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@AJHenderson Yeah, to boost SEO rankings i think is usually why...
@D3C4FF what the hell are you doing to them?
@TildalWave She liked wearing makeup (goth chick), but her face actually looks very similar in structure to that one (from what i can tell)
3 hours later…
My 6th gold badge.
I think that puts me at third behind The Bear and @Poly now. :D
3 hours later…
Almost closed as too localised, with your specific password there, but really you would be better off readingthe other questions here about password strength-we have a comprehensive set of tthem, after all. — Rory Alsop 16 mins ago
@RoryAlsop - So almost closed as TL but closed as NC anyway hehe... good morning!
btw I included links to three different answers from three of our regulars here, and from three different SE sites no less in my "answer"
Morning @Tildal
@RoryAlsop ;) I see the guys on SO are really crunching that review queue, IIRC last time I checked there was around 80k of VTCed questions, now it's 54k... or do I remember it wrong? :O
@TildalWave It varies, I think it has been between 45 and 60 for a while
@RoryAlsop oh so no hope that's sorted any time soon if the new ones are coming in faster than the old ones are taken care of ... well bummer, still it's interesting other queues are mostly on 0 and is even hard to earn those darn reviewer badges :)
BTW how do you tell someone they're not really providing any new insights with their answers and they'd spend their time better on brushing up on their English, without sounding like an utter git?
A: Principle of asymmetric algorithm in plain english

an1nymousLittle principle is in keys. Symmetric - is a one key(password) for every parts, for Alisa and Bob, and Eva. Asymmetric - is a two keys, one public and one private. Private keys never been showed to anybody, Bob doesn't show his to Alisa, Alisa doesn't show her key to Bob, and than Eva, never s...

A: Cryptography Online Education

an1nymous www.schneier.com: Applied Cryptography Bruce Schneier www.amazon.com: Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C This is like a Bible. Stanford not such popular like Schneier, i can't say about this. You better choose way to g...

Hi there - this is not an answer. Please read the faq for guidance. — Rory Alsop 13 secs ago
like that - and now deletion.
So - that user has 2 questions, both closed, and two answers, both deleted - not a great start
@RoryAlsop you should also point them at How to Ask
and How to Answer, for the answers....
(nice little shortcut: [ ask ] [ answer ])
@AviD that is true - it's just a nightmare trying to do that from my mobile...
@AviD ooooh
didn't know that
presumably without the spaces, though
gotta luv the shortcuts :-)
@RoryAlsop 'course!
cool - thanks for that. Beats typing the entire URL in every time
as long as we're on that, should I assume everyone knows the [ sitename.se ] shortcut?
@AviD erm...no
[ security.se ] == IT Security
the only shortcut I was aware of was [ faq ]
you type it out every time?? ;-)
@AviD yep
sad but true
@RoryAlsop that also allows you to add # to a specific topic in the faq... its also case sensitive.
think we also need to request a synonym [ sec.se ]
@RoryAlsop this!
somebody bear me:
Q: Multi-tenancy, SSL Certificates, and Subject Alternative Name

AviDThe X509 specification allows a CA to issue a single certificate for multiple hostnames, by using the "Subject Alternative Name" extension. From the spec: The subject alternative name extension allows identities to be bound to the subject of the certificate. These identities may be in...

