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A truth machine is 51 bytes in Groovy. How sad.
def x=System.in.text as int;while(x)print x;print x
Golfed it down lol
there's no do-while loop?
@ThomasKwa There is, however I believe it would be longer
Lemme see
Oh wait there isn't
Do-while doesn't exist in Groovy for some reason.
> No 'do ... while()' syntax as yet. Due to ambiguity, we've not yet added support for do .. while to Groovy`
What about recursion?
@ThomasKwa Can't recurse with closures.
So probably way too long.
57 bytes with a normal function
void f(int i){print i;if(i)f(i)};f(System.in.text as int)
It would be 52 even with closures though.
@AlexA. Just curious, what would a truth machine look like in Julia?
@quartata Just curious, what's a truth machine?
@AlexA. Input is 0 or 1; if 0, print 0 and stop; if 1, print 1 forever.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

quartataTruth Machine Catalog A truth machine (credits goes to dis guy for coming up with it) is a very simple program designed to demonstrate the I/O and control flow of a language. Here's what a truth machine does: Gets a number (either 0 or 1) from STDIN. If that number is 0, print out 0 and termin...

@El'endiaStarman This
x->x<1?print(x):while 1<2 println(x)end
My new wheat harvester
Based on like one minute of thinking and testing, that truth machine works in Julia. Idk if it's the shortest.
@SuperJedi224 Requires manual replanting, I would guess?
This also works, but it's longer x->while 1<2 println(x);x<1&&break;end
@AlexA. Dammit I was hoping it wouldn't outgolf Groovy
It has to be STDIN and not function input, right?
@Sp3000 Yes.
Oh diggly damnit
@SuperJedi224 You can use villagers for auto-replanting though.
^^ that
@SuperJedi224 Perhaps=Definitely because I have one
Maybe you should consider trying it for your wheat farm today
Call 1-800-VILLAGER
There's a village nearby
@SuperJedi224 All you need is a farmer villager.
Oh and hopper minecarts because the damn villagers will steal the wheat otherwise
Don't let them do that
Why is it that SE considers top 4% this quarter more notable than top 1% this month
Top 1% in a month could be a spike.
Top 4% in a quarter is sustained.
(Or at least a broader spike.)
@quart Can we get a boolean or does it have to be a literal 0 or 1?
@AlexA. You mean for input?
It has to be a literal 0 or 1.
Sorry :/
I'll get over it eventually
@AlexA. ;_;
Yeah, I finally got chat to work!
For some reason it said I didn't have enough rep, even thought I do.
I guess you would call that a not OK squirrel.
@quartata 56 reading from STDIN: (x=parse(Int,readline()))<1?show(x):while 1<2 show(x)end
In theory one should be able to do read(STDIN,Int) rather than parse(Int,readline()) but the former isn't working correctly for me.
Sorry I had to.
Anyways, that's pretty neat.
How long is it in Groovy?
Just how groovy is it?
Now you can FGITW it when I post the challenge
@AlexA. 51
@AlexA. Pretty groovy
def x=System.in.text as int;while(x)print x;print x
I should finish my golfing language...
I doubt I ever will
@AlexA. Any golfier to do it by comparing strings?
@quartata If I can get read(STDIN,Int) to work how I think it should work, it would be 50 instead of 56. >:D
@Sp3000 Hm, interesting idea. I'll give it a shot.
As long as it's not expensive as parsing as int it should help :P
Parsing an integer in Julia 0.4+ is stupid long.
Julia ≤0.3 had int which could do int(::String) and all sorts of good stuff.
But no.
whistles ... n$,dN?. 7 bytes in Minkolang. :D
@El'endiaStarman congratulations
breaks your whistle
@El'endiaStarman for what challenge?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Truth machine.
@El'endiaStarman Link?
Scroll up
It's not posted yet but quartata and Alex are discussing their Groovy vs. Julia answers.
Because Julia is groovier than Groovy.
It's at least groovier than gravy.
Has anyone found a language that does it in 3?
I'm sure Dennis or Sp will if they haven't already.
I bet @BrainSteel will come up with a great C and/or TinyBF solution.
@El'endiaStarman This actually outgolfs CJam
8 bytes
@AlexA. What am I coming up with a great solution to?
Simplex, 7 bytes iR1={o} I think that fits the criterea
@BrainSteel Sandboxed truth machine challenge
What question? I did a search I didn't see anything
It's in the sandbox
oh sorry
Ohhh, I actually had an idea for it. Probably a bit straightforward for C, but I have other languages :D
You know more than one language? :P
Actually, sorry. Where is that? this is my first time using SE xD
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

