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12:03 AM
i got home a while ago
The main and worst reason I want to switch to Linux is usr/dict/words
cough mac4life cough
12:21 AM
@Riker No. just.. no.
I respect macs for what they are and what they are good for.
which is absolutely nothing
but hey they have a purty UI
And \r line endings. *shudders*
Hey, I use Windows...
\r\n because single byte newlines are BORING.
12:24 AM
@Maltysen 10/10
You know the actual reason why that is right
but -2 for the intro thingy >_>
Presumably, they kept \r\n line endings so they had their bases covered for documents made on Mac or Linux
@Riker its not actually up tho, the server crashed
lol rip
12:24 AM
I'm still looking for an implementation that lets me use \r to just start typing over the same line, and \n to just move down one line.
@Riker and i was planning to stay up till 3:00 A.M dueling with people...
The \r\n is actually a left-over from Typewriters and Early Printers, in which Carriage Return, \r, would simply bring the cursor to the start of the line, and Line Feed, \n, would bring the cursor down one, or, for a Type Writer, the Page would feed up one line.
@ATaco Linux has that
@Maltysen What is this? All I see is get adobe flash
@quartata its a duelingnetwork copy by xtevens
since it got taken down
12:27 AM
@ATaco I know where it comes from, that's my theory for why it's still that way.
On some printers, specifying \r will just return the print head to the start of the line, meaning Some text\r ____ will print "Some Text" with "Text" underlined
Also, That's neat and I did not know it.
TIL that Linux supports \r in the best way.
@ATaco You know those challenges where you have to animate something in the terminal? If it's only one line, \r is usually the easiest way.
I wonder if I could convince my work's IT to let me install Fedora onto my computer...
@ATaco Obligotory "Install Gentoo"
12:31 AM
@Maltysen they could probably add a cache setting for when you've already seen the intro
Really old computers used to support \n the typewriter way.
really old computers used to be new
Turns out it's easier to just not.
I mean, when do you really need to just move down one line, and nothing else?
There's probably some obscure golfing trick you could pull off.
Diagonal line down and to the right.
12:33 AM
@Riker a) there's a skip button b) the chessy intro animations were one of the most famous things about duelingnetwork
ah lol
Should I put custom scripts in /bin/ or /usr/bin/?
Trust me, I can Unix well.
I like how the message for Mego becoming an RO has one more star than the rest of them
I couldn't redact my Mego vote to even it, so I added one to DJMcMayhem, to even it towards the other way
12:53 AM
I'm going to remake Reddit in Ruby on Rails
Wish me luck
I still have one left for minxomat and me, so if it unevens out again I can help. :P
@wat Because you want to, or because you have to? RIP you either way.
@Pavel Want to
Why? It seems pretty easy
12:55 AM
Recreate reddit?
Wh- Who unbalanced it! D:
Rails greatly simplifies web apps
I've already given mego one so I can't balance it!
also, this won't be an entirely faithful recreation, it won't have things like subreddit sidebars or banning yet
I've starred everyone and it's too late to unstar!
12:56 AM
@Doorknob please save us
Still, there's a reason reddit takes more than one person to mantain.
@Doorknob please re-balance the stars so we may feel joy!
@Pavel yeah I know. This won't be anywhere close to the scale of reddit.
I feel like pinging a mod about it is a little bit excessive
@ATaco there I unstarred minxomat
12:57 AM
You literaly said you're recreating reddit
I didn't know he was a mod.
@Pavel I meant that it will never get that big.
No scalability issues
Well, have fun.
user image
There, I immortalized it
Starboard is playing mindgames
1:04 AM
@ATaco I'm tempted to star this...
This is getting filthy meta
"Oh wow, we better star a lot of inconsequential messages to get the announcements off of there!"
This Star Wars is the real thing, man.
Can I get a mod to delete this room? I pressed the wrong button on mobile: chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/53293
@Downgoat Idea I just had: Because better golfers than I keep posting Mathematica answers, I should start golfing in Cheddar instead
1:15 AM
Nah, Golf in RProgN instead.
091{w}: Just look at how cleanly it prints all the digits.
TIO link?
@Pavel Neither. Executables that do not come from the repos go in /usr/local/bin.
@LegionMammal978 awwww yisss :D brilliant idea
@Dennis Got it, thanks
That's still in path, right?
1:24 AM
Really, I just want to see someone else using RProgN.
Ok, it is, neat
Maybe if I wrote some actual proper documentation for it it would get more use.
I would use it with documentation, I think
That would indeed be helpful.
The issue is I suck at writing documentation.
1:29 AM
@Pavel Why are you using stock Unity???
get the Arc GTK theme at least
@wat I switched to Linux last week
Pls man
Speaking of, is this documentation sufficient?
I can put together a package of things
@MistahFiggins Yeah, that's pretty good.
