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Am I crazy, or are the two non-constant output bubblegum programs listed here the same?
Step 1: http://grapee.jp/en/67860 Step 2: Go to a deadmau5 concert. Step 3: ....?
@GamrCorps My cmd-f search says they are the same
I think it means it has different results based on input
@GamrCorps I've checked the unicode and they're exactly the same
so no crazy stuff like invisible space
I guess I'm just not that fluent in python yet...
thanks for checking thoug
@GamrCorps the second one is just wilson's theorem
the branching is try except
presumably they throws an exception when there is more than one input
i.split() means split i according to spaces
then map(int, makes each part integer
@GamrCorps Are you with me?
then sum computes the sum
OOHHH, I feel stupid now, yeah I see
from math import factorial as F means what it means
the # starts a comment
-~n is obfucksated n+1
@GamrCorps Are you with me?
So F(n)%-~n is the wilson theorem
Cool, I see how it works now, thanks!
that's actually pretty neat
halpee how I strabraod on molibe?
@Maltysen I don't actually know how
tried many methods
(I frequently use mobile)
@GamrCorps welcome
@LeakyNun I would if I wasn't on dial-up and was able to open multiple tabs :/
@Maltysen who still uses dial-up?
People in india whose house I'm living in atm
@Maltysen eh, you're from india?
They actually had cable, but the installer guy connected multiple apartments to the same lone, so if more than a few people went on at once, it basically stopped working, so my uncle installed dsl, which is actually better.
Theoretical max speed is Slower, but much more stable
@DerpfacePython hi
I made a compiler for a language based on SL.
dsl is not dial-up
The language is called Pyramid - which is here: github.com/DerpfacePython/Pyramid
@DerpfacePython stackylogic?
So this doesn't shorten any SL programs, but just add new features?
What a pity
I can introduce loops, but that would take ages.
I was about to ask you to write a solution to my challenge
What challenge?
@DerpfacePython This
I can barely write "Hello, World!" in Pyramid.
@DerpfacePython oh, nice, post it in that challenge
that challenge is a catalog
I can't write it though.
I know how to, but it takes forever.
@DerpfacePython can you write "He"?
Uh, can you post the ASCII of each of the characters here?
@Quill damn that's expensive
Yeah, I can write "He".
@DerpfacePython show it here
Hang on.
I probs need the ASCII for each char first.
Just so I don't have to look up an ASCII table every time.
@DerpfacePython here
That's why I like golflangs
I need the ASCII values.
I can easily write useful things there
@DerpfacePython I thought you use binary
Yeah, I do.
Then you don't need the decimal values
@DerpfacePython Click "Run program!"
Ah... didn't see that. Thanks!
@DerpfacePython Can you provide any example program?
I need to do some stuff first.
@LeakyNun Finished!
@DerpfacePython where?
I'm about to upload it.
It's 587 bytes long.
@DerpfacePython nice
@DerpfacePython have u uploaded it?
You should be able to see it.
Not bothered to post an explanation now...
Do you think Pyramid is a good name?
@DerpfacePython sure
@DerpfacePython ok
For which line?
@DerpfacePython I think you should have 1</o instead of o/1< since it goes downward
For which line?
There are 250 lines in the code.
@DerpfacePython every stack
I'm saying, you should replace all o/1< with 1</o
The o has to be on the top of every stack.
That's how it was designed.
I can change it if you want.
@DerpfacePython oh, alright
That reminds me
I have to update the README to say that
@LeakyNun Do you think that there's any other solution larger than 587 bytes?
Nope, don't worry.
@DerpfacePython Yes
@LeakyNun Uhhh... can you debug the interpreter for me? If you have time, that is.
@DerpfacePython what is the problem?
I'll post an issue on the GH page.
Issue is posted.
@DerpfacePython no custom file name?
Not yet.
This thing is still in its baby stages.
@DerpfacePython You should state that we need to install colorama
by doing python -m pip install colorama
Yeah, gotcha.
help, does anyone know what this is?
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ for example, the third item is 9
because 9 divides 123456789_25
21 is in the sequence because 21 divides 123456789ABCDEFGHIJKL_25
> Pyramid is a stack-based language, which was built on Stackylogic.
mind you, most significant digit on right
anyway upvote because this code is monstruous ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
after Z is 1, not 10, right?
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ yes
