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12:05 AM
@Zacharee1 you meant to say random "weird" text :p
You tap on the predictive text boxes randomly and see what happens @Serg
Sweet. The rest of it came as advertised. In the 6-s on video performance even from an APU... so, everything should be fine.
@hbdgaf ?
@Zacharee1 New box. Windows performance benchmarking before I actually try to run a game on it.
12:20 AM
Going dual boot, so double available games - I can see if they're great ports or crappy ports...
Oddly, it has a full size HD slot, but came equipped with a laptop hard-drive in the lower slot. Doesn't make any sense to me.
See, 4.1 kernel installs alright , no problem there. I don't get what's up with 4.4
and 4.3,too
@Zacharee1 I mean... I'll take it. Cheaper to upgrade later, but it hurts my brain thinking about who thought that was a good idea...
12:25 AM
:'( :












My thoughts exactly
oh come on
 .-                                                        /   |
 | `.                        _                           .'    |
 ;   \                    ,-" ``'.                      /      ;
 ;    `.                ,'        '.                   /      '
  |     \              /            \                 /       |
  ;      `.           |              \               /        '
   |       \         ;                \             /        |
   ;        `.       |  .-._           ;          .'        .'
Club Penguin?
It was my best wat face
12:29 AM
Apparently copying and pasting from a PDF doesn't work well with SE Chat :/
Apparently my teacher thinks her class is the only one we have
wat . . freebsd has no gcc ?
@Serg it switched to clang by default a while ago
it's cc -___- I'm on in kansas anymore
HA ! EOF here prints nothing
12:33 AM
Great... now to make space near my table, I have to cut a hole in my built in bench - so the desktop can be hidden under my bum while I use it.
.-                                                        /   |
 | `.                        _                           .'    |
 ;   \                    ,-" ``'.                      /      ;
 ;    `.                ,'        '.                   /      '
  |     \              /            \                 /       |
  ;      `.           |              \               /        '
   |       \         ;                \             /        |
   ;        `.       |  .-._           ;          .'        .'
Well, the new desktop meets my expectations. So, now I need to force it into my workspace. My laptop isn't moving, and I'm out of room.
@hbdgaf where did you even find that?
     ,,,,|||||       ||,
  ,||||```````       `||
,|||`                 |||,
||`     ....,          `|||
||     ::::::::          |||,
||     :::::::'     ||    ``|||,
||,     :::::'               `|||
`||,                           |||
 `|||,       ||          ||    ,||
   `||                        |||`
    ||                   ,,,||||
    ||              ,||||||```
   ,||         ,,|||||`
  ,||`   ||   |||`
 |||`         ||
,||           ||
||`           ||
Interesting read ^
12:39 AM
Oooo,but i forgot . . . the shell is C in openbsd . . .
nope, same behavior, EOF not printed as char, nor as int . . .only as hex
Woo, this is going to be cool - command fu scope!!
user image
@Mateo Awesome!
I'm going to try and make it send the commands to the terminal ;)
The terminal app or actually run the commands?
so then you can run them
12:48 AM
That is cool.
If nothing else, you could at least copy it to the clipboard.
there is a address for how to send to a specific program
@kos back to that EOF thing . . .So I booted up freebsd VM and to my biiiiiig surprise . . .printf("%c",EOF) doesn't produce -1 ! While on Linux same thing produces -1 . . .the macro value prints in Linux but not BSD . In fact #define TEST 1 also leads to nothing
it's really awesome stuff
@Mateo you're having a lot of fun, huh?
12:53 AM
@Serg I guess FreeBSD doesn't use GNU C then?
There are different variations on C itself, or am I missing something?
um . . .yeah . . . would that make difference ? Because it's still supposed to be an integer value
And I don't mean C++, C# and the like
Library is different actually, written differently
@Serg I don't even know if EOF is "supposed" to be defined, but I know in some other implementations is not -1
12:54 AM
@Zacharee1 yeah, there is C for microcontrollers, C for ARM, C for AMD64 and other CPU . . .
What do you get with printf("%c", EOF)?
@Mateo that sounds like a fun one
@NathanOsman what
12:55 AM
C, the language itself, doesn't differ between architectures.
There are different C standards, however.
@kos spaces count?
@NathanOsman ah
In linux I get -1 , in BSD nothing, blank
@Zacharee1 Nope
C99, C11, etc.
hm, let me find the docs - uapp explorer did this - it sends a search to the store socope
12:56 AM
@kos well that's what @Serg did before
@Serg See what it gives you with clang on Ubuntu?
@Serg Then EOF is not defined in whatever C library FreeBSD uses
@NathanOsman well , what about microcontrollers ? What about ARM ? They surely need C implementation , a C compiler that adheres to the ISA !
@NathanOsman "behavior of this operation is unspecified"
12:57 AM
@Serg The C standard defines the language and gives guidance for implementation.
So C is still in use?
@Zacharee1 Yeah but he said only "not -1", which is a bit broad. :)
The standard is architecture-agnostic.
@kos ¯_(ツ)_/¯
@kos but it does ! `/usr/lib/include/stdio.h has #define EOF (-1) , almost same as in Linux !
12:57 AM
@Zacharee1 *cough* Linux kernel *cough*
@NathanOsman Well I wouldn't know ;P
I figured C++, C# and Java had taken over
There is a lot of assembly in the kernel source code as well.
Basically everything that is outside the scope of the C standard.
@hbdgaf found that: clang-3.6 - C, C++ and Objective-C compiler (LLVM based) Should I try it out ?
That makes sense
For example, there is no C equivalent for the assembly instruction HLT.
12:59 AM
To say quite frankly, this is really fun !
@Serg clang is supposed to be faster/tighter, but who knows. They chose it for a reason.
@Serg In Linux it prints �
@NathanOsman what's HLT do?
@hbdgaf In my experience, it is much faster than GCC - sometime twice as fast at compiling the same code.
@Zacharee1 Halt the processor.
"C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot; C++ makes it harder, but when you do it blows your whole leg off." -- Bjarne Stroustrup

