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no. I am on Windows 8
@Takkat ofcourse. But the learning curve for Unity(!) is easier than it was for gnome and windows vista, 7 and 8.
@JourneymanGeek I am on my OLD lubuntu
My Mom (75) started computing on Ubuntu - she had no more trouble than her husband (my dad) who is on Windows.
@Rinzwind True :)
@Rinzwind: I run KDE on my linux desktop systems ;p
tho most of my current installs are xless
@Takkat My Mom (37) is currently learning computer
@JourneymanGeek I use server on all my systems and have XP and 13.10 as desktop :=D
@Rinzwind: one in house server, 3 vpses ;p
@Takkat but she can't explore the files :-). She says that GUI is confusing of Linux
@Braiam i can't edit questions
I have 6.06 on 1 server >:D
@Rinzwind: I have OS/2 Warp 4.52 installed...
sh-3.1$ cat /etc/lsb-release
@VarunDas Why talk to Braiam when @Takkat is here? he is a Moderator
OS/2 !!!!
@JourneymanGeek How much least RAM you have EVER used?
@Windows8 only a chat mod here. Not a mod on AU ;)
@Takkat O.o
can't remember. possibly 64kb
@JourneymanGeek 64mb?
@Takkat: yeah
@Windows8: no
My second computer had ALL of 16mb of ram IIRC
@VarunDas what's your issue on editing?
@JourneymanGeek First ever computer in MY life has a RAM of 512 MB and i am using it right now
@JourneymanGeek my second computer had 512 kB of RAM which was more I could imagine I'd ever need.
@VivekS CID inspector?
@Takkat you mean 512MB?
I had a xt clone, a 486, a PII (first one I built!), PIV (I think 3 of them), 2 core 2 duos, and currently a core i5 2nd gen laptop and a core i7 3rd gen desktop
my first computer had 64 kB only.
@Windows8 no kilo
@Windows8: not everyone had the luxury of that much ram ;p
I started out on a 8086 Brand name: Tulip.
@JourneymanGeek when i was (6), I still didn't had much luxury. Had least RAM (512MB)
I used to play the hell out of this on my first PC ;p
this was my 2nd computer: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atari_ST
@JourneymanGeek I played that O
@Takkat why is this appearing? "You have fully used your vote allowance for today"
I can't remember much of my first computer :/
@Windows8 you can only upvote 20 times
@JourneymanGeek what was the year when you had this PC?
(addition: we all can only upvote 20 times; not just you)
@Rinzwind Okay! :P
this happened first time!
@Takkat can't edit questions
good. it will get you a badge @Windows8
@Windows8: I think I was 5 so 88
@Rinzwind :-)
@JourneymanGeek I am older than you >:D
@Rinzwind: I'm positively ancient for a dog, however ;p
For a dog who can type, you are pretty modern.
@JourneymanGeek I got PC for the first time, when i was (7) in 2007 :P (i was born on millinium year)
@Windows8: I've been on the internet much longer than that ;p
@jokerdino now we need to wait for JourneymanGeek to write all of Shakespare's works.
@Rinzwind: thats monkeys.
@JourneymanGeek full of luxuries!
And the monkeys wrote Charles Dicken's novels.
First time on the web for me was 1994 or 1995 :D
before that it was with a BBS
my first internet connection was text only, it was an extention of the local teletext service
First time on the web for me was 2010
don't laugh
had a 14.4k modem
=4 years on web!
I had an even older modem
dad used it for his masters thesis
@JourneymanGeek you are now speaking my langauge "tho" means why in hindi
@VarunDas you can always edit your own questions but only suggest edits on other people's questions. These edits then need to be reviewed by high rep users first.
tho is also lazyspeak for though
@JourneymanGeek :-) Sometimes, i think that you know hindi
@Takkat i have enough rep. but the edit button is faded
@VarunDas maybe you edited tose questions already
Not a word
@Windows8 nope
@VarunDas or you may have edited too much questions today?
Actually, maybe a couple of words
@JourneymanGeek too old
I believe it used a 25 pin rs 232 interface.
@JourneymanGeek I can recognize that tabloid in the background.
@VarunDas do you get a tootip on hovering saying the reason? Maybe locked or another edit is pending
@jokerdino: Its the best print paper around
@Takkat account not allowed to suggest edits
@Takkat His account is suspended from suggesting edits for a week.
ST is full of bullshit, and the new paper is sleezy.
@JourneymanGeek I went for the Straight Times.
Or was it Strait?
@jokerdino: I'm fond of the independant
new online newspaper, kind of anti government, but VERY good reporting
@JourneymanGeek Don't remember seeing this one.
@Windows8: something to watch out for.
@jokerdino: its newish
ironically, found out cause of the strisand effect, government was basically trying to stangle them with paperwork
@JourneymanGeek I see. Might explain why I haven't heard of it.
And anti-government? That's a pleasant surprise.
@JourneymanGeek see, @jokerdino is from my country!
Its basically mostly ex ST people who got fed up ;p
navbharat times
Word is every media in SG is a government mouth-piece.
@JourneymanGeek I might find a spot there!
Q: Love vashikaran specialist baba Love problem solution +919680255300