@MistahFiggins I have an entire website dedicated for like 40 pages of docs and apparently that's not enough so I hate to say probably not
1:31 AM
Cheddar isn't an esolang tho
@Downgoat cheese is neat
@Downgoat ...why did you send me a tank
lol tanks
@wat XD tanks = thanks
1:32 AM
nice pun
kek indeed
Bah, someone star minxomat and Mego's things on the starboard
Or I could unstar DJ's
That was recent enough?
Btw @MistahFiggins, 21 hours left on that bounty.
1:34 AM
mouse hovers suspensfully
@Pavel Oh jeez
@ATaco Is there any way to input directly onto the stack without a read?
I'll probs create an indefinite one if it expires tho
I don't think you can unstar after that long
@Pavel ok then, I might not have time
School stuff
That's fair
1:35 AM
On the other hand, it's cool school stuff
That's always a plus
I get to write code for a multiplayer board game for a project
One that already exists irl
I once wrote a regex to parse valid XML, does anyone happen to have that link
@Downgoat That is not possible
haha yes it is
1:37 AM
No, XML isn't a regular language
You can't parse it with regex
Something something chomsky
wait that's XHTML
Oh geez, now mego is short a star...
@Pavel 99% of regexes do not conform to definitions of a regular language
1:41 AM
@LegionMammal978 Command Line Arguments are defaultly on the stack, Quoted words push strings, and Numbers push numbers.
@Downgoat "sane regexes" is an oxymoron is some senses
A* or A+ is something like A' -> A' A | A
@MistahFiggins see update
regular expressions are turing complete though depending on flavor obviously though
What version of regex is turing complete?
@Pavel idk, pretty much all of popular ones
@Pavel Please sudo apt-get install git
1:44 AM
I think for sed & grep you need to use extended regex
@Downgoat PCRE doesn't even cover context-free
@Pavel of course it does
Perl6 patterns are context-free
(?<DEFINE>) outlines your non-terminal productions which is followed by your start
My one and only (Personal) test for Turing completeness is to interpret Brainfuck.
1:45 AM
@ATaco GOL works too
*For me personally
Brainfuck is usually easier to interpret.
In regex tho
You don't Have to output characters.
Still I parsed XHTML in regex so I win
1:46 AM
Regexes always halt therefore cannot be TC
Not always.
Ok, what's that?
1:47 AM
@Pavel what this is not true
where did you get this idea
please refer me to whoever told you this bogus claim
Also, the timespan of the universe may be finite, in which case, the Universe is not Turing Complete. As Turing Completeness (Loosely) defines the ability to Simulate a universe, given enough time, Turing Completeness does not necessitate a non-halting option.
@Pavel that guy does not know what he is talking about please downvote his answer
Read all the answers to the question, no one thinks PCRE can be TC
Also, When in Doubt, Use Retina
1:50 AM
@Pavel i know 2017 is weird year for facts but we were talking about CFG
The accepted answer clearly states PCRE isn't a CFG
also refer to @MartinEnder for regex's turing completeness
@Pavel I know 2017 isn't a good year for facts but accepting something doesn't make it true
I have just proven to you it can emulate any CFG
That is true, but I'm more inclined to believe the guy with a green checkmark and a score of 24
that guy has 2K rep
i have lots more green checkmark and score
though come on
1 min ago, by Downgoat
I have just proven to you it can emulate any CFG
1:53 AM
8 mins ago, by Downgoat
(?<DEFINE>) outlines your non-terminal productions which is followed by your start
wait I don't know if a symbol in a regular grammar can be a non-terminal but not related to current discussion
I'll leave this here and be confused for the rest of the day
He is trying to say you shouldn't
I mean anything is possible if you are dedicated enough PPCG contestant :P
is retina tc
1:58 AM
/(?R)/ does not halt.
And yes.
@wat Yeah
@MartinEnder you know a lot about regex right? How is it that everywhere I turn, I'm told you can't parse HTML with regex, and yet Downgoat appears to have done so?
^ Is expandable if I missed something
Will fix if you find any bugs
speaking of which, I should learn how to make regex engine
A: RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags

bobinceYou can't parse [X]HTML with regex. Because HTML can't be parsed by regex. Regex is not a tool that can be used to correctly parse HTML. As I have answered in HTML-and-regex questions here so many times before, the use of regex will not allow you to consume HTML. Regular expressions are a tool th...

looks like you need bottom up approach with somehow identifying terminals which seems to require solving halting problem
@wat I know, I even have shirt :P
@Downgoat Cool
I just spent a pretty long time putting together this script
please run it
Is it ok if I'm a little scared?
yeah, you can read the script
2:17 AM
So, where's the script?
what's an excuse to get IT support to attempt to fix something?
it needs to be believable
"Hey, Can you fix this?"
