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Q: What is the name of the ubuntu server cli installer?

datUserI am trying to debug some ubuntu installation issues from a customized ISO using the source image for ubuntu server 18.04 here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/18.04.2/ubuntu-18.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso (I am doing the customization similar to how Cubic is done). When I run the installation after m...

7 hours later…
Q: Setting default session for Slim login manager on Ubuntu 18.04

fuumindPreviously I had Slim set up to automatically log in to an Openbox session. This has changed. Perhaps it happened when I installed some package, I do not know. Currently when Slim tries to log me in automatically it fails with the error Failed to execute login command, then it shows the login s...

Q: Why does my date output have "STD" as the time zone?

user353086When I run date on my Ubuntu under WSL, it prints: Wed May 15 19:33:37 STD 2019 Why does this have the string STD in it? I can't find a timezone online with the abbreviation STD (for example here) and googling 'date std' gave me unexpected results.

Q: Burning a Linux Ubuntu bootable USB with dd

mmorinI am installing Linux on a machine and got the Ubuntu 18.04 LTS image. I formatted a 32 GB Sandisk drive on macOS with MS-DOS (FAT) format and GUID Partition Map scheme. I found the name of the disk as disk2s2 (either with Disk Utility or diskutil list in Terminal), unmounted and copied the imag...

Q: Sudden shutdowns on Ubuntu 18.04 Acer Laptop

Konrad DuffelmannI am running Ubuntu 18.04.2 on an Acer Laptop (F5-573G-52PJ). Randomly the system does a shutdown itself. In /var/log/syslog I see the events: May 15 11:24:53 top boltd[1176]: power: got event for guard '2' (10) May 15 11:24:53 top boltd[1176]: power: guard '2' fo...

@Rinzwind Have you ever tried compiling your own kernel?
I seem to be able to compile 4.19.38 (Latest LTS) just fine, but 5.1.2 (latest stable) gives me an error.
@Fabby nope. Custom iso yes but that's about it
@Fabby n00b user :+) "gives me an error." Closes as unclear :+)
@WinEunuuchs2Unix : Have you ever compiled a custom kernel?
what you giving up on me? >:)
@Fabby I guess he haven't.
Apr 30 at 3:05, by WinEunuuchs2Unix
I dunno. I've only compiled small things like drivers and grub. Nothing big like the kernel.
Mmmh... I guess I'll have to ttake this to StackOverflow:
$ git checkout -b v5.1.2 v5.1.2
Switched to a new branch 'v5.1.2'
$ make -j `getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN` deb-pkg LOCALVERSION=-fab
  HOSTCC  scripts/basic/fixdep
  HOSTCC  scripts/kconfig/conf.o
  HOSTCC  scripts/kconfig/confdata.o
  HOSTCC  scripts/kconfig/expr.o
  LEX     scripts/kconfig/lexer.lex.c
  YACC    scripts/kconfig/parser.tab.h
  YACC    scripts/kconfig/parser.tab.c
  HOSTCC  scripts/kconfig/preprocess.o
dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to vmlinux-gdb.py:
dpkg-source: error: new version is symlink to /home/fab-user/Documents/Source/linux/scripts
@Fabby I have compiled kernel about 15-20 years ago, for red hat. It was easy as: make menuconfig; make. Used it to compile some iptables extensions.
@LeonidMew :D :D :D
This is how my question on StackOverflow is going to start.
So it's been 20 years since I last compiled anything >10K source lines and I've only compiled small stuff like applications since then, but I'm faced with an issue on my current distro's
Ugh, do you really need to start with “So”? …
@dessert removing that
@Kulfy reading
@Kulfy Lemme edit that for readability.
@Fabby delete the symlink and try again :+)
my search skillz found it here: spinics.net/lists/linux-kbuild/msg18761.html
@Fabby I edited that earlier but OP re-wrote and messed up the formatting. Then rolled back the edit and again messed up the formatting. I thought I'll invite editor war.
@Rinzwind It's not a symlink: it's the real thing.
@Fabby I've only compiled hard disk to micro SSD block cached IO dirver for kernel called EnhanceIO
@Kulfy it seems like OP was still working on the answer when you edited, maybe they didn’t even notice your edit – let’s see what they do when Fabby does the formatting magic
It gives Linux the equivalent of Intel's Rapid Storage Technolgy (RST) for Windows.
Not for the faint of heart mind you... :D
@dessert Thank you for your subsequent edit
@WinEunuuchs2Unix So how do you extract a part of the kernel for compilation?
This is the one causing me grief:
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0cf3:e300 Atheros Communications, Inc.
Kernel 4.19.38 works OK if I reboot every 24 hours: 10 MB/S throughput on WiFi.
@Fabby I would just compile the module(s) / program(s) I needed. It was three years ago though and can't remember much. Basically I would just do what dkms does for broadcom driver or nvidia driver.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix I don't know what dkms does...
Oh I see we are back to the Ath10k_pci thingy.... Kavlo has a github page with Qualcom Killer (whatever you call it card) driver. Just download that and compile it? There should be instructions on the git page.
back in 15 min.
@dessert OP re-wrote the answer, then rolled back the edit and then again re-wrote the answer. This was a little bit weird thing.
And what is the point of adding PPA if installation is to be done using deb packages?
Answer is little bit confusing tbh
May be eclipse handy for building android rom
How do I put backticks within backticks?
 make -j `getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN` deb-pkg LOCALVERSION=-fab
make -j getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN` deb-pkg LOCALVERSION=-fab`
@Kulfy comment!
@Fabby replace 'command parameter1 parameter 2' with $(command parameter 1 parameter 2)
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Found a way around it...
good :)
@dessert Done!!
> Command substitutions may be nested. To nest when using the backquoted form, escape the inner backquotes with backslashes.
(man bash)
@dessert It's on the site here...
not in the terminal...
(I found a way by using <pre><code> )
oh ok
@Kulfy I think your guys Android ROM Q&A should be flagged off-topic and belonging on Stack Overflow. We aren't really in the EEPROM business over here....
First instinct would be Android.stackexchange but they don't allow programming questions there, just user interface questions or new program installs, etc.
Well off to work buh-bye chat room!
@WinEunuuchs2Unix I don't think it's off-topic. OP simply asked how to install OpenJDK7 not how to build the ROM. We can at least help them installing what they asked, if problem still persists redirect them to android.se
Q: Linux latest stable compilation: cannot represent change to vmlinux-gdb.py:

FabbyThe issue: It's been 20 years since: I last wrote >1K of C code compiled anything >10K source lines My current Distro's support (Ubuntu 16.04) for an 0cf3:e300 Atheros Communications, Inc. WiFi driver is abysmal: 8-12Mbps is the best I get. What I know about kernel version priorities: U...

Thank you!
+1 :)
Thanks again! Seems like I'm getting sympathy voted for being an old fart...
:D :D :D
@Fabby what let’s you think a newer kernel changes anything?
@dessert I went from 1-2MB/S to 4-10 MB/S
the second UV is from me, hopefully +2 gives the question a good start
@dessert The machine is only 1 year old and I just changed ISP.
@Fabby by doing what?
@dessert better support for the Atheros WiFi Killer driver
why not 18.04? ;P
On the old ISP I never noticed anything as I use the WiFi for downloading
@dessert Because: I like Unity!
@Fabby oh right, my bad
If I upgrade it's going to be to Majaro KDE: no more upgrades ever!
Just don't have the time now to do that
do you know Unity8? that may interest you: unity8.io
@dessert It's buggy
@Fabby but you have time to fiddle with the kernel? :D
> Visit our GitHub project to see what we are workin on at the moment and where we could use your help.
right, but one can participate to change that ;)
@dessert Arch is difficult. Maybe if I get someone sitting next to me to help me... ;-) >:-)
@dessert looking
@Fabby you’re always welcome at my home! we even let you use the kitchen… ;)
@dessert No I don't: I just downloaded and compiled and it worked: 20 minutes of work and 2.5h of compiling...
@dessert lemme look
@Fabby you got it solved?
@dessert I'll bring tons of Belgian and French products to feed your family for the entire time I'm there!
@dessert Yes, if I reboot every 24h.
cronjob :D
@dessert push a button twice
I also found that the vast majority of computer problems can be solved with a simple systemctl poweroff. :)
@dessert :D :D :D Starred!
who needs this thing anyway? ;)
I'm going to look into Manjaro / KDE first.
If I end up hating KDE, I'll go to Arch/Unity and change jobs and get involved in the development.
@Fabby KDE is nice if your machine has the right specs, as I use mainly older hardware it’s not an option. I used it for years though.
@Fabby you can buy this house for 1,– €: goo.gl/maps/At3FRHe5tX8X9jsP6
$ nvidia-smi
Wed May 15 14:46:34 2019
| NVIDIA-SMI 418.56       Driver Version: 418.56       CUDA Version: 10.1     |
| GPU  Name        Persistence-M| Bus-Id        Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC |
| Fan  Temp  Perf  Pwr:Usage/Cap|         Memory-Usage | GPU-Util  Compute M. |
@dessert :O
and 10000€ taxes and 50000€ repairs?
well, the repairs are up to you, but the taxes are a fraction of the purchase price. the court gets ~500 €, but that’s all you’d have to pay to be the new owner.
@dessert Did someone get murdered there?
What's the deal?
@Fabby oh, no taxes with a purchase prize <2.500 € actually – well the consultant thought you’d need to demolish the whole thing and these costs are higher than the property’s value, so it’s not worth anything => 1 €
that may or may not mean it’s unsalvageable, but there are photos if you’re interested ;)
@dessert Things are much lighter now with Kubuntu 18.04. I can even get decent performance running Kubuntu 19.04 (minimal) in a VM with 1 CPU core and 4GB RAM.
@DKBose wow, that’s impressive. not what I had thought
> The real reason for the complete solution is that right now I need exactly that for our company and have the solution at hand, otherwise a complete rebuild will be necessary.
Does it imply that someone is writing an answer just because they might need it later no matter if that is relevant to the question or not?
@Kulfy if it’s not relevant to the question, flag as NAA. OP is welcome to write an own Q&A, that’s what I do when I need to preserve my knowledge for myself, that’s no problem at all.
@dessert Actually I'm not sure about it. It's the comment on the answer which you and @Fabby edited. askubuntu.com/a/1143428/816190
@Kulfy OP’s second answer is NAA in any case
Indeed. Already flagged.
Q: Solution for Auditing File Movement and Usage

