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@KazWolfe please help me in askubuntu.com/questions/825937/… on my answer to get the code tags right.
I really messed up. I used the code button above but it strung my commands together
@JamesTobin code nested inside lists is weird altogether. I'm not sure about the "elegant" way to do it, so I just used html.
<pre> <code> didnt do anything for me in terminal. How am I supposed to do it?
oh i see how u did it
So I just saw this at the train station:
user image
@JamesTobin check my comment agian
@NathanOsman o/
@KazWolfe lol I just did
@JamesTobin problem solved. good answer. +1
changed to sudo -s
@KazWolfe ohai.
You can delete the comment as it's unnecessary
thank you :D
@NathanOsman that real??? :o
@KazWolfe how much rep do I get if it is accepted as answer?
@JamesTobin 15
@JamesTobin of course.
I just took it.
@NathanOsman wow
wait. an angry canadian?
what happened?
askubuntu.com/questions/825957/… he talks about C drive... is he using Windows or is he talking about something else?
I think he's using Windows, but with the new UbuntuOn things I hesitated to comment or vtc.
I don't know enough to know if he's using that.
but true python is only Linux... you need 3rd party stuff like WinPython or alternatives to get it going on Windows
and that has nothing to do with Ubuntu
and WinPython sux btw
@JamesTobin um...
python works just fine on windows using official stuff
that's new to me
either way what does it have to do with Ubuntu
Python is just a language. Then you need a client.
@ThomasWard, [SU] links users right over to SU, instead of having to type out the link :P
hastebin.com/erihupegos.py is what PYTHON is
Unless it's something non-standard. Python works perfectly fine on Windows and Linux for most of the stuff
flagged as offtopic
One more flag
i just got a legit post in the edit queue that looked just like an audit
Sigh . . . he posted comment saying "Thanks. My bad" How in the bloody frack do people end up on Ubuntu site when they're using Windows ?
@JamesTobin No need to leave a comment announcing that you've flagged it. Just actually place the flag down and move on.
I would understand people assuming Apple is similar to Ubuntu, so they come here . . . but Windows users . . .
> James Tobin had 3 edit suggestions approved, and 0 edit suggestions rejected
A: ASCII screensaver for the command-line or a TUI?

zombieRMSzone-mode in emacs can be used as a screensaver. If you care about the mode line burned onto your screen then you are not an emacs user!

eh, probably not. forget it.
@JamesTobin lol on the ping
Meanwhile, presumable someone will solve the wine problem for him, but I don't think OP understands the difference between a dos prog and a Win terminal prog.
@KazWolfe why am I not listed of those who flagged on askubuntu.com/questions/825957/… ?
@JamesTobin A close vote != a flag
Flags bring a post up for mod/review queue attention.
ok I did this
hit flag button
A close vote actually moves towards closing a post, and is listed differently.
navigeted to offtopic
under "should be closed"
see that close link? that actually forces a closevote, which goes to the list of those five users.
@KazWolfe uhm this is all I have
@JamesTobin how much rep do you have ?
You've got a long way to go , buddy
the list of the five (or less if a mod gets involved) users that actually close the post don't actually flag the post, technically.
yeah 93 at this point
@Serg start upvoting my answers ;)
Flagging a post for closure is not the same as actually voting to close.
Flagging will bring it up for the attention of those who can close, but you don't cast anything yourself
this is where your flags go
and then 3k+ users get to decide if the flag is good or not
@JamesTobin start producing them answer ;) and they better be a high quality ones too
asking people to upvote your questions isn't really liked here, except in some special cases.
like when you're really close to a badge/checkpoint, need a question VTRd, or a couple other edge cases
it should be done sparingly, lest the system notice all of these non-organic votes and wipe out 20% of your rep.
@Serg, say hi
you make me hate askubuntu
lol 30 rep in 30 seconds
@KazWolfe even via the mobile app?
cause I never got that to work on the mobile app
@ThomasWard it's done server-side IIRC
@ThomasWard i can see that lol
you have a diamond. we get to give you a hard time now
Including when we are ill?
sounds a little evil to me
(The bug that gave me bronchitis is fighting back hard)
Anyways... goes back to the shadows
@KazWolfe say hi to who ?
@Serg James was talking about VTRs and i mentioned non-organic vote reversal
@ThomasWard get better , i know how sucky it can be
@ThomasWard hope you're up and back at 'em again soon.
@ThomasWard well that gives you a break, at least until you get better.
(I hereby bestow upon you the name "bug killer".)
@KazWolfe Non-organic ? what's that ? What's organic then ? ( covered in poop of users arguing about whether or not a post should be reopened ? )
I mean that both figuratively and literally.
@Serg non-organic meaning the kind of votes Shog hates.
Ah, custom mod flagged ?
no. up/downvote reversal.
organic votes = natural votes that just happen through the life of the site, whilst non-organic votes are the kind of things that the system reverses.
OK . . .
OK, i've had enough of this scanning bull-honky for one day . . .
why the heck does askubuntu do that? dumb idiots
Language, plz @JamesTobin
that makes me mad that they can take 20% of my rep just cuz they think the votes aren't "organic" as if votes were milk. Why do they even care?
the 20% was just kaz engaging in rhetorical hyperbole. what they do is reverse votes which the system says came through patterns of serial up voting (or down voting) of answers or other gaming of the system.
the site is only as good as it's own reputation for honesty.
@chaskes i wouldn't say hyperbole.
there have been incidents before.
Q: What is serial voting and how does it affect me?

