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9:15 AM
soon company that i work for will have .unicorn domain, that will be so much fun! :)
i hope they'll give us some second level domains :)
fairydust.unicorns.com ?
Risky click of the day.
back when I was in 8th grade, I was preparing for the exam
and I absolutely FEARED 3D geometry problems
stuff like calculate the volume of a cube blah blah blah
And now they are second nature right ;)
I opened this year's subject
when I saw cubes and prisms again, the same panic came back
still wouldn't be able to solve one end-to-end without help
9:26 AM
You will be fine.
it's obviously more complicated than calculating a volume though
What is?
@Blue yeah, it depends on the context
@Blue the subject
How old are you again?
Like what year of Uni are you?
20 mate, the panic is caused by the combination of geometrical drawings and the exam subject itself
I ended the 8th grade long time ago
9:27 AM
Just remember, if you can shift the parts to make a cube, you're cruising.
you werent born when i was in the 8th grade, hell, i think i was in grade 12 before that happened ;)
was just saying how much the combo between the exam and 3D geometry marked me
i also didnt get calculus until well after school/uni
when i decided to write a rigid body physics engine
as you do. <cue i have no idea what im doing dog pic>
9:29 AM
what I was saying was more related to how you're afraid of something and it sticks around for the rest of your life
rather than the math itself
Right, on phone meeting, talk in a bit guys,.
I can easily solve the problems when they're out of the exam context
hehe yeah.
but put those 3D drawings on an exam paper, and my mind falls in a lockdown
and I can't think
sounds like a panic attack almost ;)
9:31 AM
yeah sort of
I think it was because of my teacher, he was a bit severe
sounds like my maths teacher
he used to go beat red and get angry all the time
yeah yeah exactly like mine
he died a year or two after I finished 8th grade
I think he always knew he'd die in a year or so
heart attack from stress?
9:32 AM
I think it was cancer
crap, dropped rice in my wine
10:05 AM
@AlexM. Put smilie faces on every diagram, works a treat.
yeah, my CLR now supports structs, ToString and virtual methods! :)
have a lovely day you handsome fellas <3
10:24 AM
10:50 AM
The fungus from The Last of Us is real
The Cordyceps Fungus, a real parasite, infects all manner of insects and grows in their brain. Once infected, the insects lose control as they’re forced to ensure the survival of the fungus. They are eventually destroyed by it, as the fungus sprouts of the body and spreads its spores to other critters. This virus has been known to wipe out entire ant colonies. Much like Avian flu and Swine flu have spread to humans, The Last of Us is based on the idea of the Cordyceps jumping to humans.
Luckily this has not yet happened.
dramatic look yet
11:11 AM
although they never explained how one gets "infected" from a bite
have you guys finished TLoU ?
no, I don't have a PS3
I probably wouldn't play it
I'm not into horror stuff and the game looks like it's got one of those hollywood-like emotional stories
the story is the main reason to play it. its fabulous
and if you're into gamedev, there's lots of little things that are really nice too
things that normal people wont notice ;)
holiday is almost here yay
im not getting any for a while :(
11:34 AM
Motorola logo and re-branding emerges ahead of possible Moto X launch
1 hour later…
12:43 PM
@MattD Transfer of spores from the victims lungs onto the target as the spores are airborne and breathed in. I believe that was a dev explanation
@MattD I'm looking forward to Tom Clancy mmorpg called The Division - now THAT has some Gamedev magic that I never would have imagined.
Ubisoft making a MMORPG?
hey @Almo!@Blue!
@Blue where's my hat shaped moon?
@Almo whazzup, man?
12:58 PM
hi folks!
hey Alvar
I thought my site were hacked or sql injected or similar since the mysql server was unresponsive
but it was probably jsut a ddos attack on it
it works now again :P
ubisoft making another game?
probably just a ddos attack
12:59 PM
000webhost.com has a few ddos attacks on them.. but it's free :P
@PythonInProgress ;)
it's free so why care :P
i use webs.com
1:00 PM
ok, free? :P
it has php and mysql support and is free so YEAH!
@AlexM. im learning Java today :D
@PythonInProgress i know some java :P
@PythonInProgress but it has ads on it, 00webhost doesn't :P
1:01 PM
u may be able to help with my inevitable problems
@PythonInProgress yeah!
my standard error is null pointer exception xD
@PythonInProgress did I show you my game idea? or was that someone else? I'm terrible with names :P
1:02 PM
can i steal it?
haha great success :P
@PythonInProgress NEVER
@PythonInProgress You can see it, but then I have to kill you sorry.
