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Basically the way this works is it makes a format string using the % syntax
@musicman523 I need help not the quine
Python 3 boi
(does not work)
It makes a string with the % syntax but leaves it unformatted
Then it fills in the formatting part with itself
The content of the string itself is just the stuff the goes into actually making the variable and printing the string
Thanks for the upvotes on the sandbox post! Just to let you all know, the Ant KotH will probably need to wait for a response to this, unless I can golf it down enough to fit into 30000 characters or find a work around:
Thanks very much for doing this! Since we encourage people to "sandbox" challenges on meta before posting to main, would you be happy to also increase the post limit on meta (which is currently still 30000), or should this be a new feature request? — trichoplax 6 mins ago
Wait, there's a limit of meta posts? So our sandbox will be full, or the entire meta?
that's a limit of characters in a question/answer :p
I would like feedback on this and this, please.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Nick CliffordJoin the Resistance code-golf arithmetic In electronics, resistors are a common component generally used for dropping voltages. All resistors have a given resistance, specified in ohms. When resistors are connected in series, all their resistances intuitively add up: However, when connected...

@Dennis I see TIO is on hackernews :)
when pdqsort got on the hackernews frontpage it went from ~200 to 800 stars in two days
@orlp Yep. Instantly overloaded the servers.
also, when Rust 1.20 releases pdqsort is officially the unstable sorting algorithm of Rust :D
right now it's only available in the nightly version
@Lynn thanks for the heads up
my new solution uses the same number of bytes
what is this ant koth
what did I miss?
it's been around for a while
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

trichoplaxAnt Queen of the Hill Contest king-of-the-hill javascript grid game Each player starts with one ant - a queen, who collects food. Each piece of food can be held or used to produce a worker. Workers also collect food to be brought back to the queen. All players compete in one arena. The winne...

> specifically, it's extremely helpful when browsing codegolf.stackexchange.com -- the author is a prolific and impressive contributor to that site.
hey, you got a (sorta) shoutout
(I figure you already saw but for the benefit of the rest of TNB)
I should probably learn java and javascript some time...
but they look bad
@DestructibleLemon what particularly about it?
because they are often the butt of jokes around here :)
not just that
that ant koth thing seems interesting
except I would be bad at it and don't know js
no I mean why do they look bad
idk maybe just because I use python
I wanna make a koth but I don't have any actual ideas ;_;
even if I did noone would play it ;_;
I'm actually in the middle of writing up a post :P
maybe I should try to repost one of my old koths that Community deleted after it got closed
I mean, I thought about something like hive, but that might not be so great
is it just me or did koths become slightly more popular like just around now if not significantly
Koths always get posted in bunches
@HyperNeutrino nah not greatly, there tends to be tides with all things
just how it works
ah ok
kinda like the ;# thing? :P
when somebody talks/posts their posted/upcoming KoTH, it inspires others to make their own
Also I was thinking about some graph based thing
but not many ideas
it would have line drawing and line cutting
but I don't know what the point of them would be
oh, i just remembered that coreflak idea I had again
but I don't think it would have had enough interest
That is true. Normally I'm not inclined to post KoTHs because they're one of the most time-consuming code-golf question types to make, so that makes perfect sense.
@NathanMerrill O_O what is it?
oh its probably java/javascript anyway
Not necessarily.
the controller will be Java. That said, I'll likely try to get Jython working
Considering he has a premade Java KoTH template to make KoTH controllers that work with any CLI language, it might not be language specific.
But language-specific ones are a lot easier because you don't need to try to encode/parse CLI responses.
I likely won't be doing CLI-based communication again
its too slow
at least, unless I get a KoTH server running
Ah. Okay. Understandable, though it depends on the KoTH.
Snowball KoTH took like 5 minutes to run all 15-some bots
though Yggdrasil.java took 10 minutes to generate the gamedata :c
yeah. It depends on the amount of randomness and how much information gets passed in messages
At least you warned me about that :P
It could have taken a while if I didn't know to generate the game tree ahead of time :P
@NathanMerrill That's true. Also depends on if people are using slow languages (like the Racket bot took about 1 second per turn :c)
@HyperNeutrino actually, I'm not sure what you're talking about regarding generating the game tree ahead of time?
were you keeping the bots alive between messages?
The nice thing about Python over Java is that in Java, you can't import something from a string so you need to use the classloader which is a pain (unless you actually hard-code it in and modify it each time), but in Python you can just do __import__('module')
@NathanMerrill No.
how about a nongrid based melee thing with rocket boosters and fastest code elements
that might have been the problem.
is this not bad?
yeah, that makes a huge difference
@DestructibleLemon you'd need to make it in a single language, then, and know your way around multi-threading
@HyperNeutrino in python you don't get many bots so you can just add things manually
Oh sorry I might be remembering the wrong thing. Either that or I'm making things up now :P
@NathanMerrill ah, but here is the thing:
@DestructibleLemon True.
special new language
and you count the cycles
and you evaluate stuff then run the next step
Yggdrasil scores really high if you multiply effort * disappointment.
lol rip
ok but is this not a bad idea with its own language?
I guess it would be slow...
I'm always up for custom-language KoTHs
so... melee
how make that work
like, to the bots have blades on the front? do the blades move?
what happens if a blade hits a blade etc.
how detailed do you want melee to be?
IDK and IDK what you mean by that
I guess its freeform just like the koth
how is any of this fastest code?
stick with that idea
@NathanMerrill ah...
my code-bots had elements of fastest-code, but there's certainly a lot left to be explored there
because the movement happens between code cycles
(Oh you were thinking melee like free-for-all, I was thinking of melee weapons, nvm then)
like, you take a turn to do a command
which might just be accessing memory
so, I guess the first thing would be paradigm of the language...
make is as simple as possible. You don't want to parse functions or anything like that. Basically, assembly.
even then, you decide between stackbased or mapbased
come up with your commands first
There's the idea of a continuous-time turn-based KOTH, wherein the amount of time you must wait before your next turn depends on the "duration" of your current action, and can be a real number. You would basically use a queue to keep track of whose turn is next.
@PhiNotPi hey, no sharing my ideas
actually, I think Martin was the one who posted that first
he had a space koth that revolved around that idea
TBH I feel like that idea has been around forever and isn't that unique.
we haven't had a good implementation of it
@PhiNotPi queue is probably bad word choice
because a queue is how you would do basically any koth
Not necessarily.
the data structure queue is exactly what you want in that situation
Better term is "priority queue"
yes, that would be better
actually, my last KoTH had a queue in it for player turns
hey is there a KoTH about staying in the center of a grid and knocking other people out of the center?
@HyperNeutrino so a sumo/bumper car koth?
my idea was pretty much you stand there and you can crouch (note: this idea is inspired by a minecraft minigame within a minigame within a game within hypixel) to halve your moving speed and also your knocked-back amount, and you can move around and you should try to punch other people out of the centre
should I make a room for this koth?
we should make a KoTH room in general (maybe)
who would like to make the room?
I'll make it if nobody else already has?