user3290553I am a graduate research student at a children's hospital and they have fairly strict rules on how patient data is handled. The general principle is that the data cannot leave hospital hardware onto personal laptops, personal email, etc. Currently the hospital trusts the graduate students and sta...

@Kulfy it's a mess.
Downvoted and asked Tatsu to remove his upvote.
Flaged as NAA as well.
@Kulfy and downvoted and cast delete vote.
@Fabby tatsu only upvoted the "long" answer and AFAIK he can't undo his vote until answer is edited again.
Downvoted both answers. I have already flagged one answer as NAA. Should I flag other one too?
@Kulfy If he edits: no. If he doesn't: yes and then ping me as well.
then I'll start casting a delete vote there too.
You look little bit annoyed. Are you?
I'm in a meeting at work, yes, I'm annoyed but not because of you.
I should just leave here...
I need to get the media keys working on my wife's laptop, any tutorials you can point me at?
do we really need a tag ?
@Kulfy lol I wrote one answer to my own question in 2016. I had to follow that answer myself like 4 times
@Zanna In my opinion: no. There is already a tag which is a synonym of plugins. So, I think it can also be a synonym of that. The only difference is, it doesn't have an "s".
@Zanna I believe that's acceptable since you were the author of your answer and you knew what question really needs. But on the other hand the question about which I was talking about here is very much confusing.
@Kulfy yeah haha I'm not trying to justify whatever you saw - I didn't even see the post
@Zanna that’s a hard one to find a pun for, how about “Do we have anything to add onto [add-on]?”
just remembering how happy I was every time I needed to do that procedure that I had documented it in the best possible place
@dessert Can we subtract ?
Yesterday I destroyed by editing mere 3 question ;-)
what is dxvk?
someone typing random characters?
@Zanna DXVK is a Vulkan-based translation layer for Direct3D 10/11 which allows running 3D applications on Linux using Wine.
the least pronounceable consonant cluster ever?
@Kulfy well why did you destroy the tag for it then?
I thought Vulkan is enough
That seems a reasonable thing to have a tag for to me...
@Kulfy ok, that makes sense I guess
still, specific tags about Linuxy things are usually fine
I wouldn't kill them
it's vague ambiguous tags that could be used for multiple things that create chaos
IMO we can't have tag for everything. But again that's debatable.
@Zanna I just saw is already a synonym of . Will a hyphen make any difference?
these tags all seem useless to me
I suppose there might be someone who is an expert in plugins
It depends on the application I guess.
yeah... so a generic tag for it seems... pointless
Tags are difficult :/
@AaronHall search for "keyboard scan codes"
speaking of plugins, I need a new user agent switcher
You're in for a lot of work if someone else hasn't done it yet before you though...
@Kulfy haha yeah, but I think I'm used to it now
@Zanna Browser?
@Kulfy how did you guess I was annoyed?
@Fabby Although I am too young but I'm very much good at judging the mood of the other person just by reading their text :-P
the old user agent switcher is disabled... you know FF made a whole bunch of new restrictions and now nothing works
@Kulfy Yeah, you're just an uncute puppie!
;-) >:-)
@Fabby Uncute!! Aaah... that hurts!!!
@Kulfy So was that for real or a joke? (as you're good in judging someone's mood?) ;-)
@Fabby For real. Doggo gets hurt when called uncute or bad boi
Oh! That wasn't what I meant.
here: have a meatball:
@Kulfy actually the old one is working... I just clicked "manage" and it woke up, thanks though, I should probably switch to that one
also, I couldn't fix my problem
@Fabby That's too big. My friends would probably like that cause I'm a vegetarian pug.
@Zanna Which one?
I successfully got past the "Sorry, the browser you are using does not have a sufficient level of functionality" page by pretending to be using Internet Explorer (LOL)