On C vs C++
1:00 AM
...until the next interrupt.
@NathanOsman ah
assembly looks bad
@Serg You need printf("%d", EOF) to see if it's -1
@kos . .O.o oooookay . . . . so i was doing wrong
The only thing more lower-level than assembly is the microcode firmware embedded in the CPU itself :P
1:02 AM
@kos yup you're right . . .
> The URL Dispatcher is a small service which can allow confined applications to launch other applications that are identified with a particular URL.
I may or may not need another coffee.....
so I'm going to send a command to the terminal app :)
@NathanOsman 01010011 01101111 00100000 01100010 01101001 01101110 01100001 01110010 01111001 00111111
@Zacharee1 That is assembly - just a different representation of the same instructions.
1:04 AM
There's a one-to-one correspondence between assembly instructions and the bytes that get fed into the CPU.
movff 0x20,0x10
(That's not to imply that the instructions are exactly one byte each.)
pic 18 microcontroller instruction . . .need to refresh that
1:06 AM
@Zacharee1 Just trust me on this one. A full explanation of this is beyond the scope of this room :P
@Zacharee1 I think he meant binary rather than assembly. Assembly are instructions like mov %x %y %x, addi %x %y %x, subi %x %y %x, etc.
Now I'm more confused :p @kos
@kos Yes, good point - "assembly" is typically used to refer to the textual representation of the instructions and "binary" is used for the actual bytes fed into the CPU.
@kos you need a profile description
But they both represent the same thing.
1:08 AM
@NathanOsman and doesn't a high-level computer language represent assembly, which represents binary?
An assembler takes the instructions as human-readable text and converts it into native CPU instructions.
@kos and they are pain to code . . . the while loop to count to ten, took us like 20 minutes to design in microcontrollers class, while in C it's like . . . .#include<stdion.h> void main(){int i=0; for(i;i<=10;i++) printf("%d",i)l }
Yeah, they're converted directly one to each other.
Not even 3 minutes of typing
@Zacharee1 A higher level language like C is converted into assembly with a compiler.
1:08 AM
@NathanOsman ahh
@Zacharee1 Probably. :D
Some compilers do two steps and directly generate native machine code.
Others pass it off to an assembler.
Does that help clear things up a bit?
The thing that confused me about processor optimizations was predictive branching and precomputation during spare cycles to skip cycles. It blew my mind.
@NathanOsman yeah
MZ       ÿÿ  ¸       @                                   è   º ´	Í!¸LÍ!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.

