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@MichaelT I like that music ! thanks for sharing haha
@JeremyDicaire I worked tech support for a number of years. A key trait when you do that is learning how to quickly and efficiently search knowledge bases for the appropriate information.
@JeremyDicaire ... Oh @gnat ...
@WorldEngineer - thanks for clearing that one out.
@GlenH7 It is my job
@MichaelT You're right and it's gone
someday I shall have a real job that I love as much as this one
@WorldEngineer What is your job?
I was getting tired of rolling back his attack
@JeremyDicaire he's a mod for P.SE
@JeremyDicaire Site Moderator
Blue Names in Chat are Mods or Stack Exchange employees with moderator+ access. Some employees don't have access like that if they don't need it.
If you see someone with an italics name in chat.. they're room owners. Just means we've got minor janitor abilities for the room (very, very minor). Blue names mean mods on some site.
Oops sorry I didn't know
@JeremyDicaire No reason to apologize. You've done nothing wrong...yet.
@JeremyDicaire neither did we until we got stuck with room ownership... :-)
There is lots of little things to chat that people learn. Its not something that anyone expects you to know communing in.
for instance: italics
I prefer IRC channels, at least I know where I'm going
too bad it's less popular now
And by "owner" that means we get the special ability to pin messages, or clear stars... or some other boring things that we shouldn't play with.
Why google? You want to make me sick?
I know IRC channels, it's just not what it used to by in 1995...
@JeremyDicaire Actually... today google is rather interesting. I saw two T-rexes playing ball!
The only running program on my computer was mirc
@MichaelT :O I am going on google right now
YEah I saw it hahah
What a wierd thing to make people share a google page haha
There are a bunch of other "real" images in there too.
yeah buterfly :D
@WorldEngineer You're not getting paid by SO? That's kind of sad
Yannis got a hat one time...
None of the mods get paid. Nor do any of the high-rep reviewers that help keep the sites clean. It's all about the community governance.
Aug 21 at 13:07, by Yannis Rizos
user image
@JeremyDicaire I volunteered for this. Given what the CMs have to put up with...I'd not want to be paid for that.
@WorldEngineer one site is more than enough for attracting vitriole for just doing what you're supposed to do
@GlenH7 Depends on the site
some sites are more volatile than others.
I've seen some of the things they have to put up with from time to time...
@GlenH7 I love this philosophy I'm in fact creating a little website and my friends looked at me with a huge "?!" in their faces when I told then the site was free to use and no ads haha
or rather, the things that "oh, glance at this" and then see "wow, thats a mess"
I want a php hat!
@JeremyDicaire If you go to Greece and find the right car...
@GlenH7 I made him with my mind.
Why ppl remove their posts
@JeremyDicaire Keeps the room clean and the drama down.
@JeremyDicaire Why, brains aren't falling out of your head all on their own?
Huh... still dont understand where is the drama haha
@JimmyHoffa I'm not sure I understand (I'm not native english)
@JeremyDicaire I was making a snarky reference to something that occurred on main. But I didn't want to have it live in the full public record. Mods & room owners can see the history on deleted posts. So I "cheated" by throwing the comment out there and then removed it.
@GlenH7 Ahhhhh!!! Cheater! :P
Drawing unnecessary attention to a deleted post by a user who has some, lets say issues that aren't the type you log in a bug tracker... we don't need to have that be too public unless it does become an issue with the site itself.
I understand :)
I still don't know the meaning of "Why, brains aren't falling out of your head all on their own?" and it's bugging me
@JeremyDicaire Don't sweat it. Sometimes even @JimmyHoffa doesn't know what he just said. Learn to roll with it. Until he starts blathering about endofunctors. Then hit mute.
@JeremyDicaire I'd suggest not watching silence of the lambs. (even searching for that makes me shudder)
@GlenH7 Okay thanks for the tip :)
@JeremyDicaire It might also be beer day at his work...
@MichaelT You know I'm now DuckDucking that, right?
