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@TildalWave Thanks. :)
@David Best password checker ever.
in Security.SE CTF Team, 33 mins ago, by D3C4FF
Fuck this stuff is doing my head in. Alright. Lets see what happens
oops, wrong one
in Security.SE CTF Team, 23 mins ago, by D3C4FF
I find that knowledge of Assembly is inversely proportional to life satisfaction.
@MMavipc You know you can edit a post in chat by pressing the up arrow key and editing it? :P
didn't know it worked for links
@MMavipc works for anything
@MMavipc That boils down to ignorance is bliss basically ;)
@D3C4FF Hear that? look at @TildalWave 's message
@MMavipc you should tell him you're gonna send your garbage collector on him if he doesn't stop trashing assembly lol
@MMavipc Maybe i should expand upon that by saying that the more of assembly i know, the more i realise i don't know.
And then i look at that not-so-small stack of ugly Intel manuals and i cry a little tear
Jesus. Considering that it's a step by step wiki page you would think converting XBMC to a mysql backend would be straightforward.
can we get a "Closed as Don't Roll Your Own" option?
@Iszi but where are the lasers?
A: The Memes of IT Security

PolynomialMeme: Don't roll your own. (AKA: The first rule of cryptography.) Originator: Unknown. One of the most infamous uses on IT Security is by D.W., here. This meme is also related to / a synonym of "Don't be a Dave!" Cultural Height: TBD Background: Everyone seems to want to write their own ciphe...

@AJHenderson You might want to reuse the pic there LOL
Happy diurnal isomorphism
@AJHenderson Gotta get a GIF editor now.
So, my antivirus won't allow me to read this question. Hmm.
@TRiG Avast?
@Iszi Kaspersky.
Multiple tools flagging it... can't be good.
@Iszi I might try again from my Ubuntu computer ... when I have an Ubuntu computer. It's currently in a repair shop where the nice man is trying to work out why it won't turn on. (I told him not to hurry: I'm moving house soon, and I don't drive, so it's simpler if it stays in the shop till I'm moved.)
Q: Question being flagged by Antivirus

IsziThis thread is being flagged by Avast and Kaspersky antivirus products. Avast flagged it as Threat:JS:Decode-XA[Trj]. Could someone look into this and get it cleaned up before Sec.SE ends up on a search engine's blacklist or something? (Thanks to @TRiG for pointing this out in chat.)

