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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 23:00

@NickHalden We could make a question on how to port it.
@Kortuk Ooooh good call. Isn't there even a way to ask a question and answer it yourself? Then I could get points for both the question and the answer!
@NickHalden there is, it just can be hard to make a good question.
I would love to stay and chat further about it, but the wife's feeling a bit under the weather, so I gotta go. Sorry. Bye all!
@AnindoGhosh damn, good luck ttyl
@AnindoGhosh Tell her to feel better!
@NickHalden But you might want to prep the writeup.
@angelatlarge remember where you found the ISPIC? (That was you, right?) I can't find it so fast
@Kortuk okay, look for that sometime in the next ~10 days or so... ill be fairly busy until next weekend so probably around then...
@CamilStaps I didn't find it. @jippie found things kind of like it, but you'll have to design it yourself :)
@NickHalden No worries, no rush.
I am not going to be here all weekend, I am doing a crawl for cancer.
@CamilStaps What @jippie wasn't ISPICs (I think)
@angelatlarge ah but I found this at least. No schematic, but it has code, so I can figure out the pins I think
@CamilStaps Ah, well, thats an ISPIC!
@CamilStaps No PIC code for that? Are you sure? That would be weird for something published on hack-a-day
@angelatlarge nice! I found it :) I think I misunderstood you guys before, I thought there was a project called ISPIC
@angelatlarge no schematic, but code, on the github repository that's linked to
@CamilStaps No, I was proposing that you should design something like that.
@CamilStaps And this project is it. Yes, I saw the code.
@angelatlarge oh yeah now I remember!
By the way, is it true that avrdude says things like 'Yikes'?
@CamilStaps Yes. avrdude is chatty. It always says "Thank you" afterwards too
@angelatlarge hmm, that will get annoying :)
@CamilStaps You don't notice it after a few times. Your eyes are just drawn to the important stuff.
@angelatlarge I hope so
@CamilStaps I don't see the schematic, but it looks like the author is using a dev board, that's probably why.
@angelatlarge I see, but they can at least tell what pins they're using, right? Anyway, it won't be too hard to find out
@CamilStaps It shouldn't be too hard though: the ISP standard is well described (the author actually has the PDF in the repository), so figuring out what you need hardware-wise shouldn't be hard.
@CamilStaps yeah
@angelatlarge yes, saw the docs already
@CamilStaps Basically, ISP is SPI plus holding the reset pin low. That's it.
It probably isn't very much external circuitry, if any
SPI has a CS pin, isn't that similar?
@CamilStaps If you build a dedicated circuit I do have one suggestion: add a jumper for whether the programmer powers the AVR or not.
@CamilStaps Hmmm.. I never thought about it this way, but yes.
@angelatlarge good idea. I'll see what features my PIC programmer has and try to do the same with this, because yes, I want a dedicated circuit
Take a look at this project, it is extremely well documented and the schematics are published, and copy the hardware: ladyada.net/make/usbtinyisp
@CamilStaps (with suitable PIC-related modifications)
@CamilStaps Actually, one thing I would add to USBtinyISP is an extra LED indicating whether the programmer will provide power to the AVR or not. I would like to have that feature on mine. Alas.
@CamilStaps But the "on" and "programming" LEDs are nice. I would have that on yours if you can.
Nice ideas. I might consider making this for the dedicated circuit instead; this has a USB interface.
@CamilStaps Cool
The ISPIC's todos contain USB support, but the last commit was 3 years ago :)
Guy's like me.
Arduino questions ought to come in in a few hours. I think
@ManishEarth do you know how many?
All of them
@CamilStaps ~70-80
ohh, higher then I thought, I thought there were other migrations
@Kortuk total is 91 right now, and then there are like 6-8 other migrations
Okay, glad I'm sleeping by then :)
@CamilStaps They wont dump on front page, they will just silently insert in the site.
@CamilStaps leave your EE tab open, when there was a mass migrate to physics it was a treat to watch
@Kortuk oh, okay
@Kortuk Whoever is viewing the page will get a flood of realtime updates which will disappear on reload
@ManishEarth awesome!
or something like that
in The h Bar, May 4 '12 at 20:32, by Shog9
in The h Bar, May 4 '12 at 20:32, by Shog9
real-time updates make this sorta fun
Q: The main page acting strange and inconsistently