but then I entered my details and it said "we cannot find you in our records"
@Zanna Is it a bank site? I guess only they use that.
@Kulfy no it's the "self-service" payroll thing for a company I work for
it is absolutely useless
I cannot say enough bad things about it
@Zanna Thet's because you're a too gentle soul...
IIRC I had so much trouble with it when I was trying to do my tax return last year that I gave up and made a spreadsheet
Want some help in finding really bad words?
Zanna being a critic
@Fabby haha no, I mean whatever I say will not be bad enough. Not gentle at all, there's just nobody in the house to hear the expletives so I'll refrain
@Fabby I'll save my energy for solving the problem
nobody in the house except one mosquito feasting on my ankle :/
Because i've been called "You silly çµn|" by someone for years, and he got away with it because he told me when one mand calls another man that when only men are present, it's extremely funny.
@Zanna but now I need a document from there for ID purposes, so I can't give up
Took me 10 years to find out that word is never uttered under any circumstance.
I personally like that word
I like the word "hooker". When I was a kid, I thought for years it meant "fisherman"
I mean, there is nothing bad about what that word designates
@Fabby only in the US. It's actually much less offensive in BrE and AuE. Still offensive, mind you, but far less so than in the US.
so it's expletive because of misogyny and nothing else
so I would never use that word as an insult
@Zanna Hardly. Calling someone a prick is also insulting and not because of misandry. I mean, sure, you can look at it that way if you like, but the genitalia of both sexes are used as insults in many languages.
@terdon I was told differently by a real proper upperclass British girl.
@terdon Germanic languages uses excrement as insult, Romanic languages use sexual innuendo.
English uses both as it's a Francophonised Germanic language.
@Fabby It's a really weird one. If you use it literally, to refer to someone's anatomy, it is indeed extremely vulgar. However, I've heard it used in almost the same way as guy, as in "There was some guy over there" in BrE.
@terdon I got it without the sed...
But I am not going to press the argument with Zanna, she's actually from the UK so I'm sure she knows the local dialects better.
@terdon there is a very interesting book called Womanwords which looks at the history and etymology of words relating to women
yeah I agree with Fabby, that word is the absolute worst one
while "prick" is not even a swear word
"You prick" sounds worse than "you git"
(or is it the other way round???)
@Zanna Seriously? It most certainly is for me. If I say you prick to someone, I would expect consequences. Don't be a prick is slightly less offensive, mind.
same question as mine ----^
And bollocks, balls, and dick are also sweary. And, again, not because of misandry.
Insults are difficult in any language.
why do I even open my mouth
E.G. "Good woman" in French is a slight insult.
I think all words that refer to erogenous zones, irrespective of gender, can be used as insults.
@Zanna Because you cannot refrain from teaching people and hope to make them become better people???
I'll resume trying to access the stupid payroll
@Zanna :D :D :D
Just as it became interesting.
@Fabby "Deal Lady" in English is dripping with sanctimonious pretension and screams of mansplaining.
@Zanna ???
I thought we were having an interesting linguistic discussion. What happened?
the thing that always happens!
She's being frustrated by a payroll system that insists on the enduser using Internet Explorer.
No, I think she feels that we're two guys telling her what to think, whereas I am just one guy who is interested in language and happens to disagree with her.
Here' a nice list, by the way, which classifies prick as I would have:
@terdon Nice!!!
Ofcom, which says this has been its most in-depth research yet, found that TV viewers are becoming less tolerant of racist and discriminatory language.

