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heh nice, but had the same problem in the same place "push over there and the noise stops near the top right of the keyboard" on an hp dv7 and replacement was not an option
this is an asus powerbook of some kind, but i haven't taken it apart
BGA...Ball Grid Array, are the CPU's that are soldered onto the motherboard of a device..more common in mobile devices IE: phones, and tablets...
fan. not cpu
pretty sure nobody puts the cpu fan right under the top right of the keyboard either
Oh I have never seen a fan soldered to a motherboard...or heard of it...
@RobotHumans what are your symptoms?
@RobotHumans the fan is usually located next to the fan exhaust vent.... copper hollow pipes run from it over CPU and GPU.
a gpu fan would make sense, since it runs without shutdown when i don't connect the external monitor, but overheats, panics, and shuts down if i connect the monitor to hdmi
@RobotHumans why are we discussing this?
I had a similar problem back a while ago with a machine...
similar issues...what it turned out was the actual GPU chip had come desoldered from the board..
it would overheat then would start to move away from the board...
the fix....heat gun directly over the board...with some pressure on the GPU...
that wouldn't make a fan go dirtbike though
@RobotHumans if it is trying to cool everything and can't keep up...
maybe. i'll take a look eventually. for now, keeping the second monitor disconnected and wearing headphones is enough to mask the issue until i take it apart
If you take apart your laptop...label your screws (pro tip from someone that has lost screws...)
ahem @TheXed no I arrange mine in chronological order.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix whatever system works for you...
@WinEunuuchs2Unix just don't put them into one big pile...
rectangles in the order they came off layer by layer gets a new rectangle
I worked with a guy that used the big pile method...
he could never get any of his laptops back together and always wondered why....
I knew I was wasting my time in software development. I should have gone into hardware because they have a screw loose and I can't lose a screw!
@KazWolfe bacon?
yes plz ?
@WinEunuuchs2Unix i lost my screws long ago
I celebrated Thanksgiving with Pizza :D
thanksgiving is next month
Not for Canadians.
You Americans celebrate it late.
So late, in fact, that you start celebrating Christmas the very next day.
what do you mean
@NathanOsman that is not true, it is two days later :-P
we're celebrating christmas now
Then you're early.
every day is Christmas if bacon is involved!
No, radio stations start playing Christmas music the day after Thanksgiving.
what did I walk in on?!
@NathanOsman Well I can't argue that...
@NathanOsman point taken.
@KazWolfe I spent a long time thinking of a question that might do well
I think I did it
prob not
Meh, I'll just have to see in the morning. Good night all. Just wanted to check in.
Chat script server is restarting...
u do that
Can't restart a server these days without everything going haywire...
and new badge :D
gotta go get sportsmanship and electorate
Wow, HTTP/2 is fast.
Me gusta.
Wow. Even I am impressed with its speed.
@NathanOsman ????
@KazWolfe What's "????" for?
what is this http2
HTTP/2 (originally named HTTP/2.0) is a major revision of the HTTP network protocol used by the World Wide Web. It was developed from the earlier experimental SPDY protocol, originally developed by Google. HTTP/2 was developed by the Hypertext Transfer Protocol working group (httpbis, where bis means "second") of the Internet Engineering Task Force. HTTP/2 is the first new version of HTTP since HTTP 1.1, which was standardized in RFC 2068 in 1997. The Working Group presented HTTP/2 to IESG for consideration as a Proposed Standard in December 2014, and IESG approved it to publish as Proposed Standard...
there's a spec implementation somewhere?
Isn't there an RFC?
Hrm... well, Nginx supports it and I'm pretty sure Chrome implements the client side.
i must admit, nic.ru is fast at responding.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: Natural Libido Enhancers For Men by michaelskelleys on askubuntu.com
How would you VTC this? askubuntu.com/q/835528/231142
or a VLQ flag
Works for me. Thank you! I was confused.
VLQ would be good too!
i'd say vlq works better
You know, I am going to agree with that.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link at end of body, link following arrow in body, pattern-matching website in body: Do You Must Have A Brain Booster? by marisolhior on askubuntu.com
Why that one is unclear?
The software is not very known. but they are referring to a software and searching google returns that tool as first result
i tend to use "unclear" to mean very crappy question in general or no effort from OP.