"all least significant zeros are removed before concatenation"
@TùxCräftîñg Why the ಠ_ಠ?
how do people even do that quickly ;_;
probably best to somehow use a recursive solution in PyPy
@DerpfacePython YASV (Yet Another Stackylogic Variant)
@TùxCräftîñg How many are there?
:31382960 wat
for now 2 AFAIK (Eseljik and Pyramid)
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ I don't think they have a quick algorithm
@LeakyNun I mean how did anyone get to 10m
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ Testing one by one shouldn't be hard
Can be done in linear time in terms of n
@TùxCräftîñg Oh my.
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ the key is to apply mod in the process instead of after you generate the whole number
@LeakyNun right
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ just like modpow
are you doing it or what
@LeakyNun idk, was bored, looked up this
but there are a lot of those so it'd probably be useful
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ lol, I completed a bunch of those before
by "complete" I really mean "generate enough to be untagged"
@LeakyNun the same type of problem?
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ not this
@TùxCräftîñg Well, I'm at least further ahead of Destructible right now, so I feel good.
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ this type
@LeakyNun nice, that's quite a lot of terms
pretty recent as well
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ that page has a link to more sequences with the same type
I populated most of those
i want to ask a "How to score cellular automatons?" on ppcg meta but i dont know how to write it :/
> automatons
@TùxCräftîñg but not automatons
ah :/
so what is the plural form?
@TùxCräftîñg Viens donc, "automata" est le pluriel de "automaton"
@TùxCräftîñg vdsvp
@TùxCräftîñg come on, please
@DerpfacePython Are you still here?
@DerpfacePython Can o be on the same line as other commands?
I'm fixing your bug
Ok, thanks
It's kinda like use strict in Javascript
it's just there
@DerpfacePython ok
@DerpfacePython same with a and r?
@DerpfacePython ok thanks
r can be with o and a.
You can have something or in the first line
or ar
@DerpfacePython ok thanks
But not oa
@DerpfacePython What's your timezone?
Just to have an idea of your time
golly work with python \o/
@TùxCräftîñg koué?
@zyabin101 python scripts on golly now work \o/
@TùxCräftîñg \o/
so now i am apgsearching on the RTRFTD
I'm in Australia, so GMT+10.
@DerpfacePython nice
What about you?
@DerpfacePython What state?
@DerpfacePython Added to time zone census.
@DerpfacePython What is 0</-/o/0< supposed to output?
I'm basically rewriting your output part
if you don't mind
@LeakyNun What's the French, s'il vous plait?
@Sherlock9 scroll up
But what is "vd" in "vdsvp"?
@Sherlock9 scroll up
@Sherlock9 Viens donc
Thank you
In general, if the generic and generally unhelpful direction, e.g. "scroll up", "Google it", isn't working, don't repeat it and just say the direct answer :P
@Sherlock9 scroll up
@DerpfacePython What is 0</-/o/0< supposed to output?
@LeakyNun help? How would I deal with least significant digit on right? (I can't exactly use while-mod)
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ why not?
least significant on the right means 627 -> 201_25
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ then?
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ I thought 2 is the least significant digit
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ then it is on left now?
oh my bad
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ why you can't use while-mod?
@LeakyNun It's meant to output 00.
@DerpfacePython Is it different without the o?
It's kinda different.
On the output, if there is no a, then it isn't different.
@DerpfacePython ok noted
If there is an a, however, then it's different.
@LeakyNun my bad, most significant is on right
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ and then?
idk, it probably just means it's gonna be really annoying since i'll need to store some pretty big numbers, so it's way easier to just use python
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ how big?
Well, it's been tested up to 1e7, so the minimum is 1e7, and then the mod will be at most 1e7, so around 1e14 at most
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ I think int can handle it.
Or long
no need for python
@TùxCräftîñg By the way, this
@LeakyNun FF: By the way is the subject of a 'related' question
@TùxCräftîñg FF = Fun fact?
Oh, lol
@El'endiaStarman What kind of database?
To whoever is french here: I created

