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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 23:00

Took the liberty of adding a "biopotential" tag. Everyone can have at the tag wiki, if they want, as soon as my edit is approved
WOOOO I successfully got freeRTOS running on an arduino chip!!
The hello world of freeRTOS --> 2 tasks running which blink 2 LEDs at different rates
next step is to dig deeper into the 'kernel' to figure out how this task scheduling works, and then im gonna do something cool with it!
@NickHalden I'd say "congrats" but I know nothing of RTOS's nor of what they even used for, nor how hard it is to install one on Arduino. me = lame.
@NickHalden Congrats!
Those last two messages needed to be in reverse order, actually.
@angelatlarge ummmm first question is too tough to explain in chat, but I believe i asked it as a question on the site about a year ago, and it wasn't THAT hard to get running on my arduino... mostly just some macro redefinitions for specific hardware. there already existed an AVR port but it was for a much larger avr micro.
@NickHalden Clearly an RTOS system call
Oops, didn't realize that the retags would push questions to the top (its late in the day!) Apologies.
1 hour later…
<cricket> <cricket> <cricket>
1 hour later…
Ah, a new dogfishead, interesting
I am a sucker for strong ales.
@StaceyAnne Hiya
@NickHalden Need more info, want to do something similar. Link / source and steps please?
@AnindoGhosh @StaceyAnne @ThePhoton salutations
@AnindoGhosh @StaceyAnne hello
@rawbrawb Do I "hello" you again or not?
@angelatlarge no, because I don't want to talk to you ....
just joking, of course you do.
@rawbrawb Oh, right.
@angelatlarge still got all your toes?
@rawbrawb Which stick?
Rolling Stone has a "Top 500 Albums" list. In the top 10 are four Beatles albums and two Bob Dylan albums...
@angelatlarge I see, another @AnindoGhosh
@rawbrawb Oh, mowing the lawn was a big failure
@rawbrawb Couldn't start the mower = no mowing done
@ThePhoton Thats why I don't listen to the radio any more. Nothing wrong with that music, but there is so many new bands out there that are good.
@angelatlarge did you try pushing very fast? an excellent work out.
@rawbrawb Looks like you never got the Tumbleweed badge unlike @AnindoGhosh...
@rawbrawb I'm just trying to see how many I can recognize by the album cover.
@angelatlarge I've been wondering how that happens...
Am I crazy or are links in chat the opposite of links in comments? I get that wrong every time
@ThePhoton you've been drinking that much?
@rawbrawb You post a question and then.... nothing happens.
@angelatlarge in chat if you want it to pop up it has to be on a line by itself.
9139198 No, inline. Here it is (text)[link] unless I got that wrong again.
But isn't it like [text](link) in comments?
@angelatlarge I don't bother. wrong person to ask.
@rawbrawb I might have tried that, but if the blade underneath doesn't spin, the workout might be pretty good, but the mowing part isn't.
@rawbrawb Hi 2u2
@angelatlarge ... and you too :-)
@rawbrawb context?
@AnindoGhosh correcting me ...
@rawbrawb It's 11% beer. It doesn't take very many.
@ThePhoton I can tell .... normally you'd be all Mr. precision 11.03% ABV at STC NOW it's all mr. happy 11% beer. ;)
@rawbrawb Ahh. :-)
@AnindoGhosh NO! Sir! it is spelled Ahhh. with 3 "h"'s ;)
Was this too harsh?
What research have you done? What solutions have you considered, beyond the fact that you want to use RPi? (Currently the question reads: "please do design for me". Probably not your intent, but the terseness really contributes to this perception, IMHO) — angelatlarge 1 min ago
@AnindoGhosh I was wondering ... you have this area that you go to get components. Is there a lot of tinkerers/hobbyists that can support a lot of people?
@angelatlarge One might have toned it down a bit, but it's deserved.
@angelatlarge Firm but not obnoxious or snotty. the tone is fine.
@AnindoGhosh What would the sock master said?
@rawbrawb If you mean does that market get a lot of retail business? Yes, massive amounts. Are they necessarily hobbyists? No, rarely. More often students on projects, or people with an idea to save money.
I just realized that if the OP wrote "I am really struggling ... blah blah blah.. I am not sure where to start, what would you advise" I wouldn't have posted that. The homework assignment / test terseness of a is really making my goat chew its cud.
@AnindoGhosh SO there are that many people doing stuff. Cool. I guess it's sort of whatthe akihabara would have been like in teh 70's I guess (Tokyo)
@angelatlarge "Please edit to indicate what research you have done so far and where exactly you are stuck."