user232387+91-9680255300 world famous baba ji all kind problem solution specialist Love marrige specialist vashikaran specialist baba vashikaran black magic intercast love marriage all problem fast 101 % solution specialist..! get your love back aghori baba ji +91 9680255300 vashikaran mantra tona totka G...

@Rinzwind: you should probably do as @Windows8 does and delete that ;p
like i did right now
:13016651 Either stop deleting your messages after you send them or go away.
@JourneymanGeek I don't think PAP likes this one.
@Oli but what, if they are out of topic :P
@Windows8 in india "baba ji" is some saint like a "Guru"
@Windows8 Then you don't post them in here in the first place. I'm serious.
@JourneymanGeek that is not how the chat should work :P
@VarunDas i am also an indian! what do you think? don't know babajikathullu
@Windows8 from india? where?
@Windows8 listen to Oli ;-) and when he says "I am serious" be careful :D
@Oli Okay, Okay Just Chill!
@VarunDas Capital of india
@Rinzwind okay
@Oli sorry oli i will not do it again
@RPiAwesomeness welcome back
@VarunDas delhi
@Windows8 i'm from kerala
@Oli is there any way to check, what messages of our's are starred in chat?
@VarunDas nice then!
@Oli that was a fun movie :)
@Windows8 Errrrm, I'm not sure actually.
@Oli don't know the movie?
Monsters Inc.
@jokerdino Most excellent.
@jokerdino excellent
@Oli I am surprised the link is relative.
@jokerdino not at all
Q: Ubuntu newbie that needs advice!

CroashI have currently one hard disk mainly a TOSHIBA 1TB 7200RPM 3.5" SATA (DT01ACA100) and I was wondering if it would impact how my PC would run if I had Ubuntu run with windows 7 (fyi my windows isn't genuine yet).

nonsense question
@jokerdino do you know who is this spammer babaji?
he also spams on youtube
My alter ego.
@VarunDas you must try it tomorrow maybe they will work
why there is a "pause" in chat room?
Q: Windows 8 and Epson C67

LorenaI have a PC with Windows 8 and a printer Epson C67. The driver is outdated for Windows 8. I want to know if is possible to the printer run with Ubuntu and what I have to do.

what type of question????
lol, old friends are really funny!!!!!
err... could someone close this? askubuntu.com/questions/399313/… someone edited in the review queue and got kicked out
@gunbert, please, if the question needs to be closed and you only need to correct a typo, do not use the edit button in the queue, it gets kicked out ;)
life saver @Braiam
i mean account saver! lol
@Braiam Why does it need to be closed? Your last comment as an answer would be a lot better IMO.
It's certainly not off-topic/not-ubuntu (it's asking how to compile all that on Ubuntu)
@Windows8 wasn't that typed by you?
@jokerdino :P Caught!
Oh damn.
what is trolling? i mean what you all friends mean by trolling? do you think trolling is bad?
@KitFox What did I miss?
@KitFox what happened?
I was responding to a flag. Thought you were too.
We keep running into each other like this, @joker.
@KitFox I was momentarily on another tab.
@KitFox This is where I belong.
But I do agree with your observation.
@jokerdino Yes, which is why I suddenly felt awkward.
@jokerdino you mean this is your birthplace??? :P
*sorry for joking
2 mins ago, by Windows 8
what is trolling? i mean what you all friends mean by trolling? do you think trolling is bad?
@KitFox Sorry for that.
Q: Does the word "troll" necessarily have negative connotations?

DVKDoes the word "troll" necessarily imply negative connotations? More specifically, can the word "troll"/"trolling" be legitimately used to describe a posting which is clearly made with intent of merely generating laughs on April 1st? Please note that the question is specifically about connotatio...

