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G'mornin, @Teresa!
@amWhy Morning!
One can argue that HNQ reviews could be a function of this room too. As such I encourage everyone to contribute to current discussion on such in the Math Mods Office chat starting here In particular if you disagree with removal of all those HNQs then please do speak up.
Indeed. Thanks, @Bill! Please know, I have every reason to believe that by tomorrow morning, I'll wake up suspended from chat, and or from main, for my support and thoughts posted in the mod's chat in the last hour or two. I'll survive. But abuse of power is very active, and real, and should concern us all, I agree!
For background, here is a meta thread from Sep 2019 on HNQ censorship by mods (actually by a single mod, except for 3% if same as back then)
@BillDubuque Also interesting, as a take away from the math mod's office, is that two additional moderators entered, lingered, and left, without a word. One among the newest elected. I just find it interesting.
@Bill, from what you remember, in your experience, is it tabu for a mod to disagree with another mod publicly? (Say, in chat, in comments on main, comments in math.meta). Its it "supposed" to only occur behind closed doors? If you don't care to respond, no problems. I'll understand.
1 hour later…
@amWhy I don't think so. In fact if the mod team truly represents the wide diversity of opinions in the community then we would expect their opinions to vary at times. The problem is that often only 1 or 2 mods do all the work (e.g. only 1 for HNQ handling) and often their opinions are very closely aligned, so diversity suffers.
Q: Equal ordinate zeros for the Riemann-zeta function

Daniel JohnstonWrite $\rho=\beta + i\gamma$ and $\rho'=\beta'+i\gamma'$ for two distinct non-trivial zeros of the Riemann zeta-function. Is it known that $\gamma\neq\gamma'$? That is, does a proof exist that two zeros can't have the same ordinate? Certainly, it is true under the Riemann hypothesis but I'm curio...

1 hour later…
This PSQ should not be on the HNQ in my opinion: math.stackexchange.com/q/4321342/42969.
in Math Mods' Office, 6 hours ago, by The Amplitwist
(There is a chat feed for HNQ entries, but I don't know how effective it is in terms of curation. Maybe if it's added to CURED — even as a ticker feed — it may help. But that's for the mods and the regular participants of CURED to decide, of course.)
@MartinR Agreed. I've flagged it as "missing context", but editing the title to include the inequality should be a quicker (and valid) way to remove it, due to MathJax.
Please close this as it lacks mathjax and uses images of hand written text.
Q: Riemann's explicit prime counting formula: how is it piecewise constant?

user34722I've heard many times that the distribution of the non-trivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function are hypothesized to match that of the eigenvalues of a random Hermitian matrix (see Wikipedia or this blog post by Terence Tao). However the following detail has always bothered me: There are many va...

@ParamanandSingh Which among the standard close reasons should be used for a question that uses images for the text/math content?
@TheAmplitwist: needs details or clarity
Because the hand written text may not be clear enough to many
@TheAmplitwist: also I have closed the question which Martin R referred (the one which was on HNQ)
@ParamanandSingh I noticed, thank you :)
@ParamanandSingh I see… I hope that this is indeed the “standard operating procedure”. It would be unfortunate if close votes/flags to close on such questions did not go through successfully simply because “Needs details or clarity” did not appear to be the right close reason to any reviewers, and so they chose to leave it open.
I have used this reason for such purposes in past. Can't say if that's standard.
@ParamanandSingh I speak only for myself here, but I would not mind if a question like this was unilaterally closed by a moderator.
Many users object to unilateral closure by a mod. But this question is a PSQ. Glad that you gave your feedback
Anyway this is not unilateral but a quadri-lateral closure :)
Yes, and there are good reasons to object. Just that there are some clear-cut cases (that are not spam/abusive) that need not wait for reviews from 4-5 community members. I’m happy if the lines for “clear-cut” cases and “borderline” cases are extremely far away, but, any way you slice it, that question needs improvement.
2 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted username, potentially bad keyword in username (90): let $H=\{1,15\} $ is a subgroup of $G = U(16)$ . Find all left coset of $H$ in $G$‭ by Fuck Mod TheSimpliFire‭ on math.SE
1 hour later…
@Peter The first D needs one more delete vote; the second two in this list are gone.
@amWhy: the first D in Peter list is also gone.
@amWhy @ParamanandSingh Thanks.
when I cast an undelete vote, does it end up in some queue? or are there any other effects?
@supinf There's no queue, but 20k+ users can see these in the tools section.
(You navigate there via the "review queues" tab. Maybe 10k+ users see parts of this? I can't remember...)
Yes I have access to the tools section, and now that you said it I found the posts i voted to undelete.
1 hour later…
Do we have a one-millionth registered user? I can't believe it : it's the one with the offensive name above, apparently.
@TeresaLisbon I'm presuming user999996 was the same person! (They also didn't last very long.)
@user1729 Yes, I guess they were the same person.
Q: All solutions to $1/a+1/b=1/c$?

