"Treehouse of Horror XIII" is the first episode of The Simpsons' fourteenth season, as well as the thirteenth Halloween episode. The episode aired on November 3, 2002, three days after Halloween. It is the second Treehouse of Horror to have a zombie-related segment, and the last Treehouse of Horror to have three separate writers credited for writing three stories (starting with "Treehouse of Horror XIV", only one writer is credited for writing the three stories).
This is also the first episode to use the digital ink and paint as a proof of concept, which led to the decision to have The ...
I am so bad at graphics it's embarrassing... anyone know why the lines go slightly outside the frame here? (This is not a PlotRangeClipping issue, nor is it specific to the .pdf; it only happens for certain ImageSizes...)
@OleksandrR. I really don't know, but it looks like you have PlotRangePadding -> 0. Could you set it to a small but higher value, comparable to the link thickness?
@OleksandrR. My hunch is that the system uses several systems of measurement: plot coordinates, absolute (offset) coordinates, scaled coordinates. How these come together in a single plot sometimes depends on the size of the plot, which is calculated by the front end. Even things like font sizes matter when choosing e.g. the automatic image margins. Maybe the front end calculates some measurement based on rasterized font sizes, even when exporting to PDF, and there may be roundoff errors.
My suggestion: set your range on the x-axis to be a little wider on the 0 side, via PlotRange -> {{-0.1, 6.1}, Automatic}. This will give it a little space and the plots should stop at 0 like they do at 6.
@rcollyer in the FE, as you resize it, the pink line appears and disappears. So I think it must be a rounding issue. Next question: what is the GraphicsMethod option that makes it work in arbitrary rather than machine precision?
It's just age catching up with you. Don't worry, you won't notice soon enough.
Ah, I enjoy the sublime beauty that is an underutilized queue on a compute cluster. Where even largish jobs take little to no time to start running. Maintenance cycles are a wonderful thing!
@J.M. I did have a strange feeling when I was writing it, I knew you corrected me before, but wanted to publish the answer before looking it up and then I forgot about it :-)
@J.M. really, crashed at 4. I think it is a clear case your employer needs to buy you a better computer so that you can render things more effectively.
@J.M. I briefly looked at the RSA challenge when it was still active, but in general number theory doesn't interest me that much, in general. Although, where it intersects with physics does make me think I may have to learn a bit more.
@J.M. I thought the "one true ..." was a Christian theme, and I don't recall it in Tolkien. But, yes, some people feel that Tolkien deserves that kind of worship.
@rcollyer I liked the lord of the rings when I read it, also the film. But when I read the Silmarillion I literally did not understand what he was talking about
@acl I got most of the way through it, and it is truly, truly awful. Having studied a bit of mythology, I understood what he was doing. But, it was almost as bad as Dracula.
@Szabolcs I agreed with the change. I think it is more accessible.
@J.M. I'm assuming you mean: War and Peace. I've read a bit of his short stories, and found them reasonable. Realism, though, is usually not my cup of tea.
@J.M. I've read War and Peace and Anna Karenina, that I remember. Probably others too. Also, some Greek writers tend to be significantly wordier than anything I've found in foreign literature (pages to describe a beach, etc). It's not the wordiness that I had a problem with in Silmarillion, it's not understanding what was going on.
@Szabolcs it seems that whatever method the FE uses for layout isn't shared by Windows or my printer, because there are no rounding errors when these are exported to EMF, put into a Word document, and printed. So I'm happy after all.
@Heike so did I. Supposedly the first book was very good, and from what I remember, it was. But, the rest of the series was supposed to be luke-warm. So, until I got stuck in the airport this past weekend, I hadn't bothered to pick it up. Now, I don't recall what was going on!
@Heike (: I've re-read them so many times, it is burned into my memory. So much so, that I find the movies jarring. The first two movies are good, the third: incomprehensible, and the fourth: completely changed enough of Dumbledore's personality that I'm loathe to watch the rest. However, there was a sight gag in the fifth that was worth it, but the rest of the movie was not really worth my time.
I stopped watching after they turned the brightness and saturation so low to convey the darker tone of the plot, that I couldn't tell if I was blind or colour blind
Among my friends, we have a rating scale based on how much we'd be willing to pay to see a movie. The highest rating: we'd see it multiple times in the theatre. The second lowest: we'd only see it if someone else rented it (i.e. not even worth seeing it in the theartre if someone else payed for it.) I rate the fifth movie at that level. (The lowest rating: would not see it if someone else was paying.)
@rcollyer The fifth book is the worst in the series as well (at least if I remember correctly and that's the one with Harry moping around in his Uncle's garden for the first 80 pages)
@Jin another thing while you're here -- links in posts are underlined always, but elsewhere on the site they underline only when hovered. Is this a design choice or a CSS bug?
This is just a tweak on Szabolcs' ad, with a different slogan to make the case for why someone should join (we're fun! Just look at some of the most upvoted questions!)
using "BeachColors"
Also using "BeachColors" but reversing the ordering of the colours and removing the extremes:
@Jin That's true, I was simply wondering if we should update the existing posts to the new look. I just noticed that it got removed from Math.SE (I don't know why).