Ping @RoryAlsop @JeffFerland @AviD
There's an image you may wish to incorporate into your meta question.
@Iszi I believe it's just false positive based on text match algo. Since its not in the real code, but actually displayed as a HTML formatted code sample, I think @D3C4FF's addendum to his answer there is correct: "EDIT: I've just noticed that accessing this page flags it as malware via kaspersky internet security. It's obviously aware of the script and define it as HEUR:Trojan.Script.Generic"
It must have some part of it tagged for matching that's exactly the same if HTML encoded or JS code ... which is rather lame actually
If you want we can try here which part of the code gets detected... I just copy parts, and later delete... you tell me at which edit you got the warning
@TildalWave Kaspersky even blocks the Web-Sniffer view of the code, which is encoded again.
@TRiG meaning it only is defined in the definitions as a simple string that doesn't receive special HTML chars
your AV is doing DoS on you LOL
@TildalWave Pretty much. Yup.
@Iszi Works fine for me. Clearly a user problem.
@ScottPack LOL :))) that's hilarious
@TildalWave For the record, my first technology job was customer support for a small telecom company who sold (amongst other things) dialup service. The majority of my time was spent talking to the Amish.
@ScottPack hehe where do you get these?
@TildalWave I think you misunderstood the first professional entry on my resume for a line from a humor site.
@ScottPack Funny I get on your LinkedIn profile the get introduced link (through RoryA and Avi) :) What does that do then? :O
Hm. Looks like some jackhole from Slovenia has viewed my profile.
We have one thing in common = Linux LOL
I should probably update my profile. It's very generic.
@ScottPack I almost never go there TBH... set it and forget it
@ScottPack want me to endorse some of your skills? ?
maybe? :)))
If you want. I'm not sure how I feel about the endorsement system.
In theory it's a not unreasonable idea, but just like anything else crowd sourced there's a few dozen pounds of salt involved.
@ScottPack well I have endorsed by someone :)))
Yeah...I've deleted a few things people have tried to endorse me on.
Personally, I'm really stinking careful about who I endorse, what I endorse, who I agree to be a job reference for.
I figure all I really have to work on professionally is my name and reputation. If I go around saying people are awesome at everything, when they aren't, then it's going to go bad on me eventually.
invitation sent ;) maybe it'll come handy one day but I've yet to see that work to any good really (I mean the whole LinkedIn system)
The first time I had to tell someone that I would be a personal, but not professional, reference was tough. Granted, we had never actually worked together, but we had known each other for years and went through college in almost all the same classes.
@TildalWave It's largely an exercise in personal branding. :)
I pretty well treat my contributions on SF and sec.se the same way. :)
@ScottPack only that it weights more here IMO ... I mean it's based on real contributions, not how well you connect with others that can obviously endorse false claims
I can't disagree.
@TRiG @TildalWave @Iszi do you want me to edit my answer to remove the potentially offending code? Might have to edit the question as well to link to the code on something like pastebin
So I finally figured out what I needed to do to make XBMC go against a remote mysql database, instead of a local sqlite, and now here I am, 12:15am, waiting for the damn library to finish importing
@D3C4FF It could be that the question is the problem? Plus there's another similar answer than yours (also with code included)... I think it should be left to mods to decide
Well, i've suggested and edit, its any/all related code that's being flagged by KIS.
@ScottPack which reminds me... good night all! ;)
Question code is not on the page anymore, but my answers still have it there.
@TildalWave G'night sweetness.
@D3C4FF If you want to test where the problem is then make a local copy of the page and start deleting from it line by line... eventually you'll see ;) ok... I'm off
@TildalWave Not worth fighting with my AV for that :P
"To my dismay, Internet cred does not share a 1:1 ration with street cred"
2 hours later…
A: Link preferences: http vs. https

ManishearthFirstly, note that very few sites offer both HTTP and HTTPS. There's only one that I can think of -- Wikipedia. GMail used to; but we don't link to GMail on Phys.SE and it's pure HTTPS now anyway. What is HTTPS, and how does it work? See this post if you're interested to know more. Or, y'know, ...