@jokerdino Its okay! I forgive you in place of Kitfox
@jokerdino It's OK. I just didn't mean to step on your toes.
@KitFox :)
@jokerdino thanks for clarification (I knew as it says so in the pop up) ;)
@Takkat Haha
@KitFox he got big toes :=)
@KitFox thanks a lot! I used it in place of Humour! You saved me from getting in bad attitude! You saved ME and MY ATTITUDE on internet! SPECIAL thanks to you for clarification
@KitFox Please be our guest.
I'm more of a Debian kind of girl.

"Ubunto is not an official derivate of Ubuntu"
guests are always welcome here
@Takkat no no no no no no no!. Not all.
Debian is the mother of all Ubuntu
@Takkat half a mother and half a father!
Ah let's talk about genetics of Linux
@Rinzwind yeah, and I'm my own great grandfather ¬_¬
@Takkat deb is the mother ian the father :=)
@Braiam grandfather?
@Rinzwind lol :D
@Braiam i love grandfather's tales
Grandpa always said everything was better in the old days...
@KitFox Don't worry. We are quite accommodating.
@Takkat true :-)
@jokerdino Oh. Uh. Did I say Debian? I meant Fedora.
@KitFox We got even closer. I am running Fedora atm.
@jokerdino Is Fedora better than ubuntu?
Fedora is one step closer to Arch
Damn, where is my brain today? I meant Tiny Core. Tiny. Core.
@KitFox are you female? your profile pic tells that you are a female?
No matter what, our arms are wide open. Willing to embrace any and all guests.
@Windows8 That question is not quite warranted.
If core was too tiny - why not tiny core.
@jokerdino Gah. I mean I don't even know what Ubuntu is. Sounds like a kind of tropical fruit. giggles vapidly
@Windows8 It does? I personally don't know how to sex fennecs, but you shouldn't belive everything you read.
@KitFox We can start from there then!
@Takkat is Fedora and ARch are better than ubuntu
You're not letting me off the hook here, eh?
I don't suppose you know PLSQL?
@Windows8 there is no better or worse in Open Source, only different and very different.
@KitFox Oh, does that squeeze your brain out? I'll leave you then.
raises eyebrow suspiciously
@Takkat O.o
I think i am the youngest human on this site
Oh, you're a kid. It makes so much more sense now.
@KitFox :\
@KitFox Thank you for being our guest.
pity it was a bad experience :=D
Now you want to get rid of me? But I haven't figured out how to get the date part from a field in an Oracle table.
Babaji is back!!!!
@Windows8 they are aliens invading our universe - India is not in outer-space
[email protected] >:D
But i would guess DATE(filedname)
@Takkat :D
I was thinking so too.
But no. Probably close.
@KitFox the field is a timestamp?
I thought it was. Now I'm not sure.
did i earn peer pressure badge for a question?
@KitFox this works: select to_char(fieldname, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') from table
gets you date and time in 24h format. So nuke the last part of the format and you get a date
Babaji back?
why i'm getting down votes for this askubuntu.com/questions/401009/…
@AvinashRaj given a upvote :-)
dunno I do know you got 2 upvotes from someone who's name I will not tell :+)
@Rinzwind That took an obnoxiously long time to hammer out the syntax. Thanks though, that was very helpful. I don't know why Date wasn't working, but I haven't worked with Oracle before two weeks ago.
@AmithKK BABAjiKAthullu
@KitFox :D :D that one worked? Means you probably made it a string and not a timestamp.
I just voted a positive rating!
Q: Downvoting answers (or questions) without a reason?

NikThI cannot understand why this even allowed here. I mean, is this a game or something ? I can see everywhere downvoting questions and answers without a specific reason. I would like to see this stopped, please. I would suggest either a massive loss of reputation when a user downvote a question or ...

@Rinzwind Yes and yes.
@Braiam Good to know you get those on your Meta as well.
@KitFox It's kind of universal.
I figured, but you never know until you see it for yourself.
Like the aurora.
I do know about aurora but haven't seen it. Does that happen along the equator?
Haha. No.
@jokerdino what?
@Braiam The northern lights. Only the enlightened have access to it.
err... my what was directed to "happen along the equator" thingy ;)
Some unspeakable things happen.
@jokerdino you are half a planet off. either way: north of south ;)
We are the lucky 1%.
somebody would tell me that what was the reason for xdotool key ctrl+alt+t command failed to open a new terminal window
@AvinashRaj err.. it works for me in zsh...
does Ctrl + Alt + T in the keyboard works for you?
Make sure ctrl+alt+t is actually assigned to initiate the terminal.
@Braiam ctrl+alt+t in my keyboard works
Q: Using different wallpapers on multiple monitors (Gnome 2 + Compiz)

