Anyone want to have a stab at how many nanoseconds of Google would have been required for this guy to find that ethernet is not unidirectional on protocol and below layers?
I want to build a Data Diode. In transportation layer of this device, it needs a one-way media as port to send data from side A to side B.
All commercial product use SFP. I test some SFP device but they have negotiation between two side and cutting RX fiber is not possible.
Is it possible ti imp...
@Asmyldof that guy must work at siemens, until the early 2000s they had no idea that tcp/ip was two way. their protocol logged in into one side, sent ip:port where that side had to connect back to send replies.
I'm currently using an optical IR sensor for a custom made encoder wheel TCRT5000 but it's too big for my use case. Anyone aware of a smaller IR sensor ?