I want Sec.SE reps for this answer :P
My upvote gave you Physics rep :-)
@RoryAlsop it's on meta :P
@ManishEarth I added you to the CTF list as well :)
@LucasKauffman great :) Any idea when the next event is?
In the meantime I'll keep trying to get past blowfish.
@LucasKauffman Should I give myself explicit write access?
@ManishEarth explicit write access for :p?
@LucasKauffman the secret room-thingy
not sure I've been pretty inactive myself but other members like @TerryChia @D3C4FF and @Gilles have
As a mod, I can mess with the access myself
oh yea
yea add yourself
K done :)
@LucasKauffman You guys need a superping to notify everyone about the next event
how can you perform a superping?
@LucasKauffman I can, RoryAlsop can, you can't. It's basically a better version of a normal chat ping where the user gets pinged immediately regardless of whether or now he/she has been in the room for a while
What I can do is craft a message full of superping codes that can be copy pasted by a mod into chat when it is necessary to summon the team (when there's an event in a week, etc)
@ManishEarth that would be nice
@LucasKauffman On it. When you want to ping the team, just ask me or Rory to use the superping
I'll fetch all the superping codes in the meantime
cool ^^
much appreciated :)
@LucasKauffman Do I assume that everyone with explicit access to the room is a team member?
And are there any team members without access?
@ManishEarth normally they are and I doubt everyone has access
@LucasKauffman should I cross-check with the team page and fill in the gaps then?
@LucasKauffman Where's Sadaluk? He's not on Sec.SE
@ManishEarth not sure, but normally he shouldn't be on it if he isn't on sec.se
wait let me check my requirements
And what about this guy?
He's on the list
well let's say if they haven't logged in the last month or so, just leave them out
maybe I should clean that out :p
I've been slacking a little on it ^^
in Security.SE CTF Team, 7 mins ago, by ManishEarth
@@6738, @@63964, @@74179, @@61723, @@9269, @@31768, @@48517, @@58016, @@42156, @@61622, @@12409, @@1516, @@66815, @@15, @@240, @@27025, @@9882, @@20882, @@41829,
in Security.SE CTF Team, 12 mins ago, by ManishEarth
Ping all team members (mod only). Use to notify everyone about a coming event: @@51908, @@6738, @@63964, @@74179, @@61723, @@9269, @@31768, @@1344, @@2794, @@62299, @@45112, @@48517, @@58016, @@42156, @@61622, @@12409, @@1516, @@66815, @@18123, @@15, @@240, @@27025, @@9882, @@20882, @@41829,
Ping me or @RoryAlsop when you want to ping everyone about an event or something
thanks :)
@ManishEarth from checking out your account, do you live your whole life on SE?
@MMavipc Check out @RoryAlsop's account, it is way better than mine :P
But nope
I do spend lots of time here though
sometimes I wonder if @RoryA is actually more than one person
and the mask is just a way to hide these different persons
@LucasKauffman Well, he does seem to have two jobs
@LucasKauffman Probably long ago SE accidentally merged all the Rory's and we got RoryAlsop
@ManishEarth That's an old name of mine, sorry!
@AntonyVennard you're ninefingers as well, no?
@ManishEarth Yep. I went through a name changing spree, but have now settled on my real name for a bit.
Got bored of being my useful nine fingered self.
@AntonyVennard ah. Added back to the list :)
@ManishEarth Which list is this sorry? I've only just "woken up" digitally speaking...!
Q: A Security Stackexchange CTF team

Lucas KauffmanUpdates: Added first challenge to prepare We now have an IRC channel! Join us in #SecSE-CTF on Freenode: chat.freenode.net:6667 So I'm participating in my first CTF at the moment, the biggest challenge is getting a good team together. CTF's contain multiple challenges which are often too m...

I was updating the access list
@ManishEarth Ah okay, thanks.
and I found a few folks who aren't on SecSE/chat or who haven't been online in a few months, crossed them out
Could't find Sadaluk, so I crossed him out :P
@ManishEarth Fair enough. The character he was named after is a bit of a bad'un so I'd have crossed him out too.
@AntonyVennard lol
@AntonyVennard or is it your real name?
@LucasKauffman I can neither confirm nor deny my real name.
1 hour later…
@TildalWave If you have a 1:n homophinic mapping then you can do a search with n queries. For small n this should be feasible. But obviously security decreases as n goes to 1.
Just heard about Lockitron. People are calling it "Two-factor authentication for your front door."
The trouble is, you can unlock it with your phone or your physical keys.
I like to call that half-factor authentication.
@Ladadadada that sounds like a really stupid idea
Their security page is full of nice looking buzzwords but I don't see any mention of any testing by a third-party company.
I suspect a Wifi Pineapple would negate the warning you get when someone unlocks your door manually.
I'm not a fan of counting authentication factors in the first place.
IMO the only reason for using "something you have" is because our brains are too dumb to do crypto.
@Ladadadada heh, "secure" ... ¬.¬
@Ladadadada They are focusing on the supporting web application, I really wonder how they will implement security when opening the door through text message.
@LucasKauffman You have 160 characters in an SMS. Subtract some (maybe 20 characters) overhead for message headers leaves you with 140 characters.
Do SMS support Unicode natively or only ASCII?
Should still be enough room to pass SHA2 hashes across.
@Ladadadada the problem is SMS is not encrypted and spoofing the sender ID is super easy
I'd be surprised if they relied on the sender ID for anything at all. Based on their security page, I think they have enough focus on the encryption that that is not where the first flaws will be found.
Although I'm not ruling out idiocy with trusting the untrustworthy.
any idea what this guy is talking about?
Q: How to select secret identifier?

