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@KazWolfe SE chat API? or SE post API?
@Downgoat chat API
Really, I'm just looking for a JSON endpoint to get room data
@KazWolfe AFAIK it's all websockets making it a pain
gah. well, then i guess i need to parse html
that's why in TNB we are all planning to move our bots to some other chat engine considering how difficult WS is to work with
I can use WS endpoints because of ChatExchange (<3 @ByteCommander), but I don't see a place to pull/read room data.
like, a list of room owners.
I believe you'd have to do scraping for that but I'm not sure
yay problems
I can not log into my Ubuntu and have some file in var/www that are necessary
How can I get theme
@Sandro local or remote?
ask a question on the main site, and link it in here. We'd be happy to help.
brb installing nvidia drivers. fml.
optimus cards are just evil
@Sandro control alt f1
log in and copy the files to somewhere
@KazWolfe how again do you do that code?
A: Re-initialise GRUB for non-bootable UEFI zfs 16.04 installation

James TobinThe easiest and best way of re-initializing grub is a utility called boot repair. Follow these steps: Boot from live Ubuntu disk and select "try without installing" Open a terminal and run these commands: sudo -i add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair apt update apt install boot-repair ...

tell me this time and I'll write it down so I dont forget
<pre><code> and </code></pre>.
ok thanks
@mods, why is Ben Stumpf listed as an explicit write in this room?
(@seth --^)
@KazWolfe thank you, will take note, worked well :D anyway how is the answer?
Q: how to get my file from var folder in Ubuntu 16.4.1

SandroWhen I wanted to log in to my ubuntu I got black screen. The problem first started by installing KDE. KDE installed with error and somebody asked me to install gnom3 and problem going worse and worse and my friend @sara send the question on askubuntu link Here "Failed To Fetch" when installing KD...

I did it @KazWolfe
Plz help me
Now I'm in Ubuntu live cd
In fact start Ubuntu with live cd
if you are in a live dvd go to the disk and copy the files to an usb stick?
you can do all from nautilus just like regular ubuntu
I can not see my file invar
And also there is no folder in var
you are looking at the wrong disc
you are probably looking at the /var on the live session
Yes you are right
made it an answer
mount sda1
it might be namd "system disk" though and not sda1 or sdb1(that is the 2nd disk if you have one).
Got them thanks
got the files? :)
@Zanna ok looks like i am that destined 5th person...
before you format the system (if that is the intention) make sure you can restore then files
@edwinksl that took a while!
or not, i already reopened :/
still need a 5th
hey @KazWolfe you dont want me as an enemy >:-D
slowpoke :+D

Alejandro Toledo JuanBuenas tardes, he instalado recientemente Ubuntu 16, probe a instalar un programa usando una imagen con el siguiente comando: sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop Escritorio/matlab_r2014b_dldvd_linux_64bit.iso Documentos/Matlab/ Tras desmontarlo, al probar a montar otra imagen usando el mismo comando ...

