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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

Huh. Looks like the footer changed today.
@Xander didn't notice but now that you mentioned it, I clearly remember it having coloured boxes next to site names, and that's gone now. A bit strange decision IMO maybe it's some transition thing?
@TildalWave It also used to be a single list of all the sites, and now it's broken out into categories.
@Xander Oh yes that's changed too, you have good visual memory :) I just use my SE accounts page for fast links to all sites (no Careers 2.0 or Data Explorer there, tho)
hmmm looks like RBLs are still under attack it doesn't pass a day that I don't see one of the big ones down or utterly slow... today it's UCEprotect that appears dead
1 hour later…
I definitely like it. The old footer was nearly impossible to use. Everything blurred together into a wall of text.
4 hours later…
Hello everyone
'ello :)

JUANITA VAN DER WESTHUIZENmy facebook profile JUANITA VAN DER WESTHUIZEN - [email protected] The is a page on FACEBOOK allegedly showing who is checking our your profile, I entered it and now I am blocked this message keeps on coming up please assist as I need to access urgently to contact my family. Your prompt ass...

we need a mod or high rep members to approve suggested edit,... it's disclosing PII (real name and email address), and there's other things wrong with it too I'm sure LOL
like this is not the right place
@TildalWave meh. Users are allowed to disclose PII
bleepingcomputer.com is over there >>>
Passwords=bad, email address=OK
my password is *******
if you type in your pw, it will show as stars
never gets old
@ManishEarth allowed... maybe-- but it's really not needed and hardly suggested too lol
@ManishEarth email address & real name = bad
wanna bet I can guess her password too?
Technically not something the mods deal with
But we can if the user requests it
@ManishEarth I requested it. ;) Anyway, some people simply trust authority too much, it's how they're programmed... and this poor woman probably saw IT Security in Google and thought "hey there's a bunch of guys that will help me out and I can trust". What she doesn't know is how long ago any of us saw tits and how desperate we are to see any.
@TildalWave the user posting their own PII
but yeah, there's no harm in removing it
Thanks for flagging that, @tildal
@RoryAlsop no problemo ;) good morning :),
Deleted because it is a terrible question and off topic and has PII
And too many capital letters
Gah - need to finish first coffee of the day then I'll be chilled out:-)
Was a long day yesterday
@RoryAlsop Thanks. In the mean time I've got her address, phone #, photos, bra size (rough estimate), marital status,... if I was single and desperate I'd call her on her phone and suggest she changes her last name with a bit of my help too :)
Not that I'm interested, mind you. But with some people all it takes is a bit of googling, and you've got it nearly all. She should consider herself lucky it was Facebook that prompted her something might be afoot with her sharing habits.
@RoryAlsop no, it's not.
Terrible, sure. Off topic, absolutely, But I take issue with calling it a "question" of any sort.
@AviD lol
@TildalWave I think you should post additional details here. For forensic purposes.
@AviD Man, she has network security endorsed on LinkedIn by 5 people
@TildalWave I think some people misunderstand what "endorsements" are.
probably being used as a recommendation, as in we recommend you go get some network security"...
@AviD I noticed sales force people tend to get loads of endorsements simply for flocking products of others
@AviD If I post something and then delete, only mods can see it, right? (in chat)
@TildalWave and anyone with > 10K rep.
@TildalWave ah, I think so...
and probably room owners. @ScottPack?
@AviD no
IIRC room owners can handle chat spam/offensive flags
even if they don't have 10k rep
@ManishEarth they cant see deleted chat messages?
Ask @ScottPack to read this
He can see the "(removed)" bit, but he can't see the message
@ScottPack can you read that?
wonder how many more times we can legitimately ping @ScottPack.
@ScottPack what do you think?
hmm. I think we used up all the legit opportunities for @ScottPack pings.
daughters probably more interesting, no?
though to be fair, there are actually several in that same area, so you wouldnt know which one it is.
and, what idea...?? I seem to recall it being your idea.
@AviD matches with name and email address that doesn't match the name
@AviD oh, busted :(
hmm, true.
in Root Access, 1 min ago, by Journeyman Geek
@ManishEarth: Can't move, can't kick. I can read deleted messages tho
@AviD I was wrong, /cc @ScottPack
@ManishEarth so @ScottPack will be able to read deleted messages?
not just @ScottPack obviously, really any room owner.
