better
@musicman523 I know, but you can still do better.
yeah yeah i'm thinking
just getting the obvious out of the way :P
A long time ago, I accidentally fixed a segfault in Java3D by adding a comment. It was 100% reproducible; if I removed the comment, it crashed. As long as the comment was there, it worked fine. I assume it was some bizarre timing issue, but I never did figure out exactly what was happening. — DNS Mar 6 '09 at 14:29
@LeakyNun It shouldn't have been a timing issue, because comments are removed during compilation, not at runtime...
apparently this doesn't work in Javascript, though
@LeakyNun I once had a invisible unicode character in a comment that was preventing compilation. I spent hours ripping my hair out trying to find it.
@JanDvorak no, not this
hint: construct a group table for Z3
Do you mean x=>(3-x)%3?
you can do better
good thats it
@WheatWizard Try this one out for size
Try to figure out the answers before you run it though :)
@musicman523 I don't know Java so I have no idea
Oh it's a good one
@LeakyNun O_o
@LeakyNun That sounds an awful lot like me when I discovered what properties are.
@musicman523 javajee.com/unicode-escapes-in-java this is consistent (as expected from Java) and intended behavior (as expected from how bad Java is :P)
@ASCII-only HAH I love it
Yep, that's a similar error to the one I liked above in TIO
The \u000a in the comment is replaced with an actual linefeed character before compilation continues, so the rest of the "comment" isn't actually part of the comment
Oh I see, that example is actually on the page you lined
How should I fix this challenge
@musicman523 Return all
@ASCII-only Ty
This way it's possible to return every ID which is better IMO

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