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I really don't see why it's necessary to post such a letter, one of the 173k users...
2 hours later…
@adamaero Its not necessary, its a kind gesture to those who care. And yes its me.
@JRE I'm running into a problem. I'm not getting the right answers I need from my testing I did today. Let me give you the information I have. One sec.
@JRE I'm using 2 MOTs in series with 6 AWG stranded copper wire. I have 5 turns secondary on 1 and 4 turns secondary on the others. For the 1st one I'm using a 1,800 watt MOT and the second one is a 1,380 watt MOT. I get 10.9 VAC out at 543 amps. But its impossible to run my device on a 20 amp circuit at both start up surge currents and running currents. I've tried and tried everything to figure it out. But I've tried everything I know of.
@JRE On primary it is on a 1 20 amp 123 VAC RMS system. It has 2,460 watts available normally. And has been proven to only handle 2,400 watt loads. After that it trips the breaker.
@JRE I have 2 plugs that plug into a safety switch connected to a outlet junction box. Flip the switch and it releases power to the outlet. (I'm keeping terms general right now) I plug the 1,800 watt MOT in first, then wait 5 seconds and then plug the other one in. And it runs.
@JRE Its driving me nuts as to how it is possible that it works. I've done the transformer formula and I'm getting more current out than the calculations are showing. An ideal transformer is supposed to give the maximum possible output. Which with my measurements results makes no sense. I've bought 5 different meters to measure voltage and current. The meters give me around the same measurements. I thought it was my equipment, but I'm thinking it isn't mt equipment.
@JRE I've been pulling my hair out to figure this out. And everything keeps contradicting each other. The real measurements I am getting are lower or higher than the formulas. Meanwhile the real measurements are around the same every time. Usually they've been off by 1-2 amps and always has been spot on with the voltage every time. How? Why? What?
~16,000 children (under the age of 5) die every day due to the causes of absolute/extreme poverty--I'm not here talking about them. I think it's odd why the letter mentions things completely unrelated...but I digress.
@adamaero It was related to the accident and my team. Which was all it needed to be. For the part of it being related to Electrical Engineering, it is related just a little bit. But it is what it is.
@adamaero Thank you for the example though.
It doesn't have to be related to EE. That wasn't my point. But I'm not here to argue ethos...and how that seems to be the real reason...
2 hours later…
@W5VO okay
@jippie how are you?
@ScientistSmithYT Good to hear that everyone will be OK.
As for your transformer problems: Damifino. "MOTs in series" - how? Primaries? Secondaries? Did you rewind them?
@JRE I was very glad I heard the news on Thursday as well. Because I take every student personally. This wasn't in the report, but the student wants to give it another try. So I told em I'll see what I can do. I can see he wants to learn, and I won't stop em.
Were any of your meters capable of true RMS?
I reminded the secondaries but kept the primaries the same.
Do you know about saturation in MOT teansformers?
I know jack about MOT transformers.
Yes, 3 of the 5 meters were true RMS. And yes I know about saturation in MOTs.
But let us think for a moment on the secondary of one transformer. There is a formula for an ideal transformer. That formula gives us the maximum, because in the real world its always less. How is it then possible for 1 of my transformers to output more than what the formula says? This has blown my mind, and blown it 20 times over.
And the thing is I've looked and looked and searched and searched. Then I did test after test after test. And its contradicting still. So I have no clue what is going on, why its happening, and how its doing it. I'm clueless at this point. I dont know, maybe Marla can help me with this one.
@JRE Do you know when Marla usually gets on? Because I wanna ask her all about my problem with this. Its truly got me stumped.
@ScientistSmithYT Your best bet is to get things all together and ask on the main EE site instead of in chat. Include circuit diagrams. Indicate what you are measuring, what you expected (and why.) Show the measurements. Ask why there's a difference between your expectations and the measurements.
@JRE I'm sorry I didn't respond promptly. I was talking with another guy. Ok, but because of the ban or whatever it was on this account. I'll have go create another account and ask it on there. I'll most likely come back here and present the information here for approval before I put it on the main site.
@JRE With everything I've said about my problem. What else should I include?
1 hour later…
@ScientistSmithYT About blocked accounts.
5 hours later…
@ScientistSmithYT . . I was searching Utah newspapers for follow up on the injured student. I can't find the story. Where (what town) did the accident occur in? Was interested since it was mentioned that federals looked into it. Why federals?
2 hours later…
@ScientistSmithYT It's a rate limit restriction, not a ban.
It's there to slow down the number of questions. Your restriction is currently lifted, and you can ask a question, but take time with that question.
make sure you include everything that is relevant, including meter readings, schematics, pictures of the setup formatted nicely, etc.
And as a side note, making an alternate account to get around site restrictions is not allowed.
@ScientistSmithYT How many turns are on the primary?
1 hour later…
would this be a good place to ask about a led light fixture that has a repeated loud clicking sound, or should I ask on DIY?
I'm not so much worried about fixing it, as just about understanding what it is
@djsmiley2k DIY would be better
K ty
4 hours later…
@W5VO Oh. Ok. I didn't know.
@Marla I'm trying to keep this accident on the down low. So we didn't give the media any information and nor did we gain any media attention. Which is what I wanted. Hopefully there isn't anything leaked about it.
@Marla Federals were involved because of reasons I'd rather not specify for the moment.

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