 King Of The Hill Challenge Development

Room to develop new and discuss existing King Of The Hill chal...
How did ais's account get destroyed?!?
ais523 or whatever his name is was
He didn't want to stay around.
Also hi again :p
Hello :P so he actually just requested account deletion?
that's why his profile said "delete me" for a while
That's... really odd for such a high-rep, community-infused user
But essentially he doesn't like the SE system itself and he doesn't want that to ruin his love for code-golf so he left SE.
7 months, 21k rep. rip
Wait really????
He was only here for 7 months... wow
Yes. He's not an extremely long-time user apparently. I always thought he's been around for longer than me but apparently not.
Huh. Oh well, I'll miss him
Same. He was a very valuable user to the community.
If you know, what about SE did he not like?
Let me find his last conversation here.
Or at least try; it's hard to find it.

ais523's last conversation :(

Jun 28 at 15:13, 12 minutes total – 38 messages, 8 users, 3 stars

Bookmarked 5 secs ago by HyperNeutrino

Anyway my WiFi will be cutting off soon so bye! o/
mm.. I'll look through that
See you o/
@HyperNeutrino That's sad. I never knew that
He's right though
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Bruce ForteIs this graph bipartite? An undirected graph is defined to be bipartite, if there are two disjoint sets whose union is the set of the graph's vertices and no two vertices from the same set are adjacent. The three graphs in the image below are all bipartite and the colors indicate a possible par...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Nathan MerrillFighting a Land War In this KoTH, you need to earn as much money as you can while fighting over tiles to take over. The board is a large hexagon made up of 91 smaller hexagonal tiles (A 6x6 hexagon). Each tile is either: An impassable mountain Hills generate production. They start out with...

my wifi seems to be failing to cut off yay
at any rate, i could randomly disappearing from here at any time so if i do it's probably just because my wifi died
... Preliminary farewell..?
lol sure :P
I had a challenge in mind but I forgot it rip
I sorta want to play codenames but I don't know that we have enough people
@notjagan I;ll play!
I guess we should move here?
is anyone else up for a game?
Is there a way of condensing this code down in Ruby?
pair.each { |a| a.to_s }.join('').split('').sort.join('')
So what it's doing is, when given an array [12, 60], it sorts its characters in ascending order and turns it into "0126"
Isn't map shorter than each?
maybe you can take advantage of the fact that it is a pair
How do I have over 100 reputation already today. I haven't even done anything yet.
CMC: fib(n) in O(log2(n)) time [assuming constant time for arithmetic]
I just checked the definition of observable requirement btw, this is clearly observable.
and ofc no built-in
I think different people in the community have different ideas of what it means to be observable. It either means 1) program verifiable 2) provable, order notation is 2) but not 1). Most properties are 2) but not 1)
A: Things to avoid when writing challenges

feersumNon-observable program requirements The validity of a program should depend on things that can be observed when the program is treated as a black box. Examples are data written to standard output or error streams, drawing on the screen, file operations, memory usage, and runtime. Non-observable ...

Here, the standard definition.
With that definition order notation is not observable
It is impossible to determine the order notation of a black box
no, that's runtime
I know, runtime complexity is not really runtime
Run time is also unobservable, for obvious reasons. But with the definition provided there order notation is unobservable.
I don't think the definition provided there is the best one. Under that definition whether or not a program does nearly any task is unobservable.
@LeakyNun Mathematica: Fibonacci
57 mins ago, by Leaky Nun
and ofc no built-in
@LeakyNun Is that even possible?
@DJMcMayhem yes
What approach could do that? Do you use phi to approximate?
Actually, I'm not sure if that is possible either
I think I have an approach to my language that I'm making - I'll first build a prototype in PegJS and JS, and then move everything to Dart. Is that a good idea?
On second thought, don't tell me. I want to figure it out.
@DJMcMayhem my algorithm is exact
I wrote the code for Actually
if you dig it up, you can find it out
What happened to @ais523's account?
Q: Bounce-modulo two numbers

Challenger5The graph of the modulo operation (y = x % k) looks like this: This is a very useful function, as it allows us to create "wrapping" behavior. However, it is very cumbersome when I want to use it to create an appearance of "bouncing" between two walls. The graph of the "bounce" function (y = bo...

Q: Challenge : A King’s Reach

Riyas RandhavaBackStory The king in chess can move to any neighboring square horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. Assuming that the king starts on some square of an infinite chessboard, in how many different squares can it be after n moves? input Input Format Your function will have one integer(n) depi...

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