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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

VB just makes me go insane. In a bad way.
Evening all!
Evening @roryA
I missed a shedload of chat today I see - still trawling the transcript
Can we pull stats of the chat with that stackexchange app thingie?
@D3C4FF - just seen your sub pics. That's excellent - and much bigger than the pokey Oberon class one I was in...
@ScottPack Kerning game - depending on font I seem to get between 16 and 100... not my skillset :-)
@RoryAlsop Why does this question have the dupe mark? security.stackexchange.com/questions/36986/…
@Adnan because someone has flagged it as a dupe :-)
I decided to listen to this stackexchange podcast thinking I wouldn't keep hooked up. Then, I remembered how much of a nerd I am.

Do you guys follow any security podcasts?
@RoryAlsop Aha, so now it's like this. I thought it needs 5 votes to have the message at the top.
@Adnan Ah - dunno. I don't see that message :-/
@RoryAlsop Aha.. so only I see it?
@Adnan not sure if only you - I know mods and 10k's see some items that others don't see, but we also have some information removed. Probably to clear space.
@Adnan, seems like it because I don't see it neither.
@Simon Yes - a few. I'll go look out my list
@RoryAlsop It seems that only the OP sees it.
@Simon - pauldotcom, f1nux and J4vvd are my most regular ones to watch/listen to
@RoryAlsop, I'll look them up, thanks.
@LucasKauffman Here you go
thanks :D
@LucasKauffman Let's just hope they don't take them back tomorrow
That would make me a sad panda
So the panda scared everyone away, eh - she's not a real bear, you know...
@RoryAlsop Of course she's not a real bear. I can't see any crypto-related materials on her site.
@Adnan lol
Because I'm really happy with my current work, this gives me a nice chance to do some experiments. I've applied to a security-related job completely on the basis of my degree and Sec.SE profile.
Let's see what happens.
@Adnan Best of luck!
@RoryAlsop Thanks, I'm not planning to take the job even if they offer. I just want to see what kind of impact would my Sec.SE profile make. Mentions in the interview, experience perception, etc.
@RoryAlsop Oh yes, you have many teams under you. Would good profile (questions, answers..) here affect your opinion of a candidate?
@Adnan Yes, definitely. I do look at community involvement as a plus...
@adric As far as brute forcing a login, I don't think this will work - basically because the login requires quite a number of TCP packets each way so you need a successful handshake in order to get to the login itself
My chinese neighbours are fighting
sounds like a kungfu movie
@LucasKauffman Record it and share it! What are you waiting for?
They stopped
@Adnan think of someone who starts reading the first sentence, especially if he's only seeing the beginning of your question on /questions or over RSS: “[Hypothetical question. Created to preserve my answer on this qustion]”. Yeah, yeah, but what's the question about, get to the point already. Plus think of the lasting value: in a year's time, who will care why you asked this?
I would have posted this as a comment
or maybe in small type at the bottom of the question, I should have done that
@Gilles Oh, alright. Much clearer now. Thanks.
@Adnan what is?
@TildalWave Gilles edited my question and removed a note I had in it. I asked him why he removed it, and he answered me.
@David Hello!
@Adnan Got it. I didn't know what post you were talking about, but have later found it... ;)
@Adnan hello
upgrading from squeeze to wheezy looks like one dependency hell :/
bloody paranoid freaks!
@TildalWave who you talking to?
can we please have a RYOS (run your own scans) close vote?
Q: Is this website dangerous? It looks like one of the bitcoin wallet stealing websites people were talking about a few months ago

user2457288hxxp://procoin.mydiscussion.net/ (possible malware site) <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />

@LucasKauffman robots
meaning, me and @Adnan in this case... because we were naive enough to scan things for someone that has problems crawling the Internetz
Q: What are the recommandations for a secure password?

Mathieu VielWhat are the stric requierements for a secure password in terms of uppercase, lowercase, numbers, ... ?

@LucasKauffman cheers for helping to hammer it ;)
@TildalWave np
seg000:00144C33                 lea     esi, [esi+0]
seg000:00144C39                 lea     edi, [edi+0]
Nevermind, just a long nop
@copy It's called a yawn! ;)
I see
Nothing is no thing, denoting the absence of something. Nothing is a pronoun associated with nothingness. In nontechnical uses, nothing denotes things lacking importance, interest, value, relevance, or significance. the state of nonexistence of anything, or the property of having nothing. Philosophy Western philosophy Some would consider the study of "nothing" to be foolish, a typical response of this type is voiced by Giacomo Casanova (1725–1798) in conversation with his landlord, one Dr. Gozzi, who also happens to be a priest, However, "nothingness" has been treated as a serious su...
just thought of it... not entirely related ;) but I'm sure there's a wiki for NOOP too... must be a hell of a read :))
Yaay! I've just started using Google Authenticator for my GMail and Outlook.com accounts. I hope I can get it to work with our TOTP.
Such a convenient 2FA piece of software!
@Adnan Top Of The Pops? :P
I know, I know... time based OTP
@TildalWave Yup, and now it's time for me to hit the bed.
@Adnan G'night princess! Sleep tight... don't dream of TOTP, it's been hosted by Jimmy Savile!! :P
@TildalWave Nah. I'll probably dream about the gazillion-line application that I have to switch from mysql_* to PDO.
@Adnan Jimmy Savile was a PDO :)))
ok go, it's almost 2am in Finland ffs!
@ScottPack @TerryChia @Rory and any other GoT fan... collegehumor.com/video/6894740/…
@AviD makes no sense to me. Not seen any GoT and don't know who this R.R. Martin guy is...sorry :-p
@RoryAlsop That panda looks like my ex girlfriend xD
oops sorry, thought you were also a Throner.
how goes it all?
@AviD nah - have seen ten minutes of episode 2 - it made no sense so I stopped. I would get them on DVD set, but the hype about the show just makes me go 'meh'
@D3C4FF hahahaha
@RoryAlsop Yeah, she was ultra-goff
Well - finished work so is a belated bedtime...
Cheeri-o @RoryAlsop
so I think I saw the epitome of awful website hacks
normally I just delete the barrage of e-mails with links to obviously compromised random internet sites, but today one got my attention
someone managed to hack a church and turned a link in to a porn site...
@ScottPack read the image above
@AJHenderson Whahh? What do you mean?
@D3C4FF I got an e-mail that had a link to a compromised site. The site was a church website that had been hacked and set up to redirect to a porn site when I decided to investigate what had been done to the site
@AJHenderson I've actually seen that before...
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