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6:20 PM
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6:43 PM
There is a chatroom!
Now I just need to figure out how to ask my questions :\
And a new stack is born.
7:00 PM
Ah, good answers take so much work. So many citations.
7:23 PM
Woo! We're live.
Noooo someone beat me to the answer. Had to invite a guest up. :(
I'm really digging the diversity of questions.
... and we already have our first list question. Woot!
Ah @Donald.McLean I didn't even think to go into the response of the Department of Treasury. It would have been convenient for me if the Secret Service was still under the Treasury
@Noctrine Not to mention the EPA and OSHA.
7:33 PM
Oh jeez. OSHA certifications for magic safety in the workplace.
The EPA is far reaching, but I don't think they'd beat out the DOD and DOJ
OSHA would probably be the happiest ever.
So next to the hazardous material safety data sheets, we have to have the book that lists all the magic in use on site, it's effects, and safety measures.
@Noctrine Right up until some billionaire's mansion gets turned into a monster-infested radioactive swamp.
Sports organizations having to weigh in on performance enhancing magic.
@MadMAxJr First world problem.
7:37 PM
So now we not only have the secret service with positioned snipers at public speakings, but now we have secret service arcane specialists maintaining wards and anti-magic zones.
@Donald.McLean But all of the increased budget.
@Noctrine ooh, there's the seed of a good question in that. What kinds of protections do you need to prevent magical counterfeiting of currency (in systems where magic allows for that)?
first you mark the dollar bill with your counterfeit checking marker. Then you hold it under the counterfeit UV light. Then you hold it under your magical scrying rune. Retail just gets more complicated.
I need a wizard/manager on register six....
8:09 PM
I'm going to start reading every question on this site as if were a bunch of cosmic deities asking for how-to help with creation.
@MadMAxJr You would not be completely wrong there.
"Erm, I seem to have made a mistake in the whole 'carbon-lifeform' thing. Help me out here?"
8:24 PM
@Jerenda Try silicon based life, they're a bit more durable, good for beginner projects and hobbyists.
@MadMAxJr Yeah, but accurately determining the chemistry of a silica biosphere is not exactly high-school chemistry.
Maybe someone has a silica biosphere up on Craigslist we could use...
8:47 PM
"My humans keep killing each other! Help!"
@MadMAxJr Stack Exchange goes transuniverse.
I took a portion out of How does one go about developing a language for a particular culture in your world? and turned it into a separate question When designing a language for an intelligent species, how to decide on phonemes?. Let's see if we consider that to be more on topic.
@MichaelKjörling Isn't it going to mostly depend on the sounds that can be easily made by the mouth?
@Donald.McLean Perhaps. I imagine that could be a pretty good beginning of an answer, actually.
@MichaelKjörling Yeah. Too bad that pretty much comprises the entirety of my knowledge on that subject.
Mostly, I wanted to take the too broad question and try to break it down a little into bite-sized chunks which might actually fit the Stack Exchange format. I don't know much about the subject myself, but I'll gladly admit that I'm curious.
9:01 PM
Looking up international phonemes might be a good start. rummages about for previous research
I need to get off the computer though. Have to work tomorrow, too. Have to put food on the table somehow.
Okay, pay for Internet access so I can play on Stack Exchange? :)
grins If only Stack Exchange /counted/ as work ^_^
@Jerenda I get away with using sites like Programmers and Stack Overflow in my line of work. I don't need to use them very often, however.
9:11 PM
Hey, I recognise some of these faces. [wave]
I've been busy over here.
@BESW Hello!
@MichaelKjörling hey, not trying to get in a deep argument
Ill be in and out of chat so if you have any other comments best to keep them here so they dont clutter up your question
9:27 PM
I actually gotta scoot out soon myself.
9:48 PM
[eagerly awaits Rule 0 answers to downvote]

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