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Unicode is weird
the only ones that you may want to use are missing
N, Q, Z and R
(they are somewhere else iirc)
You sound posh!
U forgot C!
oh yeah, I forgot the most important one
Doesn't lol look like a drownin' guy?
Q: How long a straw could Superman use?

Mark EichenlaubTo suck water through a straw, you create a partial vacuum in your lungs. Water rises through the straw until the pressure in the straw at the water level equals atmospheric pressure. This corresponds to drinking water through a straw about ten meters long at maximum. By taping several straws ...

Q: How can you have a point of origin with only one coordinate?

Jorge CastroAccording to this graph when you dial a gate you're telling it not only where to go, but where you are coming from: (Source: Wikipedia) I've always wondered, wouldn't the point of origin also require 6 symbols?


Proposed Q&A site for paleontologists, other experts in natural history, and anyone who is passionate about the study of ancient life.

Currently in defintion.

@JorgeCastro aw, private beta still :)
I didin't know we got a SF.SE
the private beta just launched
but I was signed up!
Seems like it'll be public soonish
It says 22 hours
Science Fictionscifi.stackexchange.com

Beta Q&A site for people addicted to science fiction, be it in the form of books, tv series, or movies.

Currently in private beta.

The people on Physics.SE intimated me
Me too!
maybe answers with more bold should be favored
Q: Will high reputation in Stack Overflow help to get a good job?

Shamim HafizIn a post, Joel Spolsky mentioned that 5 digit StackOverflow reputation can help you to earn a job paying $100k+. How much of that is real? Would anyone like to share their success in getting high paid job by virtue of their reputations on StackExchange sites? I read somewhere that, a person go...

It helped me land my job at this company
But it was my AU reputation that they were impressed with
and the open source projects I maintain
and my previous works
but still - it helped
I can hardly imagine writing something like that on my application form
I totally put community elected Moderator of Ask Ubuntu
Finished school,
studied CS,
top dog at askubuntu.com.
and then the boss of the factory goes "Oh great, here's your gloves and your hazmat suit"
Just learned how to cut and paste! Just learned how to cut and paste! Just learned how to cut and paste!
@StefanoPalazzo @MarcoCeppi Which archiving format do y'all use for "general use"?
For documents too?
tar -cvzf is my favorite command
I use bz2 quite a lot when the files get massive
The majority of all my documents are plain text. They're usually named README or INSTALL
All righty.
I learned some years ago that most windows users had some piece of software that handles gzipped tar, so I never used zip again.
yeah 7z is great
(everything is great with me, ...)
when i was a windows user i sent a .rar to a linux user - man, he got angry :D
I always install unrar
anyone have any idea how to adapt this for AU?
@JorgeCastro What do you mean? Like make it work with AU questions and answers?
the question id's seem to come from SO
I can't figure out how to make it work for AU
Yeah, should be easy enough - it's just a massive replace of "stackoverflow" with "askubuntu" I can take a stab at it if you'd like
@JorgeCastro I want to join private beta
where do I replace?
@RolandTaylor you have to commit to it in area51 before it goes live
btw I think I will propose a creationist s.e.
I don't know - I was just assuming that was the process. You'd need to check out the source code first
which you still haven't done on Paleontology! cough
@MarcoCeppi oh, of course, duh
@JorgeCastro Area51 seems not to be realizing I signed up lol
Is there any trick to downloading Malware? I'd like to download "VirusProtectPro", but all I can find are sites that warn about it or supposedly tell you how to get rid of it
@StefanoPalazzo I usually get my malware from infected windows users
Don't have any of those around
oh, they have a bug reporter
I'll just ask them to do it, since they're hosting it
@JorgeCastro I did it :P
If I am following a site on Area51, doesn't that make me committed?
@MarcoCeppi ah dude, it's in the wiki
@RolandTaylor it still shows up as 7
Yeah, I just noticed it's programmable
@JorgeCastro o.o
via the site variable
checking my mail again
@MarcoCeppi this will be awesome for the next time I blog!
sigh, of course tumblr's down for me again
Q: Where can I download malware?

stefano palazzoI'd like to do some sandboxed testing with Malware, just for fun. However, I can't seem to find a good place to get any. Is there a good place to download Malware, Scareware, Ransomware and the like?