MussriRight now (May 4th '12 20:58 UTC), the main page either remains as I first opened it or continues to 'update' with tens of questions each second coming to the top of the list. Once I refresh, it's gone and everything is back to how it was when I first opened it; a minute later and the same behavi...

@Kortuk @CamilStaps
"Over a thousand questions" <-- whoa, did not know it was that many
Nice. Makes me wonder, how should we go about retagging?
@CamilStaps no need to
I already took care of that
@ManishEarth okay, nice, thanks :)
@CamilStaps They did it already, should be pretty good.
Basically I and a few others retagged the post on Arduino to follow the EE.SE tag system
So I can't have my edit badge by tomorrow :(
See, retagging the posts when on EE would be slow as you can't do too many lest you flood the main page (>5 at a time is bad)
@ManishEarth thanks a lot for that!
@CamilStaps yeah, a whole bunch of edits bump the front page too much, but on a dieing site it is fine.
@CamilStaps retags don't get you the edit badges
@Kortuk I totally understand
Since Arduino was going down the drain anyway, we defaces its main page by retagging at full speed
(It helped that I had the 10k inline retagging tool)
@ManishEarth oh really? That explains why Brian Carlton has >500 edits but not the badge, I guess
@CamilStaps yep
Also relevant:
A: What do you need to know about the upcoming mass migration?

David ZaslavskyHow will the migration happen? On Friday (barring any unexpected delays), the Stack Exchange team will take the Theoretical Physics and Astronomy sites offline, and will transfer all remaining questions except for closed questions on them to Physics. The transfer will be done in a similar manner...

Ah, by the time I wake up everything will be perfectly normal, I guess, but thanks
though suddenly i'll have lots of EE reps
@ManishEarth which you probably wouldn't have gotten if the questions would've been here from the start :P
But yes, that's fair of course
@CamilStaps yeah, but I wouldn't have participated here
due to a time issue
not due to an attitude issue
I wanted to try and help Ar.SE succeed, so I devoted some time to it
@ManishEarth what time issue? Ah, I see
@CamilStaps not that much time. I moderate two sites and I'm active on a few more
Plus I must study some time, right :)
@ManishEarth yes, I've seen you on quite a lot more sites indeed
There are tons of sites that I'd like to get active on, no time :P
@CamilStaps probably more on metas. I've seen you on MSO and RE meta
@ManishEarth yep, I remember you of metaso, and Area 51, not?
oh yeah a51 as well
Anyway, I have to go. See you!
cya :)
81 questions with new activity.
@Kortuk I am now officially one of you
@angelatlarge refresh the main page, that will disappear
in Arduino, 8 mins ago, by Shog9
heads-up: about to migrate just about everything from Arduino to EE
@ManishEarth Yes, I've been paying attention to the chat.
@ManishEarth Do you mean that questions will disappear or are you letting me know that clicking on refresh does what it says?
@angelatlarge clicking it will flood your main page, but refreshing will make it all back to normal
@ManishEarth Oh, you mean the fact that the migrated questions have not actually have had recent activity. Right.
@angelatlarge yep
@ManishEarth I was mainly commenting on the fact that I don't think I've seen that notice have more than, say, 20 questions for me.
Let's see if they blow up the RSS feed...
@angelatlarge Leave a tab open and don't shut down your computer. You'd be surprised :)
@ManishEarth Except that I look at EE.SE often enough that surprises like that don't happen.
(see the rep difference)
1 hour later…
@ManishEarth baller.
@ManishEarth So awesome!
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 23:00

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