$       –¸t«ÒÙøÒÙøÒÙøÖGøÙÙøÒÙø¦ÙøõgøÃÙøõwøŒÙøõ`øÓÙøõtøéÙøõføÓÙøõbøÓÙøRichÒÙø                PE  L …€J        à !  @  P      ?w      P   @                    °    Ãu  @                   ð? Á  „7 P    €                     H  À                             (/  @              l                          .text   ±?     @                   `.data   d-   P     D             @  À.rsrc      €     V             @ 
There should be a some form of way to show ISA of a CPU from compiled program . . .I remember doing that at some point before
1:10 AM
@Serg Ikr? For an exam I had to convert a whole piece of code into I don't remember which RISC assembly. A pain in the you-know-what.
@Serg huh?
You couldn't even check whether you were doing mistakes because it was on paper.
@Zacharee1 That's a Windows executable.
The MZ at the beginning of the file and DOS stub signifies a PE executable.
@NathanOsman It's a DLL
DLLs contain executable code too :)
1:12 AM
Oh, I dislike that so much ! Writing coding exams on paper. In CS 1 which is basically java, we had 3 exams, all of them were by hand, write full program, from import statements to the closing brackets . . .
How about
DLLs are just executables meant to run as libs with onload etc instead of winmain
@                           mCFÖÎWѧޔ         
@hbdgaf huh
Okay... you don't have to past it here :P
Oh, but I do :P
1:13 AM
What you've done is taken the machine code and displayed its Unicode representation.
...which is meaningless :D
I know
Apparently, you can generate sound by opening some correctly
@Serg Yeah I know the feeling. Also I'm more of the creative type, so I constantly need to change everything. It doesn't go well with paper :D
@Zacharee1 Just echo -ne '\a' should do for that matter
Not in Windows :p
1:18 AM
And only in windows you need cpio.h or something like that . . .
Aha, found it !
gcc myprog.c -S -o myprogassembly
@Zacharee1 Hmmm try to print ASCII / unicode 0007 if you know how that's done in Windows.
        .file   "EOF.c"
        .globl  main
        .type   main, @function
        pushq   %rbp
        .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
        .cfi_offset 6, -16
        movq    %rsp, %rbp
        .cfi_def_cfa_register 6
        movl    $-1, %edi
        call    putchar
        movl    $0, %eax
        popq    %rbp
        .cfi_def_cfa 7, 8
<- he's kinda allergic to assembly
Me too, but I'll have to play with it because microcontrollers . . .
@Serg Good luck with that, really.
1:23 AM
@Zacharee1 oh, noes, you also are alergic to assembly !
@Zacharee1 Worse, something like throwing stuff around!
Speaking of the code above, that's assembly for
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
   char c;
   //if (c = getchar())
	printf ("%c",EOF);
    return 0;
@Zacharee1 Yeah, it's a weird allergy.
1:25 AM
OK, guys, i am gonna go home . . . getting kinda bored in the library . . . and i still haven't read my python stuff
@Serg On GCC? Because I get the same but with this at the bottom:
	.size	main, .-main
	.ident	"GCC: (Ubuntu 5.2.1-22ubuntu2) 5.2.1 20151010"
	.section	.note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
@Serg I'm glad that C exists!
Assembly is so long!
Topic swap:
So for the first part of my essay, I convinced someone to buy a laptop
@Zacharee1 me too! You know what else is awesome ? Python, virtual machines, and java . . . and all of that uses C
For the second, I'm convincing someone not to buy an iPhone.
@kos You have AMD CPU ?
1:27 AM
I'm most likely presenting this in front of a class of mainly iPhone users
Wish me luck
@Serg oh, please, no!
@Zacharee1 ^_^ good luck ! bro
@Serg No, Intel. But the first part is identical, I just have that additional snippet.
dun dun dun
@Serg So you're using an AMD CPU? However that looks like some sort of GCC signature (though honestly I have no idea what it does, just a stab in the dark)
1:36 AM
@kos the last part is a signature, yes, because it shows gcc version, but first part should be identical, like you said, because apparently Intel and AMD share a lot in common as far as instructions go :)
Wow, it honestly sounds like someone upstairs is trying to turn their floor into a trampoline
Side note - I'm gonna try to compile some code on raspberry, see what it's assembly looks like . . .I have some of it in the books, but . . . you know, the real stuff is always the stuff . . . or something like that . . .
@Serg Ah yeah, that adds up, my problem was with the last part :)
OK, i'm out. See yall !
1:52 AM
Later @Serg!
It's nice to see that people go to ubuntu.com to download Ubuntu:
Q: I cant download wine on 11.10

Connor PearIm brand new to Linux in general, ive only been using it a few days, and I keep getting a huge amount of 404 errors when running sudo apt-get update here are some examples Err http://security.ubuntu.com oneiric-security/universe i386 Packages 404 Not Found [IP: 80] Ign htt...