It's always good when you get to verb a specialist!
not repwhoring, just impatient to get an answer... been looking for this most of the morning...
@RoryAlsop ooh yeah baby, I'm gonna verb your specialist all day, by the hour!
@RoryAlsop yeah well, members better start appreciating we're all nuts here (in a good way) ;)
can't believe we have a tag. added it to the blacklist request...
@RoryAlsop heh, just closed another question and deleted another answer from the same user, didnt realize it was the same one...
@RoryAlsop well I wanted to send you this link for markdown editing help, but I see I get some JS errors in console that renders it less useful ... there are supposed to be listed all these link shortcuts, some are really useful
@TildalWave excellent source of useful info
@RoryAlsop I think [main]should work for that in comments, tho that help says it's supposed to work in meta, and [meta] on main site... still worth a shot IMO
@AviD Wonder if a targeted message without a suspension might help get the message through
@RoryAlsop Do you also get some JS errors and then the right menu doesn't display, or is that just my browser?
@TildalWave I get no sidebar. No JS errors showing up though
Morning all
@RoryMcCune morning
some more talk videos for you. OWASP EU Tour from London youtube.com/user/101tdg?feature=watch
@RoryAlsop well that means JS errors I'm afraid ... dunno what's going on, someone is playing with linked scripts again, some other stuff also works a bit funny
@RoryMcCune morning @RoryM cheers that's hit the sweet spot! :)
@RoryMcCune There's a few familiar faces in there :-)
@RoryAlsop indeed it was a pretty old school set of OWASP speakers. I think they've just been trying to fill up all the slots in all the venues
> [meta], [main], [edit], [tag:tagname], [meta-tag:tagname], [faq], [faq#anchor], [meta-faq], [meta-faq#anchor], [about], [meta-about], [so], [su], [sf], [metaso], [a51], [se], [chat], [ask], [answer], [something.se] meta shortcuts are only available on meta sites, main site shortcuts on main sites, capitalization is respected ([Ask] = How to Ask, [ask] = how to ask, [ASK] = HOW TO ASK)
If I'd had more time might have volunteered for some of the other ones like Dublin/finland..
although really there's 2 videos of that talk up now, so there wouldn't be a lot of point in giving it again..
@AviD Where did you get this idea from?
@Adnan which one?
> with multiple sites colocated. These sites do not particularly trust each other, and do not have any kind of affiliation;
not an idea, its a scenario. One I am reviewing currently.
If you have this situation, you shouldn't be using SAN certs in the first place
@Adnan that's exactly the point.
but you can't say "I want to have *.example.com cert where subdomains don't trust each others"
it seems to me to be wrong, wanted to verify that I'm not missing something cryptologicianicalish.
this is pretty much the same situation
@AviD AFAIK, nope. You're not missing anything. The scenario you're proposing is an incorrect usage of SAN certs
seems to me that extension should only be used when there is trust between the sites, e.g. SE sites + SO, SU, SF, etc...
@AviD 100% correct.
@Adnan okay, so thats an answer. Qualify it, and you'll have my vote.
'course I'd leave the jury out until one of the bears weigh in... ;-)
@AviD Which we all know will happen. He'll write an awesome answer making my answer look like shit. So I'll avoid the situation by not answering. I might write my comment as an answer after I come back from the barber's
@Adnan Or, he will come in and basically say your answer was right, but he will use fancy words. So you come off looking like a hero.
@AviD Well, now that you say it, it does sound nice to get your answer Bear-Approved (tm)
@Adnan and if it's explicit, it results in a lot of rep, too.
(see his answer on the xkcd q....)
@AviD I'm pretty sure this is a different situation. I don't see this ever rep-training. Not many people are interested in this topic. But yeah, I'll write the answer when I come back.
anybody ever futz around with .woff files?
@Gilles - Thanks for moving some of the good older questions up in list by editing! Front page looks a whole lot nicer now than before with all those closed questions... it looked almost like we're all a bit moody and don't feel like answering any questions today and should put a sign out for ice-cream, be right back on it :))
Q: Cryptostation from Personal Computer

