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"Picture the sun as the origin of two intersecting 6-dimensional hyperplanes from which we can deduce a certain transformational sequence which gives us the terminal velocity of a rubber duck ..."
woohoo, fringe got renewed! \o/
[off-topic jazz, pop, and hip hop]
how do I install firefox 4 throw the terminal (sudo apt-get install ?)
@RolandTaylor hi :D
@Alvar hey ^^
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
is that right?
I'll try..
should replace your current firefox version I guess
@StefanoPalazzo How much harder is "harder" for the non-google?
It's taking forever really...
@StefanoPalazzo That should work.
it does replace your current version and it shouldn't take forever unless your internet is slow
@StefanoPalazzo it worked +1 on that ! :D
@RolandTaylor it upgraded some other stuff like google chrome 20.7 mb download
on top of the download of firefox 4..
so it wasn't that slow really.. :D
ohh lol
Interesting. - rstat.us
(Granted, it's not Ubuntu related per se, it's just FOSS)
@MarcoCeppi meh and I still think so :D
Q: Want to report a typo at http://unity.ubuntu.com/about/

carlosat http://unity.ubuntu.com/about/ A powerful desktop and netbook environment things brings consistency and elegance to the Ubuntu experience. I suggest "things" has to go in "things brings"

What should we do with this?
It's a bug report
Tell them how to launch a bug report :)
@MarcoCeppi I know, but where should he report it?
Oh, I have no idea
@DoR Isn't there a docs team he can report it to?
Ok, thanks.
@DoR @JorgeCastro saved the day
@JorgeCastro Thanks.
Q: Deleting last few hours of zeitgeist history in Natty (like in FF)

danizmaxI want to open secret files on Ubuntu Natty and after my work delete the history of open files or any recorded activity during last: one hour three hours one day one week etc... how can I do this, with GUI or at least in terminal. Thanks!

sounds like a "Warhammer" question
Q: How to hide recent files and most used apps?

Swapnil NarendraHow can I hide recent files that my Ubuntu Netbook's unity menu shows when I click on the files and folder icon? Okay ! I watch porn sometimes and right after that it appears in the files and folder menu. And believe me, that is not a good thing. :D So, please tell me if there is a way to do t...

does anyone understand what he means?
Q: How to diagnose & fix Ubuntu failing to unmount the disk properly at shutdown?

VadiMy Ubuntu is consistently failing to properly unmount the disk when shutting down, which means that I have to boot twice each time (I don't reboot often, but it is an issue nonetheless). I've got no idea why did it start doing this - how can I diagnose why is it doing this?

the description doesn't make sense at all
@OctavianDamiean I had problems with fstab mounts once slowing down shutdown/restart but I think that was a permissions issue as they were mounted as root
night, fellas!
@htorque night
@htorque night
g'night @htorque
you guys know any place to get cool wallpapers?
I've looked through some stuff on deviantart.com but there is so much crap on there its hard to find anything worth while
@sadmicrowave define: cool.
@sadmicrowave if nothing appropriate is on deviantart then it does not exist
lol, I dont know/care, just anything you would consider cool
@sadmicrowave I remember there being a 1000 wallpaper tar ball in one the ppa's
I'll decide if it I like it from there
retro wallpaper throwback
I don't get wallpapers
I never see my desktop
8 virtual windows and they are always 94% full
I shocked myself one day, when I closed one of my windows by mistake and saw my desktop
@lazyPower, lmao
My current
I've seen that
my current
I need widescreen to span across dual monitors
This is what I have
well thats an interesting root image....
I like this one
I typically border on the simple minimal ones. That is visually stunning - but I think it's too busy
I tend to agree, especially if you have transparency on your command shells - then there are only a few places on the image that you can have your shell positioned and still see the text
give it up for korea!
@MarcoCeppi I'm driving... (This... is... bus...)
dang the more I watch that the more it looks like it hurts
the more I watch that, the more my nose feels like its bleeding
lol indeed
the more I watch it, the more I remember, that this, is bus.
what the hell?
someone set this gif as the wallpaper on a few work PCs
I just went on to facebook and a friend had shared it :D
You should at least do something cute - that might be taken as a threat :)
and then it occurred to me, this is our answer to every bug report - ever :D
heh, @StefanoPalazzo
> make the BFB icon turn blue when an application goes urgent
nice idea!
(really like the blue messaging icon by the way)
now, what if two applications go urgent? :P
@RolandTaylor, or user error report -
user: "my keyboard isn't working"
me: "did you try... <**KICK IN FACE**>"?
@StefanoPalazzo yeah, the blue is nice, but doesn't really fit the purple background (imo, there's no accounting for taste ;))
@MarcoCeppi lol it's not a threat :D
@sadmicrowave rofl
@htorque the purple background is just to remind you you're being idle, Open up a text editor and write a novel to make it go away :P
@MarcoCeppi such a baby!
(I lol'd irl when I saw the cat :D)
@StefanoPalazzo true that - that's why i don't use conky or (usually) have any icons on the desktop
@htorque The launcher API as a bunch of different ways to highlight an item. Such as an "urgent label", which also gives the background a red tint, I suppose that wouldn't be a problem
appindicators > screenlets > conky
Late to the party, but here's my current wallpaper.
Q: How do I get started with an Ubuntu friendly GUI framework?