TomáÅ¡ FejfarFor an ecommerce website I need to create an identifier, that will represent the user's order. It can't be order's ID in database as it's assigned in predicateble manner. So it needs to be some pseudorandom string (ideally a-zA-Z0-9), that will offer increased security, because it won't be guessa...

@Ladadadada the thing is that they claim it can be used from any phone
how can you implement authentication and secrecy on any phone without an app?
that says it all, there is no encryption
@LucasKauffman Oh dear. That's awful.
Good thing I didn't rule out idiocy.
I also wonder how the app reacts in case of untrusted SSL certificates
Four-digit PIN? So I can get into anyone's house for the cost of 10,000 SMS?
Is this on-topic on security.SE?
Q: Create groups of keys

GrzegorzI looking for a solution to encrypt, sign documents or email a key group and send to one customers. The group of keys are had already created user keys and I would like to use them. Is not an option to generate one key for a group of users. I need a solution that automates the the process of the...

Personally I don't think so, since it's too much of a recommendation question.
@Ladadadada I've sent them an email
Just read the writeup on Plaid CTF
@Ladadadada I might order one and test it
For the hypercomputer challenge each time he was patching, I was waiting for the anti patching traps
and each time I got surprised he didn't trigger any
@Ladadadada lol, you think that people do choose highly-random 4 digit pins. No, you start at things like their birth year, their spouse's birth year. You'll probably get it within 1,000 for most humans.
and the funny thing is they can't block your door because otherwise you can't get in anymore
DoS attacks sound particularly funny.
@LucasKauffman DoA attack. heh.
Actually, hack someone's door but don't unlock it. Wait until they get home and then lock it again just as they try to walk through it.
So basically know someones phone number
send 10.000 sms starting with known info (birthyear) and chances are you will get in quite fast
if you get an sms gateway it will only cost you like 50 USD
(you can send a text message with a pin to open the door)
50USD to steal a 500USD tv, computer, 179USD "lockitron" door-locking device ...
@LucasKauffman @Tinned_Tuna The documentation isn't clear. What number do you send the SMS to?
@TerryChia probably theirs
Alternatively, you get yourself a software defined radio, listen to the GSM traffic, and crack the A5 encryption to read it all out
easy as pie.
since A5 is know to be exceptionally weak
@LucasKauffman That might slow down the attacker somewhat if he doesn't sniff the SMS traffic like @Tinned_Tuna suggest.
Still ridiculous though.
@TerryChia sure it will slow you down, but all you need to know is the pin and you can come back later
This is an interesting article: blogs.kcrw.com/whichwayla/2013/04/…
@TerryChia that's really daring
1 hour later…
I just turned on Airplay on my xbmc box. This is like living in the future.
I'm playing music from my laptop through the ether and it's coming out of my stereo system.
@ScottPack Welcome to 2010.
Like I said, the future.
Terry Chia: @ScottPack Welcome to 2010.
Scott Pack: Like I said, the future.