> Im brand new to Linux in general, ive only been using it a few days,
the drivers were compiled for specific xserver versions
what talks you about?
1:59 AM
@Mateo ugh
certain cards are garbage because of that
@Zacharee1 I added a profile description since you insisted. :P
I need to think of something creative to put
@Mateo he should still be able to use the OSS driver though, right? Or at least something like Ubuntu MATE..
Some cards give you the infamous black/purple screen if you're on a newer release...
2:02 AM
@Seth mate might work ok, but plain ubuntu probably not
I had forgotten how horrible windows update was...
@kos Updated
Oh, I'm intentionally updating to 10. It's a set top box for practical intents and purposes.
@hbdgaf then you'll have them enforced
unless you have Pro
well, the worst is installing on shutdown - configure on startup, at least ubuntu does it's thing in the background and you can run the app while upgrading
2:05 AM
Windows 10 is awful. I absolutely hate it.
@Zacharee1 came with pro
@Zacharee1 Looks great. And you also reminded me I could add tons of stuff.
@Seth coming from the guy that chastised me for hating on 8
@kos :)
2:07 AM
@Seth Why would you defend Windows 8?! Why?
hbdgaf did
@Mateo yurp
@Zacharee1 because it worked. pretty well actually.
@hbdgaf 8 worked, despite its other issues.
I had very few problems with 8.
I know. Evidently my humor falls on different ears sometimes.
2:09 AM
@Seth But 7 was something people actually wanted and liked and it worked better than 8
@hbdgaf sorry. I'm not usually good with humour :/
@Seth Neither am I.
@Zacharee1 gotta move on at some point.
-> to Ubuntu!!!
@Seth I'm on 10 :/
@Mateo YES
2:10 AM
@Mateo I did :D
@Seth And tell that to the people still on Windows XP
been on here since xp :)
Haven't booted Windows in.. Actually, I forgot.
Who managed to force the EOL date back 6 years
in other news, decided to follow Rand Paul on twitter today. 10 tweets in 10 minutes o_O
2:11 AM
I've explained I think twice why I'm dual booting. Frame rate comparison between steam windows native and steam linux native of different things.
@Seth why?
@Zacharee1 USE REPLIES D:
@Zacharee1 Because he's not trump?
I followed guillermo del toro - he tweets constantly :)
about all sorts of cool stuff
@hbdgaf what's that mean? I should follow people just because they aren't Trump? :P
2:13 AM
Not touching that one.
Rand has interesting things to say. I tend to agree with some of them.
More so than the majority of other politicians.
haha well that caused silence :P
scope progress update break:
@hbdgaf ◔_◔
@Mateo cool!
@Mateo what theme is that?
For the window itself?
2:19 AM
black and green
oh, the window
@Seth I found some questions I was able to answer, but everything that I can answer seems to have an inactive OP :/
little bit of this, little bit of that - custom css change to actually get transparency
It looks really nice
hold on
CSS? like web design CSS?
2:21 AM
yeah, the themes are written in that
oh cool
That makes it really easy to change then
@Zacharee1 of your last 3 answers, 2 are accepted..
gtk+ theme is "ultra-flat-theme"
@Seth UHH
How tired am I?
Icons are "falttr"
plus I mixed something else...
because I like highlights on the launcher
2:23 AM
Well however you did it, it looks nice. Can you post a full desktop screenshot?
@Mateo WOW
You know, I should take a screenshot of the offline dinosaur jumping game in Chrome, and post it on Facebook with the caption: "who remembers this?"
A: How to change selinux modes permissive to enforce in ubuntu 14.04

EAaGiven the fact the the "Safe harbor" for Europn citizens' data in US is now illegal in Europe I want to disable the Orwellian NSA created so called Security Enable Linux (read: Orwellian Surveillance Software). How do I do it in my Lubuntu?

