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[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] 11 commits. 3 issue comments. 165 additions. 178 deletions.
[Cardshifter/HTML-Client] 3 commits. 1 opened issue. 1 closed issue. 20 additions. 5 deletions.
[Hosch250/RoslynTester] 4 commits. 52 additions. 72 deletions.
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] 1 commit. 1833 additions.
[Vannevelj/RoslynTester] 1 commit. 20 additions. 34 deletions.
[Zomis/Brainduck] 11 commits. 546 additions. 187 deletions.
I'm going to turn in now/soon. Have a good one, @SimonForsberg!
@SimonForsberg Wow... just... wow, that's incredible
Later @SirPython
3 hours later…
@StackExchange lol
2 hours later…
@SimonForsberg Should be ok. There's nothing not backwards compatible in there
2 hours later…
Was Don't send information about non-logged-in users #383 solved? @SimonForsberg @SirPython
hi @skiwi
@jacwah yes, it is
my latest question sure got SuperBiasedMan a lot of rep
1 hour later…
@Phrancis Hi!
How's it going?
It's fine, I'm back in school
Are you studying programming or CS or something similar? (sorry if you've said before and I forgot about it)
No I'm still in high school :)
Ahh ok :)
hey everyone!
Hi @Marc-Andre!
Q: Would intelligent life evolve any other body plan than humanoid?

thanbyDisclaimer: This question uses some liberal wording to get key ideas across. It's not meant to be academically rigorous, so please try to focus on the ideas and not the exact definitions of the terms used. If you need clarification on something or have suggestions to make the wording clearer I'll...

I really like that question even if OP is decided to counter every argument!
I like the question, though I think the way it's asked the only reasonable answer is "Maybe"
yeah I agree and it is so biased too. I believe that defining intelligent life with what we observe of human is a biased thing to do.
2 hours later…
If you like Zelda OST and particularly A link to the past, this OST of A Link Between world is awesome. youtube.com/watch?v=Wukf7ZuXMKw
i fired up my 3DS recently, but all the new games looked like crap
@SimonForsberg Is there any reason TargetFilteris not just BiPredicate?
unless you want to play super mario creator then theres not much in the nintendo universe right now
@jacwah yes. BiPredicate is not as descriptive as TargetFilter and with TargetFilter it is possible to change the interface without having to change it on a billion other places as well (not that it really should change, but if it would need to change)
@SimonForsberg BiPredicate already has a negate method which is why I'm asking
It feels like TargetFilter is unnecessary when there's already a standard type
hey again
@jacwah then we can add a negate default method to TargetFilter. I think going back to BiPredicate would be the wrong way to go. As said, BiPredicate is not as descriptive as TargetFilter. Just having custom parameter names there is already a reason to have it. And how fun is it to write BiPredicate<Entity, Entity> really?
I don't think a variable's type needs to convey what it's for, that's why we name them. We could create a FilterDescription type that's a wrapper for StringBuilder, but choose not to.
@bazola The 3ds version of Hyrule Warriors will be out soon! T
@Marc-Andre dynasty warriors in hyrule? not super exciting for me :)
ehehe I have the Wii U version and it's a lof of fun. I'm a fan of Dynasty warriors so I'm sure hype about the 3ds version :D
There will be a Star Fox in November too.
What types of game you like @bazola ?
@jacwah when it has a lot of generics in it, and has a clear and specific purpose, I prefer to extract it to a class. A FilterDescription is a String, there's no need to make a specific class for it. And while it might not be necessary to have TargetFilter, I find it more useful to have it.
Fair enough
@Marc-Andre I've been pretty hard to please for the last year or two. I love open world exploration games so I was big on the dead rising series for a while. i used to get addicted to minecraft-alikes but they don't hold my attention anymore. recently i put a few hours into heroes of might and magic 3 on iPad, but that is mostly nostalgia. i play hearthstone a lot still though
@bazola If you like open-world you could look at the new Metal Gear I've been surprised about the game. Maybe not your type.
MGS:V is still so expensive :(
metal gear 5? it has open world elements this time around?
Yeah, they changed up MGS a lot
Yep and you got your own base!!! I'm waiting after halo 5 to play MSG:V
i may take a look, or a least pick it up on sale. thanks for the tip :)
i got that alien:isolation game pretty cheap but i haven't made time to play it yet
I still have Deus Ex: Human Revolution which I should still play through :P
I still have a complete Steam library to go through! So much things to play, so little time.
Hey again
hey @Phrancis
I've just been assigned to my first work project, pretty exciting
Working at the office today?
I'll be in a support role mostly, rather than dev (which is fine) to help customer interface integration with an ECM vendor
Autodesk Fusion 360 ftw
Following some tutorials
I really want a 3D printer now
that's really cool looking, I want one! :D
If you really do want to 3D print something it might be worth checking around town. Some schools may have a 3D printer or a company, if you ask nicely you may borrow thairs/pay them a small fee to use it :)
But having one yourself is way cooler :P
Ray-tracing is really cool aswell
That creates those awesome effects there
...You lied to me Zomis :(
I didn't say @Duga would give out cookies.
Try with sudo make me a sandwich though
sudo: make: command not found
[Zomis/Duga] Zomis pushed commit 8ab7a907 to develop: Add more details to the possible answer invalidation message
make: *** No rule to make target `me'.  Stop.
[Zomis/Duga] build for commit 8ab7a907 on develop: The Travis CI build passed
@jacwah someone should make "me a sandwich" targets for make.
nice job @jacwah.
Seems @Phrancis just made a sundwach though
This is so bad it's not even funny: gizoogle.net/…
@Phrancis That was supposed to be sandwich...
I'm not sure if that site is childish or genius
@jacwah @Phrancis is mods ready to be merged now?
I did post two comments yesterday I think should be considered first
Okay, than it's back to @Phrancis
I do want to release 0.6.1 on Sunday at the latest.
I'd prefer to release it today yesterday.
@jacwah @Simon Forgot about those, let me have a look sorry
> Should a `not` block negate all filters within it as a whole

