@adamaero Its not necessary, its a kind gesture to those who care. And yes its me.
@JRE I'm running into a problem. I'm not getting the right answers I need from my testing I did today. Let me give you the information I have. One sec.
@JRE I'm using 2 MOTs in series with 6 AWG stranded copper wire. I have 5 turns secondary on 1 and 4 turns secondary on the others. For the 1st one I'm using a 1,800 watt MOT and the second one is a 1,380 watt MOT. I get 10.9 VAC out at 543 amps. But its impossible to run my device on a 20 amp circuit at both start up surge currents and running currents. I've tried and tried everything to figure it out. But I've tried everything I know of.
@JRE On primary it is on a 1 20 amp 123 VAC RMS system. It has 2,460 watts available normally. And has been proven to only handle 2,400 watt loads. After that it trips the breaker.
@JRE I have 2 plugs that plug into a safety switch connected to a outlet junction box. Flip the switch and it releases power to the outlet. (I'm keeping terms general right now) I plug the 1,800 watt MOT in first, then wait 5 seconds and then plug the other one in. And it runs.
@JRE Its driving me nuts as to how it is possible that it works. I've done the transformer formula and I'm getting more current out than the calculations are showing. An ideal transformer is supposed to give the maximum possible output. Which with my measurements results makes no sense. I've bought 5 different meters to measure voltage and current. The meters give me around the same measurements. I thought it was my equipment, but I'm thinking it isn't mt equipment.
@JRE I've been pulling my hair out to figure this out. And everything keeps contradicting each other. The real measurements I am getting are lower or higher than the formulas. Meanwhile the real measurements are around the same every time. Usually they've been off by 1-2 amps and always has been spot on with the voltage every time. How? Why? What?