1:03 PM
my awesome game ALPha at alvarberglind.se xD
it's so basic it's silly
KISS method is very good.
you showed me fishermen
forgot it was you :P
@PythonInProgress that was it..
@PythonInProgress you have a different email address,
1:04 PM
i got an email and everything
@PythonInProgress damn now I have to kill you!
@Alvar i have a different email address?
@PythonInProgress mister ward i see.
@PythonInProgress than your name here :P
1:05 PM
i actually have to get working on Java now, ping me if you actually need me for something :D
@PythonInProgress send me an email if you need help with java!
will be afk for now...
whats a function?
@PythonInProgress public void funcNAME(int number) {
//stuff }
that's a null return function
1:07 PM
/me facepalms because he was kidding.
@PythonInProgress I just thought you were the noob you sound to be ;)
dont forget to star my post on the right, ladies
cough cough
@Alvar nope. cough, cough
Ladies? who are you talking too?! are you seeing ghosts?!
1:08 PM
just u
Yes Way!
jk tho
@Alvar ?
yay, I passed the algo & SD exam
I actually kinda got a 9 wtf, it should have been lower
1:16 PM
I must have not made any mistakes on the multi-choice questions
@AlexM. what should it have been?
not bad for a sleepless night I say
was not sure
1:19 PM
what languages do you know @AlexM.?
beside C#, i mean
one sec
I know the basics in Html, CSS, C, Assembler, Java, PHP, MYSQL and some mroe which I can't remember right now.
I know most in Java though, done 2 courses on it at the University..
cool :D
btw why doesnt java use elif?
studying computer science and Engineering. Bachelor.
@PythonInProgress elif?
else if
1:25 PM
they do
i mean
the only language in which I can handle myself without having to resort to documentations too often is C# w/ the .NET framework
else if() {} else{}
@Alvar Python actually uses the conditional statement elif, instead of else if
why did u remove that? @AlexM.
@PythonInProgress you mean the syntax elif instead of else if? it's probably beacuse it's harder to read
1:26 PM
because I had my mindset on online documentations
for C I use the unix manuals a lot
not for all the people who use python
@PythonInProgress JAva is a lot about it's easy to learn
@Alvar not used to it yet :D
so if you havent studied any code before java is easy since it's basic enlgish kind of
@PythonInProgress haha
when I write Java, I keep all documentation as close as possible
@PythonInProgress there are faster methods than else if
any other language, I write in short bursts and never on big stuff
like boolean ? do1 : do2
liek that
1:28 PM
no idea what that means
@PythonInProgress exactly that's why you have else if forf noobs like you*! ;)
hey @Gajoo
@Alvar :D
@PythonInProgress ?
what's up?
half of the students in this year failed the exam
1:29 PM
@PythonInProgress hmmm... that bud-light commercial series?
why that? @Gajoo
@AlexM. only half of them? the teacher was very nice :P
LOL @AlexM.
@PythonInProgress it was the only place I've heard that :D
1:30 PM
it's a bit frustrating for me now, but I think I'm just being greedy now
I had 4 for the seminar activity because I never went to the blackboard to do stuff
and 8.5 for attendance because I slept throughout 2 seminars
if I'd have gone 2 times to the blackboard and only slept throughout one seminar, I'd have gotten 10 now
but it's fine, I shan't complain further
I'm more than satisfied, yeah
@Gajoo the other teachers were even more nice lol :P
@AlexM. Romanian teachers....
@AlexM. I hope our teachers were half nice as yours.
1:33 PM
well the teachers get worse from year to year
can't wait to see them noobs failing the Lisp and Prolog course next semester
@AlexM. if only our teachers had to take the tests they gave us, I'm not sure if they could all pass them :P
Java classes actually make sense, sort of, but this tutorial **SUCKS**
It's just throwing code in my face
it sucks
why no bold?
italics work
@PythonInProgress maybe space is needed
its already got some
1:37 PM
**BOLDTEST** with space
hey @ToddersLegrande!!!
italic test
1:37 PM
two asterixes are bold, one is italic
maybe multiline doesn't work?
single line, single asterix
yep, works
I support the multiline theory
1:38 PM
bold italy
so this should be bold
right, they've got these new shaorma-like sandwiches at KFC
gotta try one
hey shotgun! join the crowd!
@AlexM. Even weirder is the fact that you have KFC in Romania
I bet they're like McDonald's McWraps only better
@ShotgunNinja har har har
we've had it for 15 years I think
1:39 PM
Well it's pretty clearly "Kentucky Fried Chicken", which refers to the US state of Kentucky.
