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Yeah I mean, I have no idea :P It would just seem really weird if say: a && (b) caused b to be evaluated before a, would glork up a bunch of short-circuiting, etc.
> glork
When I can't think of the right word to use in 5 seconds I make one up that sounds right! :D
@Downgoat ....I can't choose!
both are bad?
Both are useful.
And when using a language like Python, sometimes I end up using both.
python is functional???
The correct choice is obviously FORTRAN, as Real Programmers™ write FORTRAN programs no matter what language they are using.
@Downgoat map, list, sorted, reversed, etc...
@El'endiaStarman okay, but how to curry in python
lambda a: lambda b: a+b
no how to curry a function:
More readable with real functions, but I'm too lazy :P
like how to partial application?
If you set f equal to that f(5) would return a function that takes one argument and returns 5+ that argument.
with decorators?
@Downgoat I dunno what currying is (since I've never needed to use it, I think), but if you can do the Y combinator in Python, that means it can be functional.
qsort = lambda h: lambda lst: (lst if len(lst)<=1 else (
                             h([item for item in lst if item<lst[0]]) + \
                               [lst[0]]*lst.count(lst[0]) + \
                             h([item for item in lst if item>lst[0]])))
perfect example of how python code is unreadable :P
or just use a def statement like God intended?
@Downgoat You can't say that's a "perfect example". It's written for the Y combinator function, which you never really need in Python...
@El'endiaStarman my answer is getting lonely
@Dennis: Does Try It Online have debugging support for Sesos binaries?
@mbomb007 I deleted it because xnor trivialised it, yes.
Also, kind of scary how broken documentation rep is:
I've made a couple of edits
how are people picking OO?
And gotten ~200 rep
seriously. functional is obviously the better of the two
@NathanMerrill Its so much nicer
(for largeish scale projects)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

msh210How many UUIDs? code-golf A digit is, for our purposes, any of the characters 0123456789abcdef. A UUID is, for our purposes, a string comprising 8 digits, a hyphen, 4 digits, a hyphen, 4 digits, a hyphen, 4 digits, a hyphen, and 12 digits, in that order. Plus a newline at the end, if you like....

@Lynn You can pass -d as argument to print the tape after each instruction.
Oh, duh, there’s arguments. My bad!
@muddyfish I've gotten ~200 rep from creating a single example of C#'s using blocks
As I said: documentation is ever so slightly extremely broken
Oh, come on...
The time it's taking you to reach 10K is almost as long as the time it's taking you to PR rationals :P
@Downgoat How about I do that after this rsync finishes
@muddyfish Sad, I had solved it. I'm sure xnor would've pwned my answer, though. repl.it/Cfn7/2
I could still post it but its much simpler than I thought
Maybe you could find a similar challenge that's not so trivial
Either way, xnor is better at golfing Python than I am.
Its really hard to think of interesting problems, at least from my perspective
Spend some time messing around coding for a while, or go read some weird mathy Wikipedia articles. I mean, I don't do that in my free time or anything. cough cough
# diff -r /home /home-new -x ".gvfs/*"
File /home/lm978/.gnupg/S.gpg-agent is a socket while file /home-new/lm978/.gnupg/S.gpg-agent is a socket
I like the ellipsis
@muddyfish Oh, there are some more lines there
@Downgoat Here:
def curry(function, *arguments):
  return lambda *args: function(*(arguments + args))
Just finished moving my home folder to another drive, and not everything seems to be broken!
def curry(function):
    if function == 'spicy':
        return 'green'
    if function == 'sour':
        return 'orange'
    if function == 'mellow':
        return 'yellow'
    return 'red'
also effective
Much more scrumptious than an old computer scientist
Anyone here familiar with designing an assembelr for brainf***
My answer was turning out to be, like, really long, anyway.
@Dennis Do you have any further plans for Sesos?
@HelkaHomba +1 for not listing goats.
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan question: Is there a shorter way to insert a line after a given line rather than: :23<CR>o?
def goat_curry():
  return lambda flavor: curry(flavor) + " goat curry"
;_; y u do dis
By the way, you spelled release "relase" in a PR
Maybe some time in a nice goat curry will help your typing skills
@flawr Uh...too bad? :P I'm hard at work on the TNB chat database mini-project.
Daily reminder why goats are the best https://vine.co/v/iVmj2rYVdnm
i think you need that
@Downgoat Is that video broken? All I see is a glistening golden brown haunch of meat turning on a rotisserie
OK, that was mean. It was pretty cute
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Rohan JhunjhunwalaCreate me a Brainf*** assembler Write a way to convert "human readable" assembly (of any kind) to Brainf***. I.E specify a language "X" (which may already exist or may be your own invention), and create a way to map each valid program to a valid Brainf*** program. This is a popularity-contest so...