d3vidI have a few small scripts that I use for routine tasks. They require simple parameters to run. Rather than running them from the terminal, I'd prefer to pick something from the menu, be presented with a simple window with fields to input the parameters, click a "Go" button and have the script ru...

anyways, good night (again) - just wanted to spread the good news :D
good general question (minus the python python python chant)
@JamesGifford, ??
@sadmicrowave Ugh. My internet just went laggggggg there for a moment.
Very important question - what is the best route to take with regards to MultiSeat?
(On Maverick.)
@JamesGifford, thats not bad looking - and sorry, I'm too impatient for my own good
@sadmicrowave No it isn't. I don't remember the original source, otherwise I'd link to his site.
@sadmicrowave Hehe it's ok. :)
@GeorgeEdison userful.com offers a commercial setup, if you're willing to pay (and if they do business in canada), I assume you can't go wrong (and you have someone to blame if it goes wrong)
@sadmicrowave Found the site. - mantia.me/wallpaper
@StefanoPalazzo Thanks... but I'm really looking for something free.
@JamesGifford, i like the starwars one
@sadmicrowave :)
ugh. businesses to do with education always have such condescending marketing..
since when is this considered art?
@GeorgeEdison Again I've no clue. You had a look at LTSP?
@sadmicrowave Is that a real question?
can I try to answer?
@StefanoPalazzo, it was more rhetorical, but go for it
shes HOT!
k :)
Art is nothing to do with the content. It becomes art by means of the viewer's response to it.
The purpose of art is to provoke a response, pleasurable or otherwise. Quite often, art makes commentary on events or feelings of the viewer. If a work of art can invoke a response, and then make you question your response, it's "social commentary" or "controversial".
this is "the bombing of Guernica"
@StefanoPalazzo, thank you webster - lol
So, the only means to say some piece of art is good or bad is by the quality of the craftsmanship. Otherwise, it's all equally valid. The thing you posted is very poor craftsmanship, i think. That makes it bad art, maybe, but art none the less.
@StefanoPalazzo, so under that logic, an emoticon or ^_^ is art...
I'm a freaking artist!!!
I'm only regurgitating something I was told once. Don't know if makes sense.
@sadmicrowave no, the emoticon has a purpose or a function.
for something to be art, it can have no purpose other than itself
but it also provokes a response or a reaction
Lots of things do that :)
Like a tree or the sky
so where does it end? "for something to be art, it can have no purpose other than itself".
I have a hard time believing that or even understanding where that line is drawn.
for example...I have one of those inspirational framed pictures in my office that says "Brillance - when a collection of brilliant minds, hearts, and talents come together...expect a masterpiece." Above this text is a large picture....
you are saying that this is not art because it's purpose is to inspire and motivate?
I have to call BS on that
the point it makes has to be non-obvious (this is according to Bacon, I'm sure lots of people disagree with it)
no offence
none taken :)
Bacon, what? Kevin Bacon?
i dont like him
Hey guys
francis bacon :)
I have a joystick to try out on ubuntu
anyone have experience with these?
@RolandTaylor, not I
funny thing is,
it works fine like a mouse (which is mighty fun)
@sadmicrowave According to this theory, some things like Dance and theatre are not art, so you're right to call BS. I just think it makes a lot of sense (and I don't care for dance anyway)
It's an unsolved problem
I probably wouldn't call it an 'unsolved problem' as much as an 'ongoing debate'
this is soooooo coool
@sadmicrowave right, that's called relativism. my view is a constructionist view. There's even a debate about whether it's a debate
@StefanoPalazzo, thanks for your input nonetheless
Sure, I always like to hear myself talk :P
really though, I just find it immensely interesting
perhaps we can get back to finding a nice wallpaper
I usually like the simplicity of these
Im out guys, talk with ya tomorrow
Anyone know where the touchpad device is located?
My USB mouse is /dev/input/mouse1
@GeorgeEdison have a look at the by-id/ and by-path/ directories
I did.
None of them gave any input for sudo cat /dev/....
...but the USB mouse did.
maybe synaptic is intercepting it
Ah... perhaps.
looks like it, I have a device that's pretty clearly my touchpad, no output though
Another question... I have a VBox VM and I can't find /etc/X11/xorg.conf
I think that's our most-viewed question
Q: Where is the X.org config file? How do I configure X there?