an1nymous Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed

Disgruntled customer there LOL
and a suitable comment:
The best enemy proof station is your own brain. However, there may be an enemy within. — Deer Hunter 1 hour ago
aaand that was a shitty haircut!
@Adnan wot?
@TildalWave They have a new girl training at the barber shop. I'm used to the lady that always gave me haircuts. The new girl destroyed my beautiful head.
@Adnan are we back to scatalogical humour again? :-(
God damn it! The second Jehovah witness this month!
Even though I have this on my door, they keep knocking.
@TildalWave Actually, I only have one hair cut; no hair. She managed to screw that up!
Given your level of paranoia, you will not be satisfied with any existing hardware or software. So make your own. Start by making some silicon wafers (because if you buy them you can't trust they don't have a hidden nanochip in them, you know). Once you've done that, come back here if you have any specific question about your processor architecture design. — Gilles 34 secs ago
@Gilles ouch no no no ... you see, that question should've been deleted when we were given a clear opportunity, not reverted back to where it started stinking the place up
@Adnan man if she looks even close to cute, that's a pretty cheap date there ;)
your turn to see her hair undone ;)
@Adnan so why bother going to a barber? Buy a decent headshaver, do it yourself...
@TildalWave we frown on content destruction, even your own.
@AviD I tried that a couple of times, I get good results. The thing is, I hate cleaning afterwards. So I don't mind paying 5 euros a month for convenience.
5 eu for a haircut? Daaaamn thats cheap.
plus you get to have a cute barberrette fondle your head.
@AviD hahaha - My clippers cost £40 in 2002. And have been used over 150 times. That works out at 27 pence a haircut! :-)
but I don't get a head fondle
@AviD Well it's 5 euros because it takes a couple of minutes for a pass of headshaver, no effort.
@AviD Usual prices are at least 4-5 times more
@RoryAlsop yeah, I've used mine a couple times a week for the past yeeaaars. And, my son likes when I cut his hair too (not as short, though). so definitely worth it, financially at least.
@Adnan thanks for your answer, voted and commented.
btw when you write SAN, I'm thinking "what does the storage array have anythign to do with it?" ;-)
@AviD Noted. I made it clearer. I also added your example about SE sites.
@Adnan oh cheers!
@AviD Well I just got my Strunk & White badge so... yeah, I know :P
@AviD actually, at some point we should think about doing a big review of our closed questions for possible deletion. Some just are such low value it would be better if they just died... :-)
@RoryAlsop yeah, I think thats a good idea.
if anybody wants to start flagging....
@AviD Whaaa? I flag a lot!
@AviD I flag in the morning, at non, at night.
@Adnan well yeah, but I meant specifically flagging old closed questions for deletion.
2 hours later…
@AviD You see? I told you it would happen
A: Multi-tenancy, SSL Certificates, and Subject Alternative Name

Thomas PorninIf every tenant has a copy of the private key, then well, they all have it, which means that they can spoof each other. They can also decrypt traffic between other tenants and their clients, unless they use the "DHE" cipher suites of SSL, which removes this specific issue; this is known as Perfec...