I disagree those being "unclear"
crappy questions deserve downvotes/comment
If we cannot give a good answer because it cannot be done the way OP is asking, then what's the point in keeping the question open?
we'd answer it as "not possible"
@Terrance you left a comment there and you know the tool. That means it's not unclear
at least to you
but OP should at least explain why so that we can check for XY problems.
But Not Possible is not a valid closing solution on the lists.
Because not possible is an Answer. not a close reason
Not possible is an answer
as given by Anwar
hey >:(
Vote retracted, but I don't agree with it because it is low quality without any effort
i just tend to close bad questions as unclear too, because OP's intent and goals aren't really clear to us. It's problem may be, but that doesn't mean we can give it the solution that actually solves it's underlying issue.
or her
My top voted answer is "not possible" haha
lol thanks @KazWolfe I think!
I was scared to see its gaining 4 CV within minutes. In my opinion, we should at least leave new question for a while even if that seems to be an unclear question. May be someone can answer that.
@Zanna you are gaining rep faster than is humanly possible.
@Zanna Was your's an answer to a question that they at least put effort into?
@Anwar retracted, but my flag remains. i'll desist from using unclear from VLQ in the future.
Can i ask a question about twitter here?
@YOU Is it about Ubuntu?
@Terrance yeah it was a good, well formatted question :)
@Zanna Then that is worth that answer. =)
@Zanna You're welcome. Dehumanizing is the best way to deal with gender issues!
@KazWolfe maybe I'm not human...
@KazWolfe I can't say I agree with that but... if you're thinking about the issues I consider that a positive step ;)
@KazWolfe Thank you
@Zanna well, there isn't really a gender-neutral pronoun that i'm aware of. So I just use his because it just sounds neutral to me, and I've heard it as neutral for as long as I can remember.
^ me too
@Terrance in that case, I think @Anwar is right, the question is pretty clear and can be edited into shape, sure the OP should have tried harder, but we are not all about OP - the information they want could be valuable to others
yeah but @KazWolfe @Anwar it sounds neutral to you maybe because it actually does include you ;)
whenever i hear "his" without knowing who the speaker is talking about, i assume it to just be neutral.
@KazWolfe @Anwar it certainly doesn't sound neutral to me, it sounds like it's about someone else
@Zanna his is someone else, no?
even if it's historically been used that way, I don't think that makes it alright, history is full of bad stuff!
If I hear the phrase "If anybody drops by asking for me, tell him that I'm at lunch.", I'll treat "him" to mean any gender.
@Anwar if you're going to argue that way, then I'm sorry but I have to stop here, it's not comfortable for me to carry on. Thank you for engaging (you too @KazWolfe)
alrighty then.
@Zanna I commented on it before and asked what it could be closed on. I was told one thing, agreed, then was told the next. One thing that I don't like here is inconsistencies between how we handle off topic or low quality questions.
@Terrance I also suggest you to write an answer using your comment. I saw your comment after returning from Keil page though
@Anwar you already wrote that answer :P
@Anwar Correct, because OP wanted to know how to do it without WINE. IF that is the case and possibly not wanting any other answer, I would go for closing the question. But if you feel that it should stay open with that, I am fine with that.
@KazWolfe My answer doesn't have requirement page link
@Terrance Yeah :\ I guess people have different opinions and there's no way to stop that from happening. I change my mind about questions all the time, so I don't even agree with myself :(
i just don't think having two answers where the only difference is a single ink is really the best idea.
@Terrance I just assumed, OP is not aware that the software cannot be installed without WINE. Informing them that it is a Windows only tool and can't be installed in Ubuntu without Wine is a good thing
@KazWolfe I planned to delete mine if he write one
Still, OP needs to write a good question if he or she or xe or ple or oe or kle or te or ne wants to get a good answer to his or her or xer or xis or plis or pler or os' or kles' or tes' or nes' answer.
@Anwar The problem is, we both assumed with OP.
heh @NathanOsman just showed up in my APT changelog
what did nathan break this time
@Serg icon works find for me in updated udisks-indicator
@KazWolfe nothing afaik :)
@Terrance You can assume safely sometimes. when googling with "Keil Uvision" comes with this google.com/…
Just tested KSplice with 16.04 and it has no clue how to handle the 4.4 kernels and errors out. So, that program is worthless..
@Anwar You can assume that, I guess. I need to go back to my non-assuming and asking for full clarification. When I was working in repair shops and doing phone support, assuming was the worst thing you could do. Because more often than not, the assumptions were wrong.
