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@quartata oooh let me know when you have a testable build
You mean the string representation of a binary number?
Split into chunks of 7 map base convert and use pack
i found
now i try to transform byte array -> bitstring
to decompress
def compress(s)
        b = "1" + self.compress_(s) + "1"
        b = b.split ""
        s_ = ""
        while b.length > 0
            c = popn(b, 8).join.to_i 2
            s_ += c.chr
where compress_ return a bitstring like 0111100001 and popn is a helper function to pop n elements from a array
i need a function to retrieve this bitstring from the output of the function
@TùxCräftîñg what do you want to do?
i solved it ^^^^
I'm just asking :P
i am working on the compression algorithm for Ru
> butts
doorknobs are more like phalluses, tbh
@LeakyNun farewell!
@El'endiaStarman do you have Slay installed, by chance?
@NathanMerrill On my computer? Yes. Only the demo version though.
;_; I just read Kenny's farewell
;_; my decompression algortihm dont work
My ;_; > your ;_;
@El'endiaStarman does it allow for multiple local players?
i agree ;_;
@ConorO'Brien ikr? Now I'm leaky. ;_;
@DJMcMayhem it's one of the few things that have made me teary on the internet
@NathanMerrill It would if it weren't the demo version.
I did some edge cases testing, and I was curious if it was the same
This part hit me the worst:
> Maybe other people will never understand why we strive towards a stupid goal -- reducing the byte-count of a program. I’ve never told anyone that in my free time I reduce my byte-count as much as possible, because nobody would understand, but it is fine. I don’t even remember how I got into here and how I met all of you. You all are certainly the best that happened to me in my life.
He summed it up nicely
The only option I can actually change is the computer intelligence.
TBH, I kinda feel like that should be pinned. Technically no, but :/.
well, as far as the app goes
1. Money gets subtracted at the end of your turn
(or added)
@DJMcMayhem I agree entirely
2. If you entrap a person on a single square, then die at the beginning of their turn
I do see these patterns with the computer players.
3. If you split an island, all of the money goes to the largest island
oh, does it allow you to undo your current turn?
Iirc my reply is now my most starred message of all time.
aka, can you move a couple units, then say no, and undo their moves (before ending your turn)?
I thought the money was split between islands (territories).
@NathanMerrill Yes, in fact. You can undo any movements within a turn.
at least on the app, its all to one or all to the other
@El'endiaStarman ok, then when you split a territory, is it random each time?
is it random where the house goes*
@NathanMerrill Both territories get a hut.
its fairly abusable in the early game...if you split a territory, and there are multiple spots for the house
then the house spot is random each time you split
@El'endiaStarman right, I'm talking about the hut-less territory that gets a hut
oh, and if you merge a territory, then the largest territory always keeps the house
random if they are the same size
if i have a string, how do i pad it with zeroes so the length is divisable by 8 in ruby?
use math and ljust
'0' * 8 - (str.len % 8) + str
Or something, don't really know ruby
@DJMcMayhem associations
* cacled before +
Yeah, ik
@ConorO'Brien s/cacled/cackled
cackles evily
"0" * (8 - s.length % 8) + s
That's probably also got an off by one. Idc though
You could also use a.rjust((8 - a.size) % 8 + a.size, "0")
my compression algorithm is actually bad
PowerShell, 10 bytes --> "{0:d8}"-f followed by the thing you want padded
Only works for integer or integer-like input
(8 - a.size) % 8 retains "00000000", but 8 - a.size % 8 goes to the next multiple
Cmc: given string and N, pad the string with string[0] until it's a multiple of N
my """""compression""""" algorithm multiply the length of the original text by 1.12 :/
the only compression i see is for very small texts
Compress hello world
@ConorO'Brien 10 (compressed) / 11 (original) = 0.9090909090909091
here the ratio is good
is that your compression algorithm above?
def takedrop(l, n)
    l_ = []
    (1..n).each {|e| l_.push l.shift}

def popn(l, n)
    l_ = []
    (1..n).each {|e| l_.push l.pop}

class Compressor
    @@lower = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"

