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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

@Sinoosh I think so. Check out help history.
@Seth Also, can't remember if I said this the other day, but Korora is a very nice fedora spin with all the non-free/magic repos enabled by default.
@Mateo nice
@chaskes that's neat
can't stand yum though. I did not like it..
@Seth but it's all dnf now (except for CentOS) and dnf is a lot better. They pulled in a lot of tech from suse zypper.
@jokerdino city lost???
that makes my boys from red half of merseyside just 2 points away from you
that own goal by kolarov xD
Yeah, twice in two games he makes a similar mistake.
City will bounce back, I am sure.
meanwhile man u messed up lol
Only keeping tabs on Spurs and Liverpool.
any team with pogba is always worth keeping tabs on :p
At least City won't coast home like how most people were predicting. Keeps the league open and interesting.
I didn't buy Pogba hype.
almost 10x the price of joe allen, still got owned today :D
He did miss one beautiful chance. Went celebrating before it even went in.
the one that got set up via a backheel by ibrahimovic?
the first half one, yes.
yeah 105 million euros player should really have buried that
lol, he'll come good.
@Zacharee1 alright time to tweet
@Seth pretty awesome youtube.com/watch?v=EhcENjwgl4w
@Zacharee1 I wonder if his speed is misprinted? askubuntu.com/q/832304/231142
@Terrance why
70Gb is believable
I'll have to look that up
oh wait
I'm a little dazed from Java :p
70Mb is believable
@Zacharee1 printlnprintlnprintln
Comcast has that
@edwinksl LOL
That makes me wonder if System.out.println(System.out.println(System.out.println("hello"))); works
I can see 1Gb at homes now with Google Fiber and stuff, maybe even 10Gb.
But 10Gb is pushing it for home connections.
@Terrance note that there are no time units given :p
that could be 70Gb/year for all i know
That really made me smile! :D
@edwinksl lifetime download >:)
@Mateo well, congratulations, it works with Ubuntu Regular :D but now it's the same issue with other fonts XD
@Rinzwind :p but 70 Gbps would truly be awesome... maybe we will get there one day
I'll probably keep the changes , just to have the default font working
Just install 100x Google Fiber connections to your home and bond them, then you can hit those speeds. I wouldn't want to pay for that though.
huh, TIL i can just run speed test in google
@edwinksl cool! A friend of mine has that game.
my download is 20Mbps today
That's cool for Google.
@Zacharee1 so slow compared to 70 Gbps :p
hey guys
@Seth yeah it seems super fun and is probably something i can actually run with reasonable fps on my toaster :p
Hi, Windows
^ I feel odd saying that
Google tests my speed OK for my bonded 20Mb connection:
@Zacharee1 On that one question with the speed at 70Gb, that almost sounds like he has a proxy set in there somewhere or an application that is activating while he is connecting to the internet. That is going to be a tough one to troubleshoot.
Yeah but they say they don't
so idk
That's why it's going to be tough
yeah, we are so far from 70 Gbps
My connection is the worst of all
@Zacharee1 I remember my days at Packard Bell, and customers never told you the whole truth then after 2 hours of a phone call, they finally tell you they added something that actually makes the whole difference.
I think I like Google's Speed test way more than Speedtest.net. Too much overhead now on Speedtest.net.
@Terrance did you try beta.speedtest.net
@edwinksl I had not, until now. That one is much better. =)
html5 instead of flash apparently
so less overhead in that sense :P
Definitely. Gave me a closer speed match to my actual speeds. Just speedtest.net measured me today a 6Mbps, when the others are all testing me at 35+
UGH! He basically just asked the same thing: askubuntu.com/q/832304/231142 and askubuntu.com/q/832310/231142
good afternoon
@Serg ah, yeah... Was afraid of that...
@edwinksl interesting, i'll look into that
Hi @Ian
@serg how were you doing the icons so far, and what did you want displayed
I can try playing around with it if you want
@Serg how're doing man? Did you manage to get the monospaced font working on the indicator?
@Mateo I was using Gtk.ImageMenuItem and set_image method. I'll probably just stick with simple "hard-disk" icon. Originally I hoped to have a usage icon, but the UTF bar works better an it's larger, so i'll stick with that
@Ian Nope, system font has to cange, i've no way of changing font just for that one indicator
the apindicitor font is a system font, cant just change it for one menu :/ looks like
you can change it on GtkWidgets though, shouldn't it work on indicators too?
@IanC tried that as well, I tried creating and changing font for Gtk.Label, and then adding that into Gtk.MenuItem. Didn't work
wolfbot has a bunch of mint things if someone wants to go through
@Mateo you had some interesting unicode type of space there . . .
do you know the code of it ?
it wasn't code, just the raw character
although, I think all the spaces were being rendered the same width...
I can try replacing those with regular spaces, would probably be the same
1111 posts edited hehe
base 2 or base 10?
base 10
although, sublime does show them wider
@Zanna at this rate, you will overtake me in the next day or two
so I guess that worked ;)
I like how saying base 10 is also not clear, since 10=2 :p
@IanC indeed!
true true
@edwinksl !!!
for clarity, I've edited one thousand one hundred and eleven posts
welp, it says 1147 there. where did the missing 36 go to
Q: xvfb-run doesn't allow GLX while Xvfb does (maybe)

nonameI'm on Ubuntu 14.04, and using it through ssh, which means I don't have local GUI for it. I need to run some command that requires GLX, but things aren't going well. Xvfb :80 -screen 0 1400x900x24 -ac +extension GLX +render -noreset If I execute the above, it says Initializing built-in extens...