I warned you...
@WorldEngineer I want his job then! :D
toss 'brain' into that search.
We had beer tastings here at work for awhile... its been a bit though. And when I was at SGI (decade and a half ago), we had friday beer bashes as standard operating procedure.
@JeremyDicaire I'm just saying, if any hat were to be able to lower a person's IQ, well I wouldn't risk wearing a PHP hat is all.
(as a note, we tease @YannisRizos about php on a fairly regular basis when he shows up too...)
@MichaelT LOL I like that video! Shaed on FB (yeah I need to get rid of that too)
Jan 27 at 7:25, by Yannis Rizos
Well, I've build quite a few financial apps in PHP. Then Greece's economy collapsed. Probably not my fault, but you never know ;P
@JimmyHoffa :( You are making me sad, why don't you like PHP?
@JeremyDicaire Because he likes very Strongly typed languages.
like Haskell for instance
@WorldEngineer Ohhhh that's the guy that's true
@JeremyDicaire Note that you can edit your entries for a period of time (5 mins?) after you post them.
@GlenH7 Haha ok thanks. As i said I'm more like an IRC guy, I just discovered the delete function, I'll need more time for the edit haha
Does /NickServ works here? haha
Either hit up arrow, or click on the little triangle that shows up to the left of the message when you mouse over it and select 'edit'
Excuse me.
@MichaelT Shhh!
I know I'm kidding I'm a little bit smarter than I look ;)
@JeremyDicaire to reply either click the arrow on the left end of the message or get the reply addon
And then there is the joys of one boxing... if in doubt, paste a link on a line by itself (or as a reply to a message)
So your telling me I manually type @Yourname for nothing all that time?
@JeremyDicaire no but replies create easy to follow chains.
Thumb up for the funny post
@MichaelT Virtual boy was awesome.
@WorldEngineer test
@JeremyDicaire received
That is anice feature, screw IRC haha
Note that when you mouse over it, you see the specific message it was a reply too. You can even reply to ancient messages if need be.
The chat system on SE is one of the things that is a killer feature over SE clones.
yeah i noticed that when hovering my name in your messages
@JeremyDicaire The chaining is nice when you have a long running conversation, or when multiple conversations are going on. Like Jimmy blathering on about Haskell. The @Yourname by itself is useful to ping someone like both MichaelT and I did to ping World.
(sorry gnak! is an old habit and doesnt mean anything)
And the annoying spring noise in my speaker when ppl ping me haha
pings in chat will show up in your main site inbox(es)
Ohhh good to know!
I need to come back here often
@JeremyDicaire You can also click on yourself and go look at replies and conversations and such
Great thanks (And there's a little funny arrow that highlights the original message in an annoying yeloow-flashy color
@JeremyDicaire some of the SE UI stuff could use work
but it's low priority
Yeah at least it's working
@GlenH7 why?
thats my problem when I work on a project, I spent too much time on details
@GlenH7 I like the TW mods...so no.
And I just realized it's totally not funny without the context of the question. <shame face>
I should be scared I think
Ok now I see why you elete posts haha
anytime you get a highlight which is immediately deleted.....
@enderland yes you should
@enderland we had a garbage question roll through that has been closed & deleted already. A (very weak) argument is that it was a workplace type issue instead. But really it was just garbage.
@enderland I saved that image for future usage
@MichaelT I like that one!
@GlenH7 Oh, that would have been 'fun'... to migrate it to TW...
@GlenH7 So, every time I was asking a Question on the main site, you were talking in my back about it? :P
@MichaelT I know! totally missed that opportunity despite what World says.
also I wonder if you happened to notice I literally just got here after not being here all day
@JeremyDicaire Only the really interesting questions, or the o_O questions tend to show up in chat.
@JeremyDicaire Nah, we almost always leave constructive comments on questions that need it.
or if that was a complete coincidence?
@enderland the room had been significantly less bright without your shining smile, yes.
Q: What if I'm wrong?