someone hablas Espagnol?
which answer should I upvote?
to what q? @Anwar
btw: you can upvote more answers :=D
@Rinzwind i gave a terminal solution, you gave a GUI solution :D
@KazWolfe you did not tell how to go to command line :=D
oh look at that, your answer is on top.
I'll vote tomorrow. to the answer which attracts highest vote :) if both are same, both will get upvotes :D
I am so going to rollback that edit >:-D
this is a declaration of war :D @KazWolfe
I shall win this battle and get anwar's upvote
brb writing assembly code to do this automatically.
just a magic instant boot disk lol
or... i wonder if i can compress all of this down to a shell one-liner.
yeah I got that :D
i mean, @Rinzwind, if i were mean, i'd just assimilate your answer into mine...
@KazWolfe well you are, sooo
go ahead; people will see what you did >:-D
unless he gives credit
then it's fine :p
not within the same question >:-D
I think recommending a forced sync is good practice, don't you?
hm... i know how to annoy Rinzwind.
no you don't :=D
and I am 1 up >:-D
@Rinzwind translated
@KazWolfe I retaliated
@Rinzwind drat. the cunning and handsome Rinzwind is too much to defeat
@Zacharee1 time to retract CVs
oh and I upvoted the q too :=D
@KazWolfe We Americans (then British colonists) took New Netherlands from them and made it New York :p
still a draw?
no it was New Amsterdam and it was a TRADE. We got Surinam for it @Zacharee1
@Rinzwind and look how we turned out :p
don't you want to be like us, @Rinzwind?
and the whole of New York reeks of Holland >:)
Harlem, Brooklyn, and plenty more :=D
obsessed with TV so much that we have a reality TV star as a presidential frontrunner?
(=Haarlem and Breukelen)
Wow, SF is super slow now.
@NathanOsman stop breaking SE
so is AU
not for me
@Zacharee1 it is. noboy is making good questions >:-D
2 kinds of slow
i will laugh so hard if this goes to HNQ
@Rinzwind yeah, the site and you
@Zacharee1 I am quicker than @KazWolfe he takes ages longer >:-D
@Zacharee1 which one are you talking about?
@Rinzwind I write only the highest-quality answers.
@KazWolfe since when is Clinton a TV star?
@Zacharee1 well, we found the slow one, guys!
@Zacharee1 SourceForge, not Server Fault, lol.
@Rinzwind also, oh my god that would be the basis for a great joke, but i won't say it because certain people frequent this room.
@NathanOsman I figured it wasn't SE, but I just had to say it
time for some food. bbl :)
@KazWolfe SNL doesn't count
i cannot format
mods, use your magic edit powers to make me suck less pls
nor can you make a joke
@KazWolfe What are you trying to write?
got it
Ah. That one.
@Zacharee1 it's a sophisticated joke, that takes a certain intellect and view to understand.
I always do:
...with the backticks.
It's the easiest way.
@KazWolfe one might say, special intellect
holy crap.
installing the nvidia drivers actually fixed something for once!
@Fabby Ironically, the Internet at my local Starbucks isn't all that great, but at the Microsoft store, it is excellent - a full 100 Mbps connection.
Also, I went by the Apple store yesterday and laughed at everyone lined up to but the iPhone 7.
@NathanOsman apparently nobody cares about there being no headphone jack
They will soon enough.
The iSheep just walked out with their bluetooth earbuds for $160
They'll be back.
though, i actually do prefer the iPhone to the Samsung line...
if choosing between two extremely locked-down models, go with the one that looks nicer, I'd say.
Of two evils, choose neither.
Uh, oh, then.
yeah, samsung phones have some nice features, but the phones don't exactly look nice, nor do they really allow us to use those features on non-Samsung OSes, if they even let us use non-Samsung OSes.
OnePlus is awesome, BTW.
iOS, at least, has decent-looking phones with a decent stock OS
The phones look okay but seriously - iOS looks nice??!?
better than TouchWiz.
@KazWolfe TouchWiz is stupid, but the phones are gorgeous
@NathanOsman I miss iOS 6 :(
@KazWolfe TuxPaint is better than TouchWiz.
So that doesn't say much.
@NathanOsman TuxPaint is better than everything. It's the absolute pinnacle of design!
Nothing created by mere mortals will ever outshine tuxpaint!
Should I get the next Nexus or the next OnePlus?
OP3 is your best bet.
That's what I have and it's awesome.
6 GB of RAM, I mean come on.
well i'm going to wait for my current iPhone to die, but the oneplus does look really nice
no SD slot, but eh.
OP3 is heavy
hey, whatever happened to that ubuntu phone dock idea?
pingus is still in the repo data?
All scheduled work for today is canceled.
Not completely on-topic but any ideas for what an error message should be when the data.json failed to be retrieved? Turns out "The data files failed to be retrieved." is not correctly grammering :P
Failure in retrieving the data files?
@KazWolfe For post people headphone jack is a problem beacuse they won't be able to plug their headphones in, but I'm feeling the real problem will become people blaring their music out from their phone speaker for everyone to hear
@Downgoat that already happens
Q: Tool to compress/decompress STDIN

vikarjramunIs there a tool that compresses STDIN, and outputs to STDOUT? This tool (or its counterpart) should be able to decompress as well. Something simple is fine, but it must be lossless. Thanks, Vikarjramun

