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@Kortuk No, I will still be traveling then, so no time unfortunately.
@AnindoGhosh I meant I could sunday, I think. We will see. THanks for dropping by, had missed you.
2 hours later…
@ScottSeidman Looks like a goof in the datasheet to me.
Luckily its symmetric so if you guess wrong about how they goofed, it's only your silkscreen that's wrong.
hey all
@Rick_2047 he
so what is everyone upto?
Trying to decide if I should spend part of my weekend on a programming project for work.
tough call
can you talk about the project?
@Rick_2047 The part I might do this weekend is to write a fast convolution function. Because the library we're using doesn't allow for re-using the same filter array multiple times.
or C?
Obviously not ideal for numerical stuff, but we're currently doing naive convolution so just about anything would be an improvement.
but a filter array is just an array right? so how come your library prohibits you from reusing a variable?
To do fast convolution, you take the DFT of the array. The library would re-do this step every time. My thought is I can make it faster by precomputing the DFT of the filter array.
that seems obvious
wonder why the people who made the library did not do it that way
Just trying to be more general...give it two arrays it computes the convolution. Doesn't know you used one of them before.
They also do a bunch of checks for short and long arrays, etc., and choose a best algorithm.
Since I know I'll be using roughly same size arrays each time, I can just code the one algorithm I need.
so you are going to precompute the DFT and multiply the sequences?
@Rick_2047 That's basically it...some subtleties because I have a "short" FIR filter (30-60 non-zero taps) and a "long" signal to be filtered (10,000 samples?).
32,000 samples now; might need to scale to 8e6.
"overlap-save" or "overlap-add" seem to be the basic algorithms...Wikipedia has articles on both.
@ThePhoton yeah, I have studied both overlap save and add
@Rick_2047 Somehow I managed to take some heavy-duty grad classes on signal processing (don't ask me about Hilbert spaces...) without ever taking a class on the basics.
yeah, it can happen
its all about abstraction i gues
1 hour later…
good morning @all
2 hours later…
In my makefile, I set the CPU clock of my microcontroller by setting F_CPU.
Does this code in my .cpp file make sense (it apparently compiles, but is there a smarter way to do it) for compiling specific code?
#ifdef F_CPU
#if ( F_CPU == 1000000 ) | ( F_CPU == 8000000/8 )
// 1MHz
FUSES = { .low = LFUSE_DEFAULT , .high = HFUSE_DEFAULT , .extended = EFUSE_DEFAULT , };
#if ( F_CPU == 2000000 ) | ( F_CPU == 8000000/4 )
// 2MHz
FUSES = { .low = 0x61 , .high = HFUSE_DEFAULT , .extended = EFUSE_DEFAULT , };
#if ( F_CPU == 8000000 ) | ( F_CPU == 8000000/1 )
// 8MHz
FUSES = { .low = 0xe2 , .high = HFUSE_DEFAULT , .extended = EFUSE_DEFAULT , };
#if ( F_CPU == 16000000 ) | ( F_CPU == 16000000/1 )
I changed the #endif followed by a #if into an #elif
good mornign @abdullahkahraman
@jippie Morning!
@jippie I have no idea
@abdullahkahraman why not?
@jippie I am an analog guy
@abdullahkahraman Can you design a sharp 52'ish Hz LPF for me with a flat phase characteristic?
@jippie Easy, how many OP-AMPs do you have?
@abdullahkahraman I've written opamps on my wish list for next time I'm ordering parts.
@jippie Really?
@jippie You don't even have some LM324 lying around?
@abdullahkahraman yes, I just grabbed my pen and my wishlist and I wrote down "opamps"
I think I have a CA3130 lying around
@jippie I assume you have already completed your "bucket list" then :)
with a date code '9006', so it is 23yrs old
@jippie Wow! That is the same age as me, I mean literally. I was born in June '90
BTW, the code you have above looks generally OK @jippie, but I can't see the point to the second OR term that will always equate to the same in each case. Not that it will make a difference to compiled code so you might find it clearer.
@abdullahkahraman this is week 6 1990
@jippie You are right, I did a selective perception
@PeterJ In my makefile I actually assign F_CPU to be '8000000/8". I thought it was being replaced with a string
@PeterJ I've learned a lot of C (and preprocessor) stuff this week :)
@jippie, mmmm let me think, but I thought the pre-processor always expanded expressions so it should be the same.