    def s_to_n(s)
        n = 0
        s.bytes.reverse_each {|b| n = (n << 8) + b}

    def capitalization_map(s)
        s = s.chars.map {|c| @@lower.index(c) == nil ? 1 : 0}.join
        while s.chomp! "0"; end
$dict is a variable containing a english dictionary
if you have an english dictioanry you may be doing something wrong
i use the same as the jelly compressor
something is wrong then
@primo @Sp3000 i've asked shinh about adding a second brainfuck implementation to anarchy golf that disallows BFI's exploits, and he was open to the idea. i think it could be good if it has 8bit cells, EOF = 0, and allows negative memory addresses. do you have any opinions about that? i think negative memory addresses are a bit more fun for golf
the algorithm is a bit big for words not in the dictionary
or special characters
@DJMcMayhem PowerShell v2+, 48 bytes -- param($a,$b)'0'*(($b-$a.length)%$b+$a.Length)+$a
(5 bit size of the list and for each character 5 bit the size of the char and the char)
Might be able to golf it a bit
i think this algorithm is simply useless
@MitchSchwartz yet I have no clue how you managed 13 for the addition challenge :D
Also @MitchSchwartz @feersum, Sp3000 requested it to be added
@MartinEnder I just got my vim answer down to 8. :D
@NathanMerrill It's hard to tell since I usually split territories so all the men are at one side. They usually die next turn.
which addition challenge
I'm missing something
@El'endiaStarman I had a game where there was a spearman on a 2-sized territory for like 3 turns
keeping him entrapped was so annoying
@ConorO'Brien On anagolf. The current shortest vim answer is 13
@NathanMerrill Yeah, territories can save up money (mostly because they can't do anything).
yeah, I know
»  echo 'ʌ“10”' | ./ru c
D:/Ru/lib/ru.rb:26:in `eval': no implicit conversion of Fixnum into String (TypeError)
        from D:/Ru/lib/ru.rb:26:in `block in <class:Ru>'
        from D:/Ru/lib/ru.rb:98:in `expr'
        from D:/Ru/lib/ru.rb:145:in `block in run'
        from D:/Ru/lib/ru.rb:145:in `each'
        from D:/Ru/lib/ru.rb:145:in `run'
        from ./ru:49:in `<main>'
@El'endiaStarman what happens if you try to make a power-5 unit?
Gimme a few minutes to find out.
»  echo 'ʌ“Math::PI”' | ./ru c
is that ruby eval
good unicode symbol for modulo (except %)?
I like , as an alternative
I assume you mean ascii
no, unicode
you could use an obelus
it looks kinda like %
anything in U+0000 to U+10FFFF
you could always use U+2223, the APL stile:
where is floor and ceil in ruby?
num.floor, num.ceil
»  echo '⌊:³dπ/8/φ' | ./ru c
i honestly have no idea what i have written
k i get it
it take the cube of π*2, divide it by 8, divide it by φ and floor the whole thing
Which heathen voted 😂👍❤❤?
I misclicked D:
@βετѧΛєҫαγ me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@NathanMerrill You just get a speech bubble with an exclamation mark in it, just like any other forbidden action.
unicode need a ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) emoji
that's what I thought
(( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) look so bad in fixed font)
and a ಠ_ಠ emoji
I'm writing a sandbox post right now
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Nathan MerrillSlay This KoTH is based off of the computer game, Slay. Try it out, its way fun. Believe it or not, this game is all about managing finances of all of your territories. Map The game is played on a hexagonal map generated using Perlin noise. It is randomly divided up into small territories (...

(its not done, but if you have any corrections/suggestions, that'd be great)
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΨΠʹ Yes they can, but they can't fully replace text.
»  echo '[8;90;1]₁0' | ./ru c
Elie@elie-asus — /d/Ru
»  echo '[8;90;1]₁1' | ./ru c
Elie@elie-asus — /d/Ru
»  echo '[8;90;1]₁2' | ./ru c
1d indexing: check
i need all of those
1e6 times
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Nathan MerrillSlay This KoTH is based off of the computer game, Slay. Try it out, its way fun. Believe it or not, this game is all about managing finances of all of your territories. Map The game is played on a hexagonal map generated using Perlin noise. It is randomly divided up into small territories (...