@Serg yeah, replaced with spaces, still the same :/
ooo, what was "magic-button-indicator" going to be @Serg
@Mateo basically , I "stole" byte commander's idea. He wanted to have power button do different things when doublte or tripple pressed. I am going to turn that into indicator. Double middle-click - launcher firefox, for example. Tripple - launches terminal
I just don't have time to make it , but i already have working code for counting middle-mouse clicks
ever think of doing a caps/num lock indicator?
@Mateo I already did that, lks-indicator :)
gtg, bye guys
I even have an alias to launch @Serg's lock keys indicator, I use it every day
@ParanoidPanda lattepanda.com
Q: Keyboard LED panel indicator for Unity Desktop

Byte CommanderI own a notebook running Ubuntu 16.04 with Unity DE that does not have any keyboard LEDs to indicate NUM-Lock or CAPS-Lock states. It would be useful for me to see them anyway, ideally through an indicator in Unity's panel. Please note that I only want to see the states of NUM-Lock, CAPS-Lock ...

nice font size 2 or something
@Seth Dude, just press F12 and let both JavaScript and the police do their own job, respectively. >.<
bunch of os x books in goodwill
couple nice monitors too
17 21?
ah, 19 inch not bad
yup. i think I'm gonna take this one. looks quite new. 25$
1440x900, 700-1 contrast, 5ms response
@Serg I can see you! Must be a glossy screen :P
tested it, works alright, picture looks clear, no dual lines
going home with it already
@NathanOsman what about snorting c.m. through a bacon slice?
Would that increase or decrease healthiness?
I'm gonna say... no...
The new screen looks quite nice actually
quite wide, feels so large
( insert that's what she said joke here)
eh, nope, top panel still had dual lines
I think it's a common issue with these LCD monitors
Welp, At least it looks more colorful than the other one
two such monitors would be quite nice. If only i had a second one and a vga splitter
and a new desk to fit them on...
Yeah, I feel the pain.
I'd probably have three were my desk a bit bigger.
I think I can safely blame this new screen for watching more YouTube than I already do :)
And with that . . . I think I haz a new idea for indicator
@Serg what aspect ratio does that monitor on the right have? it looks rather squarish to me
Let me check, gonna start my xrandr indicator
agh, ran out of space.
One day you'll build an indicator for building indicators...
@ByteCommander ^_^ I just might do that soon
It's 1024x768
so tiny...
But wide screen, 19''
I could play with xrandr to add custom resolution and increase it. This guy is supposed to have 1440 x 900
Successfully added a mode
@IanC @Mateo I think the way I'm going to handle tabulation is via checking what system font is in use. If it is Ubuntu font, it will have to use custom spacing. Otherwise, it will use a padding function
Sounds good if it is easy to check what font is used, default installs will look better, others wont be made worse
Now, more important question is how do i schedule everything. I need to find balance between developing stuff and homework
That's not too comforting for systemd.
> "However, good programmers recognize the difficulty of writing bug-free software and understand the importance of designing software in a way that minimizes the likelihood of bugs or at least reduces their impact. The systemd developers understand none of this, opting to cram an enormous amount of unnecessary complexity into PID 1, which runs as root and is written in a memory-unsafe language."
Was there something like this happening with Upstart ? I don't recall
My favorite quote from the article ---^
@NathanOsman EXACTLY
systemd is just awful. We should NOT be using it.
"is written in a memory-unsafe language" , that's no excuse to the systemd devs though
Well, I'm not sure it's that bad. But it raises some fair points.
There are parts of systemd that I like. And parts that make no rational sense whatsoever.
The problem is that you can no longer mix and match.
So far I found only one feature I like in systemd - inhibitors. The rest is complex mess. At least with Upstart it was clear - services are in /etc/init and /etc/init.d . Now they're in tons of other places, and i've no idea why /etc/init and /etc/init.d still exist.
I predict in the not-too-distant future a firm distinction between "classic Linux" and "systemd Linux".
@Serg I really like the whole dependencies thing. That was a huge step forward.
Upstart sort-of had those but nowhere near the same extent.
Socket activation, etc.
I think if Canonical has stuck to its guns and developed Upstart, it would be even better than systemd
Too late for that now.
Yeah . . . unfortunately for regular users
What we have is systemd with Linux instead of Linux with systemd.
They might as well just merge it into the kernel :D
since arch had moved to systemd, is it fair to assume systemd overall still does more good than harm?
Or... merge the kernel source tree into systemd :D
Please no
@edwinksl I consider myself a moderate systemd proponent.
Some passionately dislike it. Some passionately like it. I'm somewhere in the middle... just a little bit closer to the "like it" side.
"That’s not true for the other services which systemd is trying to replace such as network management, DNS, and NTP."
WHY ???
init is supposed to bring up the system and services , that's all
Network management I understand. But DNS???
@Serg I would be in favor of init also taking over the job of cron but that's about it.
@NathanOsman mmmm, scheduling services start and restart? sure. But people use cron also for other things, which have no relation to system administration
I'm heading off for a bit to go on a boat ride. I'll have my phone with me... I might stop by here and leave a picture :)
@Serg they do?
Like what?
that ^
Also i recall wineuuunux2unix ( whatever is the right spelling ) asked one from yesterday to have cronjob to chime every hour like grandfather clock
so yeah . . .
it exists
Note: FreeBSD is still systemd-free :D
Probably because BSD isn't Linux kernel
so the systemd can't mess with it
Yeah, if graphics drivers weren't an issue, I'd be tempted to go for it.
So far i have BSD only in VM.
I think Qt supports the BSDs.
Whenever I hear BSD, I must think of BSE... so no thanks.
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), commonly known as mad cow disease, is a fatal neurodegenerative disease (encephalopathy) in cattle that causes a spongy degeneration of the brain and spinal cord. BSE has a long incubation period, about 2.5 to 8 years, usually affecting adult cattle at a peak age onset of four to five years, all breeds being equally susceptible. BSE is caused by a misfolded protein—a prion. In the United Kingdom, the country worst affected by an epidemic in 1986–1998, more than 180,000 cattle were infected and 4.4 million slaughtered during the eradication program. The disease...
@Serg mad cow disease
that's a stretch
Oh, not Bombay Stock Exchange?
BSD stands for Berkeley Software Distribution and it's the closest to what original System V was
wow, my Donald Trump question blew up.
Could also have been Back-Scattered Electron...
I know I've been getting reputation notifications from it all the time, but I never checked the score.
@ByteCommander or back stabbed electron.
not really...
BSD: Better than Systemd , Dammit
Q: Did Donald Trump say republicans are the dumbest voters in the country?