!(filter1 && filter2 && filterN)

or should it negate each filter individually?

!filter1 && !filter2 && !filterN
Would it be possible to do not creatureType "Greek" if not returns a FilterDelegate? I'm not too familiar with Groovy
not {
    creatureType "Greek"
@jacwah ^^
that's the easiest way to implement it. other ways may exist too though
I think it'd be more intuitive if you wouldn't have to use the curly braces
it's been a while since I did any work on this part of the code, so I'd have to investigate what other solutions might be possible
WHY?... ლ(ಠ_ಠ ლ)
@Phrancis What is it supposed to be?
The most terrible way of storing a middle initial (even though there's a field for MI right next to this one)
lol... wow
so the caret is just a separator?
There we go
@bazola looks like it. I expect it's probably bad data passed by the machines in the field
makes me think of this gotcha i found when trying to use it for messages for my MMO game
Q: Java split on ^ (caret?) not working, is this a special character?

art vanderlayIn Java, I am trying to split on the ^ character, but it is failing to recognize it. Escaping \^ throws code error. Is this a special character or do I need to do something else to get it to recognize it? String splitChr = "^"; String[] fmgStrng = aryToSplit.split(splitChr);

[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build for commit 1798eb47 on negated-filters: The Travis CI build failed
@Phrancis You're still so nice, assumes the machine caused it, and not some human that just didn't care at all :D
@skiwi Well, someone programmed those machines of course, but that's neither here nor there as far as solving this problem is concerned :)
At least it's documented now! ;D
Have no fear, Phrancis the documan is here!
I'm starting to dislike learning new software more and more
This 3D modeling program is nice, but somehow everything I make never works or has weird quirks in it
Oh yeah, we also have many dates stored in this garbage format, no idea why... '20150911||||||||||||087-34'
What does the documentation say?
LOL - You said "documentation" hahaha.
And now I know why my date filters are not working
Also toda there was a fire alarm at my university :|
Should've known that it was to scare all those poor first-years
But they still scare me a bit
It's not a very funny prank
They call it a "test"
But damn those sirens are loud
It's always funny if you're not alone
You're sitting somewhere... Sirens go, please leave this building immediately, you look into the eyes of the other person, share a laugh... Then think, we should really go :D
Msg 8152, Level 16, State 2, Line 16
String or binary data would be truncated.
The statement has been terminated.
I hate this freaking error
@Phrancis Better than The contract has been terminated.
Yeah, except, it never tells you which value it's trying to convert, if you got to that line it's UPDATE "exceptions"
Sounds like a pain
So you have to comment it out one field at a time and re-run it until you find which one errors
lol, just read this in a thread about assumptions of a country that are correct
> We are not just arrogant, we are better arrogant than any other nationality!
SWEET, fixed it
> A Dutchman is a man who can buy from a Jew, sell to a Scot, & still make a profit.
@Phrancis Nice
Had to do this :\
, ErrorCheckingResult = CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), '')
, MatchedClientName = CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), '')
, epi_id = CONVERT(INT, NULL)
, SqlQuery = CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), '')
Fields were having character overflows so... had to just set it to max and hope it's not too slow
It's funny that there are actually more bikes than people in the netherlands
@Phrancis hack! :D
Now I think about it, we also have 4 bikes at home for 3 people
But one bike is a cheap bike which we use to go to cheap places
(Read: It can get stolen any time)
SQL full of hacks when dealing with legacy data. That's just the nature of the game :D
(Time to go to bed whatever)
Survived another shitty day :D
~ intense finger-crossing ~
I predict... more hacks.
1 hour later…
@jacwah If I understand correctly, I think the issue was created due to a mistake that I made. Yesterday, this mistake was fixed.
> I think this is exactly what ngFitText is for (if we still use that). I think that if we were to put the title in it's own section (a div?) and apply something from ngFitText to it, it would be automatically shrunk to keep it on one line. @Phrancis would have a better of idea of how to use ngFitText.
Loki Astari vs. Simon Forsberg: 2919 diff. Year: -2857. Quarter: -1261. Month: -4. Week: -222. Day: -20.
200_success vs. rolfl: 3416 diff. Year: +2669. Quarter: +3003. Month: +86. Week: +131. Day: -30.
200_success vs. janos: 15345 diff. Year: -4255. Quarter: -1334. Month: +441. Week: +394. Day: +36.
Mat's Mug vs. Simon Forsberg: 1509 diff. Year: +2399. Quarter: +895. Month: +394. Week: +105. Day: +25.
@Duga Yes, that was the idea @SirPython - Just haven't had a use case yet, until now

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