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12:00 AM
@WheatWizard cat insert-1000-line-source-file-that-is-not-on-GitHub-here.c
at least compared to the other ones that destroy your file system
@WheatWizard overwrites a couple hours of work not that bad.
@HyperNeutrino ok wow I knew some people were bad but that is like sheep-level evilness
seems strange that its last
@Downgoat D: is that a personal insult to me
12:00 AM
@Downgoat hey I'm taking credit for that :P
@HyperNeutrino Nano does that for me already
it's in my dotfile lol
or did I do that
@WheatWizard oh then don't use it?
Actually idk who said it originally brb
12:01 AM
@MDXF hahaha, well, it redirects fine so idc
Oh haha @Hyper it was you
4 hours ago, by Hyper Neutrino
alias cd='rm -r'
@DJMcMayhem ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
My hard drive doesn't have enough space to properly open nano 100% of the time so about 5% of the time it just deletes what I'm trying to read
@HyperNeutrino idk, I mean you are not sheep, but like equal in evilness
@HyperNeutrino Too lazy
@Downgoat did you just assume my species
12:02 AM
@DJMcMayhem I was just borrowing some things from your dotfiles (I gave you credit :P) and clicked your profile, it was funny that your link was to your PPCG profile and I noticed the old name
@HyperNeutrino yes
@WheatWizard I mean you literally do not have some other text editor...?
@Downgoat ಠ_ಠ
@HyperNeutrino heh alias vim=nano
brb adding that
I assume you are electron neutrino
12:02 AM
@HyperNeutrino I have vim and I use it pretty frequently but some things are better in nano
stop forgetting to close things!!!11!1 :P
@HyperNeutrino Ay it was a keyboard mis-hit :P
@Downgoat But I oscillate between flavors...
@MDXF ಠ_ಠ I read that wrong sigh
12:04 AM
there we go
I don't want that showing up in my cuss word history lol
4 hours ago, by Hyper Neutrino
Why just why
You weren't supposed to tell them! Noobs were supposed to see this and be like "ooh this is what everyone's doing these days? WELL LEMME TRY" :P
so we are not to be blamed if when people break their computers
12:05 AM
mild alias alias pwd=rm -rf -no-preserve-root /
also that's r00d to n00bs
@WheatWizard mild?
mild because noone uses pwd
Heh true
alias ಠ_ಠ='echo ಠ_ಠ'
alias echo=bash -c
alias echo="echo There's no wall on the other side, so your echo was not heard."
ha no missing closing ...thing
@MDXF shhh you're not meant to know
12:08 AM
@MDXF plot thickens
Isn't the mod called "Alex A." though?
ಠ_ಠ to myself
@HyperNeutrino yeah I was thinking that a little bit
12:09 AM
Gotta love dyslexia :P
Except A and L don't even look alike... lol
plot thickens again
also this convo makes no sense due to your frivolous deletion
Can't you see the history
Dyslexia simulator: import random, itertools; print(''.join(random.sample(list(itertools.permutations(input())), 1)[0]))
12:11 AM
@MDXF only poster and mods can see history of deleted messages
try finding the history of this:
in talk.tryitonline.net, 22 mins ago, by Hyper Neutrino
@Dennis Is it alright with you if I copy some code from Jelly's source? I'm too lazy to implement certain things myself (namely the ! Pi/Factorial atom)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/t.py", line 1, in <module>
import random, itertools; print(''.join(random.sample(list(itertools.permutations(input())), 1)[0]))
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'Hello' is not defined
12:12 AM
I'm pretty sure you've pinged him 3 times now
@MDXF Are you using Python 2???
Python 0.9.1 actually :P
@WheatWizard I hope only twice, unless oneboxing pings pings again...
I think it does
I've been pinged from a onebox
ok just curious why do all the old meme-y people never chat in here anymore? Like Geobits
12:13 AM
:( sorry Dennis then
(not pinging because that's just blatantly stupid :P)
@WheatWizard but was it a reply?
@HyperNeutrino I don't remember
Well anyway I'll brb in about 15 minutes, gotta go do something. o/
12:14 AM
Should we try in the sandbox? now I want to know
Heh... I just did apt-get install python-3. Forgetting that I'd run this to test it.
doesn't python 3 come with the python package?