Someone's been taking their XKCD a bit too literally.
@ScottPack I must say, Jamie Lannister is an interesting character. More so in the books compared to the show.
@TerryChia I like how he becomes so much more interesting as his sister devolves into something approaching insanity. Almost as if her decline is permitting his ascent.
@ScottPack I am only at the part where he had a conversation with Catelyn. His blunt honesty about his role in pushing Bran is admirable.
@TerryChia Pretty much at the beginning of his capture?
@ScottPack I think it's right before Catelyn released him in exchange for her daughters.
@TerryChia A lot in the books
I just realised what a good TLD .log would be.
@TerryChia Read. Faster.
@ScottPack The book is long.
@TerryChia There's only 5 of them.
@TerryChia That doesn't change anything. Read faster-er-er
I decided to do a complete reread of WoT since the last book (finally) came out. I have no sympathy for you.
@ScottPack :(
@CodesInChaos Thanks for confirming that. I just wasn't sure and it's kinda essential for the understanding of the latter part of your CipherCloud related answer. Cheers!
@TerryChia Dude. That fucking series is 14 books long with a total (hardcover) page count of nearly 12,000. You've only got a total of 3322 to plow through.
@Ladadadada Lockitron is probably pronounced "lock it wron"
@ScottPack WoT? Web of Trust? Winter of Thrones? Wheel of Torture? Winter of Targaryen? :P
@makerofthings7 Hee hee.
@ManishEarth Wheel of Time.
@ScottPack ah
I thought it was a misspelled abbreviation of Game of Thrones
Nah. I was mocking him because he's reading so slowly.
Saw that already
I did not see that coming
I opened the network monitor on chrome dev tools and went to enter some fake details (to see what they were doing with it), and then nearly fell off the bed laughing after typing the first character :P
That site is somewhat more boring without javascript.
You know, I hadn't actually typed anything into it until now.
That's pretty freaking fantastic.
@ScottPack I was actually going to go so far as to setting up a fake twitter account to see what happends :P
That sounds suspiciously like effort.
@ScottPack Well, I went to type in a random email and password first :P
@ScottPack I am bored
@ScottPack your auto-generated 'tag' expertise is listed as "hardening, privacy" :P
@lynks que?
Ah. For the month view, sure. I got a shitload of upboats off that Shodan question.
I like my privacy intact when getting hard on the network.
@ScottPack What do you call that, now? NICrophilia?
@ScottPack oups I didn't realize Aarthi is a woman. And she was here in DMZ that smells of testosterone like some men's locker room :O
I had to go through 20 minutes of terrible...and I mean awful jokes from my barber this morning. Please don't make that a thing.
@TildalWave We're usually less crude than The Comms Room, which probably isn't saying much.
I rather like Aarthi, though. She seems like an absolute peach.
@ScottPack heh yeah, but we drop towels all the time here, I feel rather awkward now
She stops by occasionally, but not frequently.
Someone should yell lady present so we start behaving like we ought to, tho
@TildalWave It's not like this room doesn't have a persistent log.
just to think what was there on the stars wall ... embarrassing LOL
@TildalWave You know, rude behaviour is no less rude when there is no lady to be offended by it.
@ThomasPornin Fun Fact! In Kentucky there are laws forbidding the utterance of profanity in earshot of women or children!
You know, I think that's worth pinning.
@ThomasPornin while I agree, I wouldn't call DMZ rude... just riddled with shibboleths that can be seen as rude by the uninitiated
I went through my crash course of yo mammas and what she said too
Hello, gents!
For what it's worth: I went to business school at "frat boy college"
Nothing you (or really The Comms Room, either) can shock me.
Anger me, on the other hand, is a different game.
@TildalWave hate to break it to you, but this room smells like rosewater. Whoever sold you that "testosterone scented cologne" ripped you off.
@Shog9 I have no need for testosterone. In my veins flows pure liquid awesomeness.
@Aarthi The new gravatar and the smidgen of blue made me first think that you were some new mod that I hadn't seen yet. Y U NO PONY?
@Shog9 Sounds like it was pheromone cologne instead?
Ladies. Gentlemen.
And bears. Don't forget the bears.