StijnI've never blogged before, but now that I have a few years of real world, professional experience as a programmer, I think I'm reaching a point where I actually have something useful to say. However, one thing is still stopping me: what if I'm wrong? Should I ask friends and colleagues to proofr...

Oufff, I got scared for a minute, but I am still quite sure SO ppl used to laught at my questions in my back :P
Sometimes its "Hey @JimmyHoffa there's a haskell question that could get answered on your quest for 10k rep"... or some such. Other times its playing with the collider to see about getting some 'easy' rep.
@JimmyHoffa lmao ok that is funny
Speaking of missing regulars, where has @Sparticus been lately?
... what if he's right? would that be even more weird?
Its about 1/2 the way through the semester... so exams and projects get due?
@MichaelT good point. He's probably got a boatload of stuff backing up from school along with his work.
Depending on work cycles, november / december is also a major get stuff done.
hmm. someone got shot/killed on my central campus earlier this week.... hopefully that wasn't him (though it was someone insane enough to drive a heavy truck and ram cop cars)
That's a piece of paper, with slight folds to create the image
At my former employer they had projects set to calendar deadlines, and with the year starting Jan 1, many things had to be done by Dec 31... but you mix in the "retail lock down of environment" so you don't change too much on the registers and such prior to Black Friday... yea, lots to do right now.
I will never understand how artists understand visual composition so damn well as to be able to know how to put together an image such as that
Given that @Sparticus is at a place that does things with snow plows... and we're expecting to start getting some accumulation... they might be doing sales or something "new feature needed to be in yesterday"
@MichaelT Not even remotely the same
Try that second one - I linked the wrong one at first.
It is very impressive though. My links are more the math of some types of folding.
@MichaelT Or easy access to equipment to go on a rampage. He did have a teammate puking out bad code that he was complaining about.
I am just amazed by visual artists sometimes... there is seriously something in their brains I have never had the slightest touch of
> Reconstructed mod- els exhibit curved and straight folds and can be isometrically unfolded into the plane. Several special cases like cone singular- ities (top row – middle) and con- verging curved folds (top row – right) are shown.
@MichaelT that is impressing!
@JeremyDicaire From a website that was around back in the day when SGI was a place for R&D of all sorts of neat graphics things. graficaobscura.com/index.html#fold
am i doing it wrong if i just edit my registry to get around stupid group policy?
is this hand-made?
@enderland not at all, i used to do this whe i was under windows
@enderland gpedit.msc, I believe, is the easier route. But I routinely hack the registry to re-enable things that have been disabled via GPO.
@MichaelT That's not dc!
@JeremyDicaire it just drives me nuts. CRAZY I tell ya
@MichaelT SGI that brings back memories...
@GlenH7 linux is so less complicated for group policies
@JeremyDicaire (I've got some rather interesting languages under my belt... one of them is dc which is... well... a very terse stack based language)
@enderland I know, I had so much trouble accessing files from my external HDD after I formatted my computer
I can't even write to external harddrives
@MichaelT huh, interesting, what else do you got? :P
@enderland That is ridiculous, I hope microsoft burn in hell
@enderland got a solution for you..... LINUX!
@JeremyDicaire Dunno. Some of the things are just "ho hum" until someone needs them.
nah that's teh fault of my IT department. though I'm not much higher thinking of htem :)
Sorry I converted myself this week to FOSS so I'm trying to attract people into it haha
@enderland some domains really do require that, but generally your security training would have explained that. And no training would imply not being in one of those domains.
@JeremyDicaire whoa whoa now, don't go putting me outta work
Hmm... here's a fun one to read - Manifesto of futurist programmers (c 1991) graficaobscura.com/future/futman.html
@GlenH7 it's a policy they implemented shortly after a senior VP went between companies and apparenty dumped a bunch of data onto harddrives/etc before leaving
the death of .NET will be a scary day for me if I haven't convinced someone to move me off it yet
talk about axing EVERYONE for the sake of one person
@JimmyHoffa Oops I'm so sorry, didn't mean for you to lose your work :S...
@JimmyHoffa Mono
@enderland That's best handled by attorneys, not GPO
@WorldEngineer Nobody cares about mono
@JimmyHoffa fair enough
@GlenH7 no joke. Our IT is a lot more "meh it's too hard to make things convienent for users, let's just nuke stuff"
hard to believe I have any admin rights at all
@enderland Hahaha that's a good idea, isn't it?
sigh I saw perl in the new questions titles... but its just a migration of a poorly framed question.
@enderland metasploit is a good knowledge base to find escalation routes. Just saying.
I'd be happy to use it, but every company that thinks about writing something in mono decides "O, if we're not going to do windows only let's just do Java/Python/Ruby/__, it's the same thing"
(outbound migration)
@JimmyHoffa ""It's the same thing"" ????
@JimmyHoffa Have they bumped up to the equivalent of .NET 4.0 yet? That's a major drag as well.
@JeremyDicaire According to many industry people
lol @GlenH7 that would be legit. "hi IT this is a problem, I found this since I was trying to get work done please fix these problems"
@JimmyHoffa Wow, people have a bad conception of programming languages
this is just not what I want to deal with friday afternoon LOL
