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Secret's criteria of abnormality: A phenomenon that displays nonlocal classical causation without any involvement of rituals or other guiding context
A phenomenon is classically nonlocal if 1) there is no quantum correlation (duh), and 2) there are no causal sequence bounded by the speed of light that connects from the source to the occurrence of the phenomenon. In other words "it just is"
Thus a phenomenon displays nonlocal classical causation if every time event A happened, event B happened some time later but there is no causal chains that can connects the influence of A to B below t
8 hours later…
Q: are my question really off topic?

Li Junmy grammar and english is not good so iam sorry before. i dont know much about the tag or rule in meta since i usually just brief lurking, so apreciate if someone can fix the tag and my grammar/english to be apropriate and iam sorry if i break any rule here. i ask since no explanation whatsoeve...

Now that gives a question on what kind of things are anormalies but not magical
2 hours later…
@JasonClyde My thinking is that it could just be a gentile ejecting pressure with a force of N newtons, but if the stuff can't be pushed out with that level of force, then it just kind of stops. Once the blockage is removed, then it continues to push, until the back is flush with the front, at which time it winks out of existence.
That would be my answer to that question. I don't know how to write that question though
I wonder what the hammerspace version of "when I die, delete my browsing history" would be...
@AndyD273 that box of 'toys' and 'specialist' mags....
So hospitals and other emergency services would probably have a crew with a container or a truck to show up to the scene where someone died to collect their personal belongings. Maybe there could be an option where "if you put your private stuff in this specific container, we'll incinerate it unopened".
posted on September 30, 2019 by Suman Jampala

Where does the novelty of magic come from? (Photo by JR Korpa on Unsplash)In worlds of wonder and awe, how is magic really viewed? Where does the novelty of magic come from? Introduction To any reader of fantasy, magic is a very familiar term. It is usually used to refer to divine, occult, dark, righteous or morally neutral “powers” that a character, usually the protagonist, possesses. This “p

@NexTerren Sup
2 hours later…
@James The eventual downfall of humankind. You?
Also game tonight, so that's finally happening again.
I haven't seen Daaaahwoooossh in a long while... what happened to him?
@NexTerren IIRC, got busy with something and didn't have time for us anymore
Pfft, like other life is more important than us.
Seems to be the last message:
Feb 16 '18 at 21:33, by DaaaahWhoosh
welp, anyway, that's probably all I have time for. It has been interesting returning, I may do so again. Until then, like I said if WB wants ads that look like the other ones I made then I can make some more.
Maybe @James can ping him, tell him he should give us a sign of life at least.
He's moved on. Wife. Kids. New job. House. Political campaign. Decent into alcoholism. Illegal deals. Running from the government. You know, the norm.
@NexTerren Eventually this will be true for all of us.
Sad but true.
Q: Firing mods and forced relicensing: is Stack Exchange still interested in cooperating with the community?

amonThe last weeks and days have seen some erratic behaviour by Stack Exchange Inc., such as likely illegal changes to the content license and the firing of an upstanding community moderator with no explanation except copy-pasted responses (leaving many to believe it was for no good reason). It would...

Monica was fired?!
Yeah...I was about to bring this up...
So huh. Do you guys know the Code of Conduct things she had issues with?
@NexTerren I'm honestly not sure how much I am allows to talk about. There is information flying all over the place on stack right now. Let me see if I can parse what is public knowledge vs what happened in the mod chat rooms.
Oh, sure thing. If you got in trouble for stepping over a line discussing how someone was wrongfully accused for (apparently) not stepping over a line, that would be ironic.
This is what Monica wrote on Mi Yodeya:
Q: Stack Overflow Inc., sinat chinam, and the goat for Azazel

Monica CellioOn Friday, half an hour before Shabbat and two days before Rosh Hashana, Stack Overflow Inc. suddenly revoked my moderator status on all sites where I had it. I found this out while handling flags, when I suddenly got notifications for Marshal and Deputy badges (which moderators are ineligible t...