I haven't set up a linux in a while
@WheatWizard I never apt-get install python'd, I just used that python 0.9.1 interpreter I found for you a while ago lol
ah, I see
I don't know how I'd live without python
I use it as a general purpose calculator
I have only written like ten things in it, ever
12:17 AM
Python is my mothertongue its the first high level programming language I ever learned
The first high-level language I ever learned was... shortC :P
Idk if shortC counts as high level.
Didn't you write shortC? Don't you need to know C to write shortC?
@HyperNeutrino Accurate with most fonts
@WheatWizard Yes. C is not high-level
I would say C is high level, for sure
12:19 AM
The only thing lower is assembly
and machine code
I consider anything that directly translates to assembly low-level
and C directly translates to assembly
and I suppose hardware
hardware is not a language :P
Is LLVM a assembly language?
12:20 AM
Isn't LLVM like super-close to C?
Kind of
LLVM has a lot of libraries in C/C++
Judging by the fact that the compilation example on their homepage looks like this
# c++ -g tut1.cpp `llvm-config --cxxflags --ldflags --libs core` -o tut1
# ./tut1
I'd say it's pretty close to C :P
LLVM confuses me
Heh R2D2 is a valid Rubik's Cube algorithm
obtw @WheatWizard you learned Cubically right?
I don't remember what the commands are and I've never written a program, but I know how the memory works and what the commands do.
I've learned it aside from syntax, basically.
12:26 AM
Yeah close enough, I'm trying to combine the face values of the Up, Left, Front and Down faces to get something larger than 108 but I can't figure out how
U1B3F1L3 gets 108
Whats the ordering on the faces? Up is zero,
Indexing or initial values?
initial values, (aren't they the same?)
U1B3F1L3 gets this memory model
yeah but what do they start at?
12:29 AM
Oh whoops I never answered, hah. 0 for Up, 1 for Left, 2 for Front, 3 for Right, 4 for Back, 5 for Down
Theoretic maximum is 120
it should be attainable
Of only four faces?
off of those particular four faces
If I had a cube with me I could show you.
Oh ok cool
12:34 AM
No center turns yet
but there is an alternate one
@MDXF What does that mean?
Oh I see
no thats not required
this will move all the stuff around the centers
U1D3R1L3F1B3U1D3 gets 120. yay
not that it matters anymore, but why did you want this?
This might also be helpful, F2B2U1D3R2L2U1D3
Oh I figured out how to do input, these will help
@MDXF ooo what did you decide?
12:40 AM
@HyperNeutrino Input will reset the cube and perform a specific algorithm on it so that :0+125 will yield the inputted ASCII value
Hm. Interesting.
:0+125 = set notepad to the 0th face value, then add the 1st, then the 2nd, then the 5th
Ooh, interesting :D
Yeah. Thanks for the suggestion :D
I gave suggestion?
12:42 AM
Or Wheat Wizard
It was you, I think
Oh nvm it was @totallyhuman. so thanks @totallyhuman :P
4 hours ago, by totallyhuman
Input as a Rubik's cube algorithm
Also @WheatWizard what's the theoretical minimum value for those faces?
@MDXF Which faces?
0,1,2,5 has a theoretic maximum of 120
any 4 faces that don't form a ring can get up to 113 + the sum of their face numbers
@WheatWizard Minimum
Ah I see
lemme think
:O the lowest I can get to is 66 haha
12:52 AM
Use the same algorithm in the video
But that gets it high values
Rotate about a different axis
Oh wait ur right
47 might not be attainable
lemme think again
47 is a lower bound though
I think 47 can be done
I don't have a cube so I can't test rn
@WheatWizard I have a cube next to me; what's the algorithm?