SethI saw this image going around Twitter lately: If I were to run, I'd run as a republican. They're the dumbest group of voters in the country. They love anything on FOX News. I could lie and they'd still eat it up. I bet my numbers would be terrific. People Magazine, 1998 Is this ...

also, have you guys seen this?! I have no idea what it is, but it went viral a few days ago
@Seth wtf did i just watch???????????????????????
that's what I want to know.
in case anyone wanna participate in a rant,
@Serg Well yeah, but it's cowsay! The cow is useful, sure, and using a combination of packages to have a cow read your fortune on login is fun, sure, but really? (Rant over lol) — Dan Brown 2 mins ago
@Seth the comments are hilarious though
@edwinksl I hadn't looked.. haha
@Serg Ever tried xcowsay?
> I have a Note 7. I have a charger. Allahu Akbar.
Taichel Rosen41 minutes ago
I have iPhone 7

I have headphones


@Seth Lithium detonation ahead?
@edwinksl lol
My favorite video on the internet 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 http://youtu.be/kN5cqf63kb8?a
best canadian likes it
i must like it too amirite
@edwinksl what the heck is his profile pick?!
@Seth no clue, best ask the other canadian in this chatroom :p
hmm, looks like Windows turned secure boot back on. Apparently that conflicts with Virtualbox?
@edwinksl Fun fact: about half of the people replying have a Bieber face as profile pic...
@ByteCommander you are right...
@ByteCommander nope , never tried that
@NathanOsman so , that bug on systemd is closed over on their github page. but still reproducible , according to comments
@Serg Then do :)
I wanna have a foxsay. Because then, I can be like "What does the fox say ?"
please make one
(from fortune | xcowsay)
@Serg I should totally just write an app called foxsay that says one of the things from the song.
for f in /usr/share/cowsay/cows/*.cow ; do b="$(basename -s.cow "$f")" ; cowsay -f "$b" "$b" ; done
Prints all default cowsay "cows" as example.
Speaking of that, SUSECON is the first week in November. Anyone think they have another parody?
Probably. Their parodies are quite popular
$ cowsay -f head-in 'Yikes!'
< Yikes! >
    ^__^         /
    (oo)\_______/  _________
    (__)\       )=(  ____|_ \_____
        ||----w |  \ \     \_____ |
        ||     ||   ||           ||
@ByteCommander wtf? head-in?
There's also "sodomized-sheep"...
Quesion: I've got 8 GB SSD. Don't ask me why I bought it, it was on sale :) Totally pointless i know. I'm thinking of using it as swap space for the old desktop. Is that a good idea ?
That sucker doesn't take any more than 1 GB ram for whatever reason
so i need to compensate with swap somehow
@Serg If it's that small, it is probably a bit older and not necessarily great quality... It might wear out pretty quickly if used as swap on such a low-RAM machine.
yeah, it's not the most durable thingy
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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