A pair of bears no less.
@ScottPack Aw shucks. You're quite the upstanding fellow yourself, Mr. Pack. :)
@ScottPack Where's the other one?
egad, man.
@Aarthi gush
@ScottPack Oh, I know who he is. I just thought that it was inhuman inursine to have only one bear cooped up in this room, all alone
@ManishEarth They're free range.
@ScottPack Ah, then it's OK
@ManishEarth We bears have a... mutual understanding. We can take turns for each other.
/proffers fish
@ThomasPornin ah
Anyway, as you were, gentlemen. Gentlebears. /waves~
Evening all!
It has been a many-Rory-ed day at BSides London and Infosec today
@Aarthi Have a lovely day!
@RoryAlsop Welcome, @Rory-the-unambiguous.
No bears though. ..
I am due for BSides Québec, May 31st - June 1st
Excellent! This year I was just mentoring a guy on the rookie track, and he did well!
And mostly walked round London with my wife:-)
Everybody here is blue!
@Adnan go away, serf
We need all blue!
@ManishEarth So you want everyone to get married?
@ScottPack did not get the reference to marriage
@ScottPack Well, everybody here is old AND blue.
@ManishEarth ....I'd rather not have to describe it.
We can't find the sixpence the wife wore in hers.
I knew that tradition, didn't make the connection
@Adnan I'm not :P
@ManishEarth Well, then you're "new"
@Adnan lol
@lynks juuuhuuu.. what an excellent answer.
a bit paranoid though
This question has been closed: "What are good free opensource tools for helping in manual source code reviews?" because it seems non-constructive but questions like "What are some good ways to secure personal computers" are not. Why are questions from users with higher "karma" much less questioned than questions form new users?
I also see that perfectly valid questions about programming and security are accepted and good rated in sites like stackoverflow and very similar questions focused on security are closed in this site
@kinunt Recommendation questions are network wide off topic
Nothing to do with rep
"What are some good ways to secure personal computers" is not a recommendation question?
It seems very very wide in my opinion and not conforming to site "good questions" definition
@Adnan hehe, I agree and I know that each one gains its reputatio and rights to vote for closing a question
I don't say that the question "What are good free opensource tools for helping in manual source code reviews?" is ok but I look for valid questions to learn how to do a correct question and I see the question of the people that have voted for closing my question...and I also see shopping list questions, wide/recommendation questions, etc...
@kinunt Policies evolve over time
I'm just commenting, I know that there are not a solution
Late last year the policies on such questions were less strict
@ManishEarth that is an answer, thanks
@kinunt I'm just a user like you, I'm not a mod, so this is just my opinion. a question about good practice to secure a personal computer can be generically answered and the answer can apply to a wide range of users.
I asked for good practice to pentest an internal network and the question was closed too for being too wide
@kinunt A question about tool/application recommendation, will probably be case-specific. Those are usually closed as not constructive or too localized.
and the question seems very similar that good practices to protect a personal computer
@kinunt Not at all. Allow me to tell you why
I think that we are back-rationalizing the reasons why one question is closed and another not
but both questions are too wide, both are not specific questions to solve a problem...that seems to me
You can secure your personal computer by having an updated antivirus, patching/updating your OS and applications, and practising safe browsing (not do download or click on untrusted things).
That's about it
That can apply to almost every user in the world
I don't necessary agree
I can argument that installing an antivirus can increse the attack surface and that if you apply security updates to your system with an antivirus it will be less secure...
you are answering with a list of things
not a solution
don't think so?
@kinunt Oh yes, true. I think you're right.
@kinunt I must be missing something.
Good luck with your next questions.
no @Adnan, just different perspectives
good debate for me
I'll try to frame the question in a better way next time
not trying to troll anyone :)
Robert Cartaino on September 29, 2010