@Maltysen You have a report due by the end of the hour
no lol
@Pavel one sec uploading
2:18 AM
The piece of tech is absolutely critical for that report
Gah, installing emacs made it my default text editor
use vim
I use atom
aka the editor for snails
2:20 AM
Eh, dennis told me about it so I tried it out, never saw a reason to switch to anything else
ok, it's your choice
BTW, is there an easy way to switch back from your script?
@Pavel It doesn't change anything by default, it just installs the themes into ~/.themes and ~/.icons
Oh, ok
2:22 AM
so just running it will not change anything
I'm installing the dependencies rn
I made super-advanced graphic for my blog:
/tmp/icon-install/arc-theme /tmp/icon-install
make: *** No rule to make target 'install'. Stop.
mv: cannot stat '/tmp/icon-install/output/share/themes/*': No such file or directory
@Pavel ?
can you please post larger log
2:30 AM
@wat sure
You need the autoconf, automake, m4, pkg-config, git, libgtk-3-dev packages to run this script.
Do you have these packages installed?
1) Yes
2) No
#? 1
Cloning into 'arc-theme'...
remote: Counting objects: 10482, done.
remote: Total 10482 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 10482
Receiving objects: 100% (10482/10482), 10.04 MiB | 1003.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (7351/7351), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
Cloning into 'numix-icon-theme'...
remote: Counting objects: 98133, done.
@Downgoat oh god prepare for tree parts
@wat shit ninja
omg that was my mistake
let me fix it really quickly
please do sudo rm /tmp/icon-install
wat's new installation script is new cheddar confirmed
2:33 AM
You mean rm -r?
@Pavel yeah that
ok @Pavel please curl https://u.dk0.us/install-theme.sh | bash
or whatever
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  1382  100  1382    0     0   3021      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  3017
You need the autoconf, automake, m4, pkg-config, git, libgtk-3-dev packages to run this script.
Do you have these packages installed?
1) Yes
2) No
#? 1) Yes
2) No
#? #? 1) Yes
2) No
#? #? 1) Yes
2) No
#? #? #? #? #? 1) Yes
2) No
#? #? #? #? #? 1) Yes
2) No
#? #? #? #? #? #? 1) Yes
Just type the number
2:36 AM
It quit out before I could
No idea how that happened.
I left that part exactly the same.
Maybe try just downloading it through browser and running? I can remove the dependency resolution part if htat fails
pavel@pavel-ThinkPad-T420s:~/Downloads$ curl u.dk0.us/install-theme.sh | bash <<< "1"
bash: line 1: 1: command not found
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  1382  100  1382    0     0   2974      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  2972
(23) Failed writing body
wget https://u.dk0.us/install-theme.sh && bash ./install-theme.sh
Yep, downloading stuff
Has it completed?
2:41 AM
Fek, it gives 'directory not empty' errors even though I rm -r it
it is git. try rm -rf
Yeah, already retrying it.
mv: cannot move '/tmp/icon-install/output/share/icons/Arc' to '/home/pavel/.icons/Arc': Directory not empty
mv: cannot move '/tmp/icon-install/output/share/icons/Numix' to '/home/pavel/.icons/Numix': Directory not empty
mv: cannot move '/tmp/icon-install/output/share/icons/Numix-Circle' to '/home/pavel/.icons/Numix-Circle': Directory not empty
mv: cannot move '/tmp/icon-install/output/share/icons/Numix-Circle-Light' to '/home/pavel/.icons/Numix-Circle-Light': Directory not empty
mv: cannot move '/tmp/icon-install/output/share/icons/Numix-Light' to '/home/pavel/.icons/Numix-Light': Directory
Let me kill all of those...
that is a problem with linux things for some reason
I should have used cp, but it's fine
2:49 AM
@wat no errors!
@Pavel yay!
How do I switch themes?
now relog and sudo apt-get install unity-tweak-tool
Restart or is loggin out/back in enough?
Actually, I'll just restart real quick
@Pavel Why not use Google Docs?
2:53 AM
@DJMcMayhem Nice job on becoming a chat owner!
@ChristopherPeart Thanks! I'm honored :D
@wat I might switch, I can't get MSO to run with wine, and LibreOffice is... not great.
So, how do I switch themes?
@DJMcMayhem I voted for you
Also, I'm writing an RProgN Tutorial.
@Pavel OK. I've only had good experiences with Google Docs. MSO 2010 and below works perfectly in wine. LibreOffice recently received a major update, you might not have it yet.
sudo apt-get install unity-tweak-tool
2:55 AM
Maybe someone will finally be able to understand it!
(and a one-two others)
Ok, did that.
@wat Wine 2.0 supposedly supports 2013
But the installer fails
Go to terminal and unity-tweak-tool
Wait, I was blind, I didn't see the "themes" option
@Pavel set Arc as both icon and GTK theme, then relog
2:59 AM
Ok, this is cool.
No need to relog, changed instantly

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