@ManishEarth heh btw nice gratuitious @ScottPack-pinging... :-)
Not anymore :P
@StackExchange ooo nasty.
NOT cool man.
he's been the man since the very beginning.
@AviD I know, was a joke. Added him back :)
@ManishEarth hehe, was a funny one!
oo! you should kick him, too!
kicking is only funny when the user is around
Otherwise they just come back and see the all rooms page
When you get redirected while typing, that's annoying :p
haha, I see you do that often.
@AviD nah, rarely. I did it today to bug Journeyman :P
btw @TildalWave, interestingly in the mobile interface we DON'T see the deleted messages.
@AviD not in the transcript either
right. I guess it was just a choice to streamline the mobile interface...
1 hour later…
What's going on here? Why is everyone pinging @ScottPack? oups
Dunno why are we pinging @ScottPack?
we're pinging @ScottPack ?
when did that start to be a thing?
lol @Scott'Ping
too bad there is only one @Scott in the room.
if we could ambiguously @Rory more than one @Scott at a time, that would be great.
@AviD does pinging a prefix work the same?
@lynks I think it needs at least the first 3 letters, then matches the rest.
@Avi rgr
so for example we could do @Ror and @Sco.
or @lyn
yep that works
but I dont think @ly would work.
that's how we get the ambiguous @Ror'ing.
I had always thought it was just in conversation, rather than supported by a site mechanism :P
@AviD Ambiguous @Rory'ing? We'd never, EVER do such a thing!
@AntonyVennard perhaps not. It is possible, however, that we might indulge in a bit of ambiguous @Ror'ing. Slight difference.
LOL adding the 'ing to it removes the ping effect :)
@Avi we have failed.
@RoryMcCune awww maaan
how about @Ror-ing?
or @Ror.ing?
surely @Ror`ing would work.
nope looks like you need a gap between the @ror and the rest of it...
is that true of any name, or just The Holy Word of @Rory?
@Rory 'ing works but @Rory'ing I don't think does
Word of Power.
although I can't ping myself :/ probably just as well
does ambi@ror uous?
@AviD ahh a DnD player would have said "Power Word:"
@RoryMcCune sure ya can! Just make sure nobody is watching...
@AviD yep that works..
@lynks Dr.Whoism...
weird when I put @Rory it didn't highlight in Yellow but it does when other do it it does
@RoryMcCune actually you can, if you reply to your own message.
@AviD ahhh
for those manly enough to have beards: grooveshark.com/#!/s/Got+Me+A+Beard/4PMLQP
So @Rory s how's b-sides going? lunch break?
BTW if anyone's looking for a really cool presentation on developing secure development lifecycle processes, this one is good.. slideshare.net/securityninja/b-sides-2013presentation
@TildalWave t'was yesterday, was really good and our workshop/my talk seemed to go over ok
great I just wanted to ask for updates
we were 100% oversubscribed for the workshop
@AviD The Beards are awesome, I saw them live. youtube.com/watch?v=3nQwLlFF1As
@RoryMcCune It's not for two days?
@AviD they never break character :P
which was nice 'cause we had no idea how many people we were going to get
@lynks I love some of their song titles.
I am going to start publicizing their songs.
@TildalWave nah just the one. Infosec is 3 (tuesday-thursday) with B-Sides just onthe one day in the middle...
@AviD I love the album title 'having a beard is the new not having a beard'
@RoryMcCune I'm probably going to Azure as well
@D3C4FF @Terry something I just dont get about GPU overclocking.
@LucasKauffman yeah well at the moment I think they've got price matching in place for AWS so it should be reasonably priced and the management interface is quite nice..
what is this constant gpu throttling? it's not overheating, seems to have enough voltage, and even at stock it seems to be throttling itself.
gpu-z claims an actual clock speed that is different from what Kombustor claims the core is actually running at - and shows a substantial downthrottle.
also, I can easily push it past that 1150 mark, stable and all, but benchmarks dont change - and after the throttle, kombustor claims the actual speed doesnt change (1149 mhz).
but if I set it to 1150, it downthrottles even further. to get it to run at 1150, I need to push it a few mhz past that.