Most words relating to gender and sexuality, and race and ethnicity, were seen as strong, whereas most relating to disability were seen as mild or medium.
Confirmed what I always tell the Americans:
"Bugger off" is the gentle, British version of the expression the Americans use without using the f-word. >:-) but that the etymology of the word is actually worse, I don't tell them, so I can get away with saying that on conference calls
I don't think you're telling me what to think
Good, because I certainly wasn't trying to.
You could also use sod off but I wouldn't use either of those in a formal setting.
I once said on a conferenca call:
in that book, the author notes how words about women reliably degrade over time
Are you guys done so I can go get a fag outside?
--- total dead silence ---
untile someone asked: "what does that mean?"
"I want to go have a cigarette."
--- uprorious laughter ---
@Zanna No doubt. But I do think that the genitalia are a special case and words describing them are insults more because of society's prudishness and sex taboo than because of sexism.
ugh I spend like 5 minutes doing one of those really long captchas where you have to choose all the pictures with fire hydrants
I was explained the difference between "fag" (Br. Eng.) and "fag" (Am. Eng.)
Sexism will probably play a role and likely explains why the only genitalia-related word in the "Strongest" section was one for the female organs.
@Zanna :-) Everyone hates those..
@terdon yes that's exactly what I mean
what always happens is that I mention gender and I'm told the thing in hand is nothing to do with gender
Click all the "cars" "pedestrian crossings" "traffic lights", "buses"
even if the thing in hand is some sort of genitalia
@Zanna Now I could say something to that, but for once I'm going to keep my big mouth shut
:D ;-)
... captcha, so I can access live chat support, only to be told "we have registered your query and we will get back to you within some annoyingly long period of time"
:D :D :D T H A T ' S N O T C H A T !
Tits seems to be a mildly offensive word!
@Zanna please note that you weren't told anything of the sort. I just object to assuming everything is always about gender. That there may be other factors at play doesn't mean that gender is irrelevant.
I thought in BR. Eng. it just meant "nipples of an animal" (unless you're talking about a bluetit: then it's a bird)
@Fabby That's teats not tits and it isn't nipples but "breasts" (udders).
Nipples too actually, but usually when referring to the ones on baby bottles or the like.
Which aren't called nipples in English. Argh, I'm getting my languages mixed up again.
@terdon I've never read any biology books in English... Didn't know it was spelled that way...
Yeah: it gets confusing after the fourth one...
That's what I told my neives: never learn more than 4 languages!
Yeah, it's that 5th one that screws you over!
I can get into trouble in 10 languages, but only out of trouble in 6.
And I'm not even counting Greek! (of which you know the bit I can get into trouble with)
@terdon I'm getting old and keep repeating myself...
First stage of dementia.
@terdon right...
Never heard this one before: munter
or this one: bellend?
Wiouldn't even know how to pronounce that oen...
@terdon I thought that was more of an about-me catchphrase hahaha
PS I don't think everyone in India speaks Hindi and English
@Zanna Indeed
Aren't there something like 500 different langauges and/or dialects spoken?
Hindi is spoken mostly in Northern regions. But all government documents are written in English and Hindi. They are official languages.
@terdon But we need some language to communicate within the country too.
Today I got a message from a brand rep giving me the contact details of the local technician who's going to install a water purifier at my place. I replied "when will the installation be done?" He replied "can you speak to [the guy]? he doesn't understand my language"
I thought that was amazing
@Kulfy That's English mostly, right?
@terdon Yes but not everyone knows that.
@Kulfy I thought everyone who went to school knew both English and Hindi.
By the way, @Zanna, I was trying to find this before. Curiously apropos two of the discussion's subjects: imgoat.com/uploads/1d10e7bafa/208726.jpg (N entirely SFW)
@Kulfy So only old people who never went to school don't know either.
@terdon lol
Is that a misconception?
@terdon Starred!
one of my friends proposed that we should call bad people "you hunt" after a certain politician
@Fabby Yeah. But in some schools mostly in regional schools, focus on English is very little.
@Kulfy "English gets very little focus" or "focus on English is low" (I would say)
Good to know before I travel there...