@StefanoPalazzo Just visit 10 pornographic or warez sites
I don't really have the patience to click through them, some central repository for this kind of purpose would be great
@JorgeCastro fixed - the verification email had not come through
my question was deleted
And I've lost 100 rep
Intelligent Design, Creationism and Real Science

Proposed Q&A site for those who either believe in God and intelligent design, and have questions, or those who don't, and have questions about what we who do believe, believe. Also for discussing/asking about the science of it. Not for arguments!!!

Currently in defintion.

@StefanoPalazzo Wow, that's rough.
the last part of the title is deliberate :)
@StefanoPalazzo that's unfair
"Real Science"?
@RolandTaylor isn't that just a subset of the Scepticism proposal?
deliberate :D
I knew you'd get started on that
@StefanoPalazzo I didn't see that one and no it's not
No, I just don't know what "Real Science" implies
I edited it - just for you.
Oh I now read the description
I know the chance for people like me to have a legal right to believe in what we believe in is shrinking
so I'm making the best of it :D
while it lasts :P
is Real Science some kind of organisation or something?
@RolandTaylor That sentence is rather...inane
@StefanoPalazzo is it?
@MarcoCeppi you know me - I speak my mind...
I'm asking
because it has it's own logo :)
I have no clue
I've never heard of it
@iamsid ow!
the end was ALMOST good :P
anyways! @MarcoCeppi they took prayer out of schools in the US, world wide it's becoming illegal (it is) to teach ID, and now hating God is fashionable - so you know I'm right... it will soon be "illegal"
but only for a while :) - we always have the last laugh... muhahaha
times Marco - how long till he deletes that?
Doesn't argue on the internet I'm not going to change your mind or opinions, and I'm sure everyone else has already made up theirs
you didn't delete!
Doesn't view myself as that abusive of a moderator :)
D:! the world is ending in 2012!
In India I didn't have prayers at school! We're a pretty religious country, but we keep it out of schools.
runs in pointless circles
@iamsid you don't get it...
it's not whether you have mandatory "prayers" or not...
it's about the fact that some people have gotten into legal trouble for public praying at school, and you are pretty much not allowed to do it with your class as a teacher, with another student (in some cases - so I've been told) etc...
I read once someone lost their job for teaching ID as another possible explanation for life :/
not as THE TRUTH you know... just as an alternative
Oh! :)
I know a bit about creationism and intelligent design, if this proposal comes through, I'll sign up and make your lives hard :P
@RolandTaylor I think you're mistaken in that statement. Teachers have gotten in trouble for leading class-wide prayers. Students are free to pray whenever they like - We had Christian clubs and other such religious groups that prayed together. Many Muslim students payed towards mecca several times a day during class.
It's not that you can't practice religion in school - it's that the school can't make it's student body adhere to any one religion.
@MarcoCeppi I said so I've been told - in some cases
anyways I didn't want to argue really :/
So, I talked to the guys at security.se, and they were very reasonable about it. Explained that they can't risk the liability of linking to malware on their site. I've told them to put it in the FAQ, all very civil. (phew)
I know, I'm not jumping up and down and yelling you're wrong - just wanted you to know
I know I'm like - the only one of myself here...
That's a bold statement :P
it's italic
nah but seriously we are not common in places like this :P
doesn't help that I'm lonely here and irl LOL
goes somewhere else to troll
Well it's hard to make that assumption as very few of us, including myself, have divulged their preference
I personally prefer blue.
changes subject
Real Questions Have Answers. shocker, right? You'd be surprised. http://goo.gl/lEp5Z
how do I reply to myself again?
@Roland Taylor
doesn't work :/
someone showed me how the other day but I forgot who or how
I think it was @GeorgeEdison
hey! Jorge opened a can of worms!
the only physical difference most people will think of is geography
sorry for other off topic banter
thinking out loud bad habit
@RolandTaylor I don't think anybody minds
> ...Though typically off-topic jazz
@MarcoCeppi I know - but I'm generally TOO off-topic :P
then again... time to solicit some input
since we have a collection of science d00ds
what features do you like in Sci-Fi novels/movies/stories - such as lots of deep storyline, scary monsters, no monster but just implications, etc?
I never watched it :P
Good on ya!
I don't watch trash :P
Q: What to do with old hard drives?