@Zanna yay, it werks ! I'm so happy i fixed it for you.
so now, indicator will have to stay in version 2.0 like this for a while. it works, everyone happy, and i can do other things
I am not going to name names here, but someone got on my case for asking OP if a package was installed. I was actually correct that the package was not installed to support what they were looking for. The person that got on my case said that it is assumed because the drive would mount. But you couldn't do anything with the drive without the package.
Also I'll have to learn more stuff for version 3.0
@Terrance haha I hope it wasn't me. Some people can be... very sure of what they think they know!
@Zanna Nah, it wasn't you. You would have remembered it. =)
@Serg :D thanks a lot!
@Zanna It was a long time ago closer to when I first started coming around here.
@Terrance you've got more faith in my memory than me :)
@Zanna I am dead certain it wasn't you.
I know exactly who it was, and sometimes I still have problems with them.
@Terrance It all depends on context and the domain you're working. Sometimes assumption can be good, sometimes bad.
@Zanna O_o - what did I do?
@NathanOsman probably the udisks-indicator showed up :D
it just says this:
udisks-indicator (0.1-1) unstable; urgency=low

* Initial release

-- Nathan Osman
[redacted email]
Ah, right.
@NathanOsman well, that escalated engineeringly
That was for Serg's indicator.
sorry for unnecessary ping, it's just nice to see someone you know in the credits :)
Since I'm a giant n00b, i need Nathan's help in making deb packages and PPA
yeah I know it's Serg's indicator, he asked me to watch out for the update and report back whether the issue was fixed
time to get breakfast :)
@Serg I can teach you how to do it sometime.
stupid american trains, not having free microwaves.
@KazWolfe Trains with microwaves? What kind of sorcery is this?
@NathanOsman not american.
@Anwar the onus is on OP providing that info in his/her question
Amtrak has them, but passengers aren't allowed to use them ;-;
that'd be great. Maybe after like 17th. Because on 17th I've an exam
@KazWolfe We have Amtrak trains up here.
@edwinksl did you just assume OP's gender?! What if OP uses xe/xim/xer pronouns?!
AM, FM, and Fourier series
Ooooh. So when I say "discrete Fourier transformation" you know what I mean? Because I don't know what I mean.
@NathanOsman you lost me at O.
@NathanOsman so you know that they have microwaves. and that you can't use them.
@KazWolfe I don't ride them.
@NathanOsman either way, they have microwaves. You can't use them.
Besides, microwaves are evil.
@Terrance you could consider asking about these inconsistencies in meta... i am curious about they are
@NathanOsman that's the problem - I don't know what that means. Sort of. Discrete signal is like a pulse, as if someone flipped switch and off instantly, and that signal can be represented as sum of sines and cosines. Now , how to do that is a different issue.
@NathanOsman but how else will i heat up my five hour old chicken + noodles?
@Serg All I know is that spectral analysis requires DFT.
@KazWolfe Why heat it?
I eat stuff out of the fridge cold.
teriyaki chicken is a lot better hot.
Hamburgers, leftover pizza, meatballs, etc.
It's better cold.
and provided i don't get the chance to have "cold", only room-temperature...
all i know is that i suck at calculus XD
@edwinksl I would need to grab more data before I wrote something up on that. =)
@Serg I got stuck in calculus too. Never finished it.
hot teriyaki chicken > cold teriyaki chicken > room-temperature teriyaki chicken
i was retaking integral calc class like 3 or 4 times. Derivatives are fine with me, but integration . . . .
seriously, why am i even in engineering ?
how did that happen ?
That's what I would have been if not a programmer (an engineer).
@KazWolfe that's a new version of awk language ?
@edwinksl we can downvote, leave a comment. And wait for a while considering the age of that question. It's not easy to reopen a question once closed.
We should at least give OP some time to clear their "unclear" question imo
@KazWolfe also, thank you for the bounty.
@Serg who said i was doing it for you? :P
i just needed the badge.
@KazWolfe still thank you for choosing me as your gateway to the badge :)
(nobutrly you deserved it for going so far beyond, to the point of making your own)
I can't believe that video.
Genius. Pure genius.
can't watch no sound
o/ @Ferrybig, what brings you to hell?
This was really an interesting question to work on , and the indicator really turned out into a unique thing. I don't think anyone was using newlines and spacing in labels before, so that was one thing. Second thing was that I've learned how to add icons and use radio button/check button
@KazWolfe oh man, you're missing out.
