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# I'm so ronely...
4 hours later…
So only one message has been posted in here? :)
3 now.
2 hours later…
Hey guys, there was a post that I removed as being offensive/rude…
I think we should take the time to notify the poster that if he did not like the question he should have downvoted and moved on. and the person who posted -1 for being a dick also needs an email that he should have taken the same method.
Let me know what you think.
1 hour later…
I don't think it needs removing. The community downvoted him and commented, pointing out what he was doing wrong.
I talked in the mod channel and they had stated that this was a case where you should remove the post. They will remove comments with LMGTFY, and a question is an auto-remove. The community did the job of down-voting and showing discontent, I think it would be our job to axe it and talk to the user in extreme cases
I think that a post to an honest question that just says google it and ignores the question needs action, would you agree with that?
@Kortuk - Do you want to talk about… here, or should we keep that dialog in the comments? It feels like that's getting out of hand, and I don't want that to happen.
I am more than fine talking here
Sorry, was afk
Our comment discussions were getting long and I was thinking about emailing you to attempt to save so much comment time.
allo endolith!
just seeing if people are using this
I will be around, i got my 20 rep and I am relaxing
Did you want to talk some about…?
I am technically in TA hours, but when students are not bothering me I get to grade and use the internet
Also, i am getting an email ready for the delete I did earlier
What are you up to?
emails are out
@JobyTaffey, how are you?
Sorry, hit enter trying to have it auto-complete your name.
@Kortuk I think as moderators, we should take a light touch. The site has survived for a long time already with no moderator action at all. For rude and difficult users, I plan to berate them in the comments first. If they don't delete their own comment, I will after a delay. If they consistently reoffend, I'll email them.
There were moderators on chiphacker whom I saw take action occasionally
@JobyTaffey, I just think that deleting removed a lot of negativity and with one email we may remove the negative experience of berating users.
I have been trying to have a very light touch, but when that much flame goes up and someone posts a LMGTFY link I think we need to make it clear that the behavior is unacceptable. Does that make sense?
I got a flag on the action though, went to the moderator channel, asked for advice, they said that is the kind of the we axe right away.
@JobyTaffey, Does that make sense?

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