@AnindoGhosh Thank you master. Would you have not mentioned the terseness?
@angelatlarge I LOVE this " is really making my goat chew its cud." don't know where it comes from ...
@angelatlarge Probably, probably not: Depends on whether I was having "that day of year" or not. Today, I would not.
@rawbrawb I just made it up.
@angelatlarge sounds like a good idiomatic expression ...
@AnindoGhosh Well, it was an epiphany for me, so I decided that OP must be made to partake of the wisdom too :)
@AnindoGhosh you on your meds then?
@rawbrawb I made it up as an idiomatic expression. I think if you start with ... making my <noun> do <some verbing> it will be understood as "get annoyed/angry/frustrated/etc" in English.
@angelatlarge so "making my cheese melt on toast" means get angry? sounds a bit dirty to me.
@rawbrawb I don't know how Akihabara used to be. Lamington Road has about 1500 to 2000 shops, a third of them do retail business, almost all sell chaalu (i.e. fast-moving) components, pretty much nobody sells obscure stuff. SMD in retail quantity is restricted to about 2 shops, in wholesale for common parts - about 20 shops. Rarer SMD parts, little chance. Rare DIPs, only old-stock.
@DavidKessner Very nice answer, so far, enjoying it thoroughly. You should add an image of a vector game: I think image-full answers get twice the rep. Plus we'll all dork out on vector graphics. This is a half-serious suggestion.
Well.. compared to Kaz's comment, mine looks positively like it was made by @AnindoGhosh
@CamilStaps That comma was bothering you that much?
@angelatlarge I wanted to remove my downvote, as I had quite a discussion with the answerer I thought it would be a nice gesture
Morning :)
@CamilStaps I see. So you killed a comma in order to be able to remove your downvote?
@CamilStaps Mornin'
@angelatlarge Yep, that's The Power Of 2k - sounds like a kids book, with 2K some kind of club
@CamilStaps Also gets you closer to that badge...
@angelatlarge yeah, but that wasn't my (okay, not my main) reason. I'll get that badge anyway in like a month I believe
Three weeks probably, but the exams are coming up.
good morning
@jippie Hallo!
@jippie hi!
Reminder : have breakfast.
@CamilStaps in a minute
@CamilStaps. Damnit. this is the problem with SO:
A: Interaction of Themes, background colors, and Action bar

Dhawal Sodhaboth are give you same result. m i right?? but i ll saggest you use theme in manifest file insted of code. Because, in code ActionBar is showing for few second after that it hide.

@angelatlarge that is terrible.
@angelatlarge what problem are you referring to exactly?
I love it how it misses on all three counts: didn't read the question, doesn't provide any answers (to anything) and does so in incomprehensible manner. You just don't get this on ee.se
@angelatlarge i can change that
@jippie You want to join the Tony of the Month Club?
@CamilStaps Thanks for the edits. I thought you couldn't edit on meta, WTF? Or is this another 2K thing?
@StaceyAnne yes I upvoted you already :-p
I didn't realize he was doing 'software' PWM
@angelatlarge I think so, yes
@StaceyAnne I just don't entirely get it that it is still an issue with an /64 prescaler.
oh wait for 0 the prescaler doesn't matter
@jippie I suspect it's not a prescaler or generation timing issue, but a corner case around PWM generation at 0 or 255, both of which at different times have caused me grief.
he is not using pwm, he is using a simple timer output pin.
@AnindoGhosh, that was my thinking too
he is actively programming the timer to make it PWM
As far as I can see, ` T1SC0 = 0x50; //Comparator setup` is putting timer 0 into PWM mode
So it looks like he's using the built-in PWM functionality.
What are "wire kneecaps"
@StaceyAnne hmm, OK I admit I don't know anything about that specific controller.
@jippie He's using the built in timer capture/compare for PWM
@abdullahkahraman Hi
@AnindoGhosh I already admitted that I have no clue about this micro. Stop reminding me :-p
@jippie No, I was not. I was just stating my view with no sarcasm or other overtones intended. I don't have a beard.
@W5VO , the other day you said that ` and ` does code in chat, but it doesn't seem to work for me :(
This is code in chat and it works for me :-)
@StaceyAnne You need to have no spaces between the first quote and the character following it, and similarly at the closing quote and the character preceding it.
