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6 hours later…
1 hour later…
heya @skiwi
hey @bazola
Hey guys! How the project is going ?
its going good in the sense that online games are working :) otherwise it is a bit on hold I suppose until we implement deck building
@Marc-Andre We could use more people!
Well I'm still looking into diving in the code, but I don't really know what I could do. This would be my first git contribution to a real public repo.
We should check what you could do... apart from writing unit tests
4 hours later…
Monking @SimonAndréForsberg!
hey @SimonAndréForsberg
So this is where I am working on now...
Monking monking
Business Information Systems assignment
And this is where I worked today:
(crappy image, I know. My phone camera sucks)
@SimonAndréForsberg Wow, you getting free drugs where you work?!
It looks so... spacey
In all honesty, it looks nice
@skiwi nope, no drugs.
@skiwi it's huuuuuuuuge
looks like free magazines on the table though?
I think you moved your camera here... cannot imagine the camera being that bad?
or well, big...
@bazola Now guess why the image is all blurred...
@skiwi yeah probably. my hands tend to shake whenever I'm supposed to take a picture
@SimonAndréForsberg Ah well, it still shows the contours etc., no need for sharp in here :)
But I"m glad you are liking the place
if anyone wants to try to play a game of cardshifters I have a client up waiting for opponent :)
@bazola I'll try it! With the vanilla 2.0 client
> darftowers.com
wondering why it didn't work
I'm supposed to play tactical now, right?
I'd play the best that you can :)
Oh crap...
I think the mana increases too quickly btw
And cards should remain in place if a another monster dies
And I accidentally scrapped a card...
so many enchants, so little scrap
i guess I need to put the cards in some kind of scroll box
The moment that your hand merged to become a single lane...
what do you mean by cards should remain in place? you mean empty space where the last monster died?
@bazola Exactly that yes
> If the player has a full hand, when they draw a card that card should be destroyed.
gg skiwi
@bazola :)
one nice thing about the way the server works is that version changes will not necessarily break the client
I closed it :P
Gotta go afk a bit now
It's good to do such sessions every now and then
I will try to make the client able to handle the full hand size of 10
and I agree that much more play testing will be needed!
The end was more or less King of the Hell :P
King of the Hill, not Hell
And I think we still want to implement spell cards? Or was that not in the game's design?
they were not in the initial prototype but they are definitely necessary for the game to be fun
but first we need to decide how cards will be saved (and implement deck building)
> Added a scroll box to the UI to support the full 10 card hand limit
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build #210 for commit d5b43a58 on branch javafx passed
@bazola Yeah... there's still some stuff to do ;)
i hate that i didn't do the scroll box before 0.2
Now it has to wait allt he way :)
I'm still trying to get my hands down onto separating modding
But homework first
homework is something I definitely do not miss :)
How long since you've finished school (university?)?
its been about 7 years I guess
since I got my bachelors in english (what a waste of a degree)
Ah... I keep forgetting how old you all are ;-)
ouch lol
I'm quite ashamed that I made my ecs-module-support branch and have not pushed a single own commit to it.
I do really have a problem remembering details of people whom I have never met in reallife
well I just made my first bezier curve animation in sprite kit:
-(void) itemSpawnAnimation:(DTItem *)item sprite:(SKSpriteNode *)sprite {
    [_sceneMovingObjects addChild:sprite];
    item.animState = ItemAnimStateStateMoving;
    CGPoint startPosition = CGPointMake(item.blockPosition.x, item.blockPosition.y);
    CGMutablePathRef path = CGPathCreateMutable();
    CGPathMoveToPoint(path, NULL, startPosition.x, startPosition.y);
    CGPathAddArc(path, NULL, startPosition.x, startPosition.y, _initialScreenSize.height/20, 1.1, 0, YES);
    SKAction *moveOnPath = [SKAction followPath:path asOffset:NO orientToPath:YES duration:0.5];
Interesting ^
@skiwi I'm having as much problems remembering details of people I have met in real life
@SimonAndréForsberg Ouch... that can be annoying
well, it doesn't happen very often
from time to time, I just seem to meet too many people :)
Does this look legit?
I'm aware that you may not understand much about it.
But it's a process model
Only there's some horrible bug in it and now people can never check in.
This is so bad, a person can only check in currently if someone else is checking out, and in that process, the person checking out simply disappears.
that doesn't sound right :)
The cool thing is, that once we obtain some statistics, we could use process modeling to gather data about it
For example you can save the times of when players are queuing up say over the last week
And then create the current server model (average times) it takes to queue people up, etc.
And then create new models to test alternative matching algorithms, without actually running code
that is pretty interesting
2 hours later…
> This is already implemented. It doesn't seem like the JavaFX client cares about the EntityRemoveEvent that is being sent though. It needs to check if the entity is in a deck, and if so decrease the counter.
@bazola ^^
btw, what do you folks (@skiwi, @bazola) think about the waffle.io thing? Should we use it?
@SimonAndréForsberg I will see if I can fix it on my end, thanks for looking at it
@SimonAndréForsberg I am okay with using waffle if you think it will help productivity, looks cool to me
I just want to make sure that @skiwi agrees there :)
@SimonAndréForsberg the client does not have a list of all the ids in the deck, so getEntity() from the EntityRemoveMessage won't be helpful for removing it?
right now as far as the deck size counter, I start it at 52 because I know that that will be the total # of cards currently, but the server does not give that info (deck size). I decrement the counter with this logic (which is a hack):
		if (sourceZoneId == opponentDeckId && destinationZoneId == opponentHandId) {
		} else if (sourceZoneId == playerDeckId && destinationZoneId == playerHandId) {
@bazola good point about not being able to tell the zone from EntityRemoveMessage. I'll look into that.
@bazola the size of the zone is sent in ZoneMessage
it's possible to configure waffle a bit btw, so we could use the config we'd like for it...
although the only thing we might want to configure is turning off 'Close issues' in 'Done'. Although I prefer that issues are closed when they are fixed, not when they are merged into master.
although we can add more columns as well, but not sure what columns they would be
> Currently the EntityRemovedMessage only sends id. Somehow though it needs to be able to tell if the zone for that entity was a deck. Perhaps a good option would be to send a list of all ids that exist in a zone in the ZoneMessage.
> This is required to get #40 to work properly in the JavaFX client
> Deck size is now properly set at the start
good tip on ZoneMessage size :) got that fixed
> When using git and github, it is possible to refer to an issue in a commit message, an issue description/comment, etc. by writing #number, it would be nice if the bot could convert these numbers to links, just like github does.
@bazola excellent :)
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build #211 for commit 660cdc4b on branch javafx passed
@SimonAndréForsberg not sure if you read the answer to my JSON question from nhgrif, but do you understand what he is talking about with regards to just sending bytes of information instead of JSON commands?
@bazola nope, I haven't read his answer. Although I can imagine what he means by just sending bytes
myself I don't mind JSON for the ease it provides with Jackson on the Java side
for Objective-C there is nothing so easy as Jackson but it is still not very hard to parse the strings and create messages
Remind me to take a look at it tomorrow, way too tired now
Q: Reading and Parsing JSON from a Game Server

bazolaThis is my naive (but currently working) attempt at reading JSON commands from a Java game server in Objective-C. I am afraid I might be doing something wrong, so hopefully this question will be a learning experience for me. To give a little background, someone else built the game server in Jav...

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