@PeterJ wait I can easily test that
@jippie Why do you need a sharp 52 Hz LPF?
@PeterJ You are right, I don't get an error message :)
Have to go out, do some shopping. With the easter weekend the supermarket will be empty in a couple of hours.
Bye, hope you get all those choccy eggs before they are all gone
@abdullahkahraman Still the zero crossing detector, mains frequency timing little project.
@PeterJ thnx for your help :)
@jippie Yeah, I can guess :) But why?
to suppress noise
(and there is a lot)
(even after a transformer)
(you can see modulated stuff on the scope)
out shopping. When I return I'm going to set up the TI Stellaris toolchain.
Getting cheaper all the time. Has a 32-bit timer as well for anyone interested in such things ;)
@PeterJ lol
@abdullahkahraman "Windows XP SP3 and Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 "
@PeterJ I need a 32 bit timer!
I thought someone might need one so I put the wink at the end, might be worth checking out for yor project.
@PeterJ I have a TI Stellaris LaunchPad lying here, it has 32-bit timers too.
@PeterJ Does freescale have toolchain for linux anyway?
/me is out
Not sure, I've normally used Windows for embedded development apart from when I've wanted to target an embedded Linux system, in which case it's very useful to keep the systems the same.
1 hour later…
@jippie lol
@jippie I guess so, Eclipse works on Linux, right? freescale.com/webapp/sps/site/prod_summary.jsp?code=CW-MCU10
@abdullahkahraman Eclipse works perfectly in linux!
@abdullahkahraman but does the compiler itself? Eclipse is just a shell around it.
1 hour later…
@jippie I have no idea..
@thephoton Thanks! Though so, but you're right, no real risk of being wrong.
pfff compiling the Stellaris stuff takes forever, even on my quad core machne
? never had much of a problem with Stellaris (Launchpad, right?). Then again, I've just played around with it, my friend was the one actually using it
whoohoooo I flashed a binary :)
I have a green blinking LED
@Manishearth Not too much of a problem, but I compiled everything from sources and had to configure udev
@jippie It is the best feeling..
no the best feeling is when I write my own program from scratch and manage to get it running on the Stellaris
I only flashed an existing binary ...
oh wait the blog goes on ..
and compiled a first source :)
cool ... now I only have to figure out the hardware and the stellarisware calls ...
@jippie Is this a 32-bit micro?
32 bit ARM
with floating point
and 32 bit timers
@abdullahkahraman perfect for my little project ... once I get the hang of the hardware and the built in ROM routines
@jippie indeed, perfect. what is a ROM routine?
@jippie Oh, they are the libraries?
New KiCad version is out!
I hate it!
Why they didn't create a "Release Notes" page?!
@abdullahkahraman you don't even know yet what changed and you already hate it?
@jippie I hate that they don't show what changed!
@jippie Do you think I should overwrite the existing installation or make a fresh install?
@abdullahkahraman Are you talking Linux or Windows?
@jippie Windows
or this apple thing
@abdullahkahraman I don't know the first thing about Windows.
@jippie What are you using to draw schematics and PCBs?
@abdullahkahraman pencil and paper.
@jippie You do realize sharp roll-off and flat phase response are contradictory requirements?
@jippie How come you are an engineer?
Never needed an actual PCB yet. I only do 'one of' stuff. Once it works it's done
@jippie Ah, man
@ThePhoton that is why I asked the question ;o)
@abdullahkahraman am I an engineer?
cool! :)
@jippie What do you do for living?
@abdullahkahraman I'm a UNIX, networking ans security specialist
@jippie OK, wasn't sure who was being snowed in that conversation...
@jippie Screw you, then Oh, really?
@jippie Joke aside, here in Turkey, you would be treated as an experienced EE..
@ThePhoton But I am aware that some filters are flatter than others. Just can't remember the topology names that go with it.
bessel, butterworth, there was this russian guy chaykovsky or so ..
whatever, I'm too lazy to google for it right now.
@jippie You do not want any gain, right?
define gain
I have a near +/-10V amplitude and I eventually need to clip it to 5V/0V
Bessel (or Bessel-Thompson) is maximally flat phase response.