@StaceyAnne You have to be nice to your computer, otherwise it won't do what you want. See what happens when you're not nice to it. Try petting your monitor before hitting Enter
with backticks: test
without backticks: test
why didn't T1SC0 = 0x50; //Comparator setup work up there? ^^
oh, space
@AnindoGhosh, thanks :)
@StaceyAnne :-)
what is 'backward crosstalk'?
@jippie Inter-channel feedback. I assume you are referring to a multi-op-amp package?
Q: Do I have to worry about backwards crosstalk with a 1 way bus?

meTaI'm working on a DDR memory circuit, and I'm not sure how big an issue crosstalk is on the command/address bus. I've designed for crosstalk with the DQ/DQS and CLK lines because they are high speed/bidirectional, but my command/address bus has ended up with very small spacing between traces. Wit...

@AnindoGhosh how is it different from regular crosstalk?
@CamilStaps Hmm, probably the same concept applies, as with op-amps.
hang on, I'm reading an article on forward and backward/reverse crosstalk right now
@jippie Same as the difference between feedback and "feed-forward". Output causing changes to input.
@AnindoGhosh hmm article is a bit longer than I expected.
/me is out for a couple minutes
Seriously. Why does everyone want to have a Stack Overflow in their own language?
@CamilStaps, do you know if other languages are allowed on the current SO?
@StaceyAnne I don't think so. But I find it just weird to talk in Dutch about programming, because half of the words you say is English anyway. Also, the only thing you'd get is a smaller community. Plus that the support for these proposals by the team isn't really enormous, yet the proposals keep coming.
@CamilStaps, I understand why some would prefer SO in their home language, definitely, especially for those who are not particularly confident with their English skills. I wouldn't feel comfortable asking questions if SO (or EE) was in dutch, even though I speak afrikaans some.
@CamilStaps I suspect the rationale is that members would not get a sarcastic comment from a bearded person if their English is not up to the mark. :-)
@StaceyAnne yes, I can understand it as well, but given that the proposals that have finished the commitment stage are still on hold, I wouldn't consider opening a proposal in my own language. Anyway, I see your point, I'm curious what the SE team will do with it
@AnindoGhosh well who would do such a thing? :)
It's just as well a certain bearded person doesn't frequent the chat, he seems to be getting a lot of flack recently.
@CamilStaps I doubt any of those proposals would be allowed to go live - and I personally don't believe they should, either. Plus, who would want to anger the beards and bear the brunt of their rude remarks?
@StaceyAnne ... and none of it undeserved, if I may say so.
@AnindoGhosh, I'm curious to know why, If there is enough interest in a non-english SO, shouldn't it be allowed to go ahead like any other proposal?
Another problem I see is that the SE team has to moderate the site somehow, so they'll need someone skilled in the particular language.
@StaceyAnne for non-latin-alphabet languages, international features have to be built, like for Chinese Emigration 移民海外
@StaceyAnne Primarily because the language itself would be a barrier to technical communication, beyond the basics - so pretty soon it'll go back to being English.
Anyway, I'm leaving. Later!
@StaceyAnne Also, "like any other proposal" isn't valid: SE, specifically mods with the right powers, do block proposals because they say so, or otherwise engineer proposals for failure by putting insurmountable "high expectations" on them. There's too much subjectivity in the process to pretend that it's all objective procedure.
@StaceyAnne Good idea, a dutch EE.
or maybe a dutch arduino.se
@jippie Would that be an Arduino.nl for the Dutch version, and Arduno.se for the Swedish one?
... and of course, @StaceyAnne would participate in the SO.za site.
@AnindoGhosh oh that took you long to think of a little joke ;o)
/me is out
@jippie That's interesting, you actually believe I just watch chat constantly? :-D
@AnindoGhosh, SO ZA would be a nightmare, we have 11 official languages
@StaceyAnne Precisely, so.za would be way better than one for each language. Have a look at India's list of official languages sometime :-) 30 languages are spoken by more than a million native speakers each!
TL.DR: We have too many people in India.
1 hour later…
@AnindoGhosh Wow!
@abdullahkahraman ??
@AnindoGhosh To the languages..
@abdullahkahraman :-)
@AnindoGhosh, I thought the same too. How different are the spoken languages? For example you seem well educated and have excellent written English skills, if someone called you on the phone just for a fairly basic conversation (say dinner plans) how many of the 30 could you understand?
@PeterJ Oh, there are about 8-9 very distinct language families, i.e. not really mutually comprehensible. It so happens that I am fluent (read/write/speak) in 3 of them, and can understand and communicate barely tolerably in another one. I can understand around 3-4 others with some difficulty. This is pretty much representative of Indians with a wide educational and cultural exposure, not unique at all. My wife speaks even more of the Indian languages like she was born to them.