Watch it later.
@KazWolfe o/ I just have this room as my favorites for quick access, and good conversations here
After watching Mark Shuttleworth's talk at debcon, I kind of re-evaluated my views on indicators. And it also influenced this indicator a lot
I can't keep my eyes open anymore. Night all! =)
Night Terrance
@Terrance night :)
If we as a society start calling all smartphones iPhones, Apple loses their ability to trademark it
well i don't know what to say about this. google chrome team knows that there are many power users that have lots of tabs open in multiple chrome windows, and i've no idea how anyone can live with this kind of UI. i'll definitely make a note find out how macos does it, this is unbelievable, windows which controls like ~80% of the world or something i think had this since forever, it's such a basic thing in life -- alt+tab -- i was wrong, it's 90% -- extremetech.com/computing/…ambw 2 mins ago
Windows fan boy detected
trying to shove Windows standards onto Ubuntu
2 hours later…
Hi everyone, just wondering if this askubuntu.com/questions/835588/… is a dupe of this askubuntu.com/questions/802404/… , the answer 'because you don't have permissions' certainly applies to both.
I think it is, obviously
@Zanna Haha, hope I'm not treading on your toes, just trying to hone my dupe-sense!
Not at all, I will be very glad to hear what others think :)
@Zanna Cool, how's you today?
Couldn't be better I think, what about you?
i hate when i run out of smokes
and it's 3:25 AM
@Zanna Good cheers, had an amazing drive in this morning, thick fog, then blazing sunshine on top of the hills and I could look down onto a thick bank of fog which I subsequently plunged back into. Very pretty, though a tad chilly now!
@Arronical oh I love that, so poetic :)
@Rinzwind voted
Me too
@Zanna Wish I could have stopped to take photos, though a phone camera probably wouldn't have done it justice. All captured in the cranium at least.
Hi ppl, just a quick question; how do you creat some kind of link to a file (like a variable)

I tough alias was for that but it seems not to work. I've created alias sqlmap="/User/Me/Sqlmap/sqlmap.py" but I can't use it like python sqlmap
@Arronical the cranium is where it matters... :) through the camera / world's flat. Circumnavigate / your experience
@Baldráni if you want to call that sqlmap.py as if it was any other command, place it somewhere that belongs to your $PATH variable
@Serg Humm But I can't use it like I want? I will need to be in a specific fodler
@Baldráni explain how you want to use it. Like , df or ls commands ? just type name ?
python doesn't know about your bash aliases...
@Zanna I hate going to gigs and seeing a bank of phones held up, it's like introducing an artificial filter to real life. Even worse when people do it with pads! The video and sound is going to be terrible anyway!
@Serg I'd like to do something like type only sqlmap
@Arronical yeah, may as well just watch it on TV if you aren't there to be there. Be here now!
Not this
@Zanna Did you slip in a sneaky haiku?
@Arronical it's natural for us humans to want to preserve moments . That's why photography exists. Don't hate it. Each person has their path
alias sqlmap="python /Users/Mawel/Code/sqlmap/sqmap.py"
Is it not suppoed to work when I run sqlmap ?
@Baldráni do echo $PATH . See the list of the directories ? If you put your file there , you can just call "sqlmap.py"
Do I have to restart bash_profile or something ?
@Baldráni no , you don't need to restart it. Move the file. I recommend move it to /usr/local/bin
@Baldráni seriously , if you want to learn Linux , learn to use $PATH variable
@Arronical well spotted :)
@Serg The thing is its not a single file but a whole folder and I don't want to polluate this folder :/ I think I'll keep it like that until I've installed Docker thank you anyway
@Baldráni whole folder ? so add it to $PATH
put this into your ~/.bashrc : PATH="$PATH:/path/to/dir"
then run source ~/.bashrc
@Serg I understand wanting to preserve things, and try to accommodate peoples differences. I just enjoyed gigs a lot more when it didn't happen, there seemed to be more of an experience of connection, people actually danced and interacted. Everything seems to be at a bit of a remove now. I may be overly nostalgic though.
