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@flawr I'm just thinking aloud - I'm not sure it would matter
They both have /b/s
Or is "drop" a technical term here?
We had a drop yesterday (delivered software)
@Sherlock9 Voiced aspirated plosives are very rare. Aspiration devoices the following vowel for a short period of time, so a voiced aspirated plosive would entail voicing while the stop is held, releasing it and devoicing the first part of the vowel, and then voicing the rest.
@Sherlock9 my fault, I can barely hear the /b/ in the second one
@flawr Do you want to specify a range? No wait - you defined that as an input. Ignore me... :)
@Sherlock9 nope
@Doorknob Glad to have you here
@Doorknob Ah, thanks for clarifying
Can someone post an easy challenge, lol
@trichoplax =)
@LeakyNun I'm about to do so
@flawr the one you mentioned here?
@flawr Might be worth including test case outputs too. +1 though
@flawr I don't think that one is easy
It's quite obvious what they should look like.
@LeakyNun Write a story with only the word "meow". :P
@zyabin101 Meow.
@LeakyNun English, 5 bytes
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ lol
Meow me0w: m3ow mow; meow meow.
I wrote one with 1366 words. :P
Meow = For
me0w = sale
m3ow = baby
mow = shoes
meow = never
meow. = worn.
Honestly, I borrowed from @Hemingway's answer, but he used English
I should get people to the Remaining Bytes. :3
Why does it seem like every spoken language have normal rules for counting, but then some weird exception for a handful of numbers? Like English has special words for eleven, twelve, and thirteen, and a different syntax for fourteen through nineteen. And I just learned that French apparently has normal rules for 1 through 79, but then when 80 is reached it's counted by twenty (four-score and seventeen would be 97).
French also has onze douze treize e.t.c
@TimmyD I saw a video on this....give me a second
@TimmyD Thirteen is three-ten, like fourteen is four-ten. Just eleven and twelve
@NathanMerrill Tom Scott on Numberphile?
@TimmyD Korean has a fairly regular number system
Most Asian languages do, I think
Well, it does, and it also has a different number system that is completely irregular. :P
@TimmyD I guess they're just all in the process of standardisation. English used to uses scores instead of tens too
@Sherlock9 possibly? its quite likely
@TimmyD Do not forget "soixante-dix-neuf" for 79
@Doorknob Did you see my conlang project?
@Doorknob not really
Welsh uses one number system for counting, and another more archaic version for telling the time
> The vigesimal pattern of expressing 80 as 4x20, however, is of Celtic origin; see, for example, fichead. (The Latin for 80 is octoginta.)
Holy cow, pings.
Noun: quatre-vingts m ‎(plural quatre-vingts)
  1. eighty, 80.
I love how French randomly switches to base 20
@Sherlock9 But we don't say "three-teen" like we do with the others, so it's still a separate rule. And the 'teens are different than the other decimal numbers in that the "10 and" comes after, not before (e.g., "forty-two").
French is basically a mix of Latin, Frankish, Celtic and Greek
it doesn't "randomly" switches to base 20
it uses base 20
@TimmyD Then same as 'thirty', and 'forty' has weird spelling
@NathanMerrill Yeah, saw that video. It's really fascinating to me.
Only once it reaches 60.
@TimmyD a rule that i realized in languages is that everything was regular in one point in time
@TimmyD fifteen is not five-teen either, dude. thirteen and fifteen should be excluded on the basis that we know spell three and five differently. They're still -teens
thirteen and fifteen as in thirty and forty
Those teens have their prefixes from the ordinal numbers
@Sherlock9 five ends with "v" because it became voiced
because it is intervocalic
@Sherlock9 OK, I see your point.
whereas in fifteen it is not intervocalic
Does anyone know anything about the status of our graduation design? I feel like the 6-8 weeks are over.
What's intervocalic?
@Sherlock9 between two vowels
I see
And what about the Scottish word "fife"?
@flawr Typo due to dictation software. They meant "sixty-eight weeks" and not "six to eight weeks."
@Sherlock9 can you find me a reference? can't find on the internet
Indonesian goes "satu, dua, tiga, empat, lima, enam, tujuh, delapan, sembilan, sepuluh, sebelas, dua belas, tiga belas, ... sembilan belas, dua puluh, dua puluh satu, dua puluh dua, ... sembilan puluh sembilan, seratus, seratus satu" and so on. Maybe the other languages, Javanese, Sundanese, etc. have weirder systems, but Indonesian is rather simple
@flawr As a general rule, 6-8 weeks are never over
@Sherlock9 interesting
@LegionMammal978 Are you able to find it?
@Sherlock9 that isn't an English word?
@MartinEnder The question didn't reference the OEIS.
like, I mean, it was borrowed from German?
@TimmyD How many weeks has it been now?
Not sure about other sites, but Puzzling got a design pitch the day graduation was announced.
@flawr I don't think they'll start working on the design before they've addressed the "we're not a Q&A site" post.
It was even the same meta post
Q: Congratulations, you're graduating!