quartataTruth Machine Catalog A truth machine (credits goes to dis guy for coming up with it) is a very simple program designed to demonstrate the I/O and control flow of a language. Here's what a truth machine does: Gets a number (either 0 or 1) from STDIN. If that number is 0, print out 0 and termin...

My most successful post to date still says I can only write one language. I didn't quite plan this out.
It even works in that language.
It just doesn't do what the challenge asks in that language.
That was the point ;D
@quartata !!!!!
@BrainSteel o i no bb
Hey, I remember @El'endiaStarman!
All the familiar faces.
This is the most emotional I've ever been in a chatroom.
@AlexA. I have a 4 and a 6, and I'm sure as hell not posting the 4
You mean in here or at all?
At all, cos someone's bound to do it first
Having said that, I dunno how long it would be in gs2
I don't know if Martin's working on a Fission solution, but I definitely will be.
@Sp3000 Someone won't necessarily do it first. You just have to coordinate with quartater tots to ninja it.
I just realized that Stuck does not have anyway (at least that I know of) to do a while loop
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ ))))))))))
Nah, I'm good. I don't feel like posting Pyth answers :P
@Sp3000 Because you'll lose your reputation as a Pyth-free person?
Well that's not quite right, consider I used to post Pyth :P I guess I just don't think the language is as nice as CJam, that's all
I hate Pyth, CJam is better
I can't believe I've been active here for over a year and have yet to pick up one of them new-fangled golfing languages.
I hate everything except puppies
I should stop being so stubborn
(Yeah kittens are fine too)
fail :P
gs2 can't do an infinite loop
@BrainSteel You sure pick up the memes quickly, don't you? :P
^ (syntax: [ tag:thing-tag], no leading space)
@BrainSteel thanks, always miss that one
The status tags are for meta, in which case you use meta-tag instead of tag
Makes it gray
Huh. Did not know that.
@quartata Oh... then I can't think of a possibility for 3 bytes then
my bad
/me punches strict markdown extension
@quartat​ertots 51 in Julia now using Sp's suggestion! >:D
Yeah, really long, but now it's tied with Groovy.
It's bloated because of the IO rules.
I should actually read the spec.
Microscript is 5 bytes
good night yall
Actually wait
@SuperJedi224 your Truth Machine example on esolangs doesn't work
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ G'night!
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ timezones :(
Baked @quartat​o How does it feel now being tied with Julia? It's only a matter of time before someone who's better at golfing than me makes another suggestion!
@AlexA. Tied not equal to winning
Does it need to be a full program? I don't see that requirement.
@BrainSteel Yes it does. It should be there
Whoa. Because of daylight savings time, midnight UTC is now 4pm my time instead of 5pm.
Ah, all clear now :D
The correct truth machine in Microscript is 3 bytes
Today the sun set at 5:30pm and I was confused.
So there is a 3-byte truth machine.
@SuperJedi224 you should probably change the example you have on esolangs
@BrainSteel It's not quite 5:30 here now and the sun is already down.
@quartata How many bytes does it take to get to the center of a truth machine?
Have I been spoiled by sunny skies at 7 pm?
@AlexA. Likewise, 7 pm here now.
7:25 here. Midwest?
Enderman is in Tennessee (or however you spell that mess)
Actually, 8:26 here. 0:00 UTC was 7 pm here. :P
Ah. So close to the midwest :)
7:26 here
Well, a minute has passed since my comment
Well, actually, I'm in Kentucky.
My brother lives in Kentucky!
lovely place.
^ false
Parts of it are gorgeous.
All states are cess pools in comparison to Washington.
Louisville area?
I like Louisville!
@BrainSteel If you're a geologist, especially the highway through the Appalachian mountains. Especially in winter.
My brother teaches physics in a high school there. Couldn't tell you the name of the school, though.
@AlexA. Kansas is a bit blank to be a cess pool.
I don't study geology, but I've always found it interesting.
