@Allan right, open().readlines() is your best bet for this kind of thing, it's immensely fast if your lines are short (< 1000 chars)
note that readlines() gives you each line with a trailing line-feed (\n), and the last element is just "\n", so you'll want to use some sort of generator function like the dictionary one
Unless this is a Mono port of stackoverflow and it is running on Ubuntu server.
Please clarify
(Ubuntu's bug #1 is that Microsoft is more popular than Ubuntu - see at
https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1 )
I know there are a ton of Python frameworks out there. Can you guys point me in the right direction? My primary concern is simplicity, I don't need a lot of extraneous features.
Here are a couple of other things that I'd want (or don't want):
don't care for ORM, just want it to work with MySQL
@MarcoCeppi you're right, my mistake for being over-extended. I'm not communicating very well today.... i think this whole meeting-via-email business thats going on has me taxed. I need to go back to coding and forget this administrative clout.
Think of how Windows did it's OS: Kernel, userland, etc all squished into one. They did the same thing with ASP and .NET they are separate but really they are not.
Nope - the problem is, it still injects the npapi on every page which is just stupid.
It should use the background.html that loaded as part app - and only once for a browser session. Then share that object forward making it accessible to the pages injected code
@lazyPower With the cloud you'll never have downtime because of a bad datacenter (if you set it up right)
@lazyPower just say "Listen, I'm smart - you're not. I know it's hard not really knowing what's going on and trying to point fingers. This is what we need - so we can do this to be successful. If you don't do it we'll just continue to flail and bleed money."
> AWS will use commercially reasonable efforts to make Amazon EC2 available with an Annual Uptime Percentage (defined below) of at least 99.95% during the Service Year.
not sure If I'm getting this right. When they they Reserved Instance, One-Time fee, 1 year term, 54$, does that mean you pay 54$ and that's it, what ever you do with the instance?
@StefanoPalazzo I personally won't touch anything that plays fast-and-lose with RAM allocations. If you see the phrase (or German analogue) "burstable", run for your life. I had a client on a burstable system and his wordpress site was happy to nom up all the RAM and the server just ground to an awful, swappy halt every time the burstable portion was reigned back in.
@MarcoCeppi Yeah, it's just the scaling nature of things that was fooling Apache/PHP/WP into thinking it had a lot more space for expansion... Until it didn't.
Burstable isn't a bad thing - but these two bit hosts try to cram 150 VPS on one hardware node with 64GB of ram - and just have them duke it out for space.
Also, Virtouzzo (and OpenVZ by proxy) is horrible at relaying the right memory usage to containers - typically it'll just say what the host hardware has
I also like their CPU allotment. I've got a dozen Django sites running on my Linode and bear in mind it's peak time for most of them but because there's a very limited number of sites on a host machine, everything just flies and nothing backs up. My Load is 0.00 0.00 0.00
Of course as soon as I said that, it would have to peak to the dizzy heights of 0.05, 0.01, 0.00
In UNIX computing, the system load is a measure of the amount of work that a computer system performs. The load average represents the average system load over a period of time. It conventionally appears in the form of three numbers which represent the system load during the last one-, five-, and fifteen-minute periods.
Unix-style load calculation
All Unix and Unix-like systems generate a metric of three "load average" numbers in the kernel. Users can easily query the current result from a Unix shell by running the uptime command:
$ uptime
14:34:03 up 10:43, 4 users, load avera...
In linguistics, hypercorrection is defined as usage of some rule of pronunciation or grammatical prescription that many users of a language consider incorrect, but that the speaker or writer uses through misunderstanding of these rules, often combined with a desire to seem formal or educated.
Linguistic hypercorrection occurs when a real or imagined grammatical or phonetical rule is applied in a mistaken or non-standard context, so that an attempt to be "correct" leads to an incorrect result: Faced with enough exceptions to a rule, the speaker might mistake the exception for the general...
@OctavianDamiean you have ot have strong ankles for it. I alas, do not have them. I've ate more asphalt from trying ot learn inline skating than I care to admit.
@OctavianDamiean i feel ya. I leapt off the porch here at work and clicked my heels, i've put on about 15 lb's since i started this job and i'll be darned if I didnt feel the weight + age difference of just 2 years ago. Forward momentum + being in mid air usually doesnt end well unless you're wearing a helmet.
I've noticed that a lot of the apps in Ubuntu are python based. How hard is it to do ruby based applications? (Just curious - sorry if this sounds like a stupid question).
@JamesGifford however, the ubuntu ruby package isnt quite "sane", there are some tweaks you will have to do to get ruby up to snuff.
@JamesGifford indeed. Plus i beleive that Ubuntu has made it rather easy to write python apps by pretty much advertising for it. I've seen quite a few articles about writing python apps for gnome/ubuntu. I've read next to nothing about ruby. Most of the ruby buzz is in rails these days though.
and if you're @MarcoCeppi you hate ruby, and pearl, and anything that isnt PHP :P
@lazyPower It's very easy to write python modules in C and C++, and if you're using Jython, you can just "import" every Java library (same for IronPython and every .net language)
@JamesGifford thats the one app i wish i had. Theres no decent alternative that I have found. Handwriting recognition, integrated math functions, tagging, "cloud based note taking", collaborative notes... lofty project, but you know ;)
you know, thats a decent idea tho, having it use webkit as a backend. so your export is as easy just save->save-as and blam, you have a "note site" ready for publishing.
#Objective Python stacktrace:
in mirrors.opy, line 19:
def select_best_mirror(mirrors):
Warning: this method appears to be subjective and is likely to be closed
I enjoy explicits! international. Jonatah Coulton is awesome. Give "The future now" a try. Or "Ikea". Or "Code Monkey". Or "Re: Your Brains". Or "Still Alive". ;)
@MarcoCeppi but usually a bigoted statement is frail in the first place. born out of a fusion of cynicism and ignorance.
@MarcoCeppi hense why its epic, because it appeals to me on a level that i work with every day ;) fighting off the injustice of bigotry in a startup company.