It seems like the gpu clock is not a similar mechansim to cpu clock, as I am familiar with.
@RoryMcCune they were a lot cheaper than amazon if you prepurchase 6 or 12 months
@LucasKauffman there are also a ton of deals and packages that you can get in on, get azure services even cheaper or free.
msdn, bizspark, dreamspark, etc etc.
and they even run linux
I was impressed
@RoryMcCune oh that netwars banner confused me b'cos it's for today and the bsides is for yesterday so I thought it's 24-25th
@TildalWave I the netwars thing is kind of related but I'm not exactly sure how. SANS are running it
@RoryMcCune maybe it's just joint advertising effort ... so you Scots (or just you LOL) write I instead of aye?
@TildalWave more of a typo than a deliberate affectation I'm afraid :op
@RoryMcCune typo is when you hit wrong keys not when you're not bothered to add the other 66.66% :P
When can we expect some presentation videos? They're in post-production?
@TildalWave yeah if you follow @bsidesLondon or @geekchickUK they should have the details. My slides are up on Prezi (info on our blog hhttp://blog.scotsts.com/?p=615)
Hi fellas, lazy to read the transcript.
@TerryChia coolio :) feel free to point us at interesting slides from talks you saw.
@RoryMcCune Slides aren't up yet. But there is an interesting one about mutable XSS.
It's sad that Barnaby Jack couldn't make it. He had a real interesting talk lined up.
@TerryChia his stuff is usually v.interesting..
@RoryMcCune How familiar are you with mutable XSS attacks? Basically an XSS attack where the markup looks normal so it gets pass filters but the browser interprets it wrongly.
@TerryChia define "markup looks normal".
which markup, and what is "normal"
@AviD I don't recall the exact examples he used. That will have to wait till the slides are up online. It's related to how the browser parses innerHTML.
browser differences of interpretation are a rich source of things like XSS. If you look at the vector list on html5sec.org a lot of the vectors are browser specific
so I guess this could be more examples of that
@TerryChia could that be related to content editable DIVs and browsers' layout engine differences?
Ahhh, I think he gave the talk before: sssslide.com/www.slideshare.net/x00mario/…
Found a copy of the slides.
@AviD I still can't find something that is stereotypical AviD to mock you with. But soon.. soon
@TerryChia ah are you talking about DOM-based XSS?
@AviD Ahh yup. Should have mentioned that.
@Adnan oh please. Really? have you read anything I ever wrote? there is ample material to work with.
@TerryChia that makes more sense. interesting, will read those slides later...
@TerryChia interesting. I want to say "it's just DOM XSS", but it reminds me too much of SQL Smuggling.
Similar situation, the payload is not in a malicious state at the time of filtering, and it relies on the target processor to transform the text into malicious payload.
However I think he misused the term "mutable", he probably meant "mutating".
some would see it as "just" another form of evasion, but this does go beyond that. It's still a subset of DOM XSS, though, but a special one.
I think the big deal is just how many web applications will be vulnerable to this - basically any web application who does not know of this issue and take steps to prevent it.
one thing I think he missed in his statistics, of those millions of instances of sites that use innerHTML - how many were already vulnerable to "regular" DOMXSS, without needing his tactics?
spoiler: a very large percentage, if not most.
@AviD That may be so, but it's still an interesting attack.
@TerryChia oh, absolutely.
I think it's always fascinating to see how assumptions are broken.
I also like seeing a processor being used against itself.
@AviD Heh. You know what they say about assumptions...
That's what happens when you mix code and data.
Don't drink and drive, and don't write and execute.
that's where the term "mutable" comes in...
@AviD I thought it was whether or not we could make you quiet.
it does look to me like the XSS version of SQL Smuggling.
@ScottPack lol, nicely done.
wish I could rewrite that... too hoity-toity for my taste.
A little too Big4-ish wannabe.
@AviD Oh hey wait I know that author. Has his own bunker and drives a tank, I believe!
heh, no tank. But I ride a shark with frikkin lazer beam.
Also, you wrote a paper? Do you have a wikipedia page too?