That was just emotionally fueled hyperbole. I actually quite like parts of several other states.
And yes, I agree about geology.
As a kid I liked to collect rocks. I was that kid.
@BrainSteel Cool!
@BrainSteel If I didn't know my best friend, I might say that. :P
Now I sit in a room and do math all day.
He is almost a professional rock-collector. :P
That's a wonderful life. :P
@BrainSteel For a job?
That sounds fun. I always found it relaxing, in a kind of weird way.
I'm a student, currently.
THOUGHHH... I recently accepted a software dev coop next semester!
So I might get to do something useful, too ;P
Congrats! :D
Thanks :D I'm moving out in January... to another location in Kansas.
Moving out is a fun experience.
All I need now is Martin's seal of approval on the truth machine catalog..
I sure hope so. Everybody just seems to be stressing out about everything though.
How so?
I have several other friends moving about at around the same time, and the folks who are staying aren't too pleased about all this.
"The folks that are staying" being other friends who aren't moving out or the families of those who are?
Both. Mostly families, though. It's been a rough few weeks.
I'm sorry to hear that. :/
Ah, bah. They've got time to warm up to the idea :D
Are you moving in with other friends or will it be just you?
Well, my sister will live conveniently nearby. There should also be a couple people from my highschool in the area, so that might be neat. And probably an ex girlfriend. All around, not too bad.
I mean in the same unit, like roommates
Nope, I'll have a place on my own.
Nice. :)
I'm looking forward to it. It'll be new, anyway.
I loved having my own place.
I've heard that from everyone who has had their own place :P
True facts though. A long time ago my sister and I almost moved in together. I'm glad we didn't.
My sister and I are pretty agreed that we shouldn't live together. She lives with her boyfriend and 3 cats.
I think my sister and I could have made it okay but it's probably better not to. I'm jealous of the three cats.
Whoa, you weren't kidding. Your sister actually takes awesome photos.
Is it her profession?
I don't fuck around when it comes to my family's talents!
Nope, she's a professional nanny with a physics degree.
That is some diverse talent.
She doesn't really want to be a nanny
What's she want to do with the physics degree?
She doesn't want a technical job of any kind
Got it out of love for the science, then?
Nah, it's just been too long.
Her interests have shifted.
Oh, I see. What is she interested in nowadays?
Not really sure, to be honest.
Artsy stuff.
I can't say I'm too surprised, with photography like that :)
@BrainSteel Agreed!
/me wonders if that's why they started dating
Kind of, actually.
Oh wow. Why do all these talented people have to pair off together?! Now there's nobody left for the rest of us!
My girlfriend has lots of super talented artist friends. Come meet some of them. (And then don't leave Washington. >:D)
My goal is to convince each and every one of you to move to Washington.
remind me to never visit @AlexA.
I actually really want to visit @AlexA.
It would be awesome to meet anyone from PPCG. :D
(getting trapped in Washington, on the other hand...)
Some day, we'll have a PPCG meetup in Washington. It's such a beautiful state, I need to see it in person!
Considering that a significant number of our members are overseas, that might be difficult.
We'll ship 'em over.
@BrainSteel Seattle, especially. In the summer. I've been there twice. :D
@AlexA. will fly them over, assuming his wings are strong enough
Seattle > Otherattle
@Doorknob They are absolutely not
Seattle > Mountattle
My dad had to work up there for some time, I never got to go with, though.
I remember you saying that
And I remember El'enderman Starsky saying he taught at UW.
I remember all the Washington factoids.
@AlexA. Whats your favorite band originating in WA?
oh god
Minus the Bear
@AlexA. What's your favorite type of tree in the top 3 grown in Washington from 1995-2000?

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