Grace NoteIt's a big day, and I know you folks have been waiting a reeeaaal long while. Double waiting, you might even say, since unfortunately we made you wait even longer after initial news. But, let's make it official! You've been cleared for graduation by the Stack Exchange Community Team! Programming ...

Here's the "We're not a Q&A site" post Martin was referring to (for you lazy people)
@LeakyNun And this homophone? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fife
@TimmyD Number(too_long) == NaN
Jul 18 at 16:11, by Grace Note
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Like I said, we're working on looking at those extra changes the community asked for first.
@Sherlock9 157 days = (157/7 = ) ~22.5 weeks
By my count, it's been 22 weeks and 3 days since that post. With sixty-eight weeks, we only have 45 weeks and 4 days to go :D
Pieces of cake.
Well, shoot. ninja'd
@Sherlock9 eh, firstly, it isn't exactly between two vowels, and secondly, that change vowel+/f/+vowel > vowel+/v/+vowel happened in English a long time ago.
That's good, the tour page needs an update, among other things
@LeakyNun Fair enough. Thanks :D
@Sherlock9 You can see that it is fīf in Old English
Evolutionary linguistics isn't predictive, it just describes what happened.
It can say "this change is reasonable", but it cannot say "all words like this must change to this"
Irregularities in a language arise when regularities go through evolution
@mbomb007 Pretty sure it's been deleted by now
I find it funny that there is a Linguistics SE and yet there is a huge debate about linguistics here and their chat is completely inactive.
Actually I found it. It hasn't been posted yet. :P
Silly me, for working ahead.
I'll take linguistics chat over carets, disapproval faces and other random garbage any day of the week.
@LegionMammal978 I was next to my own Sandbox post. It seems xnor may have trivialized it, though.
@MartinEnder Willst du implizieren dass Linguistik Müll ist?
@MartinEnder dann warum Linguistik mit ihnen vergleichst?
I didn't.
I appreciate linguistics chat. But I don't know anything about languages other than English. :/
@MartinEnder Alright, then.
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan you should learn a new natural language.... they're much easier to learn than most programming languages
no they're not :o
@Quill ummm...
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan linguistics and learning languages are two completely different matter.
I promise the language learning mod isn't biased
@ven Bonjour, t'as changé ton icône
I think linguistics is fascinating, but its interesting how, even though I understand certain concepts (like declension), its still ridiculously difficult for me to actually do
I definitely enjoy the theoretical part of linguistics, but actually memorising stuff is such a chore. :/
@LeakyNun tant de familarité ! :P
@Quill Really? I studied Spanish for a whole year, and I suck at it. I've picked up dozens of programming languages in a couple years.
@ven mdr
@LeakyNun je n'ai pas d'adresse e-mail renseignée, donc mon avatar change toutes les 8-12h
@MartinEnder I updated my solution.
@ven You don't know your email address?
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan you also tend to learn a lot of vocabulary in natural languages, learning an entire language syntax (like every builtin) is a bit similar
@MartinEnder Given that we have a very multi-national population here, it makes sense.
This is why I prefer english anyway :(
2 mins ago, by Leaky Nun
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan linguistics and learning languages are two completely different matter.
its not just memorization either. I learned Czech for a while, and despite the fact that I knew how certain things worked grammatically, its still tough to remember it all and get it all in a fluent sentence
@ven you said you don't have your email address filled in?