@AntonyVennard lol, nooo....
interesting neither does Comsec (the company I was at when it was written). Thankfully.
@AviD So I'm guessing SQL Smuggling isn't like Budgie smuggling..
@RoryMcCune lol dammit @Rory, you gotta warn us before getting us to google that!
@AviD Well I'd have added NSFW but then you're in your lair so is anything really NSFW ?
it's not like I linked you to it :)
heh. no nsfw necessary, but I could have been eating!
@AviD There's got to be a name for that kind of "attack" (innocent googling of innocence-removing material).
yeah a lesson I learned once I had a tablet and started Interneting over breakfast is, avoid all reddit WTF posts and any dangerous clicks to shortened URLs
@AntonyVennard I think we should start calling that a scotting.
Don't @Scott me, bro!
Meh. I can be ok with that.
Given the number of Northmen in this room I actually like the implied ambiguity.
@AntonyVennard I always liked the US one where people put "tired of the governments sour policies, try lemonparty.org " onto political blogs (BTW EXTREME Warning do not go to lemonparty)
@RoryMcCune you know that just encourages us.
but thanks for the warning.
@AviD you went to lemonparty......
you didn't want to do that
It's up there with goatse/tubgirl and 2girls1cup as places you don't want to visit on the Internet
@RoryMcCune you seem awfully clued up on the topic... is there something you're not telling us?
@ColinCassidy Yeah I used to have to do staff investigations as an IT sec person
ran into tubgirl on my first investigation
was not something I wanted to have seen.
@RoryMcCune isn`t that like getting the new guy to fetch the left handed screwdriver?
@AviD I must thank you though Avi 'cause that's the funniest thing I've read all week :)
@AviD I wouldn't .. if you want to know what 2girls is like just go to youtube and search for 2 Girls one cup reaction videos
@AviD yeah I've got to admit I'm on a train and I literally LOL'd a lot (which may say a lot about my sense of humour :)
xkcd researchs so you dont have to
@ColinCassidy it does serve to catch people who are more curious than they should be :)
@AviD Supplying Corrupt Or Treacherous Target Pages Allowing Conscience Killing (SCOTTPACK). Dammit @Scott, why does your name have to end with a K? That makes making a CRIME-esque name for this attack so hard!
@RoryMcCune we have a corporate phishing training team that send out "safe" phishing emails to educate, I wonder if I could convince them to change the links to a "SCOTTPACK" site. They'd quickly learn not to click links...
@ColinCassidy if you could get it past HR, it would be effective, but you might have to provide counselling afterwards..
@RoryMcCune heh, in one of them there is a girl practically licking her lips...
@AviD yeah some people have a weird reaction to that vid, but most people are pretty horrified... some of the ones with young guys who are trying to act hard are the funniest :)
@AviD yeah some people have a weird reaction to that vid, but most people are pretty horrified... some of the ones with young guys who are trying to act hard are the funniest :)
@AviD one more for you glassass . com
^^ one of the worst, mega extreme content warning of doom
@lynks I've not heard of that one, but unlike @AviD I think I can control my curiosity :) Especially as I'm on a train
@RoryMcCune Welcome to the party!
Perhaps @AviD could visit all these sites and then rate them for us to know which are the worst ..
@AntonyVennard Blame the English.
@lynks I don't think so, thanks. @RoryMcCune took care of saturating my gross-out filter for this month.
Anyone out there using Sonicwall NSA firewalls?
@TerryChia do you have experience with GPU OC?
@AviD Nothing beyond fiddling with the dials on the software for an hour or so.
So I just saw that you guys were pinging me all night long. Seriously. What the hell?
@TerryChia damn. I dont get whats going on with it. need @D3CFF...
@ScottPack @ScottPack.
@AviD @ManishEarth Yes. Room owners can read deleted messages.
its clear to me that there is some layers of indirection, not familiar with it. having trouble correlating my dial-turning and the stats reported...
@ScottPack heehee. It's like we were frottaging you while you were stoned on E.
@AviD One time for funsies I added @RoryMcCune to the list of room owners so we could pass sooper seekrut messages by deleting them immediately after posting.
@AviD I'm not googling that.
I'm not playing that either.
I was asleep for all that pinging anyway.