 Le Dix-Neuvième Byte

Discussion générale pour codegolf.stackexchange.com en français
2 days ago, by flawr
le dix-neuvième byte en français
Wish granted. :D
Why is this place called the Nineteenth byte?
What's wrong with the Eighteenth?
or the Seventeenth?
That's numberist, guys.
Not cool.
@DerpfacePython this is why
Ah. Well, that's awfully vague (for me).
Maybe I'm too young.
@DerpfacePython I can't say. It depends on your age.
How old is the "understanding the title of the room" threshold?
How old are you?
@DerpfacePython At most 15 probably?
I'm just below 15.
@DerpfacePython but seriously what part do you not understand?
I don't know.
@DerpfacePython Let's make it 17, a nice prime.
I just haven't heard of the part "nineteenth hole" as "bar".
I know about it in golf but
Dammit I am so stupid.
and The Nineteenth Byte is exactly 19 bytes long
Wait what??? That's cool.
@TùxCräftîñg *depending on the encoding you're using
@TùxCräftîñg In most standard Western encodings
@flawr quoi?
@flawr 19 8-bit ASCII bytes
I'm using UTF-8, still 19 bytes, most people use Windows-1252 for browser display
^ from Jimmy Wales' user talk page
@LegionMammal978 because brain fuck logic
@LeakyNun sigh just use a hair space (U+200A)
@LegionMammal978 tried U+200B
automatically removed
It's what I do if Markdown is uncooperative
@LeakyNun U+200B is zero-width space, that is removed; see U+200A
@LegionMammal978 nice
TIL that's how to do bold and/or italics and/or strikethrough with no space
what do normal people do in their spare time? i have nothing to do ;_;
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ post a challenge
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ apgsearch ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@LeakyNun It's almost impossible for me to think of a good challenge
@TùxCräftîñg bad idea, I'm actually doing nothing during apgsearch
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ even the word "impossible" spells "i'm possible"
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ ;_;
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ try to manually discover patterns in GOL?
@TùxCräftîñg No way
The only people who do that are CA experts
implement unimplemented esolangs?
@TùxCräftîñg Don't feel like it, they're all so similar yet so different
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ solve some project euler challenges?
@TùxCräftîñg No, for the first ~146 I'm too tempted to cheat, all others are impossible for me
plot random things?
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ gollify some cat's eye CAs?
@TùxCräftîñg cat's eye?
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ y u dont know cat's eye technology ಠ_ಠ
@TùxCräftîñg no, don't really feel like doing things with CA
solve a code-golf challenge?
or create a function for a random oeis?
Q: QUIZ: Calculate number of days combinations

PriceCheapertonI would like to calculate the number of different types of days i can have that equal my set value. For example, if someone has 30 days annual leave as part of there employment i would like to calculate what different sorts of holiday they could take. An example would be: 5, 10, 5, 2, 2, 1,...

@DerpfacePython Fixed.
@NewMainPosts ಠ_ಠಠ_ಠಠ_ಠಠ_ಠ
@TùxCräftîñg I'm too bad at golfing
10 mins ago, by TùxCräftîñg
or create a function for a random oeis?
@LeakyNun did you overlook the fact that the challenge you just answered isn't code golf? (or anything at all, really)
@TùxCräftîñg No, I can't write well enough for it to actually be fast
@LeakyNun Whoa. Thanks! What do the symbols << and | mean though?
In Python.
@DerpfacePython bitshift, non-shortcircuit or
> The other thing that every programmer should know about programming languages is that it's very important to choose the right programming language for every software project. That's why you'll always choose C++ no matter what the software project is.
(found on cat's eye)
C is better
because low-level ftw
@MartinEnder Source? :3
also because it's just better
@zyabin101 catseye.tc/node/Programming_Language last paragraph
@Dennis Please pull MATL whenever you can
> No, C++ is popular because C++ is popular. Hey, Google is a big, successful company, and I hear they use C++... it must be why they're successful! You should use C++ too!
C++ is bad because casting
so casting a void* (returned by malloc for example) to a int* everytime you do this is good?
i am not against type-safety, but pointers are the same datatype...
207/300. Ohh...
I have 207 votes on file for .
No one wants to try the nested programs Loop in the End challenge... ;(
It collapsed due to pressure loss in the tanks, as it did not have a rigid structure but relied on the pressure within the tanks for structural stability.
@flawr genius design 0.99/1.0
@MartinEnder Scheinbar ja
Should I write a language called "apparently"?
seriously? actually yes.
@TùxCräftîñg mdr

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