@LeakyNun nope, that's not what "renseignée" means
right. filled in is correct.
@Quill I know bits and pieces of vocab from other languages. But there aren't any languages I would say I know. (Except english of course)
@NathanMerrill practice always makes perfect
@TùxCräftîñg I really appreciate your contribution to this conversation.
@NathanMerrill What is declension, incidentally?
@Sherlock9 It is how you change a noun/adjective based on their roles in a sentence
@Sherlock9 conjugating nouns based on how you use them
I see. What's conjugating? :D
@Sherlock9 changing.
Like adding e and s to adjectives in French?
@NathanMerrill except that conjugation refers to verbs, doesn't it?
@BusinessCat Not exactly. Those are just agreeing on genders and numbers.
@MartinEnder yes, but in concept, its the same thing
In English you can only find it in pronouns, e.g. "I drove the car" vs "He found me"
the pronoun "I" changes to "me" when it is in the object of the sentence
Oh, okay. So that's what the Linguistics question of senator versus senatrix meant
@Sherlock9 senator is male, senatrix is female?
that isn't exactly declension
@NathanMerrill yeah. I think the term referring to both conjugation and declension is inflection.
In Latin, but not in English
@NathanMerrill debatable. i think in grammar the word conjugation is reserved for verbs
@MartinEnder yes
right, I get that the official word is not "conjugation", but for english learners like me, its conjugation :)
because that's a term we actually use in english classes
@Sherlock9 I see, thanks
Remember kids! Don't conjugate without protection or you'll get your verbs everywhere :D
@Sherlock9 Will this be flagged?
If you mess with the call convention it goes down to 31: main(char a){putchar("BL"[a]);}. — Andrea Biondo 14 mins ago
Can anyone test this solution?
I can delete it if it's more offensive than it is funny
@Sherlock9 Don't worry about it, I'll vote for unflag if anyone flags this.
Why is this room so quiet
@LeakyNun Because everyone's in here. ;-)
@TimmyD lol
bbr retsarting ym copmuter
Meow, the story (1366 repetitions of the word "meow")
@LeakyNun I do really like that chat room's name
@NathanMerrill lol
@Zgarb that <...> syntax is a really neat solution for making your rectangle-based approach more flexible
Anyone working on a python solution for this challenge? Can't seem to improve my performance (15 seconds for factorizations of 256) while keeping the program short.
@JustinTervay improve your performance first, and then make the program short.
performace > length
permance is everything
@JustinTervay I've been trying improve my solution all day
I tried borrowing off of Leaky Nun's Pyth answer, but I only just got the darn thing to be correct
Would this be a duplicate of this?
I just discovered that short links like http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/41593/48934 has your user-id at the end and can still function without it...
and I just discovered how stupid I am
@Sherlock9 I got it working in 300 bytes but the performance is my problem. I'm generating every possible combination of the factor list and then checking if reduce(mul, ...) is equal to the original number :\
@JustinTervay I'm doing permutations of the factor list and then partitioning
Wow. Only two votes. Come on guys, you can do better than this strawpoll.me/10863173
@LeakyNun But if you take your user-id off, how will you ever get your Publicist badge?
@TimmyD I don't get it
@JustinTervay I've spent hours trying to get the highly composite numbers in the examples to halt
> 24 days ago
wow you are very active
who voted 5?
@Zgarb Pulled. Sorry for the delay.
@NathanMerrill guess
@NathanMerrill a superhuman
@LeakyNun Without the user-id at the end, how would the system know who shared the link? And thus be able to track who to award the badge to?
@Sherlock9 Gotta be a shortcut we're missing
@TimmyD I see
Q: Algebraic curve plotter