@PeterJ For basic dinner plans, I would understand about 10 of the 30 major languages.
3 hours later…
Hiya @AshRj
... and bye. Heading out to a meetup of Mumbai Hackerspace.
@AnindoGhosh Hi.
Im heading back home :P
@CamilStaps -- you won't get good CMRR w/ 3-op amp config unless you're extremely careful-- primarily, you need to precision match the resistors on the output stage. Much better to buy an instrumentation amp like the AD620 or AD622
Do we have any Python guys here?
@hhh, Don't use an op amp, use an instrumentation amplifier. AD622 is inexensive, with an OK CMRR
@ScottSeidman to what is that a reply?
@CamilStaps Your earlier post pointing hhh to a thre op amp instrumentation amp config. The 3 op amp config is fine implemented on a chip, but fairly impractical to implement w/ discrete op amps.
@ScottSeidman I'm not sure about what you're talking about, can you give me a link?
@CamilStaps Ooops, that should have gone to jippie. Sorry. Not a big fan of the chat layout
@ScottSeidman oh, haha :)
@CamilStaps, I thought your facelift might have confused him, I wondered this morning who the new dude was appearing all over the place
@PeterJ hehe, sorry
Our Mr T. is back by the way, where's @angelatlarge?
@CamilStaps Congratulations to all of us, then :)
@abdullahkahraman why?
@CamilStaps We have our Mr T. back!
@abdullahkahraman oh, like that, yeah! For some reason he's called Bill now. Apparently W5VO isn't the target today: "clabbaccio is just an idiot who claims to be an EE"
@CamilStaps haha!
I am still amazed by that guy.. I cannot figure him out.
Me neither. He has to know his posts are removed. I wonder - hypothetically - what would happen if we'd only remove his nonsense, if he'd learn to only post good stuff.
@CamilStaps, I don't suppose you saw the personal message you got from Mr. T on one of your questions as a suggested edit?
@PeterJ I've seen one suggested edit with the "clabbaccio is just an idiot who claims to be an EE" note, is that what you mean?
@CamilStaps, no that's the one I just rejected as well, I'll see if I can find it, give me a sec
@PeterJ I should get a notification when someone wants to edit my post, shouldn't I? But thanks in advance
It seems you have much to learn according to the master lol
@PeterJ nice :)
Perhaps he really sees it as his moral duty to help me picking the right answer, even if the mods don't allow him to? :)
@CamilStaps lol. I'm not really sure how the notifications on a suggested edit to your own question / answer work. I've only had one (which was a good one) so I accepted and it appeared straight away but based on the above I guess if two others (or a diamond mod) reject first maybe you don't see it.
Anyway I'd better head off soon, chat soon.
@PeterJ no I think I got one on that, but W5VO had rejected it by then. I thought you referred to something of today. Bye!
@CamilStaps, must go soon but we've both been honoured in the same sentence...
@PeterJ I'm flattered!
He can't even spell my name! Camil Straps!?
@PeterJ hahahaha
Sorry you guys are getting targeted by that arse also.
No problem, it's still kinda amusing me. How can he actually know about us? I mean, he can't see we reject his edits, right?
@Kortuk, not that it worries me in the least, but apart from flags he wouldn't see I haven't made negative comments so it looks like he's a regular chat log reader if you check above names
@PeterJ He is. I thought he stopped, but I guess not.
Lol. Doesn't he have a job or so?
Not since they stopped using valves is my guess.
I think we'll get an answer in the next edit :P
@CamilStaps, nope and we both missed out on a note that time, continuous mention must be a privilege of being a mod ;). Anyway better head off for real now...
@PeterJ Too bad. Bye!
@CamilStaps His original profile said he was retired.
Morning @AshRj
@Kortuk Morning :-)
@AshRj I am happy to keep seeing you around.
@Kortuk will do
@Kortuk I will probably be around here quite a bit now
@Kortuk Who is TS ?
@AshRj I was worried you would take an SE break for a while, I am happy you are coming over here!
@AshRj Site troll, dont worry about it too much.
Almost every larger site has one.
@Kortuk That might still happen. Arduino goes down in a few hours. Plus, I have exams in a week :-|
@AshRj :)
@AshRj exams are a good reason to disappear short term.
@Kortuk Whats your troll doing btw ?
@AshRj suggested edits that attack people, make 100s of secondard accounts and post crap everywhere and attack people.