@edwinksl hm :/ ok I've made it "An error occured while retrieving data files."
that seems like using more words to say the same thing :P
@KazWolfe You should ask @Mateo - he's been able to get it working.
really? it's real?
big joke because I have an ad blocker
@JamesTobin yeah, that's bascially everyone. it's a useless rep mark
@KazWolfe yeah
@Downgoat U&L is not AU though
waste of my time
who cares
@edwinksl aw... ;_; just relized
askubuntu.com/questions/826242/… dunno if I completely understood in my answer
*understood the problem
guys, I want to share with you, my first Github repository
critics and feedback are welcome :)
still learning git, a bit confused about branch tracking, but I'm enjoying it so far, really useful for organizing projects
@IanC good stuff
Thank you @edwinksl!! Still trying to apply all the suggestions people made to me on CodeReview :)
@Downgoat now that OP has 15 rep, let's see if he will upgoat your answer
@IanC oh nice looks like it got a lot of attention
well, i think it's time for another PSA
[PSA] Please don't ask questions in Chat, unless they're really fast (or really complex and have a parent question already). It's better to post them on the main site, because then more people see it, and others have easier access to any answers posted!
instant star
One of the guys told me about three software engineering principles, really helpful to keep good organized and debug friendly @edwinksl. Since I mostly program as a hobby, I think I might lack some concepts professional programmers have, so it's always good to have feedback from more experienced people. First time I expose one of my codes to a bigger audience, but I'm liking what I'm being able to learn from it! :D
@IanC CR people seem pretty nice. i like what i am seeing
WordPress can be so frustrating sometimes.
ditch it :p
Not possible when a client is using it.
Why else would I be touching PHP? :D
ditch the client because morals and principles
Uh...... and lose all my money?
@NathanOsman use something else and make it look like wordpress!
I don't have access to the server - just the WordPress admin.
Well, anyway, here's the problem: wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/239620/…
@JamesTobin I think you could improve that answer by explaining diff between live version to use and running the installer, and directly clearing up OP's misconception that "trying" affects the persistent partition
@Seth can we get "Please don't post questions here" in the room description?
@NathanOsman TIL there is a SE site just for wordpress ._.
or something like that? the star board isn't the best places for these things.
@KazWolfe No, we still allow questions.
We just want to encourage people to post them on the site first.
well, as in, questions here that detract from the site's content and health
THEN they can come here to talk about them.
@chaskes which one
A: ubuntu launching help on multiboot usb (created with yumi)

James TobinIf you have persistent storage set up then "try Ubuntu without installing" won't reset your installation. That is the option you want to select.

@NathanOsman hmm, ok then, because you do need to buy a yacht for photography purposes, i guess you should keep the client and outwit wordpress
I don't actually have a yacht, BTW :P
Nor would I probably ever get one.
well, our AU Party on Nathan's Yacht just died a quick death
rip in pieces
Ads for logged-in users now?
@NathanOsman that's always been there
you get less ads at 200 rep, but never no ads
For logged in users? No.
unless you just block things
@KazWolfe I have been a member of Stack Exchange since 2009 and I have never seen an ad along the top when I've been logged in.
Until today.
Isn't it because you have <200 on that particular site?
Is it per-site?
@NathanOsman tis
Maybe you're right...
That's my guess based on the impending rep msg posted above.
In that case, never mind. Move along. Nothing to see here :D
3D printing just left beta: 3dprinting.stackexchange.com
@NathanOsman ???
What's "???" for?
i see it as in-beta
Oh, I see.
I meant private beta.
It's in public beta now.
that was 7 months ago
Oh, heh.
I see what happened.
I saw "8m ago" and took that to be "8 minutes ago".
Reason #106 not to use ambiguous abbreviations.
what's reason 14?
Something about bacon.
Seems legit
@KazWolfe totes
@KazWolfe The first few times I read it I read the word "fast" as "fat"! :D
@edwinksl i suspect OP is using Mac there
echo $$ 5373 cat /proc/5373/comm cat: /proc/5373/comm: No such file or directory — user1800340 11 mins ago
That ^
hey @Serg, how are you doing man?
@IanC alright, i guess. How are you buddy ?
I'm good, my parents visited me today, watched some cool movie
@Serg yeah something not linux. i think all linux distros have /proc?
now about to go to work
why alright? something happened man? @Serg
I need to implement an undo and redo system for text fields in Java. Now, commonly, how many states does it remember so it can undo them with CTRL + Z?
@edwinksl yup, all distros, and FreeBSD, but not Mac
@ParanoidPanda use all states
or, use as many states as you can before running out of memory.
Right, and what should one count as a 'state'? Should it be a single character change? Or more than that?
Because I've seen it vary from application to application.
@Serg awesome, good to know
And each single character may not be useful in some cases.
they'll be more hlep, and i think they have an answer to that...
@IanC nothing happened , just still waking up :) Just woke up an hour ago. These few days will be preparing for exam and doing homework. Wanna cook tofu and mushrooms.
cat: /proc/5373: Is a directory \n ls /proc/5373 attr... auxv... \n cat: /proc/5373/comm: No such file or directoryuser1800340 2 mins ago
how about one state = 1 second
Hmmm, well, we've at least established that they have a /proc filesystem
@JamesTobin don't refer people to links for illegally modified software
Mark Kirby is correct in calling your link spam/scam
@KazWolfe: Hmm, never thought about counting with time, do most do that then?
@ParanoidPanda i honestly don't know
i was just spitballing that because i use undo where it would take more time for me to actually remove what i did than just to undo it
damn, half an hour to get ready for work!
@Serg check it out! github.com/IanCaio/TempI
@KazWolfe: They actually seem to have a tag on the matter with some questions relating to what I want so thanks for the site recommendation! :)

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