See how many people say something like "wow that's old :P"
@Seth ?
@Zacharee1 hahahahahaha
2:27 AM
dat quality doe
Wow, this andrew guy was the only person in the edit review queue
Q: Should we avoid language features that C++ has but Java doesn't to increase maintainability?

amuseSuppose I am limited to use C++ by the environment in the project. Is it good to prevent the use of some language features that C++ has but Java doesn't have (e.g.: multiple inheritance, operator overriding)? I think the reasons are: If Java doesn't provide a feature that C++ has, it means tha...

> "If Java doesn't provide a feature that C++ has, it means that the feature is not good, so we should prevent using it."
Everyone here who thinks Java is perfect, please raise your hand.
Twiddles thumbs...
I don't think that's what Sun had in mind...
@NathanOsman LOL
Put that on the Tumblr page @NathanOsman
> I think the reasons are:
> ...
> 3. You may be asked to convert the code to Java some day
Horrors, no.
2:33 AM
that's also misguided.
Usually if I'm using C++ it's for a good reason.
Guys, the "downvote" button is not for saying "No". Especially because the OP's arguments are flawed, he deserves IMHO an answer telling him why. — Doc Brown 19 hours ago
No, downvotes are for bad questions.
A question littered with false premises isn't a very good question, IMHO.
Downvotes on Meta are for saying "no" :p
"You may be asked to convert the code to Java some day" - Has anyone ever been asked to do this to a commerical product? Follow up question: How long and how hard did you laugh? — Nathan Cooper 15 hours ago
If you want Java, use Java. If you use C++, use C++, not some horrible, twisted imitation of Java with C++ syntax. Using C++ but restricting yourself to Java's feature set gives you the worst of both worlds. — Jerry Coffin 9 hours ago
^--- somebody give that man a cookie
2:36 AM
Lol. Sorry, I broke into at the wrong moment. :)
That's okay :)
It happens.
You can have a cookie too :D
> "If Java doesn't provide a feature that C++ has, it means that the feature is not good, so we should prevent using it."
> Yes, any feature not present in Java is anathema on the hard drive. It must be burned from your code base. Those who do not obey will be scrounged, their souls used to placate the RAID gods.
> "When in doubt, write code for the least competent member of your team. Code is read far more often than it is written, and code that is as clever as you can write is too clever to read. Code reviews that your front desk staff won't understand should be rejected. To help, teach them how to program in visual basic 2.0 over the weekend, then emulate their coding style in whatever language you are using."
This guy is onto something.
2:56 AM
@Zacharee1 Updated mine again, I forgot you get the fancy usercard if you fill your profile, nice
I just need a picture to break with the text.
I need more electrical outlets near my desktop...
@NathanOsman powerstrip?
3:24 AM
Now I've got my desktop using one display and the laptop using the other.
Mouse and keyboard are shared through Synergy.
3:47 AM
It's not responding to clicks... or at least it take a few seconds.
It's crazy slow.
the UT virtualization software is slooooooooooow.
But this is the i386 image.
...on a laptop with VT-x enabled.
And to top it all off, it's only using a single CPU core. ಠ_ಠ
got a close vote @NathanOsman? I could use one.
Sure do.
Oh hey, you can change the RAM.
512 => 1024, let's see if that helps.
@NathanOsman Can you VTC this against this for me?
and then I'll close it off with the testdisk Q.
3:52 AM
there really should be an easier way to do that lol.
This laptop is really acting weird...
Chrome isn't redrawing properly.
Maybe a reboot is in order.
@NathanOsman Chrom(e)(ium) has had that bug for a while. I find if I shake the window (unmaximize, remaximize) it "fixes" it. It is getting annoying.
By any chance has anyone ever tried to forcefully trigger the sky blue popup that shows up upon a downvote for low-rep users on the site? I'm at a loss to even find the relevant code in the source.
Sky blue popup?
4:03 AM
Yeah, there's a sky blue popup which shows up upon a downvote (for users with rep < 1K I think) which goes along the lines of "Please consider explaining what's wrong with the post ..." etc
Do I want to install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly or gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly?
4:27 AM
To release, or not to release. That is the question...
5:07 AM
5:20 AM
Oh, hey maybe the package I'm looking for is ubuntu-restricted-extras.
6:17 AM
I sshed to amazon ec2 running ubuntu and ran `#!/bin/bash
python -u twitter_script.py > output.txt &`. Now `ps` shows the python process. I exit the ssh connection from terminal and then log in again. Now `ps` no longer shows the python process. Though it is running as `output.txt` is getting updated.

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