@Jin Yes. I can make it using the image you gave us yesterday. I was simply wondering if you already made it for some reason (to avoid duplication of effort).
I think "Follow @stackmma on twitter" might be nice... it directs people to a medium that's easier to follow than the main site and the link to our site is there on the twitter page
@R.M Regarding ads on this site, I was thinking that events like this can be posted: blog.wolfram.com/2012/07/17/… But I'm a bit worried because this is advertisement for the company ... on the other hand it's useful to learn about these free events!
@Szabolcs we could do ads for packages that people develop — some of the stuff that you and Leonid have been working on could be publicized there
I wouldn't mind highlighting the conferences and free webinars... but you're right, these are some points to discuss/think about. To what extent is promotion for WRI allowed?
What are Community Promotion Ads?
Community Promotion Ads are community-vetted advertisements that will show up on the main site, in the right sidebar. The purpose of this question is the vetting process. Images of the advertisements are provided, and community voting will enable the advertiseme...
@R.M Yes, that's a good idea! Also ads for some of the most useful packages. But it would be best if the package authors took the time to make the ads. Also, I wouldn't make the ads for those WRI events but I'd vote for them if someone from WRI did.
@StackExchange I swear I didn't see that one before starting to talk about this!
@Szabolcs That's what I was wondering — would it be a conflict of interest if WRI employees posted community ads for WRI products and services? Are they allowed to become moderators (don't know if there's any internal WRI statement on that) or if there'll be some kind of conflict of interest? I got the impression from Leonid's recent meta answer that not having WRI in any position of control is a good thing, but I haven't thought much about it
So far, they've been advertising it in their profiles which is perfectly fine and encouraged
That wasn't the point really... it was more along what are the guidelines. I haven't worked for any organization in my life and I don't know anything about what could be constituted as conflict of interest, etc.
I would vote for ads about things that I'd be happy to learn about, and I think others would feel the same, such as the Mathematica Experts Live sessions. I would not vote for an ad for a new commercial product (e.g. SystemModeler, or Finance Platform).
@Szabolcs I feel the same way. I'd happily vote for events like the Experts Live sessions, maybe even the Wolfram Technology Conference, but perhaps not for a commercial product or service
also, I would be fine with any moderately relevant beta site wanting to advertise their site on our community ad page. We should be courteous and extend our help to other beta sites, just like physics/stats/math did for us. I probably wouldn't vote for the ads, but they (who put the ads up) are welcome to vote.
I am new to Mathematica and find this site very helpful. Much more than the MathGroup that is listed on the the community page of Mathematica, see Wolfram Support page.
So in the interest of getting even more attention from users of Mathematica, I am wondering what this community is doing to ge...
I would like to know, what would it be in it for us? More questions?
(and, just imagining for a sec myself being in the position of someone at WRI trying to decide whether or not to link here: of course not, who knows what will happen in the future and it's out of my control)
but I have no experience with this sort of thing, I am reasoning as a person.
but anyway, what would be in it for "me" (ie, us)? why should I care either way?
Eventually it may be nice. But I think right now it might attract disproportionately many basic questions (compared to the number of people who'd get stuck to answer). If it looks "official", people may start to demand support.
but is the answer to my question so obvious that everybody apart from me sees it? how come nobody discusses this? @Szabolvs says that eventually it'd be nice. why? I mean, is there some reason?
Maybe not moderated actively by a WRI employee, but maybe they have admin rights to the Google groups page
@acl I don't particularly care for it either. I certainly looked at that page for the first time today, so I assume similar folks wouldn't look on WRI's page for support forums. My only point is that it's cool to have
@R.M I don't know how much it is under their control, but, after following it for a few years, I am sure that no stackexchange site is as closely controlled (by the moderators) as mathgroup seems to be.
Just like it'd be cool if I had an xbox or PS3 and got to play Portal2 and Halo all day, but I don't really care for it and I'm not really going to strive to get them either.
@acl I said it would be nice because it would draw traffic, and I am hoping that it would draw good traffic as well: more knowledgeable users, perhaps some old timers who didn't come over yet, more people who are willing to answer. But I don't think right now we're ready for the question volume it might bring.
Is anybody able to decipher what this formula means: Q=[B|AB|---|A^(2*n-1).B], where A, B, and Q are compatible matrices? I suspect it is $Q = \left[\vert AB\vert B - A^{2 n -1} B\right]$, but I'm honestly not sure.
@Szabolcs I didn't either until about a month ago. I've been using pushd primarily for that purpose. And, yes you can use to go back and forth between two directories.
@R.M That's my feeling too. It's the only reason why I keep on pushing. I'd like to be able to just compile MMA code and send it to somebody (not in CDF).
@Szabolcs AFAIK it didn't used to be this way, but WRI provides the server for the mailing list and Steve Christensen is a WRI employee (whether full time or part time, I don't know--perhaps they just pay him for his time moderating). As a result WRI has pretty much full control over MathGroup, though don't appear to intervene too heavily or censor discussions.