@Adnan heh, of course.
he did point out something that I wasnt paying attention to, but should have been obvious - the sites themselves dont have access to the private key.
but it still feels fishy - the connection with the client still uses the same cert.
@AviD Actually, I gave it some thoughts, and it's actually a brilliant idea.
All of the sites have their DNS records (at some point of the chain) pointing to that central HTTPS server (CH) . Client asks to connect to site1, and he's connected to CH, only CH can decrypt the clients traffic. Then it passes it to site1.
Makes perfect sense to me.
@AviD Why do you think it feels fishy?
@D3C4FF That looks like a terrible idea.
@Adnan gotta run, but in short the issue that is disturbing me is that if a request to siteB is redirected to siteA, siteA would be able to read it, and respond to it as if it is siteB.
Anybody interested in an experiment with securely wiping a hard drive and then recovering files form it?
I played around with the hard drive of my old laptop and I found some interesting results.
If there's some audience, I'd write about it.
@Adnan sure
@Adnan Definitely. Do a blog post.
Well, I think the results aren't super great to be put in a blog post
I did a 2-pass wipe on the whole disk (non-boot disk, connected to another computer)
@Adnan If it's interesting enough it can go into the blog imo. It's a bit repwhorish to ask and answer a question just to document those results. :P
Ping @RoryAlsop. Do you think it will be suitable for the blog?
@TerryChia Even for that, I was thinking they're not that great.
After that, Recuva was able to get some .gif files, and some .txt files with full contents
Some .xml files as well, all intact.
That was very surprising to me
what's even more surprising, is that Recuva a bit more than 4k files with the original file names (content corrupted though)
one of the .xml files had some connection configurations (username and password)
@Adnan what did you use for the wipe?
@Adnan Write it up. It'll be worth reading.
@Adnan This is definitely worth blog posting. Make it as detailed a possible. Do a multiple parter if necessary.
@RoryMcCune an application called Eraser using some algo called Russian GOST 2 passes.
@Adnan Ehh, interesting enough. I thought the commonly accepted wisdom is that nowadays even a single pass wipe is secure enough. Any results to the contrary is worth reading about.
@Adnan hmm interesting. my goto has always been dd if=/dev/zero of=[target device] if things survived that I'd be very interested...
@TerryChia indeed that's what I tell people so would be interesting to see if things survive...
@TerryChia Sounds good blog material - especially as it could be slightly confrontational... :-)
@Adnan Oh, SSD or HDD?
@TerryChia HDD
@RoryAlsop watcha' change of plans on the cake case front?
@Adnan Yeah, so definitely write this up for the blog. Make sure to include your test environment (hardware models and such) process, and logs. If it's detailed enough to be repeatable that would be epic.
@RoryMcCune But you see, Eraser is one of the most used applications in that area. It's always on the top of the list of recommended applications for that purpose
@Adnan true true, so a comparison between that and dd would be v. interesting... if both have remnents or if only eraser has remnents
Okay, I can extract logs from Recuva since it's already open, but I cannot see anything in Eraser since I've done the wiping last night.
Any idea how I can document that?
Should I do another wipe with screen recording?
I don't know, I'm very inexperienced in this sort of things
@Adnan I would say, for your own purposes, document what you did last night as thoroughly as possible.
Then attempt to repeat it taking notes, or screen recording, or whatever, at the time.
So each time you click a button or type a command make sure to record what that was.
Your notes will be huge.
well ideally you'd have a sample disk, then for each product do a wipe then analysis, then re-image the disk back to normal. that would seem a reasonable process. but as @ScottPack says if you document what you did that'd be interesting too :)
Then you can take all that down and boil it down into something publishable for reading.
Here's something even more interesting
@RoryMcCune Oh - Eilin actually pretty poorly, so just decided to take her home and get a doctor appointment. She's got a very sore ear infection - sorry I totally forgot to call you. As I have to go pick up the other two I can drop it off in about 15 minutes though :-)
@RoryAlsop no worries, just was wondering if to expect you. Not a prob. if another day suits better :)
I started working here in 2012, and I got the disk clean (most likely not new) and I found files from 10.07.2008
I also found it interesting that the most recoverable files were the .gif files
This looks suspiciously like spam.
A: Monitoring file access on Windows

user2451423Try FileAudit from ISDecisions. It's the first and only solution that monitors and audits file access that is Microsoft-certified for compliance with Windows 8 and Windows 2012 server. You can install in minutes and begin tracking, auditing and reporting on changes across file servers. FileAudi...

