It has a colon between the question title and the URL; other similar footnotes do not. Perhaps they should.
Was this written by someone whose first language uses the topic-comment structure? Is the asker a native speaker of Chinese? Or perhaps ASL?
I think linebreak should probably be two words, but I've written it as one word so far, so I'll keep going.
Add a comma after Brooklyn. This is the sort of minor typo correction which I think it's perfectly fine to do to a quoted source.
> I replied that that's the word most Isrealis use now but that *m'nora is a perfectly good word for it anyway.
Incidentally, I am gratified to see that I'm not the only person who still uses that twice in this situation.
> This was written by Rabbi Avraham Bar Shmuel Meyuchos, Zatzal who was a rabbi in Jerusalem in his times.
As far as I can tell, there's only one name here. In that case, what does in his times mean? If it means in his own times, then it's redundant, as it seems unlikely that he would be a rabbi (in Jerusalem or elsewhere) in times other than his own.
I don't know what Zatzal means. I note that it occurs again in the next sentence, and there it has a comma on each side of it. In this sentence it has a comma only before it.
It includes some Hebrew text which doesn't seem to match the Hebrew elsewhere herein. It's a different style. Sans-serif, perhaps?
There's a quote, which for some reason is in italics with emphasised words in roman. I'm not sure that's necessary. I think I'd swap it back. Furthermore, the quotation mark at the beginning is the wrong way around.
Again, there's a premature linebreak. There's plenty of room for that second But at the end of the previous line.
I always read that as it's written. I think writing it out as a full word as okay is preferable. But this might be merely an idiosyncrasy of mine.
Footnote 2 has an uncurled apostrophe in R' and uncurled quotation marks. It also ends with a full stop.
> "You wiped out the enemy of his name (including) his many children and possessions; You hung him on a tree."
I'd add a comma after name. Also, I think that it might be better to put including in square brackets. I think the intent of the brackets is to say that the word is not there in the original, but should be understood and is inserted by the translator. Square brackets seem more appropriate.
The blockquote contains a quoted passage. That quoted passage incorrectly ends with a full stop outside the closing quotation marks. In AmE, the full stop is always inside. However, in this situation the full stop would be inside no matter which variety of English is intended.
Also, I think AmE generally prefers double quotation marks; certainly double quotation marks have been used throughout the rest of this document.
Footnote 4 contains a straight apostrophe in R'. It also ends on a full stop, but this is fine, as it's an abbreviation.
@TRiG Yes, the problem was spilling onto the next page. So, taking your suggestion, I changed the "space after" for all of the paragraphs on this page from 12 point to 10 point. Another project, another typographical technique learned. (MS Word, BTW)
@TRiG On the dot. This was the first message in the next day's transcript. Must be nice sharing a time zone with Greenwich
@TRiG We have a tendency of referring to authors by the title of their masterworks, so R' Yisrael Meir Kagan, the man, could be referred to as "the Mishna Berura" or as "the Chafetz Chayim." However, in this case, the cited entity is not "Mishna B'rura," which could be either the man or the commentary, but "Mishna B'rura 671:23," which is a particular comment. "Which," it is.
@TRiG Either Hebrew or Yeshivish, I suspect. He lives in Israel, and his oeuvre here is full of similar syntax and jargon.
...and that does it for me, for tonight. Here is the new version, which I'm designating 1.0, as it's now in a state in which I would be comfortable publishing it. If anyone wants to give it another once-over for language, accessibility, design, content, vel sim., or to provide more footnote text for cited works, please either do so by the end of Monday or let us know that you are planning to do so soon after. I would like to get this out by the end of Tuesday, leaving two promotion weeks.
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@Scimonster You deserve it. I actually tried putting it in, and that pushed the copyright notice to the next page, so I had to look for a new place for that, and couldn't find one. I figured it's OK, since you're credited as an editor. The proofreading credit is your due, though, so if you want, I will find the room.
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