LehsConjecture: Given integers $a>b>c>1$ such that $\gcd(a,b,c)=1$. Then all the positive integer solutions to $$\frac{1}{a}+\frac{1}{b}=\frac{1}{c}$$ is given by: $c$ any number and for each divisor $d<\sqrt{c}\:$ of $\,c$ $$ \left\{ \begin{array}{l} a_d=c+d^2 \\ b_d=\frac{c}{d}\cdot(\frac{c}{d}+1)...

1 hour later…
@ParamanandSingh Thanks for help to identify a poor quality question and help in closing another a question. I think it's a-okay for a mod to be the fourth or fifth close vote; see you.
^^^Thanks @Peter, and @MartinR; The post is now deleted.
"I think this question is intriguing and I don't think it deserves downvotes." Really ?
What about this post ? Does it belong rather into a physics or philosophy site ? If it should be closed, which is the proper reason ?
@Peter I think too little is said by the op, to know where to send it. I think it is off topic on this site (not about math as described...), but I chose needs clarity and details, because it is so unclear what the asker is asking/expects in an answer. The answer given is just a guess.
It strikes me as a post seeking a discussion and/or contemplation, rather than an actual question, in short.
@TheAmplitwist How about we leave that discussion in the mods' office chat. No need to link to other chats, most of the time?
@amWhy you mean the HNQ discussion? I think I’m missing some context in your message.
It was supposed to be a response to this post of yours, in this room here.
@amWhy Ah, I see. Sure, agreed. 👍🏼
@TheAmplitwist No problem, really. You haven a knack for this, which can be awesomely helpful. Just don't want chat rooms to become conversation-free, or 90% links to other's posts.
I'm with @rschwieb 's suggestion: One more close vote needed.
50 mins ago, by rschwieb
C1: https://math.stackexchange.com/q/4322267/29335
Hi, @Mast! I'm flattered by your interest here, and math.se chatrooms, in general! It is a pretty dang good site, eh!
@Mast If you're decent in math, we can use some mods who are here in math chats as much as you are! Think about it. But I think hyper-neutrino would be a better fit. But heck, competition is always good, in elections!!
The most recent election has only just finished and my last post on math.se is from 2014. I'm not here to be competition :-)
@Mast I'm just sayin' if you are drawn here, as much and as often as you're here, maybe there's an entrapped mathematician inside of you? :-). Or maybe your ready to take on another site, to moderate another site, if not here? In any case, thanks for chatting. And I'm sorry, I did not mean "competition" in that sense, because I've never been here to "compete". So I respect that. I don't need power on this site to feel complete. Hint?
@rschwieb I've noticed that participation in this chatroom slides, about this time, but picks up in, say four or five hours again
2 hours later…
@JyrkiLahtonen As I notice our days becoming shorter and shorter, in Wisconsin, I could help but remember your experience in Finland! 19 days to go to hitting "bottom" (shortest day of the year, far shorter than for me, indeed). But then you enjoy the magnificent Summers in June, with very long days (Sun/light). Cheers!

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