No way to tell for sure though, that I see.
Well. this is annoying. This module that I pulled for stats returns the median with commas separating large numbers. That rather plays havoc with a csv.
@ScottPack Do you think formatting and then wiping the disk has nothing to do with the results?
Because that's what I did
And now they've done away with the FAQ and I can't find the bit about disclosing affiliation in the new "Help" section. Hrumph.
@Adnan It shouldn't. A proper wipe should iterate through the disk blocks and write data. Partition information shouldn't come into play.
So. A user just replied to a password reset email with their password.
@Tinned_Tuna One of the reasons we have jobs.
@Adnan yea... :-(
I think we need something equivalent to fire extinguishers. Something like a stupidity extinguisher. Just a button that sprays stupid users from their computers when they're doing stupid things.
like the "Stab someone in the face over the internet" invention, but more Pavlov's Dog.
@Xander Might be worth checking with someone who has more than 10k rep on SO what that user has done. I suspect you'll find exactly the same "answer" posted three days ago.
@Adnan hi buddy how is u
@Ladadadada Ah, very good point. I saw no answers, and left it at that. I didn't think about deleted answers.
@Xander I have got into a habit of chasing down spammers across the entire network when I find them on one site and flagging everything they've ever done as spam.
@Lonelybaby I is great!
@Adnan :) i noticed u posted question and answer twice
@Lonelybaby What do you mean? Show me links
in reason you have mentioned inorder to preserve my answer
just a sec
@Lonelybaby Aha, yes I remember
Yeah, what about it?
@Adnan nope just asked about it friend why there is no undelete option over there?
this is a hypothetical question, created to preserve my deleted answer on this question]
@Lonelybaby There is, but I realized that my answer didn't really answer that question.
So I decided to write a question on my own.
great guess it would be suitable for this week blogpost :)
@Lonelybaby I don't think so. We have lots of better questions and answers around here.
@Adnan hmm ok great friend,
2 hours later…
Since there is no real world precedent for such a technology, let's go with as indestructible as possible. Especially since it was supposed to be keeping Stark alive, I assume he wasn't using the Windows OS... — Thaddeus 4 mins ago
Nice to see Windows bashing even on Scifi.SE.
@TerryChia espeially on SciFi :-)
@Adnan mellon! :))
@TildalWave Mmmmmm - mellons
I'm hungry.
@LucasKauffman, this is ridiculous.
@LucasKauffman I agree 100% with @Simon - I'm flabbergasted!
@LucasKauffman Wow.
That's spectacularly bad.
So's your face.
@ScottPack I'm afraid you're mistaken. I'm not yo mamma.
@ScottPack, dayum.
@Simon Meh, it's not anywhere near my best shot, just easy.
@ScottPack, it came out of nowhere which makes it quite decent imo.
ahem That's what she said.
I think I couldn't have made it easier... I'm bad.
I have an ironical question: has someone ever found a quite big security issue on *.stackexchange.com?
@Simon aside from the lack of https, you mean :-)
Gordon Bennett:
Q: Can you tell me how can this website infect me?

user2457288Thi is the website: hxxp://host7.freehost7.com/contents/F51a424ff10912/ another website that looked exactly the same was probably taken down since I get this warning hxxp://securesignupoffers.org/g/ when I try to reach this website: coin.mydiscussion.net Before everyone yells at me for having on...

there was the issue that if you set the forwarded-for header to you'd get admin privs
there were xss vulns in the early days made worse by not using http-only cookies
@RoryAlsop lack of https is really ugly. They even expect you to input passwords on non https pages
Oh but it's in an iframe or some shit. Totally. We got this guys.
Exactly. The non https page embeds an https iframe and that's totally secure.
That's what happens when programmers do security
getting it wrong doesn't annoy me
but jeff is really stubborn
Luckily Joel is so open to new and different ideas
haven't seen much of joel since he stopped writing blogs
@RoryAlsop, why are you so fierce?
@RoryAlsop is tiny but fierce!!
@ScottPack hahaha
very good
@CodesInChaos I think he's too busy planning their next office move where they'll have hexadecagon shaped offices.
Argh. It seems once I'm started on a rant against some snake oil, it's hard for me to get off it. discuss.howtogeek.com/t/…
I think I'll start watching GoT today.
@Simon yes... have you seen @Adnan? :))
@Simon How is that an ironical question?
@Adnan It would be rather ironic if a site about security had a serious security weakness.
@Iszi It would be rather ironic if a site about security didn't support https.
@CodesInChaos Hey, at least now we have more from SEI on that topic than just "SSL is haaaaarrrrd!".
I'd say we should be the first SE site to get it, though.
@Iszi careers should be the first one IMO due to its nature
@TildalWave I don't disagree with your reasoning, but I still think it should be us on principal.
@Iszi yarp
Hey, where did that Meta thread go? The one about IP addresses getting leaked by pictures & stuff? Did that actually get nuked?
This one looks related, but I could swear there was another one.
Q: Images in posts are a privacy threat

Aaron YodaikenI'm sure you guys already know this, but allowing users to put images from any source in questions means that askers can get all the analytical data you can about their question. So a malicious user could theoretically post some posts and such with a small 1x1 image, which would allow him to get...