I just read that.
Which prompted my CoC question...
I know SE is planning to update the CoC and she had questions on a particular point...
But its not even in place at the moment.
Yeah, this bit from her post has me concerned. "...this rule mandates specific, positive actions."
@HDE226868 I suppose we should probably get something up on Meta before it spreads the old fashioned way...
@NexTerren Much of the relevant info is in the mod chat, which I've been following for most of the past 72 hours. . . We do know the majority of the specifics, and I think someone has made some of them public elsewhere on SE, but until I read that more carefully, I'm reluctant to say much more. Which I know is frustrating for y'all.
Though, in fairness, I've read about 15 pages of chat transcripts and a dozen meta posts over this weekend. :P Lots of conversations have been had and are ongoing.
@James Yeah, we should.
@HDE226868 That's fine, I understand not wanting to cross a line on it.
@HDE226868 IIRC, it's Caleb's answer on Christianity.
sigh This whole thing is an exhausting mess.
@Hosch250 Yes, that one's it. There's also another post on Academia that's related to the situation.
He said that it's no longer enough to be polite or disengage, but you have to actively be supportive of LBTQ, etc.
Of course, I have a malicious compliance idea...
@Hosch250 I kind of assumed this was the topic...
@HDE226868 I'd star this 40 times if I could.
I mean, if everyone went over-the-top supportive, then flagged everyone else's post comments as unnecessary...
I literally got less sleep last night because I checked in on SE right before I went to bed, I like to check and see if there are any late night flags...
Then i ended up sifting through 5 or so major posts to various metas and 50 hours of really busy Mod chatroom transcripts.
Lucky you guys.
This may be the most informative of the resignation posts that is currently public.
Q: Brothers, I must go

CalebIn the beginning... 8 years, 1 month, and 6 days ago at something between 2 and 3am in the first few hours of this site being launched I signed up from a mobile phone browser and acquired account #30. I still remember being annoyed that the public release happened to fall while I was on a multi...

That said...I am not sure it will stay up...
If I had the money, I'd download all the data and start my new site (probably using CC by SA 3.0, because a lot of people are mad about that too, and it was the original license).
But, I can't afford that.
SE apparently can't either, and a bunch of their sites are privately funded.
OTOH, if SE goes down entirely, I bet I could double my wages.
If not more.
I almost never have to use SE.
So I'd barely be affected.
@Hosch250 lol
I won't say I never use SO. I do. But I mostly use MSDN for old stuff and GitHub issues for new issues--because half the time SO doesn't even have the content yet.
@AndyD273 Hmmm... so as long as the source is plugged up, the stuff stays inside the hammerspace indefinitely?
Here are some mod responses, for the immediate future:
Q: Thoughts from the Worldbuilding Stack Exchange team on the dismissal of Monica Cellio

HDE 226868This past Friday, September 27th, Monica Cellio was removed from her position as a moderator without warning by Stack Overflow, Inc. She had been a moderator on Worldbuilding, Mi Yodeya, The Workplace, Beer Wine & Spirits, and Meta Stack Exchange, as well as a prominent member of communities acro...

2 hours later…
@JasonClyde I kind of picture it like pushing in on your skin. as long as your finger is applying pressure, there is a dimple. Once the obstruction is removed the dimple flattens out and disappears. May not be the best example...
@NexTerren So basically compelled speech? I wonder if anyone in the Law.SE has anything to say about the legality of that. I mean, SE is a private corporation, and can fire anyone they want for any reason, and not a government entity, but I kind of wonder if it might violate some kind of anti-discrimination laws, which covers religious belief.
It probably depends on the outcome of the age-old FB fight about being a platform or a publisher.
not really? It's the mods, so they are sorta kinda employees in a way, representing the company, not random users. If SE starts banning random users for not chanting the alphabet anthem every time a user get offended that someone won't tell them they are awesome, then that would be more like FB.
or twitter at least
I just kind of wonder if we'll see a Birmingham school protest reenactment, or if CoC violations by certain groups will be ignored...
@AndyD273 Right, it is compelled speech. Required to use preferred pronouns when talking to users, and required not to disengage, so thus required to use preferred pronouns. If they don't put some sort of "good faith" clause then they're going to be trolled to death.
"My preferred pronouns are Stack Exchange Admin/Stack Exchange Admin's/Stack Exchange Admin."
@NexTerren Or "I identify as he/him." "I changed my mind, I now identify as Apache Attack Helicopter/What is that thing."
Hopefully we wont end up going the way of the DSA

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