I'm seriously injured.
@Kortuk Thats quite a bit of work..
@AshRj He has been the single largest detriment to the site, we used to have a very open community to 1 rep users, generally cut them a big break because they are new, but since he has been doing this, upvoting a new user is giving him rights to start comment spamming people, and that is when things sorta went downhill.
@AshRj Yep, if you read my long exchange with anindo about the moderators here not doing their job I try to explain how much time that takes for us.
@Kortuk Thats bad.
@Kortuk can you link to that? I'd like to read it.
@CamilStaps ha, I have no idea where it is. I can search if you really want to, but I dont think it is worth digging up.
@Kortuk What would motivate a person to go doing that ? After a time, anybody would get tired. I can understand short destructive impulses for whatever reasons, but consistent behavior doesnt make much sense.
@Kortuk oh I thought you meant recently. Never mind
@AshRj yeah, honestly, I feel that this question would be similar to trying to understand the joker.
@CamilStaps Look at the transcript from my first post here. That happened just a few days (2-3) after the first few discussion on Arduino, if you really want to see.
@AshRj thanks, I'll have a look
@Kortuk Nice comparison :-)
Maybe Cognitive Sciences could explain it..
@AshRj I thought that discusion was like a week ago.
maybe 2 weeks. It was pre arduino launch for sure.
Not sure when that was, time kinda melds in my brain.
@Kortuk that was 15 days ago
@CamilStaps your bounty is nearing expiring!
@AnindoGhosh Was that sarcastic or do you actually want some info about my port?
@Kortuk yeah but I got a how's it called period, right?
Grace period?
I have gotten a work phone call in the middle of the night every night for a couple weeks now, so my brain is only on partial cylinders.
@CamilStaps Yes, but your reason for opening seems to be rewarding an existing answer, so I assume the answer is already there.
@Kortuk true. I'll reward it before going to bed (6 hours from now, that is), but I didn't want to reward it too soon to give others a chance as well.
@CamilStaps :)
@Kortuk: Hi Kortuk :) Do you have time for a battery question?
@SimpleCoder not a ton of it, I might be of quick help though.
And every day I do less with batteries, how can I help?
@Kortuk Hopefully a quick question (more a recommendation than anything, otherwise I would have asked it on main site)...
I'm investigating implementing a Roomba-style self-charging robot for unattended use. In this case, it will be a wirelessly controlled camera bot. Question: Is there any safe way to implement unattended charging for the kind of battery I'll need?
The battery will need to power motors, (4 X 1A stall current each), among other things, so I'm worried there isn't a safe way to charge the battery unattended.
@SimpleCoder Almost no one monitors their cell phone when they charge it, or their nickel batteries when they charge them .
@SimpleCoder You should be more then able to charge it though something similar to a power mat and I would not have any concern over it charging its battery unattended.
Very true. I was hoping to use a LiPo battery for its light weight, but I don't think I'll get the capacity I need. NiMh is probably my best option.
@Kortuk So would you suggest inductive charging (like power mat) vs. direct charging?
It doesn't need to charge fast.
@SimpleCoder Well, do you expect it to be able to navigate back to a charging port successfully.
The connectors for charging and such I am not an expert on. Trusting a device to charge itself, we all are. I dont monitor my battery on any of my devices and I dont ever feel a need to.
@Kortuk It's for monitoring a shore house (very small square footage-wise), so I don't expect to run it for long durations of time. Most of the time it will be at the charging base.
@SimpleCoder It is just easy for it to drive to a corner and be on top of a mat, correct?
That is really separate from the battery issue.
@Kortuk Absolutely. I was just concerned that whatever charging method I choose won't work with a large capacity battery, but I guess if it just trickle charges it should be fine?
@SimpleCoder If you have lots of time and your unit can reduce its power consumption you will be fine. A plug in is more efficient, but it is really your design to decide that.
@Kortuk Oh yes, charging time shouldn't be a problem :). It's the kind of robot I only want to operate maybe 30 or 45 minutes a week (it will have a mounted camera) while we aren't at the house.
@SimpleCoder it is just a case of having enough power to outperform the idle consumption then, probably.
@Kortuk Right. Thank you so much for your advice :). One final question (before I ask at the main site, now that I have focused questions in mind): Do you know of any manufacturer that sells inductive charging components, short of buying a PowerMat and hacking it?
@SimpleCoder I really dont, sorry, have never looked into that. Sorry.
grEEts all!
@Kortuk: Not a problem, thanks again for your help.