IvanAs Ubuntu 10.10 seems to neither detect my graphics card (Intel 82852/855GM) automatically nor use corresponding Intel driver even after manually installing it, I am looking forward to manually configure X (shouldn't I?) Where an I find configuration files I need to edit?

you have to create one
For Ubuntu 10.04?
I'm not 100% sure, but I think all of the changes to xorg were done before 11.04
bullet proof X
Q: Where is /etc/X11/xorg.conf?

TotoWhere is the xorg.conf file in Ubuntu 10.04? I couldn't find it in /etc/X11/xorg.conf

So all I have to do is create it?
Is there a tool that will generate one for me?
looks like X -configure will create one, the difference between 10.04 and 10.10 seems to be the path, in case you have one, or something like that
Better not run it if you already have one, do a find / | grep xorg first
there isn't anything in /etc/X11/xorg.conf on 11.04 - I just checked.
many of the things that used to be configured in xorg.conf are now somewhere else, namely in /usr/lib/X11/xorg.conf.d if you're on 10.04 or /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d if you're on 10.10
and if you don't have those directories, X -configure will create them
Is that helpful at all? I can't really test any of this :\
Is there a way to send Ctrl-Alt+F1 to a VM?
Then I can try it.
right+ctrl + F1 I think
I mean the right control key, plus F1
it appears to me that we AU users, have the busiest chat room on the SE network....
constantly full, constantly popular. Thats a #win in my book
@lazyPower I was thinking the same thing yesterday.
I've secretly thought it for a while, this is the first time I've gotten vocal about it :)
Cant wait, in an hour i'll be sitting in an ice cold theater watching Kick Ass. I've been anticipating this movie for months.
@MarcoCeppi wanna come?
:P its only a four hour drive
@StefanoPalazzo @GeorgeEdison: that's HOST-key + F1
@StefanoPalazzo LOL.
I tried Right-Ctrl+Right-Alt+F1.
...and I had to perform a hard reset :)
The screen filled with @ signs and wouldn't do anything.
that one is hard to google
@GeorgeEdison you need to press your HOST key + F1 simultaneously
I made the right SUPER key my HOST key, can't remember what was default.
@Takkat Got it.
Now I get a SEGFAULT for X -configure
took me ages to find out :P
@GeorgeEdison if you get a terminal try to reload guest additions. I can't test this at the moment - my VBox freezes on boot after update :(
so my 11.04 is at snapshot don't know when
WOW now my mic works and I can use skype in linux! :D
@Alvar Which answer did you use?
the one where you disable a mic.. it's not as cool as the first but it works! :)
I've updated my answer and upvoted it..
@Alvar you mean mute the channels. That's what worked for me as well.
@JamesGifford well you are disableing one input channel...
but still I will ned a better mic for the future... I'll try one of those @GeppettvsD'Constanzo told me about...
@Alvar You're muting a channel. Effectively you're disabling a channel.
@JamesGifford that's what I said right?!
@Alvar Maybe i'm being a jerk, but I'm very specific when I can be. Which means that this is muting a channel. :p
my trolling is bigger than yours
update for unity-place-askubuntu (0.1-0~20~natty1)

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