Stack Exchange is about questions with objective, factual answers. We’ve been crystal clear about this for as long as I can remember, even back to the earliest, pre-beta days of Stack Overflow. It’s right there in the standard Stack Exchange FAQ:

What kind of questions should I not ask here?

Avoid asking questions that are subjective, argumentative, or require extended discussion. This is not a discussion board, this is a place for questions that can be answered!

Thus, questions that are not answerable — discussions, debates, opinions — should be closed as subjective. It seems simple enough: Fact good; opinion and discussion bad. But why? …

Jeff Atwood on November 23, 2010

Over the last 2.5 years, we’ve identified a few problematic classes of questions that tend to get asked on our sites. Many of these are documented in our standard set of close reasons: exact duplicate, off-topic, subjective and argumentative, not a real question, and too localized.

However, as we launched the great Super User experiment, a new, previously unknown class of problematic questions emerged — the shopping recommendation.

That is, on Super User we began encountering questions like: …

@Shog9 well I always miss the best bits :) Hey @Aarthi! (wink) t'was not me they made me do it! LOL :))
@ManishEarth Most problems seem to be coming from members not realizing some question might be subjective, argumentative,... tho. I think that what research have you done before asking your question? question isn't pushed enough, it ought to be there on top of the new question form. Or maybe we should consider question templates with required fields? Just some ideas off the top of my head ;)
@TidalWave, thats a good point, a close reason "needs for research before being answered" or something like this
Hey @Adnan ;) wink wink
@TildalWave I once requested this. The current draft isn't that great, I'm rewriting in the summer
@TildalWave Now, that nails down why I don't ask questions. I do the research first, at which point I have no question anymore, just answers.
@ThomasPornin hehe yeah... but you understand what you read. Not all do. I hardly think it'd bring these websites to a standstill if more is demanded of questions, especially since now not much is.
@ThomasPornin ask and answer it yourself then :)
@ThomasPornin !this
@TildalWave You have a very young soul, don't you?
@Adnan I'm not sure YouTube has any effect on bears ;)
@Adnan I'm nearly a virgin :)))
@TildalWave @ManishEarth I was just referencing opposite of the "No answers; only questions" song.
@ManishEarth that's because asking a good question is always more difficult than answering them... they're just lazy :))
ah lol
@TildalWave yep
@RoryAlsop heya @rors, anything interesting going on there?
meet anybody I know...? :-)
@RoryAlsop The Big 4 tend to have post incident forensics services, yes?
@RoryAlsop you let the rookie walk around Londong with your wife??
@kinunt in addition to what others have said, there is a world of difference asking for recommendations for a product, and asking for recommendations for a practice.
@AviD The hell is Londong? The phallus of the U.K.?
@AviD Gotcha. Going to ask "What is your favourite way to read your favourite security book?" right now ;)
On no wait that's still bad subjective. It'll have to be:
"I'm trying to read my favourite security book. How do I achieve this? For example, I am not sure if I concentrate best in low light, or in the sunshine on a summer's afternoon. Should I use a bookmark, or try to remember the page number? By the way, incidentally, if your answers could actually mention your favourite book, that would be handy"
@AviD - you almost made me snort Irish coffee out my nose. Claire says hi!
Infosec was especially boring this year. BSides was pretty good. Didn't see as much as I wanted - the trade off with escorting my wife round Longdong on her birthday:-)
@Scott - yes. Extensive forensic response teams.
@RoryAlsop I thought as much.
Claire says she is the rookie. Totally failed to buy anything other than a coffee! Heh.
@scott - what you need to know. I ran a couple of forensic teams.
@RoryAlsop A guy was asking for recommendations for when something happens. We do all our stuff internally so I've never had to deal with it.
@scott - happy to go into detail if you need on Friday. Currently post-con and drunk so not useful
@RoryAlsop You mean it's possible for a Scotsman to be too drunk to be not-useful?
@ThomasPornin My questions usually are idle curiosity where I'm too lazy to do the research. Since crypto.SE is low on questions I simply ask them if I think somebody else might find them interesting as well.
@AviD ok, that's another point and a good directive to improve my questions, thanks
I wonder what happens if I ask "How do I crack RSA?"
Personally I'm far more temped to ask for product recommendations than actual technical questions.
@Iszi lol, shuddup.
For technical things a bit of research usually answers the question.
actually noticed the typo, decided not to fix it, in that context it actually works.
For shopping having somebody who actually used the product is invaluable.
@RoryAlsop hehe, I see that is going to be a new meme... ?
@ManishEarth If @RoryAslop is not drunk enough, he closes your question or migrates it to crypto.SE. Otherwise, you might get a Bear answer about field sieve, laser diodes, and Babylon.
@RoryAlsop that must be hellish. "I screwed up, now you fix it oh and by the way its all your fault".
@ThomasPornin ah
Probably by the other bear
@Adnan is about to burn out his light bulbs, switching them on and off like that...
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