@rawbrawb: hello!
@SimpleCoder hey there
Hi all.
@DavidKessner Meh!
@DavidKessner: Hello!
@rawbrawb :)
@Kortuk almost seems like "brought to you by the letter EE"
@rawbrawb :0
@Kortuk It's about time! :)
FYI: We are getting a migration of every positive scored question on arduino.
@Kortuk so the arduino proposition failed?
@Kortuk Let's migrate the negative questions too.
@DavidKessner ><
@NickHalden Yes, the site is closing down.
@Kortuk which point did it fail at?
Q: The future of Arduino on Stack Exchange

Shog9After a week and a half in private beta, Arduino Stack Exchange has attracted some excellent questions, with great answers written by helpful, knowledgeable Arduino experts. Kudos! What you're doing is great... But this isn't the right site for it, not right now. The volume of questions here is...

Read for yourself.
cant i never created an account
Ohh, i forget that
I can post that here.
EE.SE is almost entirely against the short of hand-holding generical building-block nature of Arduino
@TobyLawrence arduino doesn't have to be about that though.....
not a bad way, certainly, but you don't see questions last for long about how to snap arduino shields together and what not.
it doesn't have to be, but that's their nature
they are known as a launchpad for people who have little to no EE experience
and they have an ecosystem of accessories geared towards that mentality
@TobyLawrence nature? no. current tendency? yes.
connect things together, and run some code someone wrote
voila... I am an "inventor"
now I'm gonna go to maker faire!
dude you've got a pretty closed-minded view of their community
I mean, what's the most complex thing you've seen somebody do with an Arduino?
@TobyLawrence well i just ported freeRTOS, so i have a small real time kernel running a stability test as we speak
right, but that's running FreeRTOS on an atmega
that isn't part of the arduino ecosphere
it just happens you're running it on an arduino board
no? it still has an arduino bootloader, runs on an arduino board, uses no additional hardware, and can be programmed from the arduino IDE
how is that not part of their ecosphere?
because it's not something they push?
@TobyLawrence so? it's possible on the platform they developed
I mean, we could argue for hours about this, but the whole Arduino ethos is about hacking stuff together
and everytime someone posts a "how can i hack things together" question on EE.SE, that shit gets shot down
people are trying to find parts for their arduino project... the question gets shot down
to me, it screams "this belongs in a different stack"
but meh
@TobyLawrence I dont feel we are a bad place for it at all, I just think that was the song and dance used to fight for a seperate site.
@TobyLawrence I would disagree with you here and say that what @NickHalden is doing is part of arduino, it is more advanced, but it is still part of it.
@NickHalden and I want this.
I don't think we're bad for it, but from everything I've seen here vs other places... we're pretty uptight about the sort of questions people will ask as they progress through using their Arduino.
sorry, I should say specifically EE.SE
EE.SE chat is way more laidback
@TobyLawrence Yeah, I understand, and I think we need to work on it a little bit, but I still feel we can take them into the fold well.
@AnindoGhosh Can the TPIC6C595 really continousely draing .8A? Wow.
Ahh, my Atmel chips have been delivered! That's fast - Microchip needs 2 weeks for it, Atmel does it in 2 days :)
@CamilStaps :)
@Kortuk oh, I would agree
people gotta learn somehow :)
@CamilStaps Welcome to the dark side. Are you still going to make the ISPIC?
@angelatlarge I must confess I didn't look into it yet, but I think so :)
@CamilStaps +1
@CamilStaps Hello
@angelatlarge hi
Currently I'm trying to get a small motherboard working, but my homebrew power supply can't handle the CD drive and the hard disk at the same time, so I can't install an operating system :(
@CamilStaps hahaha
Awesome. So so awesome.
2 hours later…
@Kortuk you want what?
@NickHalden realRTOS port for arduino, sounds fun.
@Kortuk ohhh. yeah @AnindoGhosh expressed interest as well I believe. Perhaps once I'm a little more comfortable with it I'll put it somewhere / do a quick little write-up
@NickHalden sounds fun.
@NickHalden BTW there was no sarcasm intended, far from it! I really want to save myself some effort, I'm a lazy sod.
@AnindoGhosh from his post it seems he realized that. :)
@AnindoGhosh ok yeah, no problem. Probably by the end of next week I'll have it stable and understand everything well enough to...... something......
@Kortuk It was still needed for me to clarify, and thus avoid any doubts as to my intentions.
I'd say write a blog article but I don't have a blog
where/how should I put it on the internet?
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 23:00

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