@ScottPack well you can never have too many Rory's on the owners list
RI'm at a robotics competition. comms are over 802.11, and the lack of security y is ridiculous
@MMavipc so what you're saying is that when the robot apocalypse comes our best weapon will be kismet and aircrack-ng...
@RoryMcCune Unless you're German, then you have no weapons with which to fight back.
no need for aircrack, everyone has the passphrase
last year they threw the competition with deauth packets
2 hours later…
Good morning, gentlemen.
@David Even given your local time, calling it "morning" is pushing it. Perhaps a salutation referencing brunch would be more appropriate?
@David And good morning, BTW. :-)
Huh, somebody I know was just in Slovenia. Somebody besides @TildalWave, that is. Fancy that.
@Xander 10:55am is definitely morning
@David It's also definitely brunch.
Evening David
@RoryAlsop you just on your way back or is that you in Livi?
@RoryAlsop early afternoon, @RoryAlsop
Thursday @David, @RoryAlsop
I think we can agree that that is as needlessly specific as is necessary.
@AviD this can be agreed upon
... until @TerryChia shows up, its probably already Friday for him.
and @D3CFF.
@David sorry, I'm not a Tolkein fan.
Sat in LCY @RoryM - plane in about an hour
@AviD tolkein? get out
lol, bazinga
@AviD zimbabwe
reminds me of that classic triple geek-troll: A picture of Gandalf, with a Yoda quote, attributed to Dumbledore.
I just found a huge vuln in my university O_0
@RoryMcCune heh, a 4-way, even better.
We have an HTTP proxy that requires authentication, and the username password are the same as the ones we use for a billion other important things in the uni
@ManishEarth (assuming you're in the US) eventually people will realise that paying huge amounts of money for a degree is a bad idea? ;op
@RoryMcCune hahaha, yes, that.
etthercap ARP sniffing MITM+grep+base64 decode == Everyone's passwords in the palm of my hand
@RoryMcCune India :P
also, lol
thats a flaw in the business model, dont know if it can be called a vulnerability.
Q: Authenticating a Proxy server over HTTPS

AviDWhen browsing to a website over HTTPS, the web browser typically does a lot of work in the background - negotiating a secure channel, validating the site's certificate, verifying the trust chain, etc. If your browser is configured to use a web proxy, the current HTTP protocol supports a CONNE...

@AviD well the business model is vulnerable :)
@AviD hm, it can be set up on squid? Interesting
...except that all browsers except Chrome hate it. Wonderful
Don't you need to use extensions for to use PAC in Chrome?
yeah, things like that, I dont trust it unless it is (1) a defacto standard and (2) an actual standard.
Any other alternatives?
Having a proxy server is a must
you saw @ThomasPornin's answer there.
ah, still reading
both the practical recommendations, and the general impression that "ITS NOT A BIG DEAL". well, yeah, sometimes it is.
Is there any way to auth with a socks proxy?
so if the proxy is inside the network, you can use network controls - IPsec, NAC, etc.
@ManishEarth socks? eww.
also, isnt "socks proxy" redundant?
SOCKS5 ssh -D tunnel, happy? :P
@AviD ah
@ManishEarth no, really not. it doesnt meet my requirements from above.
@AviD yeah
it is also not straightforward for all your users to just use it.
yep that is evident
(which is really part of the defacto standard requirement...)
I guess the simpler solution is to just have the university supply two sets of passwords, and use https on all their internal sites
@ManishEarth huh. yeah, but not a "better" solution.
and then manage two sets of credentials for everybody?? nightmarish.
@AviD hm. Currently it's on ldap
not to mention that in 98% of the cases, it will be the same password anyway.
is proxy authentication an absolute must?
meh, that's the user's problem
@AviD yep
@ManishEarth credential management is almost never about storage. Or rather, that is the tiny part of it.
(a) to track people if they start doing crap
@ManishEarth whaaat?? No, its not.
(b) because otherwise outsiders will be able to access the free journal database (we have access to almost all scientific journals for free)
@ScottPack shouldnt that be "Proxy all the socks"?
@AviD what do you mean?
@ManishEarth aha, that doesnt need to be at the proxy! but (a) still is valid...
We can urge the users to keep separate passwords
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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