September is the current plan: Bengaluru, Delhi, Mumbai...
I read that only 5% of people in India speak English
I remember once my father found a letter written by my grandfather in 1940s to his sister. His writing grammar was very much different from what we know today.
@Zanna if only he was the worst of the lot...
@Kulfy oooh that would be amazing to read
a letter in English?
@Fabby I somewhere heard that we write what we think. Actually I think in Hindi and then translate it to English. That's why sometimes my grammar is bad :(
@Kulfy I actually thing in the languages I write in...
(I even dream in foreign languages)
@Zanna Yeah. My grandfather did MSc. (I don't remember his college) during British Raj.
The funny thing is: When I swear, I swear in the language I was talking in last.
but when it's really bad I swear in my mother tongue!
So I have a few ex-colleagues all over Europe that now swear in a language inly 5.5M people speak!
there is this more English than English style that you find in Kenyan novelists from a certain period...
:D :D :D
@Zanna Example?
I find it fascinating
@Zanna AFAIK it was about the construction of her house back in grandfather's hometown. My grandfather's brother-in-law was a sales tax commissioner and got posted there. I asked my father some months about the letter. He said he misplaced it :/
@Zanna There's a ton of them
@Kulfy probably it will turn up :)
His hand writing was like some computer font. I loved that.
yeah... that mastery and finesse
@Fabby I generally swear in languages that the other person know so that he gets what I saying xD
My handwriting looks like a dog ate the piece of paper I wrote it on and then regurgirtated it.
@Kulfy I know: I'm weird!
@Zanna Hope so :)
@Fabby You aren't weird. You are different :)
Ngugi wa Thiong'o describes kids being beaten in school for speaking Gikuyu. They learned English under duress and violence. Maybe they learned it better than us because that was the only revenge they could take
@jrg It's nearly summer...
@Fabby yeah and my head is bald as an egg
@Zanna Mmmh... Interesting concept: learn it better than your teacher and then correct him/her out of spitze...
@jrg In a busy street there groweth no grass.
(Meaning: you're smart, your brain is always busy: no time to grow hair)
@Fabby “out of spitze”?
@Fabby Are you going to see one of the "Seven Wonders" in Agra?
@dessert Spite...
@Kulfy Where's Agra?
206 kilometres (128 mi) south of the national capital New Delhi
@Fabby Uttar Pradesh. About 200km from New Delhi.
Going to grab a bite to eat...
which wonder?
Taj Mahal
@Zanna "New" wonders.
haha the perspective of whoever is making the list is important...
I cannot remember the "old" ones... the Great Pyramid at Giza, the Colossus of Rhodes, the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, The Hanging Gardens of Babylon...?
Britishers and Taj Mahal are connected. Firstly they modified the garden so that it looks like London's garden and secondly they protected it during WW from airstrikes.
@Zanna the statue of Athena in the Parthenon as well, I think, but that was destroyed.
Ah no, it was the one of Zeus in Olympia.
they were all destroyed or lost no? Apart from the Pyramid
Great Pyramid of Giza, Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, Statue of Zeus at Olympia, Mausoleum at Halicarnassus (also known as the Mausoleum of Mausolus), Colossus of Rhodes, and the Lighthouse of Alexandria
@terdon That's why they are ancient ;-)
haha too old
@terdon such sonorous names
Giza's Pyramid has an honorary status in the list
Only ancient wonder still in existence I guess.
maybe it's possible to see some ruins
how long do you think the Taj Mahal will last?
or why not buy a 1.390 m² railway station (building), just 5.300 € (~ 7.000 € with taxes etc.): goo.gl/maps/r5zRZRmz2hnAbimK8
as you can see, bald
dude in the Netherlands started a real life farmville. You can rent a 2 by 2 meters patch and can app a real life person to do something to it. Like rake it, plant something like potato, berries or flowers water it, cover it when it hails. You get 300 credits for 100 euro to spend on it and when you ask them to harvest you get it sent to you :D :D
@jrg Cold! ;-)
@Rinzwind link? I'd love to watch this
@Fabby very. hence the hat.
hmmmm seems he was not the 1st :P
@dessert Leal-life monopoly game!
:D ;-)
@Rinzwind I love this idea so much
2 hours later…
@Rinzwind SO COOL
2 hours later…
Q: I can not seem to find a qestion I have asked in the past

jackI am new ubuntu and askubuntu. I asked a question today, but do not know how i get back to the question, to see if anybody has offered a suggestion. it concerted how to make a desktop icon in gnome

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