Or maybe all the fun was in chat?
@CodesInChaos Have you tried TrueCrack? Give it a spin with your CPU.
You'll be surprised. I was.
In what way? THat its implementation is really inefficient?
@CodesInChaos I invite you to try implementing your own, and make it faster.
Why put effort into optimizing a CPU based system when GPUs are much faster?
@CodesInChaos Have you even checked TrueCrack? It does support GPU. *sigh*
I mean, I know it's cool and all to just speak about stuff you have no idea about, but some times we need to lead a good example.
I only looked at the numbers the hashcat author gave, which are between 50 and 250k hashes per second on his dual GPU system depending on the chosen KDF.
@Adnan So, if it supports GPU then why are you even bothering with running it on the CPU?
@Iszi For that, you need to ask the OP.
@Adnan it does what my tool does and what i need, but my problem with both is that i am running them on a 3Ghz dual core with a CPU usage of under 1%, testing one Word every 1-2 secounds is not what i want. — Michael Saiz yesterday
weird that the given TrueCrack values are on a Nvida GPU. Crypto brute-force is usually done with ATI GPUs since those are more efficient
One could also try JTR Jumbo 8 on a 64 bit CPU
@TildalWave You forgot IT Security Meta as an option for contesting question closure. — Iszi 1 min ago
@Iszi - Honestly, I didn't but omitted that intentionally seeing the OP's attitude... didn't want to suggest there's 2 places at once where he could be taking this whole affair all wrong
when he'll get it that this is a community he'll also be able to find other of the whole myriad of options available to him, and use them according to their purpose ;)
@TildalWave Good point. Generally though, I think Meta is the better place to get those issues hashed out. It's much better for asynchronous communication with moderators than chat, unless you are familiar enough with the moderators and the chat system to know to ping them. It also gives non-chatters a better chance to be involved. Though I don't think we have too many of those in our particular Meta area anyway.
@Iszi I think that a live chat brings out this whole idea of a community better than posts in meta do
@Terry @SCott @RoryM Here's something shocking. While I was waiting for my disk to fill up with data, I decided to look at Eraser's source code. Turns out it "wipes" the disk by filling it with files itself. So it asks the file system to overwrite it, then once the disk is full it removes the added files, rather than passing over the sectors of the disk.
Since the files won't actually fill disk even if it runs out of space, there will be some places not "wiped"
That explains my results.
It's sad that such a leading software does such a poor job.
@Adnan Why are you using Eraser? I'm pretty sure the rest of the world is using DBAN.
May 28 at 14:10, by Adnan
@Everybody Today I've received my new laptop and I have to free my current one so they'd give it to one of the new interns. Any tips? (I've already backed up and used DBAN on the whole disk)
@Iszi This was just an experiment. I have two hard disks, I used DBAN on one, and I'm having fun with the other.
@Adnan Oh. Carry on, then.
The CPU variant of TrueCrack doesn't look optimized to me
at a glance it invokes SHA512 4 times per HMAC call
@CodesInChaos Optimize! Optimize! Optimize! :))
no, simply wait for hashcat 0.15
@CodesInChaos damn, I'm googling but can't find anything like what I was searching for... was hoping to find Henning Wehn screaming in a German accent "Optimize! Optimize! Optimize!" like a Dalek :))
What I don't get is why TC uses such a small iteration count
They should easily be able to afford 100k iterations instead of 1k
Even 1M would probably still be acceptable
@CodesInChaos Agreed on that. I find it funny that they made so much effort to gather entropy from a gazillion place when generating the key, so much they almost gather the electrons' movement pattern near your PC, yet they neglect such a simple (yet important) matter like PBKDF2 iteration count
.net's PBKDF2 annoys me a bit as well. It's so damn inefficient that one needs to use a much lower iteration count than one would like

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