Malte SkoruppaThis seems like a simple question, yet I could not find any satisfying answer using Google or Ask Ubuntu. So I have a triple-monitor setup. Basically what I want is simply to have a different background on each of the three monitors. Now I am not speaking about different virtual desktops (aka wo...

good question + bounty :+D
still a dupe...
if it was marked as a dupe where does the bounty goes?
oblivion probably
and that is not the game >:D
damn he is talkign about monitors :P
Mod around?
i think joker is here
Q: Doing something if connected to particular SSID in Ubuntu

c0rpI want to write a bash script that will put off dropbox automatic synchronization if i'm connected to particular wifi ssid. How can i catch this event: for example i'm working at home and sync is on, if i'm at another place (cafe, work, etc) auto sync is off. Also I want to do some other task d...

I think we should reopen this and dupe the other question to this one.
That one makes very little sense, and this one is way more general and helpful.
which one
@Seth I don't have the know how on this topic. Leaving it for someone else
@Seth why not changing the target question and make it more general?
through IMO, I saw an answer that doesn't use network manager at all askubuntu.com/a/187162/169736
@braiam because we already have a general one? Why use a workaround when you don't have too?
Anyone have an RPi here?
Maybe we should just indoor them
Silly mobile keyboard.
@RPiAwesomeness Yup
On second thought, they are totally different questions.
I think that they are not dupes now... the scope of each is different, one wants to do something specific when connected to an specific SSID and the other when connected to an specific network
That's what I've been saying :P
I think they shouldn't be dupes anyway around...
What does @oli think?
@braiam, yeah I changed my mind about that.
I can mount automagically a drive using upstart when I connect to a network (the VPN one) and I could use wpa_supplicant for the ssid one... and what did the fox eat?
Yeah open open open
Minecraft server on the Pi?
@RPiAwesomeness you might want to ask in the Bridge... but they are kinda fed up with minecraft right now...
@Braiam Bridge?
@RPiAwesomeness It's a chat room
@Oli I guessed that...where?
@rpi it's probably doable, but those mods will ruin you IMO.
and there go mass leavings

 The Bridge

General Arqade Chat. We tried to leave once, but the door lock...
@Seth Even simple ones like optifine and clearlag?
Dunno personally, but probably.
Hmmm... the guide that I plan to follow said he has those running. Lemme grab the pag URL
Anyway, I'm out for now.. BBL
And...I think I'm being ignored. The conversation continues on about Daleks...
Definitely being ignored. Doctor Who reigns in that room right now...
@RPiAwesomeness Maybe when you've got a time machine, they'll all talk about you.
The question isn't when they'll help you, it's where #6seasonsandamovie
@Oli Heh. heard those things are expensive... and a movie is quite out of the question right now
Oh good grief. Now @FEichinger is in on it.
Look out! Blorgons!
@Oli #6seasonsandamovie actually seems doable now.
@RPiAwesomeness Inspector Spacetime.
@FEichinger I was referring to the fact that my chat post has been entirely ignored as of yet over Doctor Who. I have yet yo even see one of those, want to though
@FEichinger Ah. No clue what that is, but probably should.
@FEichinger Yeah :)
Akls Bunto!
Good Night
2 hours later…
Hey...anyone know of major projects that were spread by the internet? I know of Linux & Ubuntu (obviously) as well as the crowdfunded OUYA, Oculus Rift, and Pebble watch.
Writing project, in case anyone is wondering.
Writing what?
@RPiAwesomeness Doge....
@jokerdino Research essay on whether the internet is a hero or a villain. I went with hero for all of the cooperation possible, projects spread, and crowd-funding.
NaNoWriMo comes to my mind.
@Braiam I'm not looking for Memes. Actual projects and crowdfunding
@RPiAwesomeness Yeh, I think I'm too much of a cynic to be of use here ...
Also, anyone have a good informative site with the history of Linux (Linux torvalds) and the history of Ubuntu?
err... Wikipedia would be a good start, no?
@Braiam But Wikipedia isn't a scientific source, duh!
There is this book called 'Software Wars'
@FEichinger "start" as let me go for the basics first..
@Braiam Yeah, but I want to find some more official sources. My teacher doesn't like sources cited from Wikipedia...
@RPiAwesomeness keithcu.com
@jokerdino You suggesting I should read it?
I guess that's why I linked you.
Thanks! Will check it out :D
Just glanced over the Linux 0.01 release notes. Wow. They're short!
wow. much posts. many informations.
i guess this thread is dead?
@pacificfils Hey :D
We need to set up a way that we get pinged when the other joins the #PacOnIRC IRC channel

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