@WheatWizard You can clone the repo, make and ./visualizer
It's a cube emulator that shows exactly what the memory will look like after the inputted algorithm
@HyperNeutrino But hey have fun with this U R2 F B R B2 R U2 L B2 R U’ D’ R2 F R’ L B2 U2 F2
Oh that one
1:06 AM
0/10 that's just ((MU)4xy')3
@HyperNeutrino ಠ_ಠ
that is the least dyslexia-compatible thing I have seen all day. And I've been code golfing ಠ_ಠ
oh ಠ_ಠ sorry :P
@MDXF 0/10 not enough options
I clicked "Vote" and it gave me {"success":"failed","errors":[[{"LanguageID":0,"PhraseID":null,"IsHtmlText":tru‌​e,"Phrase":null,"IsMock":false,"IsToDo":true,"Language":null,"PreformattedText":"‌​Please check the box or enter the text seen above.","Args":[],"IsEmpty":false}]]}
@HyperNeutrino Not my fault ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Need a cube to find it
On Sunday rn
Can only chat at stations
@WheatWizard On train rn?
1:19 AM
@MDXF ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Blaming other people is fun
@WheatWizard ooh cool. wait how long are station stops? and train has no wifi?
@HyperNeutrino ಠ_ಠ blame the Strawpoll hosts
or ATaco
@MDXF 0/10 I never blamed you in the first place anyway
True lol
1:20 AM
0/10 revealing that you're guilty because you know the blame is meant to be on you
About 45 second only the stations have service. It's the NYC Subway. When I get home I'll use my personal cube.
@WheatWizard oh so you can only chat like every minute or so for a bit? interesting
Also, darnit my while loops aren't working ಠ_ಠ
I can type messages in the tunnels
Interesting. Hm.
1:22 AM
My phone's connections are too slow so it wouldn't connect in time probably ಠ_ಠ
oh wait i'm dumb the while tokens aren't consuming the stuff in them so it runs it one time too many ಠ_ಠ
CMC: Figure out when / disapprove became a thing by measuring when the frequency of ಠ_ಠ suddenly jumps up
(cc @ATaco)
But I can't send them until I arrive
Ah. I see.
1:24 AM
and you can't see messages until you arrive
Not every station has network to o
oh :I :( :P
The Subway is a little behind the times.
Ah. I see.
@HyperNeutrino Wouldn't it be easier to look at when the repo was established
Also, /o_o is golfier and has same effect.
1:28 AM
@Phoenix shh I know that but this is a CMC you're meant to do that
ಠ_ಠ wait that works
also how did it not work for you
It checks for a present command every 500 milliseconds
If you press enter really quickly it won't do the substitution
oh lol so you just ninja'd it
1:29 AM
Which is why (•◡•)(•◡•)(•◡•)(•◡•)(•◡•)(•◡•)(•◡•)(•◡•)(•◡•)/likelikelikelikelike works
Ah. But then when you edited it found more
1:44 AM
My bandwidth suddenly halved a few minutes ago
@LegionMammal978 Did you just split into two versions of yourself or something :P
@ASCII-only ???
Each version would take up half the bandwidth which would explain why it halved :P
Realistically, it might be a problem (or possibly a server problem) but I'd wait like a day before reporting
Blame Comcast :p
2:08 AM
> Listening to MonstercatFM on computer
> Turn up volume on phone
> Spend an entire 45 seconds wondering why it didn't work
@Phoenix why doesn't it work
oh wait computer != phone
Every. Damn. Time.
CMC: Make a program that when installed on both a computer and a phone, will synchronize the volumes.
2:11 AM
@HyperNeutrino The guys at Symless might be intrested in that.
Ooh. Interesting.
> intrested
It isn't free, but if you have the ultimate first world problem of too many computers, it's nice.
Ah. I should recommend it to my friend who literally has a room with 5 computers (his parents are both developers, so... yeah :P)
well maybe not 5
2:13 AM
@Phoenix I just did it again ಠ_ಠ
maybe like 4 with 8 monitors or something like that
@Phoenix ಠ_ಠ better idea: put your phone away. done 10/10 :P
19$ for lifetime access isn't a bad deal, either.
Ah. I see.
2:13 AM
Wait whoops I accidentally inserted and sent a ZWSP ಠ_ಠ
Wait now I can type /​disapprove without needing to ninja the script :D
> Screensaver sync
> Make all screensavers come on at once
10/10 useful feature
Wow. Much useful.
Drag and drop files cross-computer is neat though.