Cody GrayI just noticed that I lost a bunch of points from my reputation score, and I used the "reputation" tab on my user profile page to try and track down the cause. During my investigation, I noticed there was an unusual event of type "reversal". In the normal place of a question title, it says "voti...

if you wish, but it's not a fixed number. high losses were the result of high games. (and now I stay quiet on this topic)
yeah, it's not always 20%. it depends on how much of your rep is inorganic
@JamesTobin because it's sort of a fair game. If you're a gamer, you don't want hacker gamer win everything, right ? So if there's a repeated upvote pattern between you and me detected , then there will be a reversal. Before june of this year, i had 33k rep. I lost 10k because of that reversal. Fair or not, it happened, all because people were simply upvoting same people who answered on the same sort of question. Even if they weren't intentionally "serially upvoting" each other.
just vote the answer and not the person and all goes well for everybody
sux because @KazWolfe is always upvoting mine dang
not always.
i'm not playing any game that results in any risk to anyone
I hope the dumb bots dont go banannas on us
@KazWolfe I know you arentr
i upvote your quality posts, just like i do most other posts.
@NathanOsman any knowledge of GIMP ?
however bots are so dumb they dont know anything
think is @KazWolfe no one else ever upvotes me
now if we set up a voting ring where i upvote every post you make and you upvote every post i make, then we have an issue.
@Serg I have some, what do you need?
@chaskes got it already. Needed to enhance brightness and contrast of an image
@JamesTobin keep producing quality posts, get a bit lucky, and you'll be sitting around 5k pretty soon
@Serg I've contributed code to the Gimp, so yes :D
on rep, honestly, it's pretty automatic...
Try writing 2 or 3 good answers a day, and you'll end up doing okay
@NathanOsman how do you manage to contribute so much code everywhere ? Jeez, share yer zekretz
nathan is really just skynet
Practice and determination :)
Anybody can do it.
he's preparing code for the global launch of the singularity
a little bit here, bringing in a hidden function...
a little bit there...
@KazWolfe shhhhh!
Beware! Totally nothing to fear guys.
So, i got around of having that black line in my scaned document by scanning on highest resolution, and then changing brightness and contrast , and scalling it back down to 25% of its size
stupid, too much work, but i got it
Can't quite pin-point it. From software side, i can edit the image just fine in gimp. But simple-scan gets images with dark line accross them, although with "text" preset and high dpi it's not there. It might be hardware iossue, since i am getting a dark line on printed copies too, but not that extreme.
so . . .yeah . . .who knows
does sound like hardware then
This little guy has been serving me for years, since like 2009 . . .or even earlier
whoa. that's a long time for that
So this street has a dedicated bicycle signal:
@NathanOsman where is that
huh? as in your downtown?
good news guys, vim 8.0 released yesterday
( not that i can take advantage of all new features, but still it's nice to know )
old news :p
Yup, well sort of. It's not technically downtown but close enough.
so, google has this "Progressive web apps" thing, it is looking cool
because I wrapped this one in the webapp container on Ubuntu Touch - and once loaded it made itself available offline!
Cool, but without a pre-installed linux version I wouldn't assume it's compatible.
or might be locked down, or 32bit uefi - almost didn't get a netbook to boot anything with that
it's not arm, but I don't take chances on highly proprietary hardware anymore. even the nuc has had a lot of problems with linux
I thought that win 10 was optional lockdown on anything now
hmm, good point. that might be the case
@chaskes it's made to be customizable so i doubt that one is locked down but a lot of win 8 and 10 pc's with UEFI are totally locked down
I thought that wasn't fully implemented after all, but I lose track of this sometimes
Well, I switched to system76, so I don't worry about that anymore.
> Microsoft says that the switch to allow Secure Boot to be turned off is now optional. Hardware can be Designed for Windows 10 and can offer no way to opt out of the Secure Boot lock down.
are we talking nuc class machines?
@chaskes very happy with my Kudu
system76.com/desktops/meerkat if you want the nuc type one they make
@Mateo me too. really a great machine
I'm running a beebox, linux is in the list of compatible OSes (fedora and ubuntu). I run the version with windows on on board flash, but I run linux on a msata drive with a second drive for storage
right, forgot about the meerkat. that's the way to go
no reason you can't get the non windows version, or install linux on the emmc
yeah, barebones kits are nice still
and the meerkat looks like a 'stock' intel NUC with a laser etched top ;p
I'm sure it is. but the last time I looked at nuc versions and compatibility I got dizzy. They handle all of that. And I don't really need to put it together
they really do make sure it is ready to go, they have their own ppa for the extra little changes and drivers the different hardware might need ready to go, and easy to put back on a clean image wipe
and awesome wallpapers ;)
the best wallpapers.
Make Ubuntu Great Again
we really need more abstract default wallpapers
also, is anyone else disappointed that Wily came with no wolf images?
@ByteCommander you've been featured tobinbridge.zohosites.com
@KazWolfe may I star that one :D
@JamesTobin it's technically valid
technically valid???
it's a valid candidate for starring
@Zacharee1 is this your site @JamesTobin?
questioned mark
what site?
@KazWolfe yes it is
why don't you do server/cloud support?
@KazWolfe because I dont have the experience
it's just desktop with more places to mess up :D
also. i just realized i have 14 terminals open.
nice :)
That's what it gets to be like with me if I am using fvwm or openbox
yay annoying bugs
Hello from Seoul and my new iPad Air
I have survived No Internet @Zacharee1
@Edity glad you didn't get a free and modifiable tablet that lets you actually decide how it works
whale hello there
I see your opporTUNAty @JamesTobin
@KazWolfe ;)
@Edity sudo YUM!!!
It has a SIM card slot
@Edity do i need to add you to the smokey blacklist
SIMmer down now!
because i can now lol >:D
I like being blacklisted
You privileged?
Dont abuse your powers
i didn't get to 20k network rep by abusing powers
I know that
In Sudo -i
(on an unrelated note, my nice free android tablet also has a sim card, and free data for life :D)

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