@GlenH7 Dunno, I don't pay mono any mind. More people get paid to write perl than mono
Do you have an advatage using perl instead of python?
The bits I've seen mono are for games where they start out in C# and want to go cross platform.
@JeremyDicaire religious battles there...
and then there's me, who likes almost everything to one degree or another.
If you're at a perl shop, you'll find perl. If you're at a python shop, you'll find python. As they sit in roughly the same space, you generally won't find perl and python (or ruby) at the same time.
@MichaelT Mono's good for stuff where you have something in .NET and want to try and port it without re-writing it, but you know how much industry software get's ported across platforms, stuff is written for one and that's where it tends to stay
@MichaelT Unless it's done by a rubyist, then as a part of their humane interface they'll make sure their objects have perl and python interpreters built in
Oh okay I see, thank you :)
Tumblr uses Ruby, PHP, and Scala for instance
At the core of the python / perl battle is the python "pythonic - one obvious way to do it" and the perl "timtowtdi - There is more than one way to do it"
Ruby is Perl doused in Smalltalk.
There's more than one way to do it (TMTOWTDI or TIMTOWTDI, pronounced “Tim Toady”) is a Perl programming motto. The language was designed with this idea in mind, in that it “doesn't try to tell the programmer how to program.” This makes it easy to write extremely messy programs, but, as proponents of this motto argue, it also makes it easy to write concise statements like print if 1..3 or /match/ or the more traditional if(1..3 || /match/) {print} or even the more verbose: use English; if( $INPUT_LINE_NUMBER >= 1 and $INPUT_LINE_NUMBER This motto has been very much discussed in the...
I prefer perl then
"Tim Toady Bicarbonate" I like that
@WorldEngineer Ohhhh!! And the winner is... lol
Every language has their niches. Sometimes you're forced into using one or the other because of the niche. I'll freely admit that Perl lost some momentum in the "when is perl 6 coming out days (ongoing)" when application servers grew to prominence.
Major Scripting Languages: Javascript, Lua, Perl, Python, Ruby
It would be interesting to get a parallel universe where someone came out with a viable application server for Perl when BEA Weblogic, JBoss and Tomcat where on the up and up.
each one tends to have a particular domain
Honestly, I heard many ppl talking about python on the web more than perl.. for exemple on SO or forums, maybe just a coincidence
@WorldEngineer And what are they?
@JeremyDicaire Not at all, Python has a couple of major web frameworks
Web Pages, Gaming, Text Processing, SciComp, Web Apps
Javascript has browser and nodejs thats made it quite popular. Lua is often seen embedded in games and such for scripting.
@WorldEngineer Sorry my bad, I think I didnt express myself well.. That's kind of what I was saying :)
Lua also shows up in Embedded Systems because it's tiny, fast, and can interface directly to C.
@MichaelT That's funy I was reading an article yesterday about Lua in game dev
@WorldEngineer That is a major point for Lua I think
Its the easily emendable nature of lua that makes it fit there...
and the fact that you can strip it down to fit in 32k of RAM
Trying to pull in all of Perl (or Python, or Ruby) for most games would be cumbersome.
I never used it, but for sure the name give it some punch
@JeremyDicaire it's a tiny language, stupidly easy to learn
@MichaelT python is not suited for gaming?
That isn't to say they don't show up. Python lurks in Civ V and Ruby in some games (Dredmor for example)
@JeremyDicaire it's just fine, just less quick
@WorldEngineer then maybe after learning python I'll give it a try :)
@WorldEngineer it's relative
Perl is "There is more than one way to do it". Lua is "Do whatever the hell you want"
Angband is a dungeon-crawling roguelike computer game derived from Umoria. It is based on the writings of J. R. R. Tolkien, in which Angband is the fortress of Morgoth. The current version of Angband is available for all major operating systems, including Unix, Windows, Mac OS X, and Android. Gameplay The game revolves around exploring a 100-level dungeon, in which the player seeks to amass enough power and equipment to ultimately defeat Morgoth. A new dungeon level is randomly generated each time the player enters a new level for the first time; so no two games are the same. It has bee...
@WorldEngineer I thought Lua is "I'm C! I'm C! Wait, what's memory?"
> Rühlmann's contributions included releasing version 3.0, which included many monster and object changes contributed by Jonathan Ellis. He also introduced Lua, a lightweight scripting language, with the intention of simplifying development of both the main game and its variants. The Angband community, however, did not generally embrace the addition of scripting, with many expressing confusion over its usage, and it was therefore later removed.
But that's where it was born.
Civ V and WoW use Lua
@JimmyHoffa lmao Ill save that one in notepad
Or popularized.
@JeremyDicaire Careful, I don't even know Lua, I can be safely ignored (as a general over-arching rule)
I'm like perl in that way
(even if it wasn't used - it was that "oh, thats a possibility")
@MichaelT that game looks... not interesting.. should i download it?
Angband is from a LONG family tree of gaming - Diablo is based on this tree.
I'd suggest netback though... different style.
@MichaelT then i NEED to download it
@JimmyHoffa but i dont want to ignore you!
(English syntax question: Is it a huge deal typing "i" instead of "I" in a sentence?)
@JeremyDicaire Not too bit of a deal, though it can irk some.
@MichaelT Saved, thank you... I'm thinking about trying all of them now lol
@JeremyDicaire It generally makes you look uneducated or teenage.
@MichaelT Haha ok then, I'll try to think about pressing shift ;)