Yeah. That sounds very amazing though that it works cross-platform too. 10/10 would recommend
2:16 AM
I would totally use it if I cleared out my desk enough to fit a monitor and my laptop on it.
Wait but what would the monitor connect to?
I have a desktop
The laptop runs OpenSUSE, the Desktop is my gaming computer with Windows
(My desktop lives on the floor)
Ah okay.
nooo file drag-and-drop not supported on Linux yet
2:17 AM
> cleared out my desk enough
disorganized person? :P
I have so much garbage on it.
And I mean actual garbage like used tissues.
lol I never use my desk so... yeah :P I just use the table in the basement
@Phoenix ew you're going to get sick
Can a mod unfreeze the cheese room: chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/37686/cheddar
2:31 AM
@Downgoat wait why
2:45 AM
@isaacg just any program with huge memory requirement / runtime requirement will do
run it 10 times or so
I found a new favorite song
It's so garbage
@Dennis but SBCS is like the most general coding right, and C should use UTF8 right, just like other languages right?
> right right right
@LeakyNun C usually uses ASCII btw
@LeakyNun C was around decades before UTF-8 was even a thing, and Unicode is usually cumbersome in C. SBCS makes more sense imo.
@Dennis so what is \xe0 in native C?
3:00 AM
The byte e0. No Unicode and/or UTF-8 involved.
If my C code has codepoints outside the range of ASCII, will it work?
If not, then SBCS works, and that SBCS is ASCII. If it does work, than you can put Unicode in to act as multiple characters, but it would be counted as one byte on TIO.
(Or I don't get it at all)
@Phoenix *Extended ASCII
But there are lots of extended ASCII character sets
@Phoenix Well yes it will probably work, but it will probably be interpreted as multiple extended ASCII characters
What is the Spanish translation for "No, I try..." given here? I seem to be hearing "no, yo trocuro" but the last word isn't a word.
3:12 AM
oh, thanks
how much of castellano espana can you understand? @Dennis
@LeakyNun ._. Do you know like alll langauge :P
@Downgoat No I don't think he knows Charcoal that well yet
@LeakyNun It's listed as a different name for the same language on Wikipedia
Prolly quite similar
@Phoenix His Spanish is Latin American IIRC.
3:17 AM
@Phoenix cuando digo "castellano espana", quiero decir la version de espanol que se dice en Espana
@LeakyNun Pienso que no hay una gran differencia.
@LeakyNun It's essentially the same language. Like BE and AE.
@Dennis but the /θ/ is very different
opθion vs opsion
fasθina vs fasina
That varies by region in Spain as well.
3:22 AM
well, "standard" Spain Spanish
There's no such thing.
Are there commitees for standardizing spoken languages, like there are for programming ones?
Some attempt to, but at the end of the day, it matters what's spoken/written by the people, not what's written in some guideline.
@Phoenix I know France does but I mean people speak what they speak
3:24 AM
Unless you're a teacher :P
well at least they have RAE
For Castilian Spanish (and other Spanish languages as well, I assume), there's the Real Academia Española. They're weird though.
Royal Academy of Spanish
Royal Spanish Academy
3:25 AM
I guess English has Perdue. They're also weird.
As long as the RAE keeps insisting on spelling whisky as güisqui, I'm just going to ignore everything they say.
According to Perdue, the gramatically correct gender-neutral pronoun is ey.
According to RAE, it's él which means he.
No one other than Perdue consideres ey to be a real word.
3:29 AM
@Dennis sin RAE la jente eskriviría palavras así
They already do.
at least not on television.
They do here. Well, not that bad, but bad.
(a menos no en television?)
3:30 AM
@Phoenix well there's the scrable dictionary
It considers ey a word
English has no official, how do you say, standardizing official.
@Dennis po rejemplo?
@LeakyNun All of the English teachers subscribe to Perdue
Can't think of a recent one. I don't watch TV.
@Phoenix only in your region
3:31 AM
I suppose
My teachers look up to Oxford and Cambridge and the like.
(Yes, HK English is more similar to UK English)
Right, for UK English it would be Oxford. For US english it's Perdue
If Australia had a standardizing authority once, they have long since given up.
3:47 AM
@HyperNeutrino why would you get sick from own snot?

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