@Arronical agree
Again, learn to use $PATH variable. It's exactly what you want
@Serg Ok I'll dive into it ty
@Baldráni the whole idea is that $PATH will let your shell know where to look for executable files. When you call "python /Users/Mawel/Code/sqlmap/sqmap.py" , the python command is already located somewhere that's already listed in PATH variable. /Users/Mawel/Code/sqlmap/ is not on that list. If you want to just type in at the command prompt sqlmap.py, then you must add /Users/Mawel/Code/sqlmap/ to PATH. Also, the fact that you have /Users folder tells me that you use Mac, aren't you ?
@Serg Indeed but I looked for active chat for Unix and it was the first one :)
@Baldráni your question is OK, this applies to Ubuntu as well. However, keep in mind that Macs and Linux are different , so don't automatically assume you can get anything answered here . And besides, for Macs, stack exchange network already has a site: apple.stackexchange.com
Big example of difference, is that if you want to find name of the process attatched to PID , doing this : cat /proc/$PID/cmd won't work
because Macs have no /proc filesystem , but Linux does
alright, i need my sleep. I had enough disappointment for one night
@Serg 'Right; thank you anyway and good night then
bye :) Nice meeting you !
@Serg aww what happened?
@Baldráni if you're using a Mac, do what @Serg told you but do it to ~/.profile (or, if it exists, ~/.bash_profile) and not ~/.bashrc.
2 hours later…
@rinzwind, fyi as of github.com/ubuntudesign/www.ubuntu.com/issues/913, the issue with shop.ubuntu.com should be resolved.
@BardiHarborow cool
hola camostas :P
1 hour later…
Say, forgive my ignorance, but what's the difference between a question on hold and closed?
have a read about on-hold vs closed here - askubuntu.com/help/closed-questions
Ok, gotcha. Thanks!
good evening all
Why is everyone talking about Bacon here?
idk but I'm not liking it
Because bacon
nobody reads the pinned stars do they
like seriously
> I've tried to reproduce with this cat but didn't have luck: i.imgur.com/DJbXkkV.jpg
Silly bug >>
24 people affected by that bug!!
@Oli We had a discussion here last night on questions like askubuntu.com/q/835688/231142 that are poorly worded or no research performed.
haha effective ping
it's "This morning" for me :)
ditto ^
Well, it was night for me
was I here?
After we started
Oli is in UK too
so it was morning for him
but this doesn't matter :)
But, that is what I am talking about is inconsistencies here.
@ElderGeek G'day to you! =)
hi @ElderGeek how's it going?
No complaints, How's by you @Zanna?
feeling good here :) :)
OK, I think I am going to write up a Meta question on this one as I have two good examples now of inconsistencies here.
it will be good to see that
@Terrance what is the issue here? Can I help?
@fossfreedom Last night I was going to VTC a question because it was poorly worded and no research performed on it, as that is one point that is on the right side of the screen when you are asking the question. "Provide details. Share your research." Where had OP simply looked on the site, they would have found it. Well, now I just found a question that is similar in being poorly worded and no research where the answer was on the website, but it got closed for Unclear.
That was the same reason I was going to close the other question.
fair enough - question is still closed. Different mods interpret in different ways. Sounds we are all working in the right direction - trying to get the OP to enhance their question to be relevant.
I hope I worded it good enough: meta.askubuntu.com/q/16223/231142
hey @fossfreedom
hey @chili555
@jokerdino how's things?
G'day, @jokerdino
@fossfreedom going great so far. How is budgie coming along?
getting ready for our 16.10 release - very pleased. Next step approaching the ubuntu technical board to get their view of the way forward.
I've gotta get ready for work. Have fun all! =)
@chili555 What has brought thee here?
@fossfreedom yay \o/
@jokerdino I just wanted to check in and see how the smart and fast crowd is doing today.
still smart, not running fast today (E: No Coffee)
Makefile:84: recipe for target 'coffee' failed...
Makefile:61666: Unresolved dependency 'water', error 666.
^ broken water main, no water to make coffee
... add third-party PPA called "bottle" to supply dependency water
@ThomasWard gonna go get mine now...
hehe I just worked out how to upload stuff to Trello from google spreadsheet \o/
@fossfreedom Unable to find package 'bottle'
@Zanna o/
@ThomasWard truly a devilish error :(
hi @OwenHines
Hello! How's your day going?
try different OBS repository called "supermarket"
how you doing?
Oh, I'm doing well.
day going great thanks :)
@fossfreedom Error fetching 'supermarket': No transport mechanisms available.
@ThomasWard No worries, just use coffee.
@ThomasWard Error operating 'transport vehicle' : insufficient permissions

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