flawrAn algebraic curve is a certain "1D subset" of the "2D-plane" that can be described as set of zeros {(x,y) in R^2 : f(x,y)=0 }of a polynomial f. Here we consider the 2D-plane as the real plane R^2 such that we can easily imagine what such a curve could look like, basically a thing you can draw wi...

@JustinTervay Recursion, maybe?
New to PPCG, is stuff like matplotlib for python allowed in those types of challenges? (the algebraic curve plotter)
@flawr (see above)
Seems I'm never getting people to the Remaining Bytes. ._.
i uselessely spam it idk smiley (my compose key is borked) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@JustinTervay You may use libraries, as long as they are not explicitly excluded. But you need to consider the imports e.t.c in your bytecount.
@TùxCräftîñg Good, because we're reaching specific conditions with that :)
@Dennis No worries, thank you!
I have few people's attention on me.
@TùxCräftîñg why do people keep saying "borked" as if it is funny or what?
it's getting annoying
I have to get people to the Remaining Bytes *×*
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ downgoat launched that
I'm thinking that I'm going to disallow setting default parameters without using their keyword. Obviously, this would mean more readable code, but would it motivate you from writing functions with default parameters in the first place?
Thanks, I'm leaving chat forever.
aka, I'd be enforcing strToInt(str, base=10), and strToInt(str,10) would be invalid code
(obviously strToInt(str) would be valid)
@zyabin101 y u going to do dis ;_;
@Sherlock9 Good thought, guess that's my next area to explore
@TùxCräftîñg Because I very rarely get other people's attention.
@Poke I know what it means
I like the word "bork", is all
then i'm confused why you asked why people use it
@zyabin101 I'm still not sure what we're supposed to be doing in The Remaining Bytes
Why do you say the word "annoying"
@Sherlock9 This is a Google Spaces space for PPCG users.
But we have a chat here
Discord had the voice chat as an extra thing
What does Google Spaces have?
@Sherlock9 google space have space in it's name ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
When people ask what Google Spaces has, they think that its users are <...> and they are showing GS the door.
While Google Spaces is a very normal tool for sharing with small groups.
how does it differ from google groups?
GS is a sortof social network
wile GG is a forum
@NathanMerrill Google Groups is a tool for news groups.
so, basically public vs private?
May 13 at 20:18, by TimmyD
So, I regularly respond (IRL, too) to "Bork"
\o/ Conditionals and recursion are both working! \o/
@StevenH. in which langauge?
Q: Hofstadter Q-sequence

Leaky NunDefinition a(1) = 1 a(2) = 1 a(n) = a(n-a(n-1)) + a(n-a(n-2)) for n > 2 where n is an integer Task Given positive integer n, generate a(n). Testcases n a(n) 1 1 2 1 3 2 4 3 5 3 6 4 7 5 8 5 9 6 10 6 11 6 12 8 13 8 14 8 15 10 16 9 17 10 18 11 19 11 20 12 Reference Obligatory OE...