@Downgoat I concur with quartata. :P
@NewSandboxedPosts Guess he decided to outsource it in the form of a popcon? k
@RohanJhunjhunwala Take a look at Sesos's source code, it has an assembly format
@Downgoat oh my bad :(
3 messages moved from Cheddar
Isn't sesos practically brainf***? @quartata
@muddyfish I'm actually deliberately not using Documentation because I don't want to get any rep like that
@RohanJhunjhunwala Well yeah, but it has an assembler called SASM
@quartata They should change it soonish so I don't really care at the moment
I mean all that stuff on meta about it
it doesn't really matter because they will change it
im looking for something along the lines of this. Like with variables loops if/else macros etc.. github.com/rjhunjhunwala/BF-assembly all I have so far is a print String macro
@Downgoat So TNB is the new Trash?
@LegionMammal978 Uhh?
There wasn't anything trashy about that
@LegionMammal978 what? no?
He just asked the question in the wrong place
What question?
22 mins ago, by Rohan Jhunjhunwala
Anyone here familiar with designing an assembelr for brainf***
@Downgoat you can use G instead
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan in normal mode?
It was removed, that's why I thought it was trash
@Downgoat yeah, <n>G jumps to line "n".
oh so 23Go?
yup, that works :D thx
I really wish I could specify the sorting options on the SE app
oh you mean like within a post? (answer sorting?)
Yes. There's a bug with the sandbox, so finding the right submission is pretty much impossible
Uhhhh because `<slient> isn't a word? :P
oh I spelt it wrong nevermind >_>_>_>
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan question: how to delete buffer without deleting the window/split? :bw closes the window too :(
@quartata I'm going to take advantage of the fact that get cannot follow add or sub in a golfed program and encode their arguments in ternary, but that's pretty much it.
@Downgoat why not :q
I guess that will close the window if it's the last buffer.
@PhiNotPi is it Fiy or Fee?
^ Asking the real question!
@El'endiaStarman Is it india or endia?
@HelkaHomba endia.
Grace note is still in this channel from like, a week ago?
I've always said endia in my head.
@El'endiaStarman so, elawndeeuh?
with emphasis on the l
Then again, I used to think @HelkaHomba 's name was pronounced "home-buh"
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ why 'awn'?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ eh len d uh
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ El-end-ee-a.
@quartata This works too.
What about "El-en-jah"?
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan ....no.
If you say it fast enough that's basically what you get.
Maybe there should a pronunciation guide for people's usernames somewhere
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ if there was, I'd totally put something ridiculous.
@HelkaHomba I don't see an ice cream spoon anywhere?
My name is pronounced Con-djor OH-vri-een
It's Nah-t-hain
@El'endiaStarman In the tall square glass jar on the left holding granola or something.
I'm going to name my child "Johnq" and insist that the q is silent.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ The beacons are lit. Condjor calls for aid.
@NathanMerrill You related to ^ ?
@HelkaHomba Oh, I see now. Jeez, you're one of those people that pays attention to every little detail, huh?
@HelkaHomba The same as the spoons in all the other jars?
@El'endiaStarman If that got more than half empty you'd have to have really small hands to reach any more!
@HelkaHomba Clearly, the attendant(s) refill as needed.
(Or, at least, I hope they would.)
@El'endiaStarman except for three creepers, probably. ;)
@El'endiaStarman I probably am one of those people. Though really I'm just making conversation, whittling away time until the Gigafactory livestream starts (in 20 minutes?).
On another note, I just noticed that there's a repeated "was" in this xkcd.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Those guys came out of nowhere :I
@El'endiaStarman :o
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Ah-hahaha :P
@HelkaHomba it was hilarious XD
More AA videos coming soon...I promise
Sounds like I'm advocating temperance xD
@HelkaHomba what do you mean AA videos?
Does that mean more sideways world?
@El'endiaStarman I think that's part of the joke
@quartata Once I saw it, I thought so too.

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