calibanI have over 100+ old hard drives, ranging from 100MB Quantums to 200GB WDs, most of them PATA, some SATA. Most still working. The squirrel mentality runs in my family - hoard everything, discard nothing. Thus, and this is a relevant question - any suggestions on how to put these drives to use (a...

wonders why he kept watching primeval
@RolandTaylor <--- Hypocrite.
@iamsid <----- not sure what to put here
what do you like in Sci-Fi?
what makes it interesting for you?
cool, new tag editing UI
@RolandTaylor: Sci-fi movies I like: Inception, Terminator 2, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, District 9.
what common thing (if any) made them awesome?
blood? deepness or action?
They didn't have too much SFX
obviously storyline doesn't matter to you much haha
event horizon ftw!
Lol! Story is the main thang! But for me, SFX is the deal breaker, too much of it and I'm outta it.
Do movies like The Omen, and other films of ghost (The Exorcists), etc count as SciFi?
Why not?
They belong to the "Horror" genre. :)
But there are horrifying films that are Science Fiction
2001: A space odyssey for instance scared the crap out of me.
I would call that a horror film - so where does the line get drawn?
IMDb: The Omen: Horror/Thriller
Eh, IMDb - not a valid source :P
2001 was scary because of the music
I was more afraid of HAL
2001: Adventure | Mystery | Sci-Fi
I'm eagerly awaiting District 10 (District 9: Part 2)
was busy being a GM :/
horror + scifi = scifi
scifi -horror = _ ?
the horror aspect is actually a descriptor
scifi is a constant
btw GM = game moderator
Marco has it right! Some horror films are sci-fi
I'm trying to mix a bit of both into a novel - hopefully one day I can have a film/series made from it :P
The Surprising Truth: What Motivates Us.
I love that video
Me too.
now we know what @JorgeCastro creates in his spare time... videos subliminally promoting FOSS! I KNEW IT! :D (disclaimer: I'm joking)
omg he killed the video - I heard skype D:!
later all
@iamsid Never seen that before
@MarcoCeppi All their videos are good.
So the simpsons brought up an interesting point.
What point? Duh?
@Dirtybit Merhaba salem!
Q: Would there be any negative side-effects of sharing /var/cache/apt/ between two systems?

ændrükIn the interest of conserving bandwidth, I'm considering mounting a VirtualBox host's /var/cache/apt as /var/cache/apt in the guest. Both host and guest are Ubuntu 10.10 32-bit. Would there be any negative consequences to doing this? I'm aware of the more robust solutions like apt-proxy, but I'd...

Is there a way to find out the your highest scoring day? Not just upvotes but bounties, accepted bonues too. Building from that, is there any way to do that for all the AU users?
I know I could do the first by parsing /reputation
@Oli, It gets a bit exponential, but yes you can do it.
@StefanoPalazzo How?
first you get the complete list of users, by doing GET("/users?pagesize=100&page=%d" % n) for every n 1..inf until response['users'] is of length 0
that's about 50 calls I think
no, more like 80
them you GET(/users/%d/reputation/?pagesize=100&page=%d" % (user['user_id'], n)) for every n until response['reputation'] is of length 0
I thought reputation was a restricted method
(ie only something you can run against yourself)
It only shows the last (102 in my case) rep changes
fair enough
might be a data explorer way of doing it
but it works for everyone
102 is a strange number... is that just the number of active days?
that's the number of fields in ['reputation'], which look like this:
  "user_id": 12,
  "post_id": 18851,
  "post_type": "answer",
  "title": "Best Graphics Card For Ubuntu",
  "positive_rep": 60,
  "negative_rep": 4,
  "on_date": 1293416326
Even if it was all of it, it would be hundreds of thousands of calls to get all of the data
I'm not familiar enough with data.se, let me know if you find a way to do it there :)

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