@NewSandboxedPosts U R NINJA'D
So I logged into my server today and found that someone had made 40316 brute-force attempts on ssh.
In just today
@βετѧΛєҫαγ they call it "shocked" ಠ_ಠ
ಠ_ಠ i am shocked
> Text Face Emoji Emoticons Fridge Magnet Set: Lenny face, Wink, Shocked, Shades
I want my money back
I feel like it's slightly excessive.
/me feels targeted
textfac.es calls it the "look of disapproval"
@Syxer wow
@Rainbolt because it is
@Rainbolt it's the right name
@Rainbolt That's what I thought it was
( ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°) ͡°)
the lennyception
Like seriously
I have Fail2Ban installed
why did it not block it
this face ಠ_ಠ
Lol I love the about page of that site textfac.es/about
3 stars in less than 10 seconds
i have reached my goal in life
@TùxCräftîñg i swear half of unicode is geared towards face making
ಠ>ಠ it's false
> 4. Go paste it you can do it just believe
^ idk if this smiley is referenced somewhere, but its cool
^ Penguin face
@TùxCräftîñg Not cute enough. I added cute factor: ᵔᴥᵔ
also, coolest text emoji yet imo: Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
@El'endiaStarman also, in my last game, I captured the house on a 4-hex territory with 3 units
the house destroyed one of the units
it's referenced in textfac.es
@NathanMerrill Ah-haha, nice. Houses will also destroy trees (and graves too, presumably).
oh, I forgot about graves
I need to do some testing
if I destroy a house, and the territory contains only towers, graves, and units, what will it destory?
I know it prefers trees first
don't destroy graves
Graves turn into trees after 1 turn. There are two kinds of trees: palm and evergreen (fir?). The palm trees spread to one adjacent hex every turn, the evergreen trees spread every three turns or something, or they only spread to hexes with two neighboring evergreen trees. Palm trees spawn in hexes next to the ocean from houses (when they're on a one-hex territory) or from graves; evergreen trees spawn in interior hexes.
@El'endiaStarman also it seems like the type of tree is random, but is more likely to be palm
CMC: Hack into a room owner's account and delete all TNB messages with emoji (U+2600—U+26FF, U+2700—U+27BF, U+1F300—U+1F5FF, U+1F600—U+1F64F, U+1F680—U+1F6FF, U+1F900—U+1F9FF)
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΨΠʹ lol no
@El'endiaStarman wait, trees spawn on 1-hex territories? I didn't know that
@Syxer you deep dreamed? D:
good to know
@zyabin101 what
trees are totally different in my version I think
oh yeah
g'n bai i will update Ru tomorrow
@NathanMerrill Yeah, if you have a two-hex territory and you take the one that isn't a house, the house becomes a tree.
I used my own picture tho :D
@El'endiaStarman right, but I just assumed that houses became trees
I don't mean that they spawn randomly on one-hex territories.
@TùxCräftîñg 𝚄𝚗𝚒𝚌𝚘𝚍𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚘𝚜𝚙𝚊𝚌𝚎 chars?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
what happens if you split a 3-hex territory?
only the house hex becomes a tree AFAIK
so, houses become trees, not 1-square hexes
@DJMcMayhem did you test it on the server? (you can do so without submitting to the problem if you want, using golf.shinh.org/check.rb )
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΨΠʹ Okay, so I need to become a mod. Will take a few years, according to my activity and me having only a few tens of flags (and even one harmful due to extended waiting times for the verdict).
also, I've seen 1-pine trees grow
Or just fullwidth? That would make sense
it takes a while, but they suddenly become surrounded by pine trees
@NathanMerrill Seems to happen pretty rarely. Palms grow every turn.
@MitchSchwartz I tried, but I think I misunderstood the problem >_>
@El'endiaStarman yeah. I think I'm only going to do palm trees
they are by far the more interesting of the two
And I don't have a yet. (That's the badge on my tracker :3)
Oooh, I've got a pine. I'll leave it for a bit to see what happens.
@zyabin101 is the badge on my tracker
That and socratic
Alternate CMC: Hack a CM account, do the above, and replace all other messages with fullwidth
Wait, I wanna try something
@El'endiaStarman also, I'm pretty positive my app grows palm trees anywhere (not just on the coast)
that said, the coast is virtually everywhere
@NathanMerrill I just destroyed a house on a 3-hex territory with a house, a unit, and a tower. The house replaced the tower.
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΨΠʹ I can just become a mod to do this.
And reviewer. I really want that one
@El'endiaStarman cool
if you get super lucky, see if you can find a territory with a tree and a tower
@DJMcMayhem Well, I did a review of suggested edit on my own post, wielding a OP-hammer. :3
@NathanMerrill All the towers are gone, so... :P
That's my only suggested edit review, and I had a close vote review.
wait, my app says "do you want to finish now" if it deems you are "sufficiently" ahead
does the game do that?
(nautilus:7430): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_icon_theme_get_for_screen: assertion 'GDK_IS_SCREEN (screen)' failed
@NathanMerrill In the three games I've played today (currently on the third), I was offered surrender on the 13th turn. I declined, of course. In the other two games, I was offered surrender on the 17th turn, but I declined and won on the 18th.
CMC: give the nth member of this sequence: 1 4 6 4 1 0 0 0 0...
@zyabin101 I have 121 edit reviews and 106 close vote reviews
204 in LQP
@ConorO'Brien 05AB1E, 4sc
what does s do? switch?
@ConorO'Brien @Adnan time to do it in Oasis :P
@ConorO'Brien Yes, pops a,b and pushes b,a
@zyabin101 Haha, I don't think Oasis is ready for that at the moment :p
so you used combinations? I assume that's c
nice job
thanks :)
Woot, won on the 17th turn this time!
> An infinite power n produces the limit of the application of u.
I need to replicate this
anyone know anything about taking limits of arbitrary functions?
> A unit can move a maximum of 5 hexes each turn.
@NathanMerrill: In the PC game, units can move anywhere within the same contiguous block.
What game are you guys playing?
oh really?
or Antiyoy for android

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