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@PaulWhite wow that's good turnout. We're lucky to break 50%
5 hours later…
Morning (from HOMO)
@Vérace The dongle comes with any of the wirelss mice/keyboards from Logitech.
Basically you pari them and then you can even remove the dongle and use on another computer. The dongle and mouse/keyboard remain paired.
I have a big mouse for working at the desk at work and a small mouse for when I go to emeetings. Same dongle different mouse.
@McNets Morning all - Dia dhaoibh go léir!
@Vérace aaaahhhh! Now I get it..... forget the unify option.
@PaulWhite wow!
@Johnakahot2use Hello to the HOMO! :-) "The dongle and mouse/keyboard remain paired." - that's a nice feature. There is one thing that I would like to see with all of these dongle thingies - a place to dock the dongle in the device!
I've had a couple and they're deadly - but now, instead of losing the dongle (happens with alarming frequency - early onset Alzheimer's I think - now, what was I saying...), I lose the lot -but at least it might be of use to someone else with the set, but if you lose one or the other, it's only good for landfill!
The dongles are compatible. So if you buy a mouse and a keyboard, you already have two (sometimes three) dongles. Plug in one dongle to your laptop and pair the mouse and keyboard. Then plug the other dongle into your laptop and pair the same devices. Store the spare in a safe place.
I never unplug the dongles from my laptop. No need to. Even in the docking stations there is one USB port that is available on the laptop and that is where my Unify dongle is seated.
@Johnakahot2use +1
@Vérace Some of the mice (smaller ones/for meetings) have a compartment inside the battery area to store a dongle.
I'll take a picture of my meeting mouse when I'm at work tomorrow. To show the little compartment.
> MX Master 3 works with Windows, macOS, and Linux®6Sensor, wheel, and buttons will be supported without adding additional drivers in most popular Linux distributions. operating systems.
@Johnakahot2use Well apparently the newer mice don't have a battery compartment
I'm currently studying for a Masters and not working much - a €110 mouse is a bit out of my budget ATM - maybe when I get a high-powered Quant job on Wall st.? :-) BTW, I think the acronym you're looking for is SOHO? Or even H/O?
Some readers whose native tongue is not English (and even some for whom it is) might, just might misconstrue the acronym HOMO and think that they've stumbled onto a Grindr subsite for database administrators! :-) Maybe there's a niche in the market? Any VC's out there willing to give me a start?
I Googled the Grindr site just to check that I'd got the spelling correct (never looked at it in my life before obviously :-) ) and guess what their number of employees is? Yes, that's right: 69!!! That can't be a coincidence! :-)
@Johnakahot2use The above was for you! :-)
I know.
Just goes to show that acronyms can be misleading. See my comments in the Moderator's Election Debate.
Slightly related
@Johnakahot2use you just need to be careful not putting the laptop in a bag with the dongle facing the side you put on the floor too often (trust me I broke several)
off for my first coffee
8 hours later…
looks to me like approximately 505 people have voted so far in this election, in just 19 hours of voting.
I hope everyone stuck with the No EngloCanadians Moderators platform
So we're kicking Paul out as mod?
I only wish. He's a known liar and hacker of things so don't be surprised when he posts clearly doctored images in an attempt to slander people's good names
@billinkc lol
@MaxVernon I'm kidding, I predict you'll be in the top 3 for moderator results
HAHAH me too
Discussion revolves around dongles, homo, soho, 69, ...
Very on topic
Very On Topic, Eh?
(both puns intended)
DongleSQL, NOHomo, Mongo69, ...
DB related
@billinkc Wait, he knows how to post images now? We're in trouble
candidate score 40/40
What means xx/40?
40 votes?
There's 40 recognition slots for moderators, I think it's badges or some such, I forget now it's been so long since I've looked
So like "do they review stuff in the review queues" and "have they gotten editor badges"
or where it's on meta
Calculated with these values I suppose
Yah, but I forget what the full 40 are
Ah, ok, thanks
so you have those 20 badges but that's only 20 of 40
rep counts, meta maybe?
Q: What are the badges I can earn on each site, and what are the exact criteria for earning each badge?

PopsFormerly List of all badges with full descriptions. What are badge name's requirements? Why didn't I get badge name (right now)? Which badges can I earn multiple times? Jump to: Question Badges Answer Badges Participation Badges Tag Badges Moderation Badges Other Badges Area 51 Badges ...

There you have it. The 20 below plus score/1000
there you have it
@McNets I used this one with 10832,110455,144393 for the UserIds input
@MaxVernon 35/40 is not bad
@McNets for sure!
@jcolebrand Well, by the time the packets get here, it'll be 2039
@billinkc ha!
@MaxVernon how can you tell?
@TomV there are 60 people listed per page on my browser for the Constituent badge(those who vote get that badge automatically). When I last checked there were 8 pages (+around 25 users on page 9) that were from yesterday or today.
Is there any Badge table on StackExchange with all possible bagdes? Not the Badges table
@Taryn hi, weren't you on vacation? I mean to use it on SEDE
wasn't sorry
It seems that I have another account on SEDE, can I replace it?
just reading up...
What happened to merged?
Q: What is the best query to use to monitor a SQL Server database's status?

brett rogersI want to be able to run a query to get the crucial information about a database's status. I.e., I want the query to be able to tell what whether or not the database is in a good state. This is the query that I inherited for this check: SELECT name AS [SuspectDB], DATABASEPROPERTY(nam...

Observe the enthusiasm! Our new moderators-to-be are getting ready to play with their shiny new toys, to make this site oh so much more better!
2 hours later…
@billinkc Holding that one in reserve buddy
@Johnakahot2use What do you mean?
Poisoning the well (or attempting to poison the well) is a type of informal fallacy where adverse information about a target is preemptively presented to an audience, with the intention of discrediting or ridiculing something that the target person is about to say. Poisoning the well can be a special case of argumentum ad hominem, and the term was first used with this sense by John Henry Newman in his work Apologia Pro Vita Sua (1864). The origin of the term lies in well poisoning, an ancient wartime practice of pouring poison into sources of fresh water before an invading army, to diminish the...
Drink deep

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