Sup guys
don't get me started on the Chinese restaurants that are all over the US
@Noctrine Sorry, the pencil means we're not crazy.
@AlexM. lol yeah. That's more because of the Chinese railroad worker influx back in the 1800's.
actually I think KFC was here since 10 years ago
McDonald's was here since 15 years ago
Where in Romania are you located, anyway? I'd assume it's a large population center, based on your occupation and apparent level of education.
1:42 PM
I remember when I was really young I went to the only McDonald's I knew (I'd pass by it each time I'd go to my grandma's, basically travelling half of the country)
and got myself a Furbie
or whatever those were called
lol, Furbies.
@TreDubZedd hey
@Noctrine hey
@Noctrine its a party now!
Cluj-Napoca (; ; , ; Medieval Latin: Castrum Clus, Claudiopolis; , Kloiznburg), commonly known as Cluj, is the second most populous city in Romania, behind the national capital Bucharest, and is the seat of Cluj County in the northwestern part of the country. Geographically, it is roughly equidistant from Bucharest (438 km / 272 mi), Budapest (351 km / 218 mi) and Belgrade (322 km / 200 mi). Located in the Someşul Mic River valley, the city is considered the unofficial capital to the historical province of Transylvania. Between 1790 and 1848 and between 1...
1:43 PM
@ClassicThunder hey
@PythonInProgress it really isn't necessary to ping everyone with a hello
now all we need is @Blue and @CodeAssassin
McDonald's and KFC are pretty widespread though, not like in the US for sure but still
@ToddersLegrande true.... oh well
I'm a proud midwesterner who is blessed with Culvers
1:44 PM
in the US?
@ToddersLegrande I know, right? Their burgers and ice cream are delicious.
we used to have Burger King too but they went bankrupt here
@AlexM. Ouch. My first job was at a Burger King....
@ShotgunNinja I prefer my burger without butter but yes. Also I won't tell them you called it Ice Cream :P
1:44 PM
I guess McD and KFC always had the better marketing
I'm not one of those guys
I only found out we had Burger Kings when I heard they went bankrupt
@ToddersLegrande lol yeah
@ToddersLegrande are u in the US?
I call it ice cream all the time too
@PythonInProgress Wisconsin
1:45 PM
Same with me.
And now you know why they did
Wisconsin representin'
im in Pennsylvania
1:45 PM
PA represent!
Also, @Alex, you're from the unofficial capital of Transylvania? If you ever watch classic American horror films, they often center around there.
@AlexM. Blue still hasn't given me my hat shaped moon!
I was born in Blaj, a town ~2 hours away from Cluj Napoca
yeah, I think the book Dracula was taking place in Cluj Napoca
my general knowledge on Dracula sucks, I only know about the man behind the legend lol
1:47 PM
Yeah, it took place somewhere in Transylvania.
Romanians don't take Dracula seriously :(
Also what?
Have you ever seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show?
1:48 PM
Has anyone here seen Rocky Horror?
If you like making fun of old horror films, watch it.
cricket sounds
Letssss doooo the timeee warp agaaaaain
is it more funny than horror?
because I can't watch horror movies :(
Yeah, it's definitely a parody.
1:49 PM
Its not scary
the only parodies I watched were the cheap comedies like Scary Movie N
It's a parody of late-night double feature films, which usually had a horror film followed by an adult film (if you were old enough).
which I was unsure what they were making fun of
Scary Movie sucks.
it's garbage humor.
Rocky Horror is a cult classic.
I found the one with the pissing aliens funny
1:50 PM
The Rocky Horror Picture Show is a 1975 British musical comedy horror film based on The Rocky Horror Show, a musical stage play, book, music and lyrics by Richard O'Brien. Directed by Jim Sharman from a screenplay by Sharman and O'Brien, the production is a humorous tribute to the science fiction and horror B movies of the late 1940s through early 1970s. It introduces Tim Curry and features Susan Sarandon and Barry Bostwick along with cast members from the original Kings Road production presented at the Royal Court Theatre, London, in 1973. Still in limited release nearly four decades a...
I kinda like shitty comedies like scary movie
superhero movie made me laugh a lot
the jokes are so retarded they underflow and become god-tier funny
Back :P
... And u are all gone now :P
We left when we hear you were coming back.
lol, get this
some woman from Romania was called by 3 persons pretending to be employees at different mobile operators
all of them asked her for money, in exchange for a 'prize'
after she gave money to the third guy, she just got the idea all of it might be a scam
and called the police
Haha funny. NOT!

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