@WorldEngineer Ouch, that's so negative!
Roguelike games tend to be obscure. However, more recently, other genres have adapted concepts found in the Berlin Interpretation of roguelike games, drawing new attention to the roguelike approach. Action role-playing games such as Blizzard's hugely-successful Diablo can be considered types of rogue likes, due to their similar premise: players slash their way (in real time) through increasingly difficult monsters and obtain treasure while traversing deeper into randomly-generated dungeons to complete quests. Salon.com's Wagner James Au attested that, when he visited their offices, "Blizz
Thank you
@JeremyDicaire It's like "le" vs "la".
@WorldEngineer Oh okay. You speak french?!
you don't want to use the wrong one even though the point is clear.
Like "le table" make me .. irk
Je etudie la lang dans ecolle secondaire... mais je oublie beaucoup... et mai spelling checker does not like french.
@WorldEngineer not enough to make a difference. Se habla Español mas o menos.
I'm sure my spelling is awful in that.
@MichaelT Wow you're great! Honestly, as a french person, I don't care when people speak "not right" at least, they are trying that that's what matter
@MichaelT J'ai étudié (past tense I've studied) la langue à l'école secondaire (this language back at high school)... mais j'en ai oublié beaucoup (but I forgot a lot)
But since I'm in Quebec and not in France, a french person from France would put this sentence in a different way
I'm quite glad my typing and familiarity with it was enough to make it readable... remember, I've got grey hairs in my beard now and that was more than a few years ago since I've had to use it practically.
There's more than one way to say it
@MichaelT You never ever speak/type in french?
Classroom... and typing, well... the computers we had back then were Apple ][+ and the like. The keyboard wasn't exactly friendly with accents.
hahaha i guess
Do you read news from canada or quebec? like I love to read news from other countries like USA, Germany, France, etc and I'm wondering if ppl in other countries do the same thing
I listen to As It Happens on NPR (its on at 8pm)... and sometimes Q.
I have no idea of what you're talking about xD
So, not completely unfamiliar with it. I also traveled through Canada on my great unemployed road trip so I've got some context of where things are (entered just north of Seattle, went through Kamloops to Bamf and Jasper, then out at Waterton).
oh okay
did you follow the 201 demonstration?
with the students and everything?
Not much... (reading about it now to get context)
The 2012 Quebec student protests were a series of student demonstrations led by student unions like the Fédération étudiante universitaire du Québec, and their supporters against a proposal by the Quebec Cabinet, headed by Liberal Premier Jean Charest, to raise university tuition from $2,168 to $3,793 between 2012 and 2018. Only an estimated one-third of students agreed with the boycott, while the majority of students completed their courses. Left-wing groups endorsed the student protests which evolved into generalized demonstrations against the provincial government. Opposition partie...
Yep... btw, that one boxing thing... try editing your comment to remove the ':)'
Oh okay thank you
One of my favorite video about it (no speaking)
I think I heard a few bits about on as it happens... I don't listen to it too often, but enjoy it when I do (its a matter of if I'm traveling somewhere at 8pm).
but thats good,getting informed about whats happening in the world
What I found so amazng is ppl in New York and France and everywhere supporting us, It was amazing and give me hope in humanity
I try to stay ware of the world as a whole... I listen to the news on my commutes to various places.
So games - yea, poke at netback. There are a few who play it here. Also... Dungeons of Dredmor. (heh) - you might like it.
Yeah I am still trying to find a copy of netback
Don't need to install it - can play it online. alt.org/nethack
Otherwise, binary installs and source at nethack.org/common/index.html
Sep 10 at 16:49, by MichaelT
Come on! SO shouldn't be using workplace as their toilet bowl... thats our dumping ground. (HHOS)
And its expected that you'll die early and often in this game.
Haha ok good, thanks... (I just noticed I taped netback instead of nethack -.-)
Dungeons of Dredmor. looks ridiculously funny to play
It doesn't take itself too serisouly.
@gnat It was... a bad question. They would not have been happy with us if we did that at all.
@MichaelT HHOS is like.. sarcasm ?
Its a mix of sarcasm, truth, and a real joke.
wow that is complicated - thanks
There is a history of Stack Overflow using P.SE as its "toilet bowl", and we were quite sensitive about it. There were great confusions over it. When the workplace (TW) came about, some of our "we don't want to deal with this" was migrated there... I don't think we do that anymore.
So, when saying that, its in part because we did do it, and we shouldn't be doing it, and it was done to us...
Awww I see, that is kind of sad
but to be honnest, I never understand the purpose of the P.SO
we tend to get a great many stragglers from SO who either A. Want an answer to their question right NOW and feel like crossposting will get it faster despite us having a fraction of SO's userbase. B. They have been automatically question banned because they have no ability to do research or read the posting rules. C. We told to post here by SO people who've no idea what we are about.
no offense
@JeremyDicaire It's a long and complex story
we originally started as a "programming lifestyle" site
for questions that didn't fit SO
So in part, its a reminder to us not to do that again.
that was quickly abandoned
You'll see it named "NPR" - Not Programming Related.
we are now the conceptual and architectural sibling to SO
A: why are the best questions the ones which have been closed?

