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A: What would happen if I created an account called 'root'?

ZannaUsernames must be unique, so, as mentioned by Owen Hines' answer, you wouldn't be able to create this user. However, the key point here is that superuser powers (all possible permissions) aren't granted by the username root, but by UID. The user with UID 0 is the superuser. So, if the user with...

About the last comment on @Zanna answer, why would changing roots name be a bad idea? Always thought it would be a good security measure against brute force attacks
@terdon is this the reason why you warned me about greeks ? osarena.net/…
@IanC I'm not sure how well the entire system would cope, if all file ownerships would be fixed? I haven't tried it.... I'm a bit embarrassed that my basic answer to that question is now tying with the GIMPShop one as my most upvoted!
@Serg links to your GitHub..?
but it's nice that the research I did for that tag wiki paid off :)
@Seth yup, I was just looking through referring sites to my GitHub repo. Top one is omgubuntu but I found one greek and one russian site
It's not like they aren't allowed to write about it.
@Seth Oh, they're more than welcome to write about it. It's just that terdon messaged me couple of weeks ago, warning that my abbreviated last name ( Kolo ) translates to "ass" in greek
Oh. Oops lol.
Yeah, names in other countries don't mean the same when they are in the other country.
If that made sense
@Zanna, true, I didn't think about the file ownership, though I think they actually belong to the UID? I think the name we see on ls is just a resolved name with the data from /etc/passwd. Just a guess though :p
Yeah, that's totally understandable. It's just funny. My full name is different though
Gotta get ready for work, a bit late here haha, see you all later!
See you, Ian !
@IanC yes, correct afaik (stat the files shows UID of course)
but see man usermod... I'm not sure if some weird stuff might not happen
woooo, eggs-septed answr unix.stackexchange.com/a/313561/85039
OP taken mine over like 60 vote post
@Serg Nice! I have started doing the functions myself. Makes it easier in my opinion. :)
@Serg nice answer there :)
off to get some sleep, later all
@Zanna Have a great night!
Thanks :)
@Terrance Definitely ! You can reuse same function in multiple scripts. Also makes it more similar to C or Java , right ?
Hey guys. And Zanna. :)
Just quickly stopping before calling it a day and going to bed as well...
@Serg Sure does! That's why I do it.
Goodnight! :)
@ParanoidPanda Have a good one! :)
@ByteCommander wanna pick up a script question ? pythonable but also bashable
very simple to achieve ,too
or maybe @Zanna wants to pick it up ? I can direct what needs to be done and edit the script
anyway, I'm looking for someone who wants to sort of learn and post an answer with my collaboration
ping me if you want
still dependent on a phone number though.
i thought my gym membership was cancelled. They charged my card this month again. Dafuq ?
Maybe they charged you for not using the gym. ;)
Evening all!
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Good evening!
@Terrance TY.... I got 70 points today for a one sentence answer typed from my phone: askubuntu.com/questions/835657/copy-file-to-current-directory/…. And yet answers that take hours of research might only get 10 points or even none. Weird!
@Terrance probably. I haven't been in gym in forever. Which i should start doing - i need my 6 pack back
@Serg I used to buy 6-packs but now I buy beer buy the case!
@WinEunuuchs2Unix 80 now. It's a good answer! :)
Thanks buddy :)
Oh the Long answer part was added after work when I got on my computer.
@Serg I lost my 6-pack a loooooooog time ago. I wonder if my wife wants it back.. ;P
@Terrance Couples like to grow old and fat together according to Shakespeare (can't remember the play).
@WinEunuuchs2Unix I like that you went into that description to help out! That is the cool part about being able to change your answers at any time. :)
@WinEunuuchs2Unix LOL
@Terrance i tend to remain naive and believe that people get together for more than just 6 packs. The rest is bonus
@Terrance Yes I like the edit function. AskUbuntu is one of the best (if not thee best) support sites I've seen.
@Serg I think men like female beauty but women tend to prefer financial security and routine.
@Serg When I got married 20 years ago, I weighed in at 135lbs. I am much much much more than that now. :)
@Terrance I have to loose 20 pounds myself... I think it happens to everyone.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix It actually is really good here. I kind of have got addicted to the site. :)
I could really go for losing at least 80lbs.
That is the problem with a desk job though.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix everybody likes financial security. What kind of bothers menis that people want everything Right Now, instead of everything Right.
@Terrance I see you have 7.7K points so the addiction is going well :D. I put Ubuntu addiction in my user profile BIO a few weeks ago...Haha. As for desk job, I used to have a software one but now I work in a warehouse where it's go go go and heavy lifting all the time.
@Serg I think the wise females know they can help the man become more wealthy and share in it.
yup, that's true
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Yes, it is going well. I would have more if I answered more and actually helped people out more. ;P I need to install a workout thing at my desk. I do the software work here in the data center. Before when I was on data destruction, I was all over the place.
@Terrance Start slow with 1/2 hour walks every night with the wife and/or kids. Then maybe take up biking or jogging for 1/2 hour. Keep it simple.
I like to roller blade but don't do it as often as I should.
@Serg I haven't seen you posting very many answers lately.. Is Electrical Engineering taking up all your time?
@WinEunuuchs2Unix I am going to have to keep it simple. I could now probably roll like a rock through a marathon. I used to run those when I was younger. I know that one thing keeping me from working out is my dog that is blind and diabetic. Takes a lot of work. But, I need to stop making excuses and do it! =)
@WinEunuuchs2Unix yes. Im trying to come less to AskUbuntu and do more homework. I still pick up a question or two, but i don't have time for more
@Terrance Get a seeing eye dog to take your blind dogs for walks. Then when off duty taking your seeing eye dog for a run...HaHa.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix LOL!! I love that idea! =)
@Serg Yeah I used to research every question when I first started but now am more selective and jump on the ones that I already know about.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix i can answer many more questions today. in past, i had big problem with finding things i could answer. Now, i can answer a lot, but i don't have enough time for it
Holy crap @Serg you have like 34k points... I think the quality of the answer is better than the quantity for someone of your rep now.
oh, definitely. I try to always improve the quality of my answers so that OP knows what I'm talking about
@Serg I concur with that philosophy
So, what language i should write next answer in ? perl ? C? python ?
ah, decisions, decisions
hell no
How do I hook into the kernel shut-down... the very last part when it calls the BIOS?
i had enough assembly in microcontroller class. Writing simple while loop took 45 minutes
My assembly is very simple, copy first 512 bytes of /dev/sda to memory location 07c0 and JMP and execute there.
@Serg When I went to school mainframes only gave you like 2K ram sometimes so Assembly language was quite common... as were Punch Cards.
Well shower time BBL. TY for up-vote again @Terrance that was decent of you :)
@WinEunuuchs2Unix You're welcome! I do upvote good answers, and yours is no exception. =)
yay scripts! :D
python can do amazing things. like get my train ETA and send it to my ride home.
APIs are awesome.
Anyone here use xfce4?

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