Butterworth is maximally flat passband, IIRC.
Chebychev has ripple in the passband but faster roll-off (again IIRC)
@abdullahkahraman now plot group delay
@ThePhoton I don't even know what group delay is
@abdullahkahraman It means how does the signal delay through the filter depend on the frequency,,,unequal group delay causes some funny distortions if you have wideband signals.
@ThePhoton I guess phase stability is the most important aspect of the two
@abdullahkahraman So because I can make an LED flash using a 32 bit state of the art microcontroller, I'm an experienced EE?
@jippie Not just that.. Look at the answers you have on EE.SE.. Those make you a good engineer here in Turkey.
For example, in this case, @ThePhoton is a guru :)
For my little project, the most important thing is that the zero crossings don't jitter due to the filter.
@abdullahkahraman I call it common sense and a bit spielerei
@ThePhoton @abdullahkahraman I guess I have to download the TI filter tool and try it from wine.
@jippie I've heard that wine had covered a big distance.
@jippie Or dig in to Octave or Scilab
@ThePhoton @abdullahkahraman wine doesn't like it.
I'm going to find something to eat.
Good morning everyone
Morning @W5VO
So where is the hangout info?
I'm here, hanging out.
I'm here
Where is that @kortuk?
I am back
Bringing it up, unless someone already did
What's being discussed today?
the lightning knocked out my router, been trying to get things working for a bit now
2 days ago, by Kortuk
I am leaving the google hangout on Saturday pretty open. Discuss projects, site policies or just shooting the breeze is fine, I am pretty relaxed. Just kick back and discuss everything from vacuum nanotubes to beer.
@ManishEarth @W5VO @ThePhoton @anyone else, there is the link.
ill have to install the plugin
@Mortuk Does it need a plug in?
Chrome on Ubuntu -- yep
@Mortuk haha. kk
I have to find a USB cable
Same one as the Google voice+video chat I think. (This is a clean install of Ubuntu, I need to install lots of things)
The more I look at raspberry pis the more I want one
i'm getting one sometime next week
its kinda working
the pi will be interested.
someone just disappeared.
I just had some apple pi
@jippie gonna join us?
@Kortuk me, I think. It keeps disconnecting me
don't have a link
you are also invited @jrg
get it working @mortuk
@Kortuk Clicked the link and it said I should "join Google+ by creating my public profile". :<
@Kortuk i would, but i'm doing some work. :(
I'm trying :P
chat.se is mind numbing enough that i don't have to worry about it.
@ThePhoton hmm, I am not sure, I think it might want something to show your picture.
@ThePhoton I dunno, I clearly have a G+ account, but I dont really use it for anything but this, and being able to follow occasional SE people
almost all SE people have an account
@Kortuk can you hear me anytime when I'm in?
not at all
@W5VO is now, I can hear him
I can invite you with G+ @ManishEarth and see if it helps
@Kortuk don't think so, similar issues happened when I tried hanging out with friends. It's a proxy thing, I guess
@Mortuk :(
strangely enough video chat does work. It's just hangouts that don't
@Mortuk hmm, that is odd
And it is the same plugin
@Mortuk :)
no @rick today
@rawbrawb you gonna join us?
and it goes quiet.
I'm here, just revising my math notes
"It's free and installs in seconds"...Download will be completed in 1 minute...
I connected. You are now all burdened by the knowledge of my real name.
@ThePhoton that explains something
Who's Matthew and who's Max?
I assume Matthew=W5VO
PITA. My middle name is Max.
Text chat actually works better if you're going afk a bunch
@Kortuk Wazzup?
@Mortuk shh. Dont tell my secrets
@rawbrawb chat session going right now
@Kortuk Oh I see, you're doing a G+ hangout or something. Sorry I haven't been around much.
@Kortuk They're already publicly available!
@rawbrawb yes.
@Kortuk next one, I gotta go right now.
@rawbrawb later :)
Sounds like a good idea.
1 hour later…
Fun time guys, later.
ugghhhh haha my phone is dead
and i have 2 step verification turned on
so i cant login to my google account haha -_-
@NickHalden haha
@ScottSeidman allo.
@jippie lol
Oh, shit, I missed it!
@abdullahkahraman me too
thats a bummer

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