Yannistl;dr We already tried supporting those questions, we even gave them their own site. Sadly, it didn't work out. C'est la vie. 3 years ago, a Stack Exchange site called Not Programming Related came out of Area51, the Stack Exchange staging zone. NPR was supposed to be a site where questions t...

(reading it...)
And the one where the 'toilet bowl' meme came from...
Q: Please stop using Programmers.SE as your toilet bowl

user149432Stack Overflow users have been using the "off topic - belongs on Programmers.SE" close reason as an alternative to all the other close reasons. It'd be helpful if people actually read the FAQ and the guidelines for six subjective questions before voting to migrate questions like: What's your fa...

(Sorry its taking time one of my cats just decided to jump on me for affection)
@MichaelT that explain a lot
Its a good bit of history and it helps to understand where we've been to understand where we are going (and not repeat the same mistakes).
@JeremyDicaire The two things people tend to get the most confused with in terms of "seems like it should be on-topic but isn't" are questions about IDE usage and version control use.
VCS is especially awkward because some of the questions are quite appropriate here.
The "I have this problem with builds when doing branching some way" is a P.SE problem.
"How to write cod that doesnt suck" what the..
The "How do I do this with some VCS tool" is SO.
Q: How to deal with undesired commits that break long-running release builds?

VelociraptorsWe ran into an unfortunate situation at work recently and I've been wondering what we can do to avoid similar problems in the future. We make embedded systems. The FPGA code is in one SVN repository while the firmware & software code is in a different repository. Building the firmware requires t...

That's a reasonable P.SE VCS question
but in the first link you sent, they said PSO can be used for subjective questions, no
Programming History questions are technically on-topic but they can be hard to ask well
Because at the heart of it is the question of the architecture of VCS.
@JeremyDicaire at one point yes, years ago
oh okay
@WorldEngineer I keep getting random up votes on that '{}' answer.
@MichaelT send the link
Ill upvote it too :P
A: Why do programming languages, especially C, use curly braces and not square ones?

MichaelTTwo of the major influences to C were the Algol family of languages (Algol 60 and Algol 68) and BCPL (from which C takes its name). BCPL was the first curly bracket programming language, and the curly brackets survived the syntactical changes and have become a common means of denoting pro...

okay that is sooooo subjective
Well, when you dig into the history of the answer, it isn't.
+1 for use of actual data, rather than mere speculation – Michael Shaw Feb 26 at 15:34
It involves digging into Algol68, B, and BCPL... all predecessors of C which influenced its syntax.
wow you know a lot
Its not that I know a lot... I mentioned I worked in tech support... I know how to find a lot of information.
@MichaelT you are right
yeah but you need to want to do it
I also spent some time on a writing website which honed my skills for writing random things about things I may not know a lot about initially and make it into a good article.
I would never do that, even for me
@MichaelT agree. I saw it in 10K tools / recently deleted. Would be interesting to see Chad and enderland going nuts if we migrated it. :) "Don't torment me with your usual moderation stuffs" yeah sure
lhaha why not

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