@zyabin101 So here we can share links, but the transcript is public
In GS, it's private?
@StevenH. then do my challenge
Well, I'm game. There's a reason I don't post my name here for the public transcript after all :D
@zyabin101 Sounds decent. I'll see about getting more people soon-ish. After I learn to use it, I think
@LeakyNun, I need to implement comparison functions to make it byte-efficient but sure
@Sherlock9 I don't think people in a space that aren't founders can view the invite link.
@zyabin101 hrm, yes
Nah, just asking people to join
at the top of the page i have a invite button
with the invite link
@JustinTervay I think I have a solution based on Anders Kaseorg's answer
I'm going to post it
@TimmyD maybe that person actually wanted to say 628 weeks
@Sherlock9 Then, if you invite people from other SE sites, that wouldn't be the Remaining Bytes. :p
@zyabin101 No, no
Just from here
With the podcast, I was interested in other SE sites'(s) perspectives
@Sherlock9 as somebody who does, why not?
@zyabin101 I just figured that since we have different timezone setups, I might be able to ask at times you aren't around
I mean, your name is already public information. Why is attaching your name to a site like this a bad thing?
Remind me, when did I make my name public information?
@Sherlock9 address books, schools, social security
@aditsu Oh dear.
The difference is that its not linked to your online precense
Mostly, I was thinking of having a public presence at some point. On Youtube, or something. I'm just trying not to blurt everything out
Ah, sorry. That was a little disjointed
hmmm, so basically having two online presences?
one that is "Hey, I'm John Doe", and one "Hey, I'm Sherlock"
One for retreating quietly into the night, and the other for public use
Yeah, essentially
we wouldn't want all of your youtube fans spamming this chat XP
Should I ever get any
Considering I may direct people to sites I like (my list of comics, for example), there may well be an uptick in traffic should these hypothetical fans come look at PPCG
Another important note is that these plans are still vague. I have the podcast I was going to do with my friends, maybe some gaming stuff, but not many other ideas as yet
So this caution may be unwarranted. I'm not sure yet
right, but if you don't take caution, then you may end up forcing a result you don't like
Exactly :D
that's the entire purpose of precautions. They are there for the "what-ifs", not the "guaranteeds"
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Patrick RobertsCAPTCHAs (Cops and Robbers Style) cops-and-robbers Cops will write a program that generates a CAPTCHA (either through stdin/stdout or on whatever UI is available to your language using only built-ins). Robbers will attempt to bypass the generated CAPTCHA programmatically, given access to the C...

Do my challenge in Coconut
@LeakyNun Coconut?
@NathanMerrill Just realized that to maintain this charade, I probably shouldn't link to my own videos here :P
Maybe in the zyabin's Google Spaces space
@Sherlock9 Any update on that factors answer?
Oh horse, I thought I posted it. Hang on
@Sherlock9 perhaps. We link to videos all the time here that we don't necessarily own
Right, but Bruce Wayne should probably resist the urge to go "Hey, have you seen this cool video of Batman on Youtube?" on a regular basis :P
@Sherlock9 Nice solution. I want to believe I was eventually going to get that, but... ;)
You could outgolf me while I work on a Ruby solution
I'm off to lunch now, but I'll take a stab at it in a little while
Alright, see you later dude
@Sherlock9 even if you said "Hey here's a cool video I made", it'd take one of us to talk about PPCG in your public community, or some intense googling from a youtube fanboy
Ah, fair enough
lol. The site I'm working on just had a request to change their /admin url to /highcommand
@LeakyNun Which challenge?
@zyabin101 my new challenge
@LeakyNun Which new challenge?
Q: Hofstadter Q-sequence

Leaky NunDefinition a(1) = 1 a(2) = 1 a(n) = a(n-a(n-1)) + a(n-a(n-2)) for n > 2 where n is an integer Task Given positive integer n, generate a(n). Testcases n a(n) 1 1 2 1 3 2 4 3 5 3 6 4 7 5 8 5 9 6 10 6 11 6 12 8 13 8 14 8 15 10 16 9 17 10 18 11 19 11 20 12 Reference Obligatory OE...

@LeakyNun why'd you ask Laikoni to delete their answer?
@NathanMerrill it was a duplicate
oh, nevermind
yeah, looked above
you know, if nothing else, I've learned a lot about how characters work from this site
@NathanMerrill such as?
what ascii/unicode/utf-8 means
what a code page is
I see, good for you
halp vim dont